Marry Me, Mendoza!

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Marry Me, Mendoza! Page 1

by Judy Duarte


  Nicole Castleton was a shrewd businesswoman with a Texas-sized stubborn streak. She needed a husband in a hurry, and no one but her ex, Miguel Mendoza, would do! Yet she had her doubts—sweet, sexy Miguel still shook her to the core of her expensive Castleton boots. And when it came right down to it, she still desired the man beyond words.

  Was it a ghost standing on his doorstep? Or could this really be his Nicole? The girl who broke Miguel’s heart ten years ago was back—with a crazy proposal for a strictly business marriage! A desire for payback—and one last round of romance with the one who’d gotten away—tempted Miguel beyond any dollar amount. But this time, he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to walk away from the woman of his dreams....

  “Nicole Castleton, I have a confession to make.”

  What was going on?

  As Miguel dropped to one knee beside her, he reached into the lapel of his jacket, pulled out a small velvet box and flipped open the lid, revealing a modestly sized but sparkling diamond.

  “I let you get away from me once because I was young and afraid to fight for what I wanted. But I won’t make that mistake again.”

  He let her get away?

  “Will you marry me, Nicole? Will you be my wife, the mother of my children? Will you be my best friend, my lover, my partner for the rest of my life?”

  Tears welled in her eyes, and emotion clogged her throat. At one time, she’d dreamed of a night like this one, hoped for a proposal like this. Yet as surreal, romantic and magical as this evening was, it had been bought and paid for. And that bittersweet reality made for a bride who was blushing and teary-eyed for all the wrong reasons.

  Dear Reader,

  If you’re a fan of the Fortunes of Texas the way I am, you’ll understand how happy I was to be asked to work on the 2013 series, The Fortunes of Texas: Southern Invasion. It’s always fun to work with the other authors in creating a continuity series, but it’s also nice to return to Red Rock and revisit some of the characters who have become real over the years.

  This time, I had the opportunity to write the story of Miguel Mendoza and his high school sweetheart, Nicole Castleton. Ten years ago, Miguel and Nicole went through a devastating breakup, and Miguel left town to escape the heartbreak. Now he’s a happy and successful sales exec for Home Run Records in New York.

  But Nicole doesn’t let the distance stop her when she’s forced to find a husband—and fast! She’s also prepared to offer Miguel a deal he can’t refuse. Trouble is, the chemistry between them is even stronger than ever.

  So find a cozy spot to sit back and enjoy another Red Rock romance.

  Happy reading!


  Marry Me, Mendoza!

  Judy Duarte

  Books by Judy Duarte

  Harlequin Special Edition

  ¶A Baby Under the Tree #2158

  ¤Mendoza’s Miracle #2173

  ¶The Rancher’s Hired Fiancée #2193

  ¶The Cowboy’s Family Plan #2212

  °Tammy and the Doctor #2249

  ¤¤Marry Me, Mendoza #2253

  Silhouette Special Edition

  *Hailey’s Hero #1659

  *Their Secret Son #1667

  †Their Unexpected Family #1676

  *Worth Fighting For #1684

  *The Matchmakers’ Daddy #1689

  His Mother’s Wedding #1731

  Call Me Cowboy #1743

  **The Perfect Wife #1773

  Rock-A-Bye Rancher #1784

  Daddy on Call #1822

  The Cowboy’s Lullaby #1834

  ~Romancing the Cowboy #1888

  §Once Upon a Pregnancy #1891

  ~In Love with the Bronc Rider #1907

  ~Her Best Christmas Ever #1943

  ††A Real Live Cowboy #1964

  §§Race to the Altar #1989

  ‡And Babies Make Five #2042

  §§His, Hers and…Theirs? #2061

  §§Under the Mistletoe with John Doe #2080

  ‡‡Healing Dr. Fortune #2096

  Silhouette Books

  Double Destiny “Second Chance”

  *Bayside Bachelors

  †Montana Mavericks: Gold Rush Grooms

  **Talk of the Neighborhood

  ~The Texas Homecoming

  §The Wilder Family

  ††Fortunes of Texas: Return to Red Rock

  ‡The Baby Chase

  §§Brighton Valley Medical Center

  ‡‡The Fortunes of Texas: Lost…and Found

  ¤The Fortunes of Texas: Whirlwind Romance

  °Byrds of a Feather

  ¶Brighton Valley Babies

  ¤The Fortunes of Texas: Southern Invasion

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  always knew there was a book inside her, but since English was her least favorite subject in school, she never considered herself a writer. An avid reader who enjoys a happy ending, Judy couldn’t shake the dream of creating a book of her own.

  Her dream became a reality in March 2002, when Silhouette Special Edition released her first book, Cowboy Courage. Since then she has published more than twenty novels. Her stories have touched the hearts of readers around the world. And in July 2005 Judy won a prestigious Readers’ Choice Award for The Rich Man’s Son.

