Best of Cowboys Bundle

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  Groaning, he took her hands in his and shook his head. “If you keep that up, you’re going to give me a heart attack.”

  “I like touching you,” she said. Her smile sent his temperature up another ten degrees.

  “And I like touching you, darlin’,” he said, bending down to take off her shoes and socks. He caught her gaze with his and held it as he unsnapped her jeans and pulled them and her panties over the flare of her hips and down her slender legs.

  Careful to keep his attention on taking off the rest of his clothes, he didn’t allow himself the pleasure of looking at her until after he’d pulled off his boots and socks, then shucked his jeans and briefs. He knew the limit of his control. He also knew he’d just about reached it.

  Straightening to his full height, he tossed his clothes on top of Faith’s and turned to face her. The air in his lungs stalled and his mouth went bone-dry. Candlelight painted her satiny skin with a soft glow and highlighted her firm, uptilted breasts, trim waist and the curve of her gently rounded hips.

  Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, but they barely noticed.

  At the sight of Cooper’s powerful body illuminated by the streak of light from the storm, Faith’s breath caught and her pulse pounded in her ears as loudly as the thunder crashing outside. His wide shoulders and sculptured chest tapered down to narrow hips and lean flanks. Her gaze skipped lower and she swallowed hard. Proud and strong, his manhood rose from a mat of dark brown curls. He certainly validated the old adage about the size of a man’s feet being an indication of the size of his other parts.

  Her gaze flew to his and he must have sensed her hesitation. “Don’t worry, darlin’,” he said, stepping forward to take her into his arms. Nuzzling her neck, he whispered close to her ear, “We’ll fit together just fine.”

  The feel of skin against skin, male hardness pressed to female softness, sent electric currents of pure desire sizzling along every nerve in her body. “It’s been quite a while,” she admitted, wondering if that throaty voice could really be hers.

  Placing his index finger beneath her chin, he tilted her head up to meet his dark blue eyes. “You trust me, don’t you, Faith?”


  His reassuring smile made her feel as if she’d melt into a puddle at his feet. “We’re going to take this slow and easy and I’m going to love you in every way a man can love a woman.”

  Her stomach did a back flip and a shiver of anticipation slithered up her spine at his candor. But before she could tell him that was exactly what she wanted, he lowered his mouth to hers. His tongue slipped between her lips and set off a hot, dizzying current of pure electrified desire flowing to her most secret places. All thought ceased as she reveled in the man holding her to his strong body.

  Breaking the caress, Cooper trailed moist kisses down the slope of her breast, then took her tight nipple into his warm mouth. Ribbons of tingling need wove their way around her and formed a tight coil in her lower stomach. Her knees trembled and she had to clutch his arms to keep from falling.

  “Easy, darlin’,” he said, raising his head to look at her.

  The heated passion she saw in his eyes, the promise of complete fulfillment and his request for her trust, released something deep inside of her and at that moment she knew for certain that she’d fallen hopelessly in love with him.

  “Cooper, please—”

  Apparently he understood her unspoken plea because he led her over to the bed. “I need to get some protection,” he said, turning back to the pile of clothes on the floor.

  “It’s not necessary,” she said, quietly.

  He hesitated. “You’re protected?”

  A deep sadness swept through her as she nodded. She couldn’t bear to tell him there was no need for any type of prevention, that she was unable to have children.

  Taking her into his arms, he lowered her to the bed and stretched out beside her. He gathered her to him, and gazing down at her, tenderly covered her lips with his. His callused palm smoothed over her skin with such infinite care, it brought tears to her eyes and she forgot all about prevention or her inability to become pregnant. He erased all that with his touch, his mind-numbing kiss.

  He slid his hand down her side to caress her hip, her inner thigh making her quiver with need. But when he cupped the curls at the apex of her thighs, his finger dipping into the soft, moist folds to stroke and tease, spirals of sheer ecstasy swirled through her. The feelings he drew from her were so intense that she gripped the sheet beneath her and arched into his touch.

