Broken #3 (The Broken Series - Book #3)

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Broken #3 (The Broken Series - Book #3) Page 6

by Adams, Claire

  Blood oozed from my body, dripping into the canvas floor of the ring. I could feel my face swelling, and I was panting for breath. I was sure Ford was down for the count, but then I watched as he planted one shaking hand on the ground, and then the other. The room had grown completely silent as they watched Ford try to push himself back up. I couldn’t understand why he just didn’t stay down; he was one tough mother.

  Ford pushed himself up, and spit more blood on the ground. He used his arms to get back up on his feet, only to catch a strong left hook to his temple that swung his head around. My corner was going crazy; they were loving every minute of the fight. This was probably one of the most exciting fights anyone had seen all year.

  At this point Ford was hurting pretty badly. The ref went in immediately and called the fight done. It didn't matter anymore how much Ford wanted to continue the battle―the fight was called.

  Silence fell over the entire stadium as everyone waited in agony to see what happened next. The medics were in attending to Ford, and as soon as they were sure that he would be fine until they could take him to the hospital, he was brought to the middle for the judges to call the fight.

  The crowd started cheering as the announcer spoke.

  “Our victor for the night is Jet! The conference semifinals belt goes, ladies and gentlemen, to Jet!”

  My corner came in, and I practically fell into the arms of my coach as they helped me out of the cage. I would go back to the locker room and get checked by the medic as well. It had been one hell of a fight. I couldn't even imagine fighting again anytime soon. I would need to heal. As I made my way back to the lockers, I heard the crowd chanting my name. They were thrilled that I had won, but I certainly took one hell of a beating for it. I wondered if Natalie would be up for giving me another massage, ‘cause I surely could use one, that was certain. I had considered inviting her to the fight as I thought she would really enjoy it. I was glad I didn't, however. She would have found it upsetting that I took the beating I did, despite the fact that I ended up winning.

  We went into the locker area, and sat down on the bench while the medic looked me over. I had no broken bones and no real damage. But my body was already bruising, and I would be incredibly sore for at least a few days. Maybe weeks. I had a cut above my eye, which was the cause of the blood that kept pouring from my head.

  I would have to go to the hospital to get my eye stitched up. It would need to heal before I could fight again, or it would become a weakness. I hated weaknesses, and didn't want to give my opponents anything to go on if I didn't have to.

  Coach helped me pack up my things, and we left the gymnasium with my belt around my shoulders. We were headed to the hospital, where I would be stitched up, and could then return home to spend the night in an ice bath to bring down some of the swelling that was occurring all over my body.

  Chapter Seven


  Brenda and I were sitting in photography class, chatting as our fight assignments came back. We had submitted pictures to the Dean for the fight, and he had absolutely loved them. These assignments were now being handed back.

  I looked in the folder, went through the pictures from that fight, and I beamed with pride. I looked at the assignment sheet and saw that I received an A+ on the photography. It made me feel incredible that I had done so well.

  “Great job, girl. That was a pretty great assignment, and you had good reason to do well.” She meant Jet, and yet I didn't think it had anything to do with how well the pictures came out. I put the pictures back into their folder, and made note that I would have to show them to Jet the next time we got together.

  “Don't forget that we have that campus costume party to go to tonight.”

  “How could I forget?”

  “Don't be a party pooper; I think it will be a lot of fun. Plus, everyone is going to be there.”

  “Yeah, well that's usually part of the problem. So what did you decide to be?”

  “Ansel Adams.”

  I started laughing. “You're kidding me?”

  “No. I went to a vintage store and collected a bunch of things together, and I even found an old camera.”

  I was still laughing. “Well good, then. You will probably win for originality, that's for sure. Is your new beau going to be there?”

  She smiled. “He's not my beau. This is only going our third date.”

  “Well, you know what happens on a third date.” I couldn't help but smile when I saw her eyes go round. Brenda blushed deeply. She was really shy when it came to boys, but I thought the guy she was dating was a stand up fella, so I didn't think she would end up in over her head. Not like me.

  “So what did you decide to be?”

  “Oh, nothing as original as you. Julie dragged me to one of those costume stores, and that's where we did some damage. Julie ended up getting a vampire costume. You know how she is about vampires.”

  Brenda giggled. “Yeah, sometimes I think she would like to be one.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, and to be honest, I couldn't find a damn thing that I felt comfortable in, so I just let Julie pick for me.”

  “Ohh, that was probably a bad idea. Did she get you something slutty?”

  I laughed. “No, I did draw the line there; I didn't want anything that required me to wear a short skirt. So she picked Catwoman for me.”

  “You're not joking?”

  “No, and although I don't show any skin, the outfit itself is skin tight. There really are no words for it.”

  Brenda chuckled. “Well, that's why I choose to make my own. Had I Googled my costume, I guarantee I would have pulled up a slutty version of Ansel Adams.”

  We laughed together. I started gathering up my books, as class was ending. Brenda decided to come back to my apartment and get ready there. Then we would all go to the party together.

