My Salvation

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My Salvation Page 12

by Michelle Dare

  Both vehicles pulled in and parked side-by-side. Exiting the SUVs, the group walked to Cali’s porch. She knew the cabin was safe since the alarm was now installed and armed. Owen walked in first and entered the code.

  He told her what it was and that she could change the numbers at any time. She nodded and waited for him to turn the light on. The sky was full of dark clouds and the tall trees nearby made the cabin dark inside.

  Cali gasped in surprise when the light came on. All of the furniture in the living room had been replaced. A warm, brown leather couch and two tan, micro suede recliners sat where the old living room set used to be. The old television and stand had also been replaced by a tall, dark wooden entertainment center with a large flat screen television nestled inside.

  She looked over to Owen and found him staring at her. “You did all of this?” she asked him, even though she already knew the answer.

  Steven, Adeline and Erik were still waiting out on the porch, caught up in their own conversation. She could hear them talking, but not sure what they were discussing.

  “Yeah,” he said softly. “I didn’t want you to have to come here and see an empty space. Plus, now you don’t have to worry about furnishing it. I hope you like what was done and aren’t mad.”

  “I couldn’t be mad at you for helping me.” Taking a few steps closer to him, she said, “What you did was very sweet.”

  She hugged him and whispered a thank you in his ear. Those two words were all she could say. The tears she had been fighting back were threatening to come free. He squeezed her tight in return. She found a great deal of comfort in his embrace.

  She looked into his eyes and brushed her lips to his before releasing him. Walking into the living room, she ran her hand along the top of the first recliner. The fabric was buttery soft and she knew the cushions would cradle her if she sat down.

  Stepping into the kitchen she noticed all of the stainless steel appliances had been replaced. She looked to Owen, who hadn’t moved from the spot she left him in. He shrugged and said, “I was told the appliances looked like someone took a crow bar to them.”

  She opened a few of the cabinets and saw all new dishes. This must have cost him a lot of money to replace, she thought.

  Leaving the kitchen, she went to the first bedroom, her room. The dresser was new, as was the bedding and the curtains. She crouched to look under the bed. A small squeal of joy left her mouth when she noticed the laptop was right where she left it.

  Owen, however, came running into the bedroom and knelt on the floor beside her. “Are you okay?” His voice full of concern.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Look! My laptop is in one piece. I’m so glad I put it away before we left.”

  He raised an eyebrow and asked, “You put your laptop under the bed?”

  “Yes and don’t you look at me like it’s strange. I like to keep my computer from getting stepped on or knocked onto the floor. Under the bed is the best spot.” She clutched it to her chest and stood.

  Cali walked to the dresser and started opening the drawers. Each one was empty. She looked to him. “All of my clothes were ruined too?”

  “Yes, even the ones in the closet. Shredded to pieces.”

  “Fucker!” She knew they were doing what they could to find the culprit, but it really pissed her off that there were no leads.

  She clutched the laptop as they left the room. Owen took it from her and placed the computer on the kitchen counter. She checked out one of the other guest rooms and bathroom to find the same thing. New furniture and bedding.

  She saved Rhea’s old room for last, delaying what might be found. Her heart sank to see her room had been redone too. Cali sat on the bed and ran her hands along the new, deep grey comforter. In a low voice she said, “I remember going with Rhea when she picked out all of the bedding. She wanted me to choose my own. When she found hers, she fell in love with the rich colors of the comforter and now it’s gone, along with everything else.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as memories washed over her. She had so many good times with Rhea and seeing a basically new cabin made her stomach knot. Rhea wouldn’t have wanted her to cry over such trivial things. She would have said that it’s just stuff. You can always buy new. What’s in your heart and your mind is what matters. Those are the things you should cherish most.

  Owen sat on the bed next to her. The tears continued to fall and she wiped them away with the back of her hand. She thought she had cried more in the past few days than she did in the past year.

