Dangerous Nights (Book 3): Edge of Night

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Dangerous Nights (Book 3): Edge of Night Page 7

by Higgins, Baileigh

  She raised the ax above her head and brought it down on the dead man’s skull with a thunk, ignoring the searing pain in her side. The blade sunk in all the way, and the zom stiffened before collapsing at her feet. Dexter danced away, his button eyes racing from her to the corpse while he continued to bark.

  Nadia heaved for breath, but she knew better than to relax. With one foot planted on the infected’s body, she wrenched the ax free and whirled around to look for more. Her eyes fell on the prone figure lying next to the car, and she moved closer.

  It was the mangled corpse of a woman with a knife sticking out of her temple. A blackened and rotting bite mark on her arm and her gray complexion marked her as an infected.

  With a sigh of relief, Nadia inspected the car. Its doors stood open and in the backseat lay a bunch of luggage. It was parked haphazardly, and Nadia figured out what had happened fairly quickly.

  The couple must have been driving when the woman turned. Either they had less time than they thought they did or the woman hid her injury from the man. Either way, she changed and attacked him, bringing them to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road. The man managed to kill her but got infected in the process. “He couldn’t have turned long ago. He was fresh, and that means the car must run. Yes!”

  Dexter trotted over at the sound of her voice and stuck close to her side while she searched the bodies for anything useful. While she felt sorry for the couple, their loss was her gain. She motioned to the dog to climb in on the passenger side and closed the door before sliding in behind the wheel, locking them in.

  Once safely inside the car, Nadia allowed herself to relax. Her side was warm and sticky, and her wound was on fire, but exhaustion dragged at her eyelids. She lay her head back with a groan, aware she needed to sleep first. “I’m sorry, buddy, but I need to rest. I’m pooped.”

  Dexter whined before licking her face with a warm tongue. Too tired to object, Nadia managed a feeble smile. “Good boy. Good b…”

  Just like that, she was gone, falling into a deep dreamless sleep while the moon passed overhead on its nightly journey.

  Chapter 11 - Cat

  The morning after the party, Cat woke in her bed with a sense of contentment. Though there was much to be sad about, she was a naturally positive person, and she now knew that both her mother and Lisa were safe. Not only that, but they had an actual plan to escape, and the future looked a little bit brighter.

  A knock on the door announced Joan who entered with a tray containing breakfast and a single red rose. Cat sat upright and allowed Joan to serve her while eyeing the scarlet flower. A note was attached to it, and she picked it up to read the spidery scrawl.

  It said: Cat, my love. I hope you slept well and will do me the honor of having lunch with me this afternoon. We have a lot to talk about. J.

  “Mm, much to talk about. I wonder what it’s about,” she mused. “Do you know anything about this, Joan?”

  Joan shook her head. “No, Mistress. He does seem to be in an awfully good mood this morning. Whatever you did must be working.”

  “Maybe. We’ll see. He did promise to improve your circumstances, though. More rations, and so on.”

  “He did?” Joan’s face brightened. “The others will be so grateful, Mistress.”

  “Do you have to call me that?” Cat moaned. “It makes me feel so old.”

  “The Master’s orders, I’m afraid. All servants are to address you two as Master and Mistress, or Sir and Milady,” Joan replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “Milady just sounds stupid to me, so I settled on Mistress.”

  “It all sounds stupid to me. The Ravagers call him Boss, or Sir. Next, he’ll have everyone call me Her Majesty. Can you imagine anything more silly?”

  Joan smothered a smile. “Not really.”

  “Oh, so you do smile. That’s good to know,” Cat teased before continuing in pompous tones. “In any case, inform your Master that his Mistress shall be happy to oblige, and will attend him at luncheon.”

  This time, Joan could not contain her mirth, and a giggle escaped in the form of a loud snort. This reduced Cat to a quivering puddle of laughter, and soon Joan joined in, the two of them rolling around on the bed like two school girls.