  “Feel good, darlin’?” he asked, raising his head to look down at her.

  When he entered her with his finger to test her readiness for him, the coil in her belly tightened and turned into a sweet ache. She squeezed her eyes shut and fought for sanity as waves of sensation flowed through her.

  “Cooper, please—”

  In answer to her broken plea, he spread her thighs with his knee and levered himself over her. She felt the tip of his strong arousal probe her and she tensed in anticipation of his invasion.

  “Open your eyes, Faith.” When she did as he commanded, he held her gaze with his. “Just relax. We’re going to take this slow and easy.”

  The blaze of need in his dark blue eyes took her breath. But she could tell he was holding himself in check, making sure that she was as ready for their lovemaking as he was.

  “Trust me to take care of you?” he asked.

  She nodded without hesitation. At that moment, she trusted him more than she’d ever trusted anyone.

  Slowly, gently, he pressed forward with such care she thought she’d die from the ecstasy of it. When he had filled her completely she felt him quiver inside of her as he held himself in check. Her heart swelled with love as she realized Cooper’s sacrifice.

  He remained perfectly still, and she instinctively knew he was giving her time to adjust to him, to the exquisite stretching of her body by his. He was placing her above his own needs. He was taking care of her.

  Cupping his face with her hands, she smiled up at him. “Love me, Cooper.”

  A groan rumbled up from deep in his chest and he shuddered against her. “Darlin’, it will be my pleasure.” He pulled his hips back, then eased forward. “And I give you my word it’ll be yours, too.”

  His rhythmic thrusts created an inner storm in Faith that rivaled the weather outside and she wrapped her arms around him to keep from being lost. The heat spiraling through her burned higher and brighter, tightening the feminine coil until it clouded her mind to anything but the love she felt for him.

  A flash of lightning momentarily lit the room and seemed to charge the atmosphere with urgent anticipation. Time stood still as Cooper’s body built the tempest to a crescendo and she wasn’t sure if the sound in her ears was the thunder outside or the pounding of her own heart. As she gave herself up to the whirlwind of her climax, the hot tide of passion washed over her as wave upon wave of fulfillment surged through her soul.

  Moments later, she heard Cooper groan deeply, then shudder as spasms overtook him and he released his essence deep within her. When he collapsed on top of her, Faith tightened her arms around him, reveling in the differences between his body and hers, anchoring him to her as his own storm subsided.

  His breathing eased and he levered himself up on his elbows. “Are you all right?” he asked, brushing a strand of hair from her cheek.

  “I feel incredible.” She closed her eyes and stretched. “That was the most beautiful experience of my life.”

  “Mine, too.” He rolled to his side and gathered her to him. “The next time—”

  “There’s going to be a next time?” she asked, her body tingling to life at the promise in his blue gaze.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “And when would that be?”

  He chuckled. “Just as soon as I recover, darlin’.”

  “And how long do you think that will take, Mr. Adams?”

  He brushed her lips with his. “In
about five seconds, Ms. Broderick.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she waited a few moments, then grinning, informed him, “Time’s up, cowboy.”

  Cooper rolled over to put his arm around Faith, but he met empty air. He opened his eyes to see where she was, but the bright shaft of sunlight streaming through the windows quickly had him squeezing them shut. Cursing, he threw back the covers, sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

  “Burning daylight is not the way to get things done around here,” he muttered as he reached for his clothes.

  He stopped suddenly and listened to the country music drifting in from the other part of the house. He didn’t even try to stop the satisfied grin he was sure split his face from ear-to-ear. Faith was playing one of the CDs they’d danced to the night before—the one he’d played just before they’d made love.

  The memory of their lovemaking, of her supple body taking him in, draining him of every ounce of energy he possessed, sent heat coursing through him. They had come together several times during the night and still he burned for her. He shook his head. How was he going to get any work done around the ranch when all he wanted to do was take Faith in his arms and love her until they both dropped from exhaustion?