  She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. His arm went over her shoulders, his hand pulling her close. They sat on the bed for a few minutes before she heard footsteps coming down the hall.

  Adeline peeked her head in. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine,” Owen responded. She was glad he answered, because she didn’t think she could talk without crying more.

  “Steven and I are going to go next door and clean your place. Erik is right outside of the front door if you need him.” Cali felt him nod in response.

  She sat on the bed a little longer, savoring the security he provided. Sighing, she finally stood. “Let’s finish.”

  There really wasn’t much left to do in the cabin. They made sure to shut everything off and lock the door and windows when they left. Erik had been waiting outside, ever vigilant. He stood on the porch seeming to wait for the moment he would have to strike. She smiled at the sight. One day I’ll see him relax, she thought.

  Over at the cabin next door, Adeline was busy boxing all of the food in the kitchen. She had cleaned as well. He went in and packed his clothes while Cali stayed in the kitchen to help. She glanced at the screen on her phone and noticed more time had gone by then she thought.

  After locking his cabin and arming the security system, they were on the road. She was going to miss the lake, but knew she would see it again next year to get the cabin ready for the first renters of the season.

  They stopped at a local diner along the way for a quick bite to eat. Cali and Owen sat by themselves. Steven, Adeline and Erik occupied another table nearby.

  The food had arrived and just as the first forkful of food was about to enter her mouth, someone stopped next to the table. She looked up and became irritated the minute her eyes fell on the long, strawberry blonde hair of their female visitor. Owen spoke before she had a chance to say anything.

  His voice was clipped when he said, “Mia.”

  Mia batted her long eyelashes and had a huge smile on her face. Her voice was sickly sweet. “Owen, what a pleasant surprise to see you. Were you at the lake?”

  “Yes, we had to close the cabins for the season.”


  “Mine and Cali’s,” he said, nodding in her direction.

  Mia turned her head, looking at Cali. While her mouth and the tone of her voice were sweet and kind, she could see the hatred in Mia’s eyes.

  Facing Owen again, she said, “Oh.”

  “Well, enjoy your day,” he said in effort to dismiss her.

  “It was nice to see you the other day. Your company has come a long way since I’ve last visited. Maybe we can meet for lunch sometime.”

  “I don’t think so,” he replied without even looking at her. Cali felt like she was watching a tennis match the way her head went back and forth between the two. “I’m very busy and when I’m not working I spend all of my free time with Caliana.”

  Mia acted as if she didn’t hear the last part. “All right, well, I’m only a phone call away if you change your mind. Enjoy your lunch.”

  Cali shifted slightly so she could see who Mia was sitting with. Next to her in the booth was an attractive man with tousled, black hair and sharp cheekbones. Across from the two of them was another man with hair shaved close to his head and broad shoulders. He had turned his head giving Cali a view of his profile. The man’s eyes were dark, nose pointy and his mouth was set in a thin line.

  “What are you
looking at?”

  “You should see these two guys Mia is sitting with. One is attractive, but the other, I’m not so sure. He looks like someone I wouldn’t want to fuck with. Wonder what she’s doing.”

  “Don’t know, don’t care.”

  The remainder of the meal was spent in silence. She wondered what he was thinking, but didn’t want to ask. As they rose to leave, she noticed Mia and her companions had left.

  Walking outside, she expected to be hit with more rain. The sky was still dark and gloomy, but the rain seemed to have stopped for the time being. She was relieved that the worst part of the day was over.

  During the drive back, a thought occurred to Cali. “I wonder if Mia and Ethan have been talking all of this time. Do you know?"

  He nodded. “I asked Ethan about that the day I saw her on the floor. He said they hadn’t spoken since the day after I walked in on them. She tried contacting him a couple of times, but he refused to speak with her.”

  “How did she end up in your building then?”