  After breakfast, Cat whiled the time away by reading a book before getting ready for lunch. She chose a white summer dress this time, aiming for maximum impact. The gossamer material floated around her ankles and skimmed the floor as she walked, lending her the air of an angel while her dark hair was braided over one shoulder and hung down to her waist. Even the guard’s eyes bulged when he saw her, and she smiled with satisfaction. How could Jay possibly say no to her now?

  She followed behind the guard who set a brisk pace toward a part of the house she hadn’t yet seen. As they descended the stairs, Cat caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. She paused to get a better look, but the person was too quick and disappeared through a door at the bottom of the steps before she could be sure who it was. Still, she thought it was Neil she’d seen, and a nervous flutter settled inside her stomach. If it was him, what was he doing in his former home?

  Her earlier joy leeched away as she considered that he might have been there to see Jay and rat her out. In that case, she was heading to her doom and looking like a damned Vestal Virgin to boot. God, wouldn’t that be hysterical?

  Jay was waiting for her outside on a small terrace overlooking a rose garden, a setting she liked far more than the formal dining room. He greeted her with a smile, his manner relaxed. This put her at ease, and she dismissed all thoughts of Neil from her mind.

  “Good afternoon, Kitten. How was your day so far?” he asked, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

  “It was okay, thank you, but I’d like to be more active,” she replied, choosing the seat next to his. “Being cooped up in a room all day isn’t fun.”

  “Mm, you’ll be glad to hear what I have to say then,” Jay said.


  He poured her a glass of orange juice and offered her a buttered bread roll which she accepted with alacrity. Fresh bread was scarce in the apocalypse. “Starting tomorrow, you’ll have free run of the community as long as Sanjay accompanies you.”


  “The guard outside your room.”

  “Oh, him. Okay. If it means I can move around, great. He’s welcome to follow me,” Cat said, sipping on the tangy orange juice with genuine pleasure.

  “That’s not all. I’ve arranged with you to train with Petra in private every day to ready you for the Ring. I know you’re good, I’ve seen you fight, but the exercise will do you wonders, and Petra is a master. She can teach you a thing or two, I’m sure.”

  Cat nodded. “All right. I’ll never say no to becoming a better fighter. Besides, I’m tired of sitting around and eating my head off all day.”

  Jay nodded his approval. “Good. The last present I have for you is this: I’ve released your mother and Lisa from the infirmary. They’re staying in a house not far from here where they should be comfortable. You’ll be allowed to visit once a day.”

  Cat jumped upright. “Really? You did that for me?”

  Jay smiled. “Consider it as part of my second chance. I intend to make the most of it.”

  “I’m glad,” Cat said, her eyes soft while they rested on his face. She judged the moment right and forged ahead. “Can I ask one final favor?”

  “Oh, have I not done enough already?”

  “You have, and it’s not that I’m ungrateful…”

  “Well, go on. Spit it out,” Jay said with a wave of his hand.

  After taking a deep breath, Cat added, “Lisa would like a chance to join the Ravagers.”

  Jay sat back in his chair, eyebrows raised. “Really? Why the sudden urge?”

  Cat hesitated, noticing the suspicious tone in his voice. “She’s a fighter, always has been, and the perks of being a Ravager appeal to her. She’s not the Sorry Suzie type.”

  “I see. She wants to fight i
n the Ring for a place among us?”

  “Yes,” Cat said, wringing her hands together on her lap while wondering how to introduce the next part of her plan.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” Jay said, throwing her off-track.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ll let Lisa join one of my raiding parties. If she can prove her worth to the squad leader, I’ll grant her one chance in the Ring,” Jay said. “But only one.”

  “That’s perfect!” Cat exclaimed, relieved she didn’t have to lie to him again. It was something she sucked at, and she knew it.

  “Just remember one thing, if she tries anything, anything at all, it’s game over,” he said. “I will not suffer treachery among my followers.”

  “I’ll remember, and I’ll make sure she knows it too,” Cat said.

  “Why don’t you visit them after lunch? Tell her to report to the gate at dawn. Trevor too,” Jay said.

  “Trevor?” Cat asked. “How do you know Trevor?”

