Alien Exchange Program

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Alien Exchange Program Page 19

by Robert Lubrican

  "It serves you right," she said.

  "What?" His voice rose.

  "When I was in that body, it was hard most of the time. It was a pain in the ass. I just wanted you to know what it felt like."

  "Um ... hello? I was in this body ever since puberty," he reminded her. "I've had plenty of boners."

  "And some of them were because of me," she said. "Right?"

  "I think we had this discussion already," he said.

  "But we hadn't done all the things we've done since then," she said.

  "Look," he said. "I know this has been hard on you. It was hard on me too. And we were both worried about being able to fool people. But that's over. We don't have to fool anybody any more. We can just be ourselves."

  "That's my point. Who we are now ... ourselves not the same as who we were before all this happened. I mean look at what happened during supper. I got busted for going braless. I never went braless before all this happened."

  He gripped her waist with his hands.

  "This is making my head hurt. Just tell me what you want, Carly."

  "Daddy said we should keep doing whatever we were doing, right?"

  "Yes," he said, somewhat impatiently.

  She stepped back.

  "Then I think that's exactly what we should do."

  And then she started taking her clothes off.


  Craig was most assuredly hard now. He was lying on his back on the bed, naked. Carly was lying beside him, but perpendicular to his length. She was on her stomach. Her breasts were partially visible because she was holding her upper body off the bed on her elbows.

  She was examining her brother's penis.

  "It looks different from this perspective," she said, analytically.

  "I can't tell you how good it feels to be able to feel it again," he said.

  "Does it seem weird to you that we're doing this?" she asked.

  "I think we passed weird several weeks ago," he observed.

  She reached to grip his erection.

  "How about this? Does this feel weird?"

  "Yes!" he gasped.

  "And yet this hand has gripped this penis many times before this," she said. "That's just crazy."

  "No it's not," he said, moving his hips. "That hand did other things too. Maybe you should try that."

  Her eyes met his with some cynicism in them.

  "You mean this?" she asked, stroking him slowly.

  "That would be affirmative," he said, happily.

  "Did you feel like you were a pervert when you were doing this with my hand?" she asked.

  "Actually, no," he said. "And I'm not saying that just to keep you doing what you're doing. I just never thought about it that way. I felt like I was doing it to my own body. Things were pretty weird at the time."

  "I don't feel like a pervert now," she said, casually. "Does that make me one?"

  "Are you worried about it?" he asked.

  She stroked some more. He was astonished at how good she was at it. Then he thought about how she'd worn this very same penis for most of a month, and was intimately acquainted with it.

  "No," she said. "What I'm worried about is that I won't get to do this much longer."

  "Why not?" he asked.

  "Because when we tell Mom and Dad we switched back, they're not going to be on board with us sleeping in the same room anymore."

  "Oh," he said.

  "So I don't think we should tell them for a while longer."

  "How long?" he asked.

  "Until I've had a chance to learn what it feels like to do all the things you did while you were in my body," she said.

  "All the things?" he asked, as a surge of lust streaked through his penis.

  "Most of them," she corrected.

  She sped up.

  "And maybe some others," she added.

  "Others?" he panted. This was, oddly, the first time he had experienced what was going on. At least while he was in his own body. And he was very close to losing it.

  "Yeah," she said, wiggling closer to him.

  "Like what?" he groaned, wanting to cum, but trying not to so this would go on longer.

  "Like this," she said.

  Then she scooted up some more, and lowered her head so her mouth could engulf the head of his cock.

  Chapter Twelve

  Craig was completely relaxed, limp, actually. He'd cum hundreds of times in his young life, and all of those had been good ones. To pervert a famous quote of Will Rogers, Craig had never had an orgasm he hadn't liked.

  But those orgasms paled to insignificance compared to the one that had just rendered him almost comatose. Only the one that had changed him back into his own body had been better.

  Carly's mouth had stayed where it was, even though her initial intent had been just to see what it felt like to do what she had loved feeling her best friend do to her when she owned this penis. The initial feeling became an epiphany when Craig's obvious ecstasy was communicated through sound and movement first, and then a rush of salty liquid into her mouth. Her options at that point were to either stop doing what she was doing and run for the bathroom to spit that salty offering out, or to stay there and deal with it.

  She did not want to stop, or run anywhere.

  So she took a tentative swallow, just to get some of it out of her mouth, and then she let herself taste things.

  She was relieved to find that Sherry was right. It wasn't bad at all. Strange, but not bad.

  It was also fun to hear Craig whine like a girl as she owned him. And that was what it was like. It was like she owned him and could do with him whatever she wanted to.

  Not that she wanted to own him, or anybody else, for that matter. But it was a rush to know she could reduce a man to a whimpering slave.

  She sucked again and heard him moan. It wasn't producing spurts any more. She knew from experience that it usually jerked out three, maybe four spurts, and she knew what it felt like after it did that, so she eased off and let the already softening tip slip out of her mouth. She swallowed again and licked her lips as she looked up at his face.