  Judy makes her home near the beach in Southern California. When she’s not cooped up in her writing cave, she’s spending time with her somewhat enormous but delightfully close family.

  To the authors who worked on this series with me: Allison Leigh, Susan Crosby, Marie Ferrarella, Cindy Kirk and Crystal Green.

  You made this book a pleasure to write.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment to Judy Duarte

  for her contribution to the

  Fortunes of Texas: Southern Invasion continuity.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter One

  Nicole Castleton’s nerves were so tightly strung, her stomach so knotted, that she was just about to climb the walls of the exclusive Red Rock Country Club, where Marnie McCafferty’s bridal shower was in full swing.

  She ought to be thrilled that everything was going just as she’d planned—the decorations, the food, the service. Even the weather, which had been gray and drizzly yesterday, had turned sunny and bright for the happy occasion. But everything else in her life was about to blow sky-high, and she needed to confide in her best friend.

  As the guests milled about, sipping champagne or mimosas, Nicole glanced at her bangle wristwatch. Now was her chance.

  She crossed the room, pulled the soon-to-be blushing bride aside and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Marnie, I’ve got a big problem, and I need to talk to you—alone.”

  Marnie, who was going to marry Asher Fortune and become a mommy to his son, Jace, glanced at the guests, zeroing in on her future in-laws, the Atlanta Fortunes, as well as the Fortunes who called Red Rock home. Then she turned back to Nicole, her head cocked slightly. “You want to talk privately now?”

nbsp; Nicole nodded. “Yes. Let’s get out of here for a moment and find a place that’s quiet.”

  As the two friends slipped off together, Nicole led the way to a side door that opened onto the patio.

  When they were finally out of earshot, Marnie asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Nicole released a sigh before blurting out the dilemma she’d been dealing with ever since her parents had dropped the bomb on her two days ago. “I need to get married—and fast!”

  The I-couldn’t-be-happier glow Marnie had been wearing ever since Asher Fortune had popped the question faded, and her brow furrowed. “Oh, no. Are you pregnant?”

  As wild and impossible as that sounded, a pregnancy might actually make things easier—in a way. But Marnie had connected all the wrong dots. “Of course not. I’m not even dating anyone. You know that.”

  “I’m sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind when you mentioned having a problem that marriage would solve. So let’s slow down and take a step back. Why on earth would you need to get married? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  Nicole was in trouble all right. “I stand to lose everything I ever wanted in life—Castleton Boots.”

  “I don’t understand.” Marnie tucked a long strand of light brown hair behind her ear. “It’s a booming company. At least, the few shares of stock I own are doing well. And you’re the sole heir.”

  “That’s what I’d always thought.”

  “What happened?”

  “Bottom line?” Nicole crossed her arms. “I’m being blackmailed by my manipulative parents.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Your parents adore you and always have.”

  There was no arguing that. Nicole had been a “miracle baby,” born late in life, when her parents had all but given up on having a child. So needless to say, they’d lavished her with material possessions as well as unconditional love. But apparently, they’d changed their minds and included a few “conditions” on their affections.

  “They’re holding Castleton Boots for ransom,” Nicole explained. “They’d always said they would pass the company on to me when they retired, but apparently there are strings attached. I can’t inherit the company unless I’m married.”

  “But that’s crazy. And so unfair.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” The family-owned company manufactured beautifully crafted cowboy boots frequently seen on the red carpet in Hollywood and on the country-western tour circuit, and the stock in question was worth a fortune. But that was beside the point.

  Nicole had gone to work for the family business right out of college, but nothing had been given to her. She’d started at the bottom as a receptionist and had moved up the ranks to vice president—and all on her own merits. Her father might spoil her in other ways, but no one got a free ride at Castleton Boots.

  “Maybe they’re bluffing,” Marnie said.

  “That’s what I’d hoped. So I went to an attorney—my own, not the corporate firm. And it’s legit.”

  Marnie paused a beat, her brow furrowed.

  “You know how I feel about Castleton Boots,” Nicole added. “That company is my life. I’ve worked my tail off to prove that I’m not just a pretty face or the CEO’s daughter. And I refuse to stand by and watch them sell the business to strangers.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “The only thing I can do—play by their rules. And that means I need to get married—ASAP.”

  “But how do you plan to pull that off? You’ve been so focused on work that you haven’t dated anyone in ages—that is, unless you met someone in the past couple days and didn’t tell me about him.”

  Nicole chuffed. “Yeah, right. Who has time to date? And even if I decided to make the time and take that route, it would take forever to find the right someone. And I don’t want to wait on chance. I’ve devoted my entire life to the company, and now Dad has some chronic health problems, so he’s ready to hand the reins over to someone else—anyone but me, it seems.”

  “Wow. Castleton Boots has been in your family for generations. You think they’d really sell it?”