  He shook his head. He had a feeling he could make love to her for the rest of his life and still never get enough of her, never satisfy the need she created in him.

  Taking a deep breath he abandoned that train of thought. He had nothing to offer her but the promise he’d one day make a success of the ranch. And that wasn’t enough. A woman like Faith deserved a whole lot more than he could give her.

  But he refused to dwell on that. They had until Flint and Whiskers showed up and that’s what Cooper intended to concentrate on.

  Lost in thoughts of all the ways he planned to love her during the few short days they had left together, he stopped short at the sound of male voices coming from the kitchen. Damn! Flint and Whiskers had arrived earlier than they were supposed to. And although that’s exactly what Cooper had wanted four days ago, it was the last thing he wanted now.

  Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked into the kitchen to find his brother-in-law and Whiskers sitting at the plywood table having coffee with Faith. He wanted nothing more than to draw back and punch the hell out of both of them. When they left to go back to the Rocking M later in the day, they’d be taking Faith with them, taking her away from him.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee, Cooper?” Faith asked when she glanced up to see him standing in the doorway. The glint of panic he detected in her expressive eyes ripped right through him.

  “Thanks,” he said, nodding. He dragged a crate from the corner and sat down. When she placed a mug on the table in front of him, he smiled. “By the way, I just finished putting up that rod in your bedroom closet,” he said, hoping she’d catch on.

  What went on between the two of them when they were alone was nobody’s business but their own. He didn’t give a damn about himself or what others thought of him. But he was determined to protect Faith, and if that meant telling lies the size of Texas, he’d gladly do it.

  Looking relieved that he’d fabricated a plausible explanation for his not being present to greet Whiskers and Flint, she smiled. “Thanks. Now I can hang up some of my things.”

  “Whiskers, don’t you have something to say to Cooper and Faith?” Flint spoke up, his expression determined.

  The old man cleared his throat. “Well, I reckon as how I don’t have a whole lot of choice.”

  “Whiskers,” Flint warned.

  “Tarnation, Flint, let me do this my own way,” Whiskers grumbled. Turning to Faith, he said, “I’m mighty sorry for strandin’ you here with Coop. I don’t know what got into me. It was a mean thing to do and I shouldna done it.”

  Cooper watched Whiskers hang his head for effect and almost burst out laughing. He’d seen Whiskers in action before and knew beyond a shadow of doubt that the old man didn’t mean a word of what he’d just said. It was Cooper’s guess that once his sister, Jenna, had gotten wind of the incident, she’d threatened to turn the old man’s room at the Rocking M ranch house into a playroom for the boys if he didn’t apologize. And since Whiskers thought the sun rose and set on Jenna, Cooper knew the old guy would walk barefoot across hot coals if that’s what it took to get back in her good graces. He also noticed that the apology hadn’t included him.

  “No, you shouldn’t have done that to either of us, Mr. Penn,” Faith agreed. “But what’s done is done.” She patted Whiskers’s arm reassuringly. “We’ll just forget about it as long as you promise not to do anything like that again.”

  Whiskers’s head popped up so fast, Cooper thought he might have wrenched his neck. “You got my word, Miss Faith,” he said, giving her a toothless grin.

  Cooper and Flint both coughed at the same time to cover their laughter. It was the biggest load of bull they’d ever heard the old geezer dish out.

  “Where are Jenna and the boys?” Cooper asked, once he’d recovered.

  “At home,” Flint said, rising to his feet. “The boys caught colds while we were at Disneyworld and Jenna’s got some kind of stomach flu. She thought the way the weather’s been with all the rain it would be best if they stayed home.”

  “Damn. I really wanted Faith to meet Jenna,” Cooper said without thinking.

  As soon as the words left his lips, Cooper could have bitten his tongue in two. Flint and Whiskers both knew how close Cooper was to his sister, and that it was extremely significant that he wanted her to meet Faith.