  “I asked the same question. He said the night he came to the cabin, he had run into Mia in town. He had been having a drink at a local bar and she came strolling in. They talked for a bit, catching up. She had asked if he and I had been in contact. He said no, but was on his way to find me. Needed to talk about getting his job back.”

  “Ethan was drunk when he showed at your cabin?”

  “No, not drunk, but did have a beer or two in him. Ethan used to drink, a lot. That’s how he lost his last job. One of the deals I made when he came to work for me this time was he had to come into work every day sober. And so far, he has.”

  “How do you know he didn’t have a drink before coming in?” She had her doubts about him. He wasn’t nice to her or Owen that night at the lake.

  “I make him take a breathalyzer test every day when he comes in. I’m not stupid enough to take him at his word. As long as he stays sober, he stays employed.”

  “How did Mia end up at your office then?”

  “She had been in contact with him since the night at the bar. She asked if he wanted to have lunch. They did and he brought her in to show her what he’s been working on. He did say he thinks the only reason she wants anything to do with him is to get closer to me. Ethan said every time they speak, she shifts the conversation to me.”


  This bitch was trying to move in on Owen! I don’t fucking think so, she thought.

  He reached over to hold her hand. He looked at her and said, “You are the only one I want, no one else.”

  “Good, let’s keep it that way,” she mumbled.

  “Are you jealous, Ms. Crawford?”

  In a snarky tone she replied, “Jealous, no. Irritated, want to punch the bitch in the face, yes.”

  “I think I like your feisty side.” She saw a smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

  “Good, because my feistiness isn’t going anywhere.”

  She had forgotten Erik was in the Jeep with them. He stayed quiet throughout the ride, not saying one word. The only noise he made was when he stepped out once they arrived at Owen’s.

  He said he would be inside if anyone needed him. She wondered what his story was and how he came to do security for a living. That’s a conversation for another day, she thought.

  ~ 16 ~

  The rainy day led to a rainy night. The air was cool outside and Owen decided to build a fire in the living room. Cali sat curled up on the couch with a blanket covering her legs and a book in hand. He sat next to her, wanting to be close. She took the blanket and covered him with it as well.

  “This is nice,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. They were alone in the house for the evening. Steven and Adeline were next door in their place and he gave Erik the rest of the weekend off, even though he protested.

  “Mmm - hmmm,” was his only response.

  “Are you tired?”

  “No, just enjoying the warmth of the fire and having you by my side. I’m happy.”

  “Good, I always want you to be happy,” she said.

  “You are the sole reason for my happiness, Caliana.”

  “I sincerely doubt that. You are very successful. You have a lot to be happy about.” She had fully leaned into him and nuzzled her nose into his neck.

  “The success doesn’t matter if at the end of the day you come home to an empty house. What good is having all of this if I have no one to share it with? No one to take care of or love. Someone who loves me not for my money, but for who I really am.”

  “I love you for who you really are.” She sat up and ran a hand along his face. A light layer of stubble covered both cheeks.

  “I know you do. You have no idea how much that means to me. I would do anything for you.”

  “And I for you.”

  He moved so he could kiss her. His fingers went to her neck giving the delicate skin a massage. Her skin was warm from the heat of the fire. Their kiss was slow and sensual.

  She shifted her mouth to his jaw, placing light kisses along the way. She kissed the spot beneath his ear then lightly sucked on the bottom of the ear itself. When she reached for his shirt, he helped by immediately lifting it over his head.

  Her lips trailed over his chest, taking one of his nipples in between her teeth. She nipped at him while her hand slid to his waist. Cali used her fingers, dragging them along the inside of his waistband. Her fingers lightly touched the tip of his hard dick. He wanted her to reach inside and take him fully into her hand.

  Her mouth continued it’s descent on him. She moved her tongue over his abs in a languid pace. She was driving him crazy. The little tongue of hers flicked and sucked all the way down to his waist.