  “Oh God, I can't be seen in this. I don't know what I was thinking when I allowed you to choose a costume for me. I may have been better off with a short skirt.” I stepped out of the bathroom where Julie and Brenda were waiting. They looked amazing, Brenda really outdid herself with the originality of her costume, and she didn't even have to look slutty. Julie looked stunning, of course, as part of the undead world. She had found adhesive fangs that were so real looking that they gave me the creeps. They were a hell of a lot better than those fake choppers that used to worn with vampire costumes.

  Although she looked creepy, her outfit was also hot as hell. And that left me, Catwoman. I had the traditional pantsuit that was skin tight, and a face mask that covered my eyes, and some cat ears. I had curled my red hair so that it was full enough that I could attach my eyes to it, and it would look less like a costume. When I stepped out of the bathroom, their mouths dropped open.

  “What? What happened?”

  “Oh my God, Natalie, you look ridiculously hot; no one at that party is even going to remember that you are an art student in that getup.”

  “Oh, stop.”

  “No, seriously. If Jet is there, he may have to fight for your attention this time.”

  She managed to make me blush as well, and we decided to have a glass of wine before we headed out to the party. We sat and talked about boys and assignments, and vowed that we would all end up back at our apartment that night without any guys in tow. It was certainly something that I had to keep a handle on, so I was glad the girls were okay with stopping such situations if they happened.

  We called a cab, and headed out to the campus costume party.

  When we arrived, the place was packed. It was wall-to-wall people, and everyone was dressed up. It was actually a lot harder to find people I knew when they were donned in their finest costumes. There were plenty of zombies, what with the popularity of The Walking Dead. There were also a lot of superheroes and vampires. I saw some Duck Dynasty apparel, as well as fairies and angels. There were a few people whose costumes I couldn't guess, and I wondered if they chose the same type of original idea as Brenda had.
br />   We continued to make our way through the crowds until I saw Jet. He wasn't hard to find at all. He was shirtless that October night, with an open robe and boxer shorts. It wasn't hard to guess that he was Rocky. He had a cut above his eye and some bruising on his face, and I couldn't tell whether it was makeup or not. Kyle was there as Batman, and a few of his other teammates surrounded him in various forms of costume.

  He spotted me immediately and made a beeline for our little group.

  “My God, Natalie, I almost didn't recognize you. That's a pretty hot getup.”

  “What the hell? What do you mean you almost didn't recognize me?”

  The girls started to giggle as an awkward look came over Jet's face. “No, that's not what I meant. You always look amazing, Natalie, you know that. But to be honest, I thought you would avoid costumes like this and go with something nerdier, like a famous painter.”

  His eyes fell on Brenda, and he looked confused. “Are you a man, Brenda? Like a tourist with a camera?”

  Julie was bent over, dying with laughter. She thought Jet was hilarious, but what seemed to be funnier for her were the holes he constantly dug himself into.

  “Ahhh no, I'm Ansel Adams, the famous photographer. I apparently went for the nerdy costume.”

  He looked like he had some regrets. “Ohh, right, I see. I had no idea what he looked like, that's all.” He turned to Julie, who was still busting a gut. “Thanks a lot, Julie. You're a big help. Nice costume, though; you plan on biting anyone tonight?”

  “Oh we'll see; the night is young.”

  “Well, I can introduce you to some of my friends if you like.”

  She smiled. “Maybe, we'll see. Anyway, Natalie, we are going to grab a drink. We'll see you in a bit.”

  I nodded. “So, Rocky, right?”

  He smiled. “I'm glad you can recognize a legend. Yeah, of course. I'm not really big on dressing up for Halloween, but my buddies wanted to come, so I thought, what the hell.”

  “Your face definitely matches the costume. I thought it was makeup at first, but clearly it isn't. So what happened? Did Katie do that to you?”

  He laughed loudly. “No, she didn't. I had the conference semifinals the other day, and well, I got my ass whooped.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry, Jet.”

  “No, don't get me wrong. I won my belt, and I'm going to the finals, but I still took a really good beating.”

  He moved his robe to the side, and I could see bruises all over his body. “I ended up breaking the guy’s rib; that's what finally ended the fight.”

  “Wow, that's incredible. I didn't realize they let things go too far.”

  “Well, I don't think they normally do, but the guy kept getting up. He was a monster, and had they not stopped the fight, he would have kept coming at me, broken bones and all.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows rose; I had a hard time picturing it. “But you're okay?”

  “Yeah, I had to go to the hospital and get stitches, but that was it. Noting major, but I have a lot of healing to do before the finals.”

  She nodded. “I have those pictures, by the way, from the fight that I attended. They came out really well, and I got an A+ on the project.”

  “Hey, good for you. Wow, teachers actually give out A pluses? Man, I thought it was just a myth.”

  She giggled. “No, Jet. It just requires studying.”

  “Yeah, I don't have time for sure things. Maybe now I will, though, since I will be resting a lot.”

  “Well, next time you come for the drawing, I'll show you the pictures.”


  Brenda and Julie came back with drinks, and handed us each a glass of mystery punch. It looked like bad news right there, but thankfully, we girls had vowed to go home alone.