  “We’d better get those cattle unloaded and in the corral,” he said, to cover his blunder. He stood up and reached for his hat, but it wasn’t on the peg where he always hung it before he went to bed at night.

  “Where’s your hat, Coop?” Whiskers asked, his eyes twinkling merrily.

  “I think you left it in the living room last night,” Faith said, starting down the hall. “I’ll get it for you.”

  As soon as she left the room, Whiskers chuckled. “Only one reason I know of that would keep a man from hanging his hat on the peg before he goes to bed at night.”

  Cooper gave both men a hard stare. “I was tired.”

  Laughing, Whiskers patted Cooper’s shoulder as he passed by him to go outside. “Yeah, and I’m still a young buck with piss and vinegar runnin’ through my veins.”

  “Come on, Whiskers,” Flint said, grinning. “Let’s get started unloading the trailer before you get both of us into trouble.”

  The door had barely closed behind them when Faith walked back into the room. “Thank you,” she said, handing Cooper his hat. “I appreciate the excuse you gave them for not being around when they arrived.”

  “How long had they been here before I got up?” he asked, jamming his hat onto his head.

  “About five minutes,” she said, looking relieved.

  Reaching for her, he pulled her to him. “How do you feel this morning, darlin’?”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his shoulder. “Absolutely wonderful.”

  “I’m glad.” He kissed the top of her head. “I feel pretty damned good myself.”


  “What, darlin’?”

  Faith hesitated. In the past few days, he hadn’t mentioned anything about her staying with him after Whiskers and Flint brought the cattle. And she really couldn’t think of one good reason to remain on the Triple Bar, other than she didn’t want to leave him.

  Sighing, she decided there was no good way to broach the subject, nor was she willing to run the risk of having him say no if she asked him if he wanted her to stay. “You’d better get out there and help them with the cattle before they come looking for you,” she finally said.

  “There’s really nothing for you to do here in the house,” he said, leaning back to give her a look that all but melted her bones. “Why don’t you come outside and see what’s going to pay the bills around here one da

  “Sure,” she said, heartened that he wanted her to see a part of what he was working to build.

  When they walked out into the yard, she saw a long stock trailer filled with red, white-faced cattle hooked to the bed of an extended cab pickup truck. It was backed up to the corral that Cooper and Brant had repaired, while another truck with a shorter trailer connected to it was parked close by.

  “Coop, where you want me to tie the horses?” Whiskers called.

  “I’ve got a couple of stalls ready in the barn,” Cooper answered. Faith watched him help Flint lower the tailgate on the longer trailer. “Put them in there.”

  As Whiskers led two beautiful reddish brown horses into the barn, a stream of about a dozen cows and calves trotted out of the trailer and into the enclosure. Standing by the fence, Faith was fascinated by Cooper’s efficiency. It was easy to see he’d worked around livestock all his life.

  “You’re going to have trouble with that one,” she heard Flint say as he nodded toward a calf standing by itself on the far side of the corral.

  “Why’s that?” Cooper asked, closing the gate. He rested his forearms on the top of the fence and gazed at the calf Flint had indicated.

  “Her momma got stuck in the mud down by the creek last night and by the time my men found her this morning, it was too late.” Flint walked to the cab of his truck and removed a bucket with a long nipple attached to the side and a large bag of some kind of animal food. Handing it to Cooper, he added, “They’ve been trying to get her to feed, but haven’t had much luck.”

  “It was that heifer that dropped her calf out of season,” Cooper answered.

  Faith wasn’t sure how he could tell which cow was missing. To her they all looked alike. But that didn’t matter. As an idea began to take shape, she stepped up to where the two men stood. “What will you have to do to take care of her?” she asked.

  “I’ll have to mix up calf formula and feed her once every few hours.” Cooper shook his head. “Damn. I don’t have time to be raising a bucket baby right now.”


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