  "I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you enjoyed that," she said.

  "Daaayum," he sighed.

  "You said you'd always wanted a girl to do that," she reminded him.

  "I'm glad I said it," he panted.

  "You should feel lucky," she said. "When I had your body, you refused to do that," she reminded him.

  "I know. But even though I was in your body, I still felt like a guy. I explained that."

  "I know you did. But you're back in your body now."

  "I am," he said, happily.



  "I'm very horny, Craig."

  "I can help with that," he said. "I remember what that feels like."

  "I want you to do for me what I did for you," she prompted.

  "Alas," he said, theatrically, "I cannot. You have no penis I can suck."

  "I have something else you can suck," she said, her voice husky. "And no boy has ever sucked it."

  "That's something else I've always wanted to do," he said, sitting up.


  "You're very good at this," moaned Carly. She was on her back, her knees bent and lying flat on opposite sides of Craig, who was between them. She was, at the same time, both relaxed and tense. Her fingers were teasing and squeezing her nipples as he worked on her.

  Again, the fact that he had experienced what a girl's body felt during this activity was of significant aid to him in performing much better than he would have before all this happened.

  He knew exactly where her clit was, and exactly how it liked to be touched, both with finger and tongue. He knew how to stimulate her vagina with his fingers too, including where to look for a little rough patch of skin on the upper side of her vaginal sheath, and scratch it. Her hips bucked up and dislodged his lip lock on her clit. He decided he could play with her G spot later, and withdrew his
finger from inside her so he could slide his hands under her. He gripped her butt cheeks and welded his lips to her pussy so she couldn't buck him off again.

  She knew to get a pillow and put it over her face when she came. She'd done that with Sherry plenty of times.

  Somehow, the orgasm she had with Craig's mouth on her was even better.


  An orgasm apiece was enough for them, that night. It had been a long day, though not as stressful as either of them had anticipated. That was because they didn't have to pretend to be anyone but who they actually were, except with Sherry and their parents. It was an odd flip flop of "the plan" but it was also much easier on them.

  The next day was a repeat of the first. Neither of them had any classes with Sherry, so the only time they saw her was occasionally (and briefly) in the hallway, and at lunch.

  Craig, for a few seconds, found himself wishing he was still in his sister's body so he could sit and talk with Sherry. That feeling was replaced by a thoughtful reflection on the fact that he actually could approach her anyway. After all, he was a guy and she was a girl. Guys approached girls all the time.

  He thought about what she'd said at some point, about him being a popular guy and in a different caste than she was. He wasn't sure he agreed with that. He had some friends, but he didn't think of himself as being "popular." She was more obviously a geek, but his interaction with her had changed the way he thought about her.

  Now, he didn't care if she was a geek. He liked her. In fact, he liked her a lot.

  To that end, he approached the table where Carly and Sherry were sitting, eating lunch. He sat down with them.

  "What are you doing?" hissed Sherry softly.

  "I'm sitting with my sister and her best friend," he said.

  "People will notice," she said, frowning.


  "You shouldn't draw attention to yourself," said Sherry.

  Craig looked around. He saw one, maybe two kids who were looking his way, but didn't see anybody who seemed to be surprised at - or care about - the fact that Craig Austin was sitting with his sister and Sherry Masters at lunch.

  "Nobody's looking," he said. "Will you go out with me?"

  "What?" gasped Sherry as Carly choked on what she was eating and started coughing.

  "You know, like on a date," he said.

  "Are you crazy?" she hissed.

  "I have to ask somebody out on a date or people will get suspicious," he said, holding in a grin. "Who better than you?"

  "Craig Austin can't date somebody like me," said Sherry. "You know that. People would talk."

  "Screw people," said Craig. "I have to date somebody. I want it to be you."

  "We will talk about this later," said Sherry, obviously agitated.

  "Yes, we will," said Carly.

  Sherry looked at who she thought was Craig, sitting there in Carly's body.

  "Is she losing it? I thought if anybody was going to get in trouble it would be you. Talk to her. I'm going to go somewhere else. If the two of you are talking nobody will think anything of it. If the three of us have our heads together, that will look odd."

  She got up abruptly and took her tray to the window.

  Carly looked at her brother.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm doing what guys are expected to do. All I did was ask her out."

  "Craig Austin doesn't ask geek girls out. He never has."

  "Well he was an idiot, then," said Craig. "Besides, I like her."

  Carly stared at him. Then she leaned forward and spoke in a hushed voice.

  "You want to get in her panties ... don't you!"

  "Isn't that better than wanting to get into yours?" He grinned.

  His grin faltered when Carly got up just as abruptly and turned her own tray in too.


  The parental interrogation that night was shorter. Both parents wanted to be reassured that things were going to work out, so when the children did so they accepted those assurances eagerly.

  Things weren't so copacetic in Craig's bedroom.

  "We're going to tell Sherry that we switched back," said Carly, heatedly.

  "Sure," said Craig, easily.

  "So, when we do, she's going to know it was really you asking her out," said Carly.

