Witch Kissed (Old Sarum Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #1)

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Witch Kissed (Old Sarum Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #1) Page 15

by K. E. O'Connor

  “That’s because she’s kind to everybody,” said Ivy. “Put my sister down and leave her alone.”

  Hoklim’s bottom lip jutted out. “You be nice to me, we’re going to be family soon. Once I’m married to Bryony, we’ll be related.”

  “No we won’t because you’re not going to marry her,” said Ivy. “If you don’t put her down, I’ll have to ask you to leave the club. And I never ask nicely.”

  Hoklim’s bottom lip trembled but he held on tightly to Bryony. “But we’re to be married.”

  Ivy raised her hand, purple magic dripping from the ends of her fingers. “I won’t tell you again.”

  “Ivy, I hope you’re not terrorizing one of my important guests.” Kristoff Dash’s hand covered Ivy’s, extinguishing the magic she was threatening.

  “He’s not important to me.” Ivy yanked her hand from Kristoff’s grip. “And he’s bothering my sister.”

  Kristoff leaned down close to Ivy’s ear. “He’s important to me. And you’re in my club, which means you play by my rules.” The scent of burning wood and hot coals drifted around him.

  Ivy stepped away from Kristoff. “Fine, so long as he leaves us alone.”

  “Hoklim, I have an excellent single malt with your name on it in my office,” said Kristoff. “And I’ve been wanting to speak to you about a business matter. Perhaps you would meet me in there while I make sure our female friends are happy?”

  Hoklim slowly released his hold on Bryony. “Make sure you take excellent care of my future wife. I must ensure she is content.”

  “Of course. I take excellent care of everyone here.” Kristoff nodded at Hoklim. “I’ll be with you in a few moments.”

  Hoklim slowly walked away, shooting evil glares in Ivy’s direction, which she returned with equal fierceness.

  Kristoff focused on Ivy. “It’s nice to have you here. I did wonder when you would take me up on my offer.”

  “I’m not here for you,” said Ivy.

  Kristoff extended his hand. “Do make use of all the facilities in the club. And drinks are on the house.”

  “We pay for our own drinks,” said Ivy. She didn’t want to be in any debt to Kristoff. His offers of help and hospitality came with an unpleasant price tag.

  “I’m sure you can. I know how well the Love Cauldron does. But you will be my guests here tonight, and I never let guests pay for anything.”

  “That’s kind of you, Kristoff,” said Bryony. “But we won’t be here for long. We’re just looking for someone.”

  “Is it someone I know?” asked Kristoff. “We keep records of all individuals who come into the club. I may have details of the person you need.”

  “We don’t know much about them,” said Bryony. “But he’s tall, with dark hair, and has a nice voice.”

  “You won’t be able to help us,” said Ivy. “Besides, we can look after ourselves. We don’t need you.”

  “You may not need me, but I’d like to help,” said Kristoff. “Why are you looking for this mysterious person?”

  “We’re helping a client of ours,” said Bryony.

  “Not that it’s any of your business,” said Ivy.

  “He may be able to help.” Bryony shot her sister a cautionary look. “If Agatha did meet him in here, there will be a record of his visit. We can use that information.”

  “I’m certain I can help you,” said Kristoff. “I have photographs of many of our regulars as well.”

  “You like to keep worryingly accurate records of your clientele,” said Ivy. “Bet they won’t be impressed to know you’re tracking their every move.”

  “It’s a small price they’re happy to pay to ensure their dealings remain confidential and the service they receive is outstanding,” said Kristoff.

  “So far, I’ve been distinctly underwhelmed by the place,” said Ivy.

  Kristoff’s gaze hardened. “I need to deal with Hoklim. But once I’m free, you can come to my office and we’ll see if we can find this individual.”

  “There’s no harm in trying,” said Bryony. “It could save us time.”

  “You can go if you like,” said Ivy.

  “Ivy, why don’t you want to be in my office?” Kristoff leaned towards her. “Is it because you find my charm too much to resist?”

  “No, it’s because I choke every time I get a breath of your cologne,” said Ivy. “You don’t need to use half a bottle.”

