My Salvation

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My Salvation Page 7

by Michelle Dare

  They spent a little over an hour in the air flying over the island. Kauai was beautiful. The waterfalls, canyons, crater, and valley, the list of sites was never-ending. The mountain ridges and the lush green cliffs, seeing areas from the air not able to be seen on foot. She could stay in the sky all afternoon.

  As the tour came to an end and they were heading back, Cali glanced over and saw him watching her, making her wonder how long he had been doing so. She was captivated by the scenery and hadn’t stopped to see how he was enjoying the view. Of course, he could have been in the air many times, she wasn’t sure.

  When they were in the SUV on the way home, she brushed the hair off of her shoulder and asked, “Like something you see, Mr. Matthews?”

  “Very much, Ms. Crawford. In fact, it’s taking every ounce of restraint not to grab and devour you.”

  “Hold that thought. The day isn’t over yet.”

  Adeline sighed from the front seat and said, “Oh to be young and in love.”

  In love? Cali thought. Am I in love with Owen already? She knew she was falling for him, but kept holding a piece of her heart back, scared of being hurt. Plus she was unsure if the feelings would be reciprocated. He’d said he had wanted her for years, but was he in love? She didn’t know.

  He reached over and took her hand, pulling her from her thoughts. Handsome didn’t even begin to describe him. Blonde hair tousled from the wind, green eyes only on her, the dimples in his cheeks, she could stare at him for hours. He was masculine, solid and hers.

  Cali’s thoughts quickly went from wondering how he felt to wanting to run her tongue over his chiseled abs. She licked her lips at the thought causing Owen to lift an eyebrow. She winked and turned to watch the coastline drift by the window.

  They spent the remainder of the afternoon walking on the beach, talking and holding hands. Owen made a reservation at a restaurant in a nearby town that served some of the best Italian food she had ever eaten. She noticed some of the women checking him out as they walked to the SUV after dinner.

  Cali was laughing quietly and he noticed. “What’s so funny?”

  “Didn’t you see the women staring at you? They were looking at you, devouring you with their eyes and whispering to one another.”

  Shaking his head he said, “No, I didn’t. But what I did see was our waiter checking you out a couple of times.”

  “Sure, whatever,” she said, laughing louder.

  “Cali, you are gorgeous and I am the lucky man who gets to take you home tonight and kiss every inch of your body.”

  They reached the SUV and she wove her arms around his waist, tipping her head to look in his eyes and kiss him. He tasted like the wine and she couldn’t get enough.

  Owen’s hand went to her face and tilted her head to get better access. Then she remembered they were in a parking lot and broke the kiss even though she really didn’t want to.

  “Get in the car now, beautiful,” he said with a bit of authority in his voice. “Because when we get home, you are all mine.”

  Cali jumped in and didn’t say a word. She kind of liked the way he took charge, even if being independent was her normal way. She made her own decisions and took care of herself, had for years. However, she wouldn’t mind having someone love and take care of her, and hope the person doing so would be the gorgeous man beside her.

  * * * * * * * *

  Owen parked the SUV in the driveway. He didn’t feel the need to have Steven nearby tonight since, so far, things had been quiet. They would only be on the island two more days and he hoped the quiet stayed.

  He had been checking his phone intermittently and responding to email if needed. He was going to miss Ethan’s first day of work, but instructed one of the managers to take care of him.

  He walked to the passenger side of the SUV, opened the door, and scooped her into his arms. She laughed and laced her fingers behind his neck to hold on. Using his foot, he kicked the truck door shut and locked it with the remote.

  Owen took the steps into the house two at a time and went straight into the master bedroom. Carrying her was easy, she was thin and didn’t weigh much. Putting her down, he said, “Get naked, grab a robe from the closet and meet me by the pool. I’ve been thinking about having you in the water all day.”

  Cali didn’t say a word, just stood rooted in place. He turned, leaving the room and walked over to the other side of the house where he found Steven and Adeline nestled on the couch watching a movie. They both smiled as he approached.