  "I don't see a problem," said Craig.

  "It's not fair to play with her emotions," said Carly.

  "Who says I'm playing? I like her."

  "So what you're saying is that you really will take her out?" Carly sounded skeptical.

  "Of course I am. Why would I ask her out if I didn't mean it?"

  "And you'll go out with her ... even if it affects your reputation?"

  He folded his arms over his chest.

  "Do you actually think that, after the last three weeks we've had to endure, I give a flying fuck about what people think about who I date? If people think I'm asking out strange girls, I think I can live with that. At least I don't have to worry about them finding out I'm actually a strange girl myself!"

  "I don't know what to think," said Carly. "I'm not used to the idea that you're interested in my best friend."

  "Like you said. A lot has changed."

  She sighed. "You know, I thought that if we could just get our old bodies back, everything would go back to normal."

  He pulled her into a hug.

  "I'm not sure that, after what we've been through, anything will ever be normal again."


  He had hugged her out of a spirit of empathy, to comfort her while they contemplated the irony of the situation, which was that, while everything was "back to normal" in the sense that their minds had returned to their own bodies, their world wasn't "back to normal" at all.

  A very good example of that was that fact that, while he hugged her, Craig was aware that she was female, felt good in his arms, and that the body he was in had made love with the body she was in. Granted, they'd still been switched when that had happened, so the only thing he knew about what it was like to fuck was from the female's point of view, but the fact of the matter was that these two bodies had been lovers.

  Things being "back to normal," Craig's body responded to the intimacy they had shared, and the hug took on much more than a merely comforting tone.

  If you've ever compared types of hugs, then you know it's easy to tell there is a difference. Some hugs are quick and efficient, hugs in name only. The bear hug is firm like a cocoon, and like a cocoon it can seem to suffocate you if it goes on too long. A sympathetic hug is protective in nature. Though many people don't think of it this way, in some cases it is a laying on of hands, in an effort to heal someone who is injured or broken. All those hugs are temporary, and if they go on too long they become awkward. But the hug lovers exchange is different. It is longer, for one thing, longer even than the healing hug. It is firmer than all the other hugs, except for the bear hug, without being that firm. The hands often move, but it's a stroking motion, rather than the more usual patting motion of the sympathetic hug.

  It just feels different.

  The lovers' hug seeks to pull the two bodies into a single organism, to enfold the other in a way that isn't supposed to ever end. The clasp of the lovers' hug is so filled with emotion that it lasts even after the bodies have separated. Of course, before they separate, the hug often involves the use of lips, as well as hands. And that's exactly what happened to the twins on that second day after school, when they had words that were less than equanimous.

  Their bodies remembered they were lovers, and overrode the worries of their brains.

  After a kiss that lasted long enough that both were breathing heavily, Craig reluctantly broke the contact.

  "Man, I love doing that," he said.

  For some reason, Carly jumped to the conclusion that he was thinking about having done that in the past ... with other girls. She didn't get upset. She knew he'd gone on dates. Sometimes she'd approved of the girl he'd asked out, and sometimes she t
hought he was an idiot. She hadn't really thought much about what "happened" on his dates. But she knew what had happened on her own, and many of those had involved some kissing. She'd never willingly let things go beyond that. If you let boys do anything other than kiss you, then that could cause you problems of the sort she wasn't interested in having to deal with.

  In short, she hadn't yet met a boy who made her want to do anything past some serious snogging.

  Now, she imagined Craig on a date with a girl who had no particular face ... snogging.

  "How many girls have you kissed?" she asked, still holding onto him.

  "Other than you and Sherry?"

  She blinked. "I forgot about Sherry. Wow. You've kissed my best friend."

  "We've both kissed your best friend," he pointed out.

  "Other than us," she said, answering his question.

  He closed his eyes and she watched his lips move as he obviously added something up. When he said, under his breath, "Carry the one and you get ..." she dug her fingernails into the tender skin where his love handles would be, some day.

  "Craig!" she said, warning in her voice.

  He opened his eyes and grinned.

  "Maybe four or five."

  "But you've gone out with lots of girls," she said, thinking that she'd kissed almost every boy she'd ever gone out with.

  "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I wanted to kiss them all."

  "Don't give me that. I know how often that body gets a boner," she accused.

  "Just because I get a boner doesn't mean I want to kiss the girl," he said. "Take Megyn Tucker, for example. She's hot. I had a boner half the night when we went out. But she's also kind of bitchy and whiny. She spent more time making sure she didn't spill anything on her blouse while we ate than she spent talking to me. First it was too cold in the car, and then it was too hot. She didn't like the station I had on the radio. By the end of the night all I wanted to do was go home and fantasize about how I wish it had been. I didn't even kiss her good night, much less try and make out with her."

  "Oh," said Carly. "So you've only made out with four or five girls? Who?"

  "Why this sudden interest in my sex life?" he asked, tightening his hands on the small of her back, slightly.

  She blinked.

  "I guess because now I'm part of your sex life." She blinked again. "Is that crazy or what?!"


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