  Kristoff shook his head. “I can see you are not in the best of moods this evening.” He turned to Bryony. “But you would be most welcome to come to my office. My services extend to all Thornhearts.”

  “Thanks, Kristoff,” said Bryony. “And ignore my sister, you smell lovely.”

  Agatha dashed to Bryony’s side. “I just bumped into a witch in the bathroom who said there are some minor royalties due to come in this evening. Maybe we can hang around and see if we spot them.”

  “Your information is correct,” said Kristoff, touching Agatha’s arm. “But do keep it to yourself. We don’t want everyone trying to get in tonight. This is going to be a fun themed evening for VIPs only.”

  Agatha glanced at Kristoff and then did a double take. “It’s you!”

  “The last time I checked it was indeed me,” said Kristoff. “Have we met before?”

  Agatha took several steps back. “I mean, it’s him! It’s the man who cursed me.”

  Chapter 21

  Ivy’s mouth fell open. “This is the man who cursed you? Kristoff Dash cursed you?”

  Agatha shook her head. “It’s as if seeing him again brought the memories back. But I’m sure that’s him. The last time I was here, we kissed. And after that, I was cursed.”

  Kristoff held his hands up, strobe lighting dashing across his skin in a range of bright reds and oranges. “You must have mistaken me for somebody else. Why would I want to curse you? We barely know each other.”

  “Because you’re a sleazy, good for nothing, half demon who enjoys ruining people’s lives.” Ivy stepped towards Kristoff and jabbed a finger at his chest. “Did you curse Agatha with a kissing curse?”

  Kristoff’s tongue slid across his lips. “Like I said, I don’t know Agatha.”

  “Doesn’t mean you didn’t decide to curse her,” said Ivy. “You most likely did it because you were bored and wanted to have some fun. Maybe ruin a few people’s lives while you were at it.”

  “That doesn’t sound like me at all,” said Kristoff.

  “It was you,” said Agatha. “I’m sure of it. The more you speak the more I’m remembering. It’s definitely him.”

  “Reverse the curse,” said Ivy. “Get rid of the kissing curse from Agatha, now.”

  “I cannot reverse something I haven’t done,” said Kristoff.

  “Ivy, maybe Kristoff isn’t involved,” said Bryony. “Why would he want to curse Agatha?”

  “Thank you for your support, Bryony,” said Kristoff. “Your sister is acting irrationally.”

  “I’ll show you irrational.” Ivy grabbed hold of the collar of Kristoff’s jacket and they spun through the crowd of dancers in a shower of multi-colored sparks.

  Bryony took hold of Agatha’s arm. “I hope you’re right about this. Ivy does not back down when it comes to a fight.”

  “I am,” insisted Agatha. “As soon as I saw him and he touched me, the memories started flicking back through my mind, almost as if he’d deliberately hidden them or tried to remove them so he wouldn’t be implicated.”

  “But why would Kristoff want to curse you?” Bryony scanned the crowd anxiously as she tried to spot Kristoff and Ivy. “Do you owe him money or are you in his debt in some way?”

  “No, nothing like that,” said Agatha. “And he’s right, we don’t know each other.”

  “Well, it looks like Ivy is going to find out the reason for you.” Bryony pointed across the dance floor. “Come on, we need to follow them and make sure she doesn’t do anything she’ll regret later.”

  They hurried through t
he already parted crowd and over to a shower of magical sparks that shot up intermittently from the middle of the dance floor.

  “Why did you curse her?” Ivy’s fingers were still clutching Kristoff’s collar.

  Kristoff laughed and attempted to dance Ivy around the floor. “I have already told you, you’re making a mistake. I don’t even know Agatha.”

  “You don’t need to know someone to curse them,” said Ivy. “Tell me and I’ll let you go, and won’t embarrass you in front of all of your VIP guests.”

  Kristoff’s eyes glowed red, the humor draining from his face. “You could never humiliate me. You like me too much to do that.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” said Ivy. “But this can all be over if you reverse the curse on Agatha.”

  “Give it your best shot,” said Kristoff.