  “We’ll be by the pool for a bit. You two stay here and enjoy the rest of your night.” He winked and as he walked away heard Steven chuckle. Owen didn’t want anyone seeing his girl naked, even Steven, and he was trusted with his life.

  He walked through the door to the deck and strode to the pool. It was dark out and the moon was high in the sky making the perfect backdrop as it reflected off of the ocean. The house was high enough on the hill that if anyone happened to be on the beach below they wouldn’t see him. Palms, trees and shrubs ringed the property keeping the house and land private.

  Owen took his shirt, shorts and boxer briefs off. Easing his way into the pool, he dipped his head under. When he broke the surface Cali was standing by the pool’s edge in nothing but black heels.

  Her robe was thrown onto a chair nearby. She slowly walked to the edge of the pool and Owen couldn’t peel his eyes away. Her toned, smooth legs, the way she moved her hips with each step, her slim waist and perfectly formed breasts. He licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come. Finally he moved his stare to her eyes.

  She cocked her head to the side slightly. Her long, brown hair was piled loosely on top of her head with a few pieces falling free. Cali brought her fingers to her neck and slowly ran them over her breast, stomach and down to her slit.

  She rubbed herself, moaning quietly. Owen took a few steps forward until he was directly in front of her. She kicked off the heels and slowly eased into the water.

  Once she was standing next to him, he looked down and kissed her. Their tongues met and he pulled her into his body. Her arms clutched his biceps and he lifted her legs so they could wrap around him.

  He motioned for her to lay back so she could float her upper body in the water. Bending his head down he took one nipple into his mouth and used his hand to pull and twist the other one.

  Bringing his hand to her hips, he pushed her away slightly. She was still floating with her eyes closed. He positioned his cock at her entrance and in one fluid motion pulled her onto him.

  Owen moaned from the feel of her surrounding him and sank further into the water causing Cali to sit up. She pushed her heels into his ass and put her hands on his shoulders. In that position he starting moving inside of her.

  Owen looked into her eyes and kissed her, hard. The water rippled around them from the movement. She took control and started moving faster. Pulling away from his lips, they were both breathing hard.

  “Faster, Owen. You feel so fucking good.”

  He could feel her walls clench down on him. Owen moved quickly and as soon as she started calling his name, he bent over and sucked the skin along her neck until he let go as well.

  Their foreheads touched as they slowed their breathing. He held tight, bringing them both underwater and back up again. Cali brushed her hair away, smiled and said, “Sex with you is amazing.”

  “Yes it is,” he said, kissing her gently.

  Cali nipped at his bottom lip playfully and pushed off of him, swimming through the water. “Oh so you want to play now, huh?” he asked.

  Owen dove under the water and started swimming toward her. She swam faster, but was no match for him. He reached and grabbed her foot, pulling her closer. She came to the surface and laughed.

  She started splashing him. A water fight ensued and they were both laughing. He loved being able to let loose and just have fun with her. There was no need to be someone he wasn’t.

  “Okay, okay, I give,” he said and broug
ht his hands into the air.

  She raised her chin and stood straight, victorious over him. When she did, Owen reached for her hips, lifted her and threw her into the air. She screamed and crashed into the water with a splash. Breaking the surface, she was trying to look pissed, but it wasn’t working and a smile was creeping across her face.

  Pointing a finger, he said, “Don’t get cocky.”

  He chuckled and made his way across the pool to climb out. Grabbing a towel, he dried off and covered his waist. Cali dried off with another towel.

  She moved the towel through her hair to get the water out and slowly dragged it across her body. Glancing up to look at him, she winked and finished. Owen took the towel from her, wound it up and snapped her on the ass with it when she bent to get the robe.

  Cali screamed. “Hey, what was that for?”

  “I told you not to get cocky.”

  Trying to defend herself, she said, “I wasn’t getting cocky. I was simply drying myself off. I can’t help if you took it another way.”