  “I saw him hovering over your friend and asked around. He looks like a solid piece of flesh, and I imagine he won’t mind spending time with Lisa. The guy’s smitten,” Jay said with a laugh.

  “I think so too,” Cat replied with a nervous titter. Even though Jay seemed utterly relaxed, she couldn’t help but wonder about his sudden interest in Trevor, especially after Neil visited. If it was Neil. Maybe it wasn’t. Perhaps I’m worrying for nothing.

  Jay leaned over and quirked an eyebrow, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Anything else you want while we’re at it? A feather duvet, tiara, anything you want, my sweet.”

  “Nah, I’m good,” Cat replied with a laugh.

  “Anything you want to share with me?” he pressed, his gaze keen.

  “Not that I know of,” she answered with a forced smile. Once again, worry set in, dispelled once more when Jay brushed his fingers along her bottom lip and jawline. “Am I doing good so far? Full marks?”

  “You’re certainly on the right track,” Cat said.

  “I hope so because the prize for succeeding is too big to let slip through my fingers,” he whispered, his breath hot against her skin as he leaned in.

  Cat waited breathlessly for him to kiss her, but next moment, he let go of her chin and leaned back in his chair. “Hungry?”


  “Good,” Jay said, waving Maria over. “Because I’m starving. Let’s eat.”

  Chapter 12 - Jay

  After lunch, Cat left the room in a cloud of white cotton and lavender scented soap, a smell that lingered in his nostrils long after she’d gone. Jay wandered over to the balcony and plucked a white rose by the stem, it’s sweet petals reminding him of her porcelain skin. His fist closed over the blossom, crushing its delicate leaves. A thorn pierced his thumb, and the red blood mingled with the ivory flower.

  “It seems my dearest Catherine is lying to me. I will have to teach her a lesson, once and for all,” he said, dropping the ruined rose to the floor.

  “Mary!” he bellowed.

  “Yes, Sir,” Mary answered a second later, summoned from the next room where she waited in attendance to his needs.

  “Send a guard to fetch my Generals.”

  “Which ones, Sir?” she asked in a timid voice.

  “All of them, you stupid cow,” he said.

  “Right away, Sir.” She curtsied and rushed out, as pale as snow.

  Jay paced up and down while he waited for his Generals, his most trusted men…and woman. He was rewarded with a loud knock not long after. It was Anthony, his main man, followed by Red, as crazy looking as ever, and Shane, the youngest and newest of the three but reliable nonetheless.

  “You wanted us, Boss?” Anthony said, breaking the thick silence.

  “Yes, I have jobs for all three of you,” Jay said, “starting with Shane.”

  “Yes, Sir?” Shane said, stepping forward.

  “How is construction on the Ring coming along?” Jay asked.

  “It’s halfway built, Sir,” Shane answered. “It will take another week to finish.”

  “I want it done within three days. See to it,” Jay ordered.

  Shane nodded. “I’m on it, Sir.”

  “Good, you’re excused.”

  Shane hurried away, knowing very well it would be his head if the Ring wasn’t ready in three days, and he’d better get it done on time.”

  “Red,” Jay barked.

  She stepped forward, her eyes hooded. “Sir?”

  “I want you to do a sweep of the perimeter tomorrow morning. Erase any remaining pockets of the undead and secure our foothold in this city,” Jay said. “Take a full squad with you. Your best men.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered in a low purr, her teeth flashing at the prospect of action and bloodshed. “Anything else?”

  “I want you to take two extra people with you, and I want you to make sure they don’t come back. They’ll meet you at the gates at dawn.”

  “Might I ask who they are, Sir?”

  “Their names are Trevor and Lisa, two traitors whom I never want to see again,” Jay said.

  “I’ll take care of it myself, Sir,” Red replied.

  “Good. Bring me their heads when you’re done. I have to teach someone a lesson,” Jay added, his canines bared in a vicious grin.

  “Yes, Sir.” Red turned and left the room without being dismissed. Her leather-clad hips swayed provocatively, and her long mane of red hair brushed the top of her ass, shaved on the sides in a Mohawk style. Every eye in the room was on her, and she knew it, relishing in the attention.