  Ivy growled in his face and shoved Kristoff away from her. She spun her arms in a wide arc, conjuring a ring of flame that danced around the edge of the floor, making club goers skip out of the way to avoid being singed.

  “Play fair, Ivy,” shouted Kristoff. “You don’t want to hurt innocent bystanders.”

  “If they’re in your club then they won’t be innocent,” said Ivy. “Maybe it’s time for them to leave anyway.” She raised her hands and the flames grew higher, causing shrieks of alarm in the room.

  “Fire magic is also my speciality,” said Kristoff. “I could extinguish your flames in a second.”

  “Then do it,” said Ivy. “Because I won’t stop until you tell the truth. By then, this place will be nothing more than ashes; just like your reputation.”

  Kristoff waved his hands in the air and conjured a swirling mass of water, which he fired at Ivy, drenching her from head to toe.

  She retaliated with an enormous fireball that Kristoff met halfway across the club with another cascade of water. They fired at each other several times, water and fire blasting through the club. Within a minute, the club was emptied of other partygoers and the floor awash with water and stuttering flames.

  “I won’t stop,” growled Ivy. “I’ll bring this place to the floor if you don’t reveal to me what you did to Agatha.”

  Kristoff leaned against the bar, his black hair singed and his suit burned in several places. “I do rather like this place. It would be a shame to see it destroyed. I would have to rebuild somewhere else in Old Sarum. Perhaps you have a site you would like to sell me? The Love Cauldron is prime retail. I’d give you a fair price.”

  “Stop wasting my time.” Ivy raised a fireball between her hands. “What did you do to Agatha?”

  Kristoff examined his nails for a few seconds. “You must understand, this was purely a business arrangement. I don’t share any malicious intent towards Agatha.” He glanced over to the door where Bryony and Agatha stood, alarm on both of their faces.

  “So you did do it,” said Ivy. “Why?”

  “I owed someone a favor and they called it in,” said Kristoff. “That’s how business works.”

  “Who made you curse Agatha?” asked Ivy.

  Kristoff’s gaze narrowed. “That is confidential information.”

  Ivy fired the ball of flames at him. “I will destroy your precious club.”

  Kristoff rebuffed the fire with a wave of his hand.

  For a few seconds, they stared at each other. The air hissed around them as fire and water mingled together in smoky pools on the floor.

  Kristoff broke Ivy’s stare with a sigh and gestured Bryony and Agatha over. “This information goes no further.”

  “I just want to know who cursed me and why,” said Agatha, approaching slowly, Bryony next to her. “Who did this to me?”

  “Was it Vanessa?” asked Bryony.

  “No one called Vanessa was involved in this transaction,” said Kristoff.

  “Could it be my ex-boyfriend, Bruce?” asked Agatha.

  “You need to look closer to home,” said Kristoff. “I have previously done business with your family, and a member decided to call in a favor I owed. That favor was to curse you.”

  Agatha took a step back. “It can’t be my mom. She wouldn’t be so mean.”

  Kristoff nodded. “I must admit, I was surprised by what she wanted me to do. But in cursing you, I cleared myself of all debts to the Graytooth family. And as you have experienced yourself, your family can be petty and bitter minded when they have a hold over you. I was glad to do it and be free from owing Mavis anything.”

  “And all you needed to do was ruin somebody else’s life.” Ivy stalked towards Kristoff.

  “And not just Agatha’s life,” said Bryony. “There are also the red bloods. They are still sick from the curse.”

  Kristoff raised his eyebrows and looked at Agatha. “I did wonder if my kissing curse had something to do with their arrival. I take it you’ve been experimenting with the boundaries of the curse? My magic impacts on all species.”

  “I know that now,” muttered Agatha. “Are you sure it was my mom who cursed me?”

  “I did the actual cursing,” said Kristoff. “But she gave the order. Seems you have a little family business to sort out.”

  Agatha nodded, misery etched across her face as she turned towards the door. “I need to go see her.”

  “Before you go,” said Ivy, “Kristoff needs to do something for you.”

  Agatha turned back and wiped a hand across one cheek. “What does he need to do?”

  “Reverse the curse,” said Ivy with an exasperated sigh.