  “Uh huh, whatever. Now bring your gorgeous body into the house. I’m not done with you.”

  They spent the rest of the night making love. First in the shower, then against the bedroom wall, and finally in the bed where they collapsed from exhaustion. He found with Cali, he could never sate his desire.

  * * * * * * * *

  The alarm went off at nine and the decision was made to go shopping with Steven and Adeline. A shopping village was close and she wanted to bring something home from the trip. Cali went off with Adeline while Steven and Owen went to have a beer at a restaurant in the village.

  She bought some t-shirts she could lounge around the house in. The women walked through a couple of jewelry stores and she loved the different types of pearls and the settings surrounding them. The necklaces, earrings and rings were beautiful, but expensive. She didn’t want to spend a lot of money since she wasn’t working. Cali wasn’t an impulsive spender and was always trying to save money.

  She turned and saw Adeline texting on her phone. She picked her head up and smiled. Cali liked her, a lot. She was warm, loving and the connection between husband and wife was obvious. The couple acted like newlyweds even though they’d been married for a long time.

  Cali walked toward her and looped an arm through Adeline’s. “Steven?”

  Adeline said with a laugh, “Yes. He asked how much longer we’re going to be. Wanted to know if they should order another round or not.”

  Cali rolled her eyes. “C’mon. I’m done anyway. Let’s go have lunch with the boys.”

  Lunch was at a bar and grill in the shopping area. Cali was surprised how up-scale the food was considering the laid back atmosphere. The food was expensive and she knew not to try to pay. Owen wouldn’t let her. He insisted on paying for everything.

  She appreciated all he had done since they arrived. And being with him as well as Steven and his wife, she felt like part of the family. She loved feeling that way.

  Cali didn’t see her parents often and was an only child. Used to being on her own and was fine, but she loved the new sense of belonging. Feeling like others were there for her if needed and that Owen cared so much. It was clear by the way he looked at her and how he always considered her needs.

  After shopping and a late lunch, they went back to Owen’s house. The jet was leaving in the morning and she wanted to relax. He had asked if she wanted to do something and when she said absolutely nothing, he was fine with it. Figuring his mind went to thinking about how many times they could have sex and where.

  When they arrived, Cali thanked Adeline for being her shopping buddy and went to the bedroom. She wanted to change into a bathing suit and take a dip in the pool. Being out in the open shopping village with the sun shining down made her a little hot. Just as she reached to pull her shirt over her head Owen was behind her and nuzzled his face into her neck.

  “No way, buddy,” she said and moved to face him. “I’m hot and there is a pool outside calling my name.”

  “You are very hot. That I agree with.” He nipped his teeth along her neck, his mouth then seeking hers.

  “Come swimming with me.”

  “Okay, but I can’t promise I won’t try to do wicked things to you. Also, the sun is out and Steven and Adeline are home too. Just saying.”

  “Then you will just have to try to be a gentleman, won’t you?”

  “Ha! We’ll see how well that goes. If you’re within a foot of me I need to be touching you.”

  “Well, I don’t mind you touching me. Just keep it PG, maybe even, PG-13, if others can see.”

  “Deal.” He bent to help her undress, pulling her shirt and bra off.

  “Get out!”

  “What? I’m just sampling.”

  Cali crossed her arms and said, “You sample food, not me. I’m a delicacy to be savored, appreciated and taken time with. Not now, but later I will let you savor all of me.”

  Owen held out his hand to take her at her word. She took his hand and shook. “Deal.”

  “Go put on your bathing suit and let’s swim. All you’re doing is making me hotter.”

  He winked and walked away to grab the bathing suit and change.

  She swam a bit and floated on a raft he had. He did some laps, splashing as he went by. They sat by the pool, letting the warm sun dry their skin. That was the most relaxed Cali had been in as long as she could remember, even more so than at the lake. Kauai felt like a vacation even if it only lasted for a long weekend.