  Jet waved over his buddies, and the girls quickly started mingling with them.

  “Hey, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?”

  There was a long pause before I answered. “Jet, I thought we agreed that we were just friends.”

  “Oh, I definitely never agreed to that. But yes, you have mentioned it. The thing is, I wasn't asking you on a date.”

  I looked at him, confused.

  He explained. “I have to have dinner with my brother and father, and it's bound to be really awkward, so I was hoping you would come as a form of distraction to the whole thing.”

  “Now, why is dinner with your family awkward?”

  “It's a really long story, and not a very interesting one. Will you come?”

  “Won't your family think it's odd that some random girl is coming?”

  “You're not some random girl, and I already told them I was bringing you. It's fine.”

  I laughed. “Were you that sure I was going to go?”

  “No, of course not. I just wanted to make sure that they were okay with it. Please? You would really save my life on this one.”

  I nodded. “Okay, I will go.”

  “Thanks, Natalie. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

  The night went by perfectly, and I kept my drinking to a minimum. Although I mingled with a lot of very different people throughout the night, Jet stayed pretty much by my side for the entire evening. Julie seemed to find one of Jet's friends interesting enough to talk to, and they really seemed to get along great. Brenda, of course, already had her beau, who showed up in a Frankenstein costume.

  The night ended well with awards being handed out for originality, scariest costume and sexiest. Everyone cheered as I won the award for sexiest costume of the night. I was completely stunned, but accepted it graciously.

  I collected Brenda and Julie together, and we decided to catch a cab home. We could have walked, but when you’re drunk, walks like that seem extra-long. I said good-bye to Jet and the rest of them, and we headed home to warm beds, alone.

  Chapter Eight


  Getting ready for dinner with my family was an extremely painful task for me. I had zero interest in going to the dinner, and I feared it would be a disaster. I hoped, however, since Natalie would be there that everyone would be on their best behavior. My father might refrain from being a jerk if she was in the picture, instead of choosing to embarrass everyone.

  My father always chose the best restaurants for these meetings, so I knew to wear dress pants and a button-up shirt and tie. I remembered to message Natalie to let her know to dress-up, and what time I would pick her up. I could have kissed the girl for going to dinner with me. There was a real good chance she would save my life that evening, and I was thrilled that she had agreed to go with me.

  I drove to pick up Natalie, and I made sure to take my time. My nerves were all over the place, and I didn't want to get into an accident. The truth of the matter was that I didn't want to see my father at all, possibly ever again. I didn't like the kind of man that he was, and I feared that I was going to end up just like him.

  As I drove down Natalie's block, I thought about how crushed my mother was when she found out about his affair. What was so shocking to everyone was that it had been going on for years. No one had a clue, and my mother, who genuinely had loved her husband, was devastated. My father had no interest in reconciling the marriage, and was the one who asked not for forgiveness, but for a divorce. It happened swiftly, with my mother winning a boatload of money from the guy, which I was grateful for, since she would be able to take care of herself, but it hadn't been what she wanted. I knew deep down had he been willing to, she would have forgiven his transgressions and stayed with him. That's what made me hate him the most―even after all that, my mother would have taken him back and stayed friends, and he had no interest in her. No interest in a woman with whom he had spent over 20 years. It sickened me, and every time I looked at my father, I saw what he did, and I didn't think there was any chance I would ever forgive him.

  I couldn't believe my brother had, as he had seemed angrier than I had been when he found out. But he had always been really close with our dad, m
uch closer than I ever was, so maybe that made all the difference in the world. In the end, he didn't want to lose our father from his life, and for me, I couldn’t have cared less.

  I parked the car at the curb in front of her building. I sat there for a moment as I collected myself. I was starting to lose my temper, and I needed to cool down. I didn't want the dinner to start off on the wrong foot immediately, especially with Natalie there. She didn't deserve that. All I wanted was to survive the dinner, say that I went, and then never go to another one again. The idea that I was going to have to sit and have dinner with the woman who had an affair with my father just left my head spinning.

  Opening the driver’s side door, I got out of the car and headed into Natalie's building. I headed up the stairs and knocked on her door. She answered it wearing a black cocktail dress and she looked ravishing. Eat your heart out, Craig. I wasn't sure if Craig was bringing his girlfriend, but either way, I would have the best looking date at dinner.

  “Natalie, you look great. Great dress.”

  “Thank you. You clean up very well yourself.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, of course.” She grabbed her clutch and jacket, and we headed out.

  We walked down to the car in silence, as I was lost in my own thoughts. I opened up the passenger door, and made sure she got inside the car safely, and then closed it. I headed over to my own door and slid inside the car. As I was starting up the car Natalie asked, “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I don't know. You seem a little off ... really quiet.”

  “Sorry. No, I'm fine. Just have a few things on my mind, and to be honest, my dad isn't the easiest person to have dinner with these days. I've literally been avoiding it for months.”

  “Oh ...” And there was the elephant in the room. She must have been wondering why I hadn't seen my dad in months, but I wasn't about to get into it before dinner. It would only upset me, and again, I didn't want to start dinner off on a bad vibe.


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