  Jay shook his head once she’d gone. “Dangerous woman that. Stay away from her Anthony. She’ll eat you alive.”

  Anthony shuddered. “I know, Boss. She’s downright terrifying.”

  “Speaking of terrifying, it seems I’m losing my touch because we have a couple of traitors in town,” Jay said.

  “Who, Boss?”

  “Red’s getting rid of two of them. I’ll take care of the other one,” Jay replied.

  “What do you want me to do?” Anthony asked.

  “I want you to put together a scouting expedition. A couple of vehicles, four men at most, lightly armed. Equip yourselves for speed and mobility,” Jay said.

  “How many days?”

  “Maximum three days, then I want you back here in time for the games, Anthony.”

  “Yes, Sir. Where are we going?”

  “St. Francis Bay,” Jay said.

  “That’s a few hours from here,” Anthony mused.

  “Yes, and take that weasel Neil with you. Let him show you the way. He learned all about it from his new friends.”

  “I’ll leave first thing in the morning, Sir,” Anthony said.

  “Make sure Neil meets with an accident along the way back. No loose ends, you hear me?” Jay ordered.

  Anthony saluted smartly. “On it, Sir.”

  Jay watched him march away with a smile of satisfaction. In one short afternoon, he’d gotten rid of three troublesome thorns in his side, and he’d averted a possible disaster in the form of a rescue party summoned by Lisa. Not only that, but he’d now learned that there was another community of survivors ripe for the plucking. St. Francis. And, it was all thanks to Neil.

  When Neil requested to see him that morning, he’d been curious. A few promises of wealth and position were all it took to get him to spill the entire story. Not that he planned on going through with the payment. There’s room for only one leader in this town, Neil, and it’s not you.

  Cat…that was a different story, though. She’d been lying all along, pretending to warm to him while planning her escape and keeping quiet about St. Francis. Still, he was sure it wasn’t all pretense. More than once, he’d caught her looking at him with genuine interest. There was a spark there. He knew it.

  “It’s that Lisa. She’s a bad influence. Once she’s gone, and St. Francis is under my heel, Cat will have no choice but to turn to me. She’ll have no one else.”
  “Mary,” he called.

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered straight away. “When Cat returns from her visit, arrange with her and Petra for a lesson first thing in the morning. Make sure it keeps her occupied for the entire day. Afterward, she will bathe and dress before having dinner with me. No detours. No visits. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Mary departed, and Jay stared at the crushed rose beneath his feet. If he had to, he’d break Cat’s spirit to keep her by his side. He was the only one who could keep her safe and protected, who could give her everything she ever wanted including love, affection, and children. A family. If she were unable to see that, he’d make her understand. No matter what.

  Chapter 13 - Lisa

  Lisa woke before dawn to the tinny blare of the same alarm clock she’d used in the infirmary. Against her better judgment, she stole the stupid thing when she left and took it with her. Today, however, she was glad for it.

  The previous day was still a blur. The arrival of two Ravagers who escorted her and Matilda from the infirmary had frightened the bejeezus out of her. Immediately, she’d thought that their plans had been discovered and some awful punishment lay ahead.

  So, it was with immense relief she discovered they were only being relocated to a house not far from Cat herself. Not just that, but they received a surprise visit from Cat that evening who revealed that Jay had agreed to let both Lisa and Trevor join a raiding party the next morning.

  The rest of the night was spent running around gathering equipment from kind neighbors for the trip, though the Ravagers still refused to arm her. At least, she was dressed for the part in jeans, boots, a vest, shirt, and a denim jacket. In addition, she tied a scarf around her neck and rolled bandages over her wrists and hands much like a boxer did. It wasn’t much but would help protect against bites.

  In her pockets, she carried matches, extra bandages, a couple of protein bars and a bottle of water. Feeling naked without any weapons, she slipped a steak knife into each boot and a sharpened screwdriver into her jacket’s inner pocket. It was better than nothing, and after a quick breakfast and farewell to Matilda, she was ready to go.


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