  Adeline brought out drinks and by dinner time Cali was feeling a little buzzed. Adeline made a huge dinner. She had gone to the local market to pick out food that was fresh and native to the area. Everyone stayed in that night, eating, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company.

  ~ 10 ~

  As the sun was setting Owen stood and reached for her. When she accepted, he pulled her to her feet and into a tight embrace. “Let’s go for a walk on the beach.”

  Cali nodded and they walked down the steps to the sand. The sky was beautiful with pink and purple hues mixing with the clouds. The sand was warm under their feet.

  Owen wanted to stay in Kauai with her and never go home. It was too perfect and he knew when they returned it meant he was off to work and worrying about all of the shit that came along with said work. He hoped Ethan behaved until he returned to the office on Tuesday.

  It was the last night on the island and he wanted to make it special. They stopped and sat in the sand to enjoy the view. The ocean was calming and no one else was walking on the beach. It was only Cali and Owen, just the way he wanted.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Taking her hand, he sat the box in her palm. She looked down and gasped.

  Chuckling, he said, “It’s not what you’re thinking. Just open the box.”

  She did and tears formed in her eyes. “Owen, this is beautiful, how did you … when did you?”

  “I asked Adeline to pay attention when you were in the jewelry store. She went back and bought this for me when we were swimming. I wanted to surprise you. Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” she said and kissed him. “Here, put it on me.”

  “With pleasure.”

  He reached into the box and removed a peacock colored pearl that had a diamond above it and was on a white gold chain. Cali lifted her hair so Owen could put it on. Once the necklace was secure, her fingers immediately went to it.

  “Thank you. I will always cherish this.”

  Owen moved his hand to her face and used his finger to catch the tear that had fallen. “Having you back in my life has made everything better. I want you to know just how much you mean to me. I’m falling in love with you, Caliana.”

  She leaned in to kiss him softly. Pulling back, she looked into his eyes, tears still running down her cheeks. “I’ve been so afraid of what I’m feeling toward you. You don’t know how happy it makes me to know you feel the same.”

  “You have no
thing to be scared of. I would never hurt you. I’ve waited too long to have you and I’m not letting go.”

  Cali smiled and said, “Good, because I’m not going anywhere. You’re all I want and need.”

  They kissed again and it quickly intensified. She pushed him onto the sand and moved on top. They stayed that way for a while, just kissing. Owen, however, had a hard time only kissing. He started running his hands over her back, skimming the sides of her breasts through the thin cotton shirt she wore.

  She broke the kiss. “C’mon, let’s go inside. I want to go to bed.”

  Groaning, he stood. “I was comfortable.”

  Laughing, Cali said, “So was I, but I really don’t want to keep putting on a show for others.” She used her head to motion down the beach to an older couple who were walking and getting close.

  “Hey, maybe we could show them some new moves.” He swept her into his arms. She laughed louder as she was spun by him.

  Owen placed her on the sand and bent her back to kiss her very dramatically. Looking up he winked at the couple and they both turned their heads fast as to act like they weren’t watching.

  Chuckling, he said, “All right, sexy, let’s go.”

  At the house, he couldn’t wait to get to the bedroom. He had her against the wall as soon as they hit the hallway. He kissed her passionately and she went weak in his arms. He held onto her waist and walked the rest of the way to the bedroom.

  “Strip,” he said. “Get on all fours on the bed and spread your legs.”

  Owen stripped as well, throwing everything and not caring where the clothes landed. She was slower, more dramatic with her undressing, making a show of it. First her shorts came off, but in doing so she faced away from him, bending over as she did it. Her ass was so firm and he couldn’t wait to grab ahold of it.

  “No show, bed,” he said pointing to the dark cherry, four poster bed. “I can’t wait any longer. Oh, and look forward.”

  She climbed on to the white, cotton bedding and positioned herself as he asked. He moved underneath her and pulled her pussy to his mouth. Owen didn’t think she expected it. Her legs gave out as soon as his tongue starting moving.


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