Finding Happily-Ever-After

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Finding Happily-Ever-After Page 17

by Marie Ferrarella

  She wanted Joel to know that he mattered. To both of them. And he always would.

  “Only if you say yes,” she told him.

  Joel looked at her, still a tiny bit confused. “You want me to marry you, too?”

  Exchanging glances with Chris, Jewel stifled a laugh as she looked back to the boy. “In a way, yes. If I marry your uncle, we’re going to be a family, Joel. You, your uncle and me.”

  “Is that okay with you, Joel?” Chris asked. He looked as serious as Joel ever remembered him looking—except that there was a smile in his eyes. A smile that made Joel feel warm all over.

  A family. He, his uncle and Jewel. A real family. He liked the way that sounded. Liked the way that felt in his stomach.

  “Okay,” he told Jewel. “I’ll marry you, too.” And then he put one stipulation on his consent. “But Uncle Chris does all the kissing.”

  Chris laughed as he pulled them both into his arms. “You got it, Joel.”

  And then, to show his nephew he meant it, he kissed his bride-to-be.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6450-6


  Copyright © 2010 by Marie Rydzynski-Ferrarella

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