  “Apparently so. But that’s not even the real issue here. They’re afraid that they’re running out of time to become grandparents, and they’re trying to force me into finding a husband.” Nicole blew out another sigh. “I’m so tired of my parents trying to control my life.”

  “Well, you can’t just snag the first man who comes along and ask him to marry you.”

  “No, maybe not. But I have to do something. And if their little manipulation scheme backfires on them, then that’s too bad. It would serve them right.”

  Marnie reached for Nicole’s upper arm. “You’re not thinking about arranging some sort of marriage of convenience to appease your parents, are you?”

  “To be honest? That was my first thought. But if I came home this weekend and claimed to have met Mr. Right, it would be pretty obvious to them that the relationship was a fake. Trouble is, I have no idea where I’d find a husband fast. It’s not like I can just force myself to fall in love. After all, I’d never be able to plan something like that. Love just...”

  Her speech drifted off, as memories of her teenage romance with Miguel Mendoza came to mind.

  Back then, her life had revolved around her studies, cheerleading and weekends riding horses and talking about boys with Marnie. But one day, her biology teacher had assigned Miguel to her study group, hoping the laid-back teen would learn a few good work habits.

  The teacher, who’d also been the varsity baseball coach, had said as much when he’d introduced him to Nicole’s group. “Mendoza, you need help with your study skills. And who better to show you the ropes than the top students at Red Rock High?”

  Nicole hadn’t been sure how adding the D student to her group would work out, since the gorgeous dark-haired boy had been labeled trouble by more than one teacher. But Miguel hadn’t been a bad kid. He just enjoyed having a good time and making his friends and classmates laugh.

  And to be honest, Nicole had found him just as entertaining as anyone.

  After Mr. Marquez had walked away, leaving Miguel behind, Nicole had said, “Take a seat, Mendoza.”

  After that, Paco Ramirez and Lena Hsu had followed her lead, referring to him by his last name. But it hadn’t taken the two science nerds very long to complain that Mendoza wasn’t pulling his own weight.

  But Nicole had begun to realize that wasn’t the case. Miguel was actually struggling academically, and his goofing off wasn’t because he didn’t want to do the work but because he couldn’t. Much of his wisecracking, sweet-talking personality was a front, and hidden inside there was a really good and deeply insecure person.

  So she had taken him aside and offered to work with him one-on-one. And before that semester had ended, they had fallen in love.

  As if reading her mind, Marnie eased closer. “Nicole, are you thinking about Miguel?”

  Nicole would have denied it if her best friend didn’t know her so well. “I admit that he momentarily crossed my mind.”

  Okay, so invaded her mind was more like it. That stylishly mussed dark hair, those playful brown eyes, that dazzling smile...

  Back in the day, she’d imagined herself head-over-heels in love with Miguel, but what did a seventeen-year-old girl know about things like forever and lifetime commitments?

  “You’d better cross Miguel Mendoza off your list of potential fake husbands,” Marnie said. “Even if he still lived in Red Rock and agreed to your plan, it would never work. Your parents would not only freak out if you brought him home and told them he was the one, they’d probably cut you out of the will completely.”

  Ten years ago, when Nicole’s parents had learned that their Ivy League college-bound honor student had fallen for a young man who was practically flunking ou
t of school, they’d thrown a walleyed fit, claiming she was dating beneath her.

  Not that Miguel had been born on the wrong side of the tracks by any means. He’d grown up in a respectable, middle-class family. But the Castletons still felt he wasn’t good enough for the daughter they considered a Texas princess.

  So telling her parents that the two of them had reconnected and had decided to renew their romance would go over like a swarm of bees in a space suit.

  But then again, for that very reason, telling them she’d reconnected with Miguel would certainly be believable, based upon how badly she’d felt following their breakup, how worried her parents had been about her.

  But why wouldn’t she have felt badly? Miguel had all but disappeared off the face of the earth after the night they’d split up. And even if she’d wanted to backpedal and tell him to hang in there, the Mendozas had gone to a family reunion at a beachfront hotel on the Yucatan Peninsula the following week. And when they returned to Red Rock, Miguel wasn’t with them.

  From what she’d heard, he’d stayed with his uncle and finished school in Mexico, eventually returning to the states and landing a job in New York City.

  Nicole hadn’t even seen him since the night they’d broken up, the night he’d held her in his arms one last time and told her he’d always be there for her, that if she ever needed him, he’d drop everything and...

  And there was the solution to her problem. The only solution, really, considering her parents’ demand and the ticking clock.

  “Uh-oh.” Marnie grabbed Nicole’s arm. “I can practically see those cogs turning in your brain. What are you plotting?”

  “A plan so wild that it just might work.” As a slow smile spread across Nicole’s face, her mood lifted. “Rather than trying to conjure up a believable fiancé and spin a yarn about how we fell in love at first sight, I can tell them I’m marrying for love—and they won’t be able to dispute it.”

  “What are you talking about?” Marnie asked, arching a brow.


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