Fragments of Light

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Fragments of Light Page 50

by Beth Hodgson

  Ignoring Ikaria, Derek inched closer to Emerald, furious. “I don’t accept that. I won’t! I cannot live without you. You are the air I breathe. I need you! Don’t you see? I have done everything possible, all for you! And I will continue to do anything to keep you.” Derek paused, taking a deep breath as he leaned into her, smelling the sweet fragrance of her hair, then caressed her delicate locks. He put his hand under her chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze. She was so beautiful.

  Forcing her head away from his touch, Emerald continued to back away until she could no more, her backside meeting a wall. “Derek…” she said hesitantly, “I think it’s best… that we say goodbye.”

  “Say goodbye? Why would I say goodbye?” Derek planted his hands on each side of Emerald’s shoulders, trapping her against the wall and pinning her in place. “Did you not hear what I said? You are everything to me, and I cannot live without you!”

  The blue magic began to gather within his veins, slowly building up with each heartbeat. Ikaria’s laugh echoed in his mind as the power inside of him increased.

  Emerald shook her head in alarm and struggled, trying to get away from him without success. “Derek, please, you are scaring me!” Emerald finally wrenched herself from underneath his hands, inching away from him.

  “I will not say goodbye to you!” Derek roared.

  With a flash of his hand, Derek released the sadness of his soul. The blue magic burned brightly, flowing violently like a twisting, glowing stream of blue energy toward Emerald.

  Her eyes went wide in disbelief, then she quickly brought up her hand in response to his power. A greenish-yellow barrier formed instantly, encasing her in a mass of energy.

  But it was too late.

  Derek slowed time, allowing his blue stream of power to seep into the barrier where it hadn’t completely finished forming yet. The blue magic bound Emerald, then Derek allowed time to flow once again.

  “I can’t move!” Emerald exclaimed, panicking. Her lower body was frozen in time, his blue magic shackling her. Her neck and face jerked every which way as she struggled. “Please, Derek, release me!” she begged, shedding a tear.

  A sudden force pushed Derek’s body violently, crashing him against one of the walls, knocking the air out of his lungs.

  Gasping for air, Derek tried to see what had hit him. A glowing orange light filled the hall, revealing the cyborg.

  “Help me!” Emerald cried out.

  Attempting to catch his breath, Derek snarled. “Damn robot, you obey me!”

  Its cybernetic eye made a mechanical sound as it focused on Derek. In less than a heartbeat, the cyborg shot out a giant wave of orange ice, freezing Derek’s feet into place.

  Derek swung his hands back, then outstretched them, pouring a blue stream of time magic, hurling it in the cyborg’s direction. He was a second too late, as the cyborg flashed orange, disappearing. Derek broke free from the ice and whirled around wildly, knowing that the cyborg would appear at any moment. Emerald’s sobs could be heard echoing through the hall.

  Then the room began to fade into hues of orange, slowly morphing into a deep rocky pit filled with lava.

  Derek found himself situated on a boulder, hot bubbling lava all around him. Confused, Derek looked around at the high jagged walls that held him prisoner.

  This isn’t real… The robot is playing games with me!

  “Show yourself, you coward!” Derek yelled, his voice reverberating against the rocky walls.

  It’s all an illusion. The lava can’t be hot. It’s not real!

  To test his theory, quickly Derek hovered his hands over the lava and hissed, pulling them back. It felt hot, but was it because Derek’s eyes were deceiving him, or could his mind and body actually make him feel the heat?

  There was a sudden gust of air behind him, and he was knocked to the ground, his face landing a few inches from the boiling lava.

  It was really hot, Derek decided.

  Derek shot up angrily, only to be pummeled back to the ground by an invisible force. Kicking his feet upward, he felt his feet make contact with the unseen momentum. But somehow Derek knew that he hadn’t even stunned the robot.

  Crawling away from the blazing lava, Derek eyed his surroundings. There were no protruding rocks coming out of the walls that he could use to climb out. He was stuck inside the illusion.