  “Oh, yes, of course!” Agatha looked over at Kristoff. “Will you do that?”

  “I can’t,” said Kristoff. “I’ve canceled out a long-standing debt by doing this. I don’t need it back.”

  “You can always say we forced you to do it,” said Ivy. “I’m sure your demon pride won’t mind being bested by a couple of witches.”

  “The Graytooths are malicious,” said Kristoff. “I don’t need them in my life again.”

  “That’s not a problem I care about,” said Ivy. “You shouldn’t have gotten into debt with them in the first place.”

  Kristoff and Ivy glared at each other, sparks of magic shooting out from both of them as they struggled to control their tempers.

  “Kristoff, we’d appreciate it if you did help us out here,” said Bryony. “Agatha has been miserable ever since she was cursed and you can help solve that.”

  “That’s the whole point of curses,” said Kristoff, breaking his stare with Ivy. “The cursed person is supposed to be miserable.”

  “Well, yes, but Ivy and I will be so happy if you decide to remove the curse,” said Bryony.

  Kristoff looked over at Ivy. “Will you be nice to me if I remove the curse?”

  “I won’t destroy your club if that’s what you mean,” said Ivy.

  Kristoff grinned and some of the tension slipped from his shoulders. “Well, that’s a start. But I won’t forget what I’ve done for you tonight. And I always collect on my favors.”

  Ivy frowned. “Just get on with it.”

  Kristoff beckoned Agatha towards him. “I need to touch you in order to reverse the curse.”

  Agatha walked slowly towards Kristoff. “Once the curse is gone will I be able to kiss people without making them hate me?”

  “Yes, there will be no after effects from this curse,” said Kristoff. “As soon as it is lifted, you will be free to kiss as many men, goblins or red bloods as you see fit.”

  “There’s only one individual I want to kiss after this,” said Agatha. “What do we need to do to remove the curse?”

  Kristoff clasped Agatha’s face between his hands. “We need to do this.” He leaned down and kissed her, his mouth sliding over hers as the kiss intensified.

  For a second, Agatha struggled, but then she relaxed and her hands went around Kristoff’s neck and she stepped into his embrace.

  “Give me a break,” muttered Ivy. “Is that necessary?”

  Kristoff raised one finger towards Ivy but continued kissing Agatha.r />
  Ivy snorted and walked over to Bryony. “This had better work. I’m sure what he’s doing is pointless.”

  Bryony plucked a few charred embers from Ivy’s dark hair. “It may be, but Agatha is enjoying herself.”

  Agatha gasped as Kristoff let go of her and staggered backwards.

  “The curse is now broken,” said Kristoff.

  “Thank you.” Agatha touched her swollen lips.

  “You are welcome, my sweet,” said Kristoff. He looked over at Ivy. “Would you like to be next? I always have kisses to spare for beautiful witches.”

  “Not likely.” Ivy folded her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on the ground.

  “When you change your mind you know where I am,” said Kristoff. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”

  “This wasn’t business,” said Ivy. “This was you putting right a wrong.”

  Kristoff looked around the club. “I have some work to do now my wrong has been corrected.”

  Ivy grabbed hold of Agatha’s arm and yanked her towards the door.

  Bryony waved a hasty goodbye to Kristoff and followed after Ivy and Agatha.

  “Let’s get out of here before you start jumping on Kristoff again,” said Ivy. “You got what you wanted.”

  Agatha stumbled along next to Ivy. “Yes, I did.” A smile brightened her face. “I’m free of my curse.”

  Chapter 22

  Gabriel attached his Charm Police issued belt around his waist, containing a stun gun, magical neutralizer, and several immobilizer charms.

  “You ready to go?” Chad peered into Gabriel’s office, his blue eyes alert. “Got another report of the ongoing incident at the Demon’s Den.”

  “Yes, let’s go.” Gabriel followed Chad along the corridor and out to their vehicle. “What’s the latest?”

  “Two demons fighting with each other,” said Chad.

  Gabriel slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “Got a description of the suspects involved?”

  “Someone said it’s the owner, Kristoff Dash, and a female. Description has her with pale skin, long dark hair and angry looking.”


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