  He lifted slightly when she moved to pull his shorts off and free his stiff length. Her fingers encased his cock and used her thumb to gather the pre-cum and spread it over him. She began to stroke him and her tongue finally reached his tip. She licked him from top to bottom, even taking one long lick of his balls causing him to shudder slightly.

  Owen’s head fell back as a wave of ecstasy poured through him. He didn’t want her to stop. Without hesitation her mouth took all of him in to the back of her throat. Her mouth and tongue were warm. She knew how to give an amazing blowjob.

  The thought came to mind of how she knew what to do so well, but he quickly pushed it aside. The past is the past. The present and future were what mattered.

  He reached to thread his fingers into her long hair. He had to touch her in some way. Needed to have as much of him touching her at once.

  Cali started to move faster, using her hand and mouth to pleasure him. What he wanted more than anything in that moment was to bury himself deep within her. He moved both hands under her arms and lifted. She removed her clothes and placed her knees on either side of him and sank onto his dick. He was fully sheathed when she settled on his lap.

  Owen placed his hands at the small of her back and sought out her supple breast with his mouth. She moaned when his teeth grazed her sensitive skin. She took control of the pace even though it took every ounce of restraint not to throw her to the couch and take that control away. She rode him slow at first, leaning back, lifting herself repeatedly.

  She was beautiful when she rode him. Her long, brown hair cascading down her spine, her breasts bouncing with every movement. He dug his fingers into her petite waist to urge her to go faster.

  “You are gorgeous,” he said.

  He could feel her walls squeezing his cock and knew she was coming. With her hands on his shoulders, he captured her lips as she was calling out his name.

  He didn’t wait for her orgasm to stop before turning her to lay on the sofa. He was in control and brought her legs up high to pound into her. Holding her legs, he moved at a rapid pace. Her nails dug into his legs and she said, “More, faster.”

  She was building toward another orgasm. Knowing he couldn’t release yet, he ground his teeth and did as she asked. The feeling of bringi
ng her to second orgasm was such a high that he came with her. He gripped her calves as he rocked into her a few final times.

  They were both breathing heavy, trying to catch their breath. Owen repositioned himself so they were lying side by side on the couch. “Damn, beautiful.”

  Cali smiled a lazy, sated smile. “Good for you?”

  He smirked. “What do you think? I could stay buried in you all day.” She raked her fingers through his hair. His eyes instinctively closing at her touch.

  “I love you, baby.”

  Opening his eyes, he responded, “I love you, too.”

  They stayed on the sofa, enjoying one another’s company. Her head rested on his chest and his hand ran the length of her arm. The fire had gone down, but he didn’t want to move to take care of it.

  He shut his eyes and woke a few hours later. The fire was out and Cali was still pressed against him. Her lips were parted, her breath slow and even.

  Owen tried to move without waking her, only it didn’t work. With a sleepy voice she asked, “Where are you going?”

  “I was going to carry you to bed.”

  She opened her eyes. “You’re such a gentleman, always taking care of me.”

  “You never have to worry about anything when you’re with me. I’ll be by your side for as long as you’ll let me.”

  Together they stood. He reached to the couch and took the blanket to wrap it over her shoulders. Grabbing their clothes, they went upstairs. Once in bed, they both passed out within minutes.

  That night, Owen dreamt someone was trying to take Cali from him. He didn’t recognize the man. He was tall, dressed in a business suit and had dark, wavy hair. The man’s eyes were narrowed, like he was challenging him to a fight. She kept going toward him instead of staying with Owen.

  He begged and pleaded, telling her how much he loved her and couldn’t live without her. How he needed her in his life, but Cali kept walking farther away. Owen broke into a run, but no matter how fast he moved he couldn’t catch her. She was always out of reach.

  The pain of her leaving him made his chest ache like something was crushing it, making him gasp for breath. He stretched out his arm and called her name one last time in desperation. She glanced in his direction, her eyes letting him know how sorry she was. She shook her head telling him no and followed the mystery man into darkness.


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