  The lava began to rise, causing the boulder that Derek stood on to slowly shrink. He had to do something fast. Could he freeze time in an illusion? He doubted it.

  “You are nothing more than worthless piece of scrap metal!” Derek taunted, turning every which way.

  The air quickly shifted once again.

  Grasping at the makeshift air, Derek felt the mechanical arm of the cyborg, then latched on to him. Filling his veins with the deep magic that ran through his soul, Derek unleashed the blue energy. The massive tidal wave of magic enveloped the invisible cyborg. Derek felt the magic freeze him into place, stopping the machine’s body in time.

  Stunned, the cyborg materialized before his eyes. As he did so, the rocky terrain melted back into the palace hall, wiping away the magical illusion. Near the hall’s entrance, Derek spotted Emerald fleeing the room, free from his magic. He must have let it slip while he was fighting the cyborg.

  “Where are you going? Back to Kyle?” Derek roared jealously.

  “Leave me alone!” Emerald yelled, running away and not looking back.

  Breathing heavily, Derek mustered up his strength and power. A deep envy that he had never felt before consumed him. Envy of the man who stole Emerald’s heart. The jealousy mixed with his sadness, forming inside him, and he realized it was a new magic.

  Unleashing the new power, a roaring blue-violet force of energy raged out of him, encompassing Emerald. It took hold of the princess, forcing her to slide back toward Derek, and the doors barred themselves on the inside. With another surge of his power, Emerald was locked into place, next to him once more.

  Derek noticed that the cyborg was moving his mouth awkwardly. Derek’s magic had him stopped, and all but his head was immobile. More air was coming from the cyborg’s mouth as he continued to mechanically open his jaw, his lips moving in unfamiliar actions.

  The robot is trying to talk.

  Derek laughed, amused that the cyborg was struggling to use his voice. Derek turned to Emerald, seeing her eyes full of tears. It pained him to see her in such a state.

  Loud air came out of the cyborg’s voice box a few times. Derek turned his attention back to it, annoyed.

  Then it spoke.

  “N-NO!” it roared.

  Sneering, Derek stretched out his hand carelessly, stopping time on the cyborg’s entire body. The cyborg’s head froze, his mouth open in his attempt to talk.

  Running his fingers back through his thick curls, Derek charismatically walked toward Emerald, his eyes fixated on every detail of her body. He couldn’t help it, she was too beautiful not to stare.

  Tears were rolling down her face, and she cringed away from him as he approached. The more she cried, the more aggravated he became. She was so blinded by the other man that she couldn’t see how much Derek loved her. He was doing this for her.

  Derek came within an inch of her, smelling her fragrant hair, touching her bare shoulders. Her skin felt like a smooth cream, and her eyes sparkled behind those tears, just like how he’d thought of her every day in his fantasies. He grabbed a lock of her hair, closing it in his hands as he gently kissed it. His passion for her made his blood burn. He wanted her. Badly.

  “There is no need to be afraid anymore, my sweet princess. I can protect you,” he said softly, continuing to kiss her hair. “I have magic now, just like you.”

  “Please, Derek, don’t do this,” Emerald cried, unable to move her body. “Please…”

  “Why? After all, you told me that your feelings were true for me,” he said, hovering over her. “I believe the words in your note were, ‘My heart was sincere when I said that I want
ed nothing more than for us to be together.’”

  “I’m not in love with you!” Emerald countered fiercely through her tears. “I will never be in love with you!”

  “Do you know what I have done for you?” Derek said, his eyes flaring. “If only you knew the torture I have endured every day since I have known you. You robbed me of my every thought, haunted my dreams at night. My heart is held hostage, and the only person who can free it is you.”

  Derek dove in to kiss her. Emerald turned her head to the side, trying to evade his lips.

  “Glacia! Celeste! Help me!” Emerald screamed.

  Instantly, Derek summoned up the sorrows of his heart. The sadness ate away at the insides of his flesh, burning with the deep blue of the night.

  Time! Bend to my will!

  A deep-blue glow emitted from his hand, then a giant flash of blue surrounded the world.

  The room became still and silent, painted in hues of blue. Time had stopped, all but him.

  Derek approached Emerald, pulling the circlet out of his tunic. His hands were sweaty, afraid to drop such an extravagant piece of jewelry. The position that the princess was locked in looked like she was waiting to be danced with. So elegant, so captivating.

  Derek took in her lovely porcelain complexion, then moved his gaze to her breasts. The dress was low cut, making it easy to feast his eyes on her flesh. His cheeks became flushed as an insatiable lust for her filled him.

  Derek moved in and kissed her still, soft lips. “You leave me no choice, my princess. I didn’t want to have to do this, but I have given you every opportunity without the use of magic,” he said in a whisper, staring into her eyes.

  He leaned in and gave her another kiss. Even though her lips didn’t kiss back, he felt the pressure within his body and mind melt away. He would finally be able to be live freely with her, satisfying any and all urges that he had for so long. She was his.

  Derek gave Emerald one final glance, then slipped the circlet on her head. He felt a magnetic pull from the crown as it tightly secured itself on her forehead. Derek took a step back, wanting to see if the magic of the circlet had taken effect.

  He pulled his hand out once more, concentrating the magic within his palms.

  Time, continue!

  The blueness of the still world dispersed, vanishing back into color as he lowered his hands. Flashes from the storm illuminated the hall, reflecting blue and white colors against the marble pillars. Hard rain could be heard pattering on the windows, and the thunder boomed.

  “Derek?” Emerald said with a dazed look on her face.

  Derek remained still, watching her. Thoughts of their kiss flooded his mind. Her delicate, soft lips brushing against his.

  The circlet on Emerald’s head began to glow a deep purple. Emerald glanced at him, then smiled. An eager look came over her face.

  Emerald moved closer to him seductively. When she couldn’t get any closer, Emerald placed her arms on Derek’s shoulders, then yanked him to her, kissing him wildly.

  Her intensity made Derek want her even more. So much more.

  Almost like she could sense his desire, she continued to kiss him fiercely, burying her hands under his shirt. Her touch made him gasp softly.

  He returned her kisses, over and over again. His body needed her.

  “Come,” Emerald said, pulling away from him, holding his hand. Her eyes were empty, void of pupils, but her body was completely alive.

  “Where are we going?” Derek asked, eyeing her curiously.

  “You need me,” she said. “And this place is not suitable.”

  Derek broke out in laughter, pleased. Emerald’s hand continued to tease the inside of his shirt. As much as he wanted to take her to bed here and now, Derek still felt a sense of moral obligation to wait until after the ceremony.

  “As tempting as that offer is, let us wait until tomorrow night, Princess. I want to start our marriage off right.”

  Emerald smiled at him with vacant eyes, then nodded. “Yes, my prince.”

  Derek paused for a moment, considering going back on his word. His lust was quenched for the moment, but it left him feeling high and dry, wanting, no, needing more of her.

  It was like Emerald had heard his thoughts, because a moment later, she pushed him onto the throne, covering him with soft kisses, sending him into a state of bliss.

  Her body was pure ecstasy.

  Derek met her with kisses of his own, pulling her body close to his.

  I don’t know why you didn’t do this sooner. It feels good, doesn’t it? Ikaria murmured in his mind.

  Can I have some privacy at least?

  As you wish, my prince.

  Emerald continued to run her hands all over his body, loosening his shirt, her fiery kisses moving up and down his neck.

  The witch was right. It felt more than good.



  The sparkling green jewel looked so vibrant in the dark world. It pulsated life, its rays piercing the black skies.

  Drew watched the giant gem continue to radiate its green light as he anxiously walked toward it. In this world, he had his body, the body before the accident. He wasn’t a machine, nor was he controlled by a program.

  He was free.

  Drew stopped a foot away from the jewel, contemplating if he should touch it. Curiosity got the best of him, and he leaned over, laying his hand on the cool, hard surface of the emerald.

  Underneath his hand, blood began to seep out of the gem. Surprised, Drew removed his hand, taking a step back. With each pulse of light, blood continued to flow from the gem’s core, as if its heart were bleeding. The blood streamed down faster as the jewel’s heart quickened. Frantically, Drew placed both hands on the emerald, trying to suppress the bleeding.

  But the blood continued to pour out. It kept oozing blood until the world was drowning in it.

  Thunder rumbled, and a green flash of lightning crackled across the sky. Bloodied rains began showering down from the dark heavens, contributing to the flooding bloody waters.

  Drew flailed in the ocean of blood in a panic. The only thing that remained constant was the glowing green emerald, still beating on a rock, high above the crimson waters. He never knew how to swim in his past life, and he was having a hard time keeping his head above the blood.

  Torrents of blood hit his face, splashing his bifocals with ruby streams of liquid. Quickly, he tried to wipe it off with his hands, but instead he just smeared it around the lenses.

  “I give up!” Drew yelled at the sky through the bloodied crimson rains. “I don’t know what this all means! It has to do with the princess, but what? What should I do?”

  We need her blood. One hundred times… the voice in the skies rumbled with thunder. You are gifted, are you not?


  Then use your power.

  Drew jolted his eyes open.

  His cybernetic eye scanned the room, telling him he was still in the audience hall of the palace. The dangerous man with the gift of the spectrum, in the wavelength of 450-495 nanometers, was gone, along with the princess.


  Drew glitched, shuddering from his circuitry. He could move. He was free from the prince’s magic, no longer paused in time.

  Where had the princess gone? Was she okay? What had happened after he was paused in time?


  Drew noticed an odd, impossible light, its color absent from the spectrum.


  A woman appeared within a black glowing mist, giving him a faint smile. Long violet hair and strange black eyes that made his circuits go haywire. She arched her back and held her head high as she moved, walking toward him in a predatory sort of way.

  “So, I heard that you had a little misunderstanding with the prince?” she said, winking and laying her hands on his chest. “But don’t mind Derek, he can get a little carried away. He means well.”

  Drew watched her hands move acr
oss his body while her eyes sparkled. Was her look that of excitement? He felt like he should flee from this woman, but his circuitry couldn’t comply.


  “I wonder what it’s like with a machine?” she wondered aloud, laughing.

  Why was she laughing?

  Her black eyes glistened, peering right at him as she leaned in. “You know, you now have to do what I say.”

  Confused, Drew gave her a blank stare, cocking his head.

  In response, she held up her hand, revealing a silver gauntlet with a glowing orb on the backside of the hand.

  The master gauntlet. It was what the others in the network had warned him about. She was the new master.

  Drew felt an instant attachment to the device, drawn to its energy. His mind started to feel fuzzy, as if he wasn’t there inside his mind. His face and body tingled, then turned numb. He no longer had control of his limbs.

  The woman moved her fingers slightly, running her gauntlet hand down his body, stopping before his lowers, resting her hand.

  He didn’t move. He couldn’t move. How he wanted to.

  Access denied.

  “Not today, my lovely piece of machine. We must play a different day,” she said, flashing a smile at him. “However, I came here to tell you to play nice with the prince. Your job is to protect both him and the princess and ensure that they have their wedding. After all, we must not give the High Court the history that it wants.” The woman’s eyes lowered to his male anatomy. “We just have a little while longer before you travel back with me to my time. Then”—she paused for a moment—“we can play, you and I.”

  Negative, Drew answered in his head. I cannot leave Telly.

  A voice in the network laughed, echoing in his head. You cannot disobey the master! Can’t you feel the suppression of your body? Your mind? It’s futile.

  Only the master can guide us, called out another computerized voice.

  I can’t go with her! There is something I must do, answered Drew.

  Do? There is nothing for us to do but follow orders! You cannot act outside your programming, however human you think you are, the computerized voice replied.


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