Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine

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Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 21

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 20

  Village of Helsop

  Dagon traced his finger along the map he was making as he sat beside Leif's cot.

  "The more landmarks you can remember, the better our chances," he said.

  Leif closed his eyes trying to remember. "I saw white bears one night just at dusk. A mother bear with two cubs following behind. She saw me. I was afraid she would come after me in the water. She could have killed me easily. Perhaps they had just eaten. It was on the north side of the lake where a glacier dropped off huge chunks of ice as it slid into the lake. We should stay to the south shore of the lake. Those falling slabs of ice could overturn a boat."

  Dagon did not relish telling Leif he could not accompany him back to Hammer Haven. He was afraid Leif would stop giving him information about the route they must take, insisting that he be allowed to go along as a guide.

  "It sounds as though half your thirty days on the lake were spent in forays up rivers and streams looking for settlements," Dagon observed.

  "Yes, I would estimate that to be so. If we go directly to Hammer Haven it should take about a fortnight."

  "How many rivers and streams did you encounter along the south shore after leaving the Voltas River?"

  "Seven that I explored but there could have been some I missed, flowing in under blankets of snow and ice."

  "Did you ever have to drag your boat overland along the way?" Dagon asked.

  "A few times but that was along some of the smaller streams. We will stay on the open water of the lake. We should be all right unless a late spring freeze hits us."

  "Tell me more about the landmarks where the Voltas River meets Cold Lake."

  "The mouth of our river is divided by a large jumble of rocks. The topmost rock has the look of a bird's head and beak. I will recognize it easily. Then we will have a half day's journey rowing against the current to reach the castle. It is built close to the river and the village of Hammer Haven lies just beyond the castle to the east."

  Dagon nodded, making notes on his map. "We have three rafts which we have equipped with sails. I plan to take enough provisions for six men to last a fortnight and hope we will be lucky fishing along the way." He paused. "We plan to leave today."

  Leif's face showed his surprise. Nevertheless he swung his legs over the edge of the cot and struggled to sit up. "I am ready," he said.

  Dagon wondered how best to tell Leif he was too weak to make the journey. He would only slow them down.

  "I believe we have enough information from what you have told me to find your village without your guidance." Dagon put his hand of Leif's shoulder. "You are not sufficiently recovered to make the voyage. And we dare not delay if we are to be of any help."

  Leif pushed himself up to a standing position. "I will not stay abed while you go to help my people."

  Dagon continued to sit on the next cot while Leif struggled to remain standing. The old man teetered from side to side, finally sitting back down on the cot to avoid falling. Tears came into his eyes and he blotted them away roughly with his forearm.

  "Rest easy, cousin," Dagon said. "You have told us what we need to know. If the fates are with us, we will be successful."

  Dagon left quickly, before Leif could make another attempt to follow.

  Electra saw Dagon leaving the clinic and ran to catch up with him.

  "I saw the rafts last night. Dorian and Tandor have done a good job with the rigging," she said.

  "Yes. We have only to load up as much food and gear as space allows and we will be ready to go."

  Electra knew they were close to ready but the words still stabbed at her heart. She kept silent while she overcame her emotions of fear and doubt.

  "You will leave today?"

  Dagon slowed his steps. "I do not think our cousins across the water would be served well if we delay." He put his arm around Electra while they walked toward the unfinished castle where the rafts waited.

  "We will pull the rafts up river and into the lake. Then we should be able to catch a breeze and relax while the sails pull us east toward Hammer Haven."

  "Will you bring the refugees back with you?" Electra asked.

  "I hope so." Dagon smiled. "No doubt you will have our castle finished by the time we return, so a few people can take over my house."

  Electra smiled as well. "Just how long are you planning on being gone?"

  "A month should do it, I think."

  "If I were to have your castle finished in a month's time it would be a bigger miracle than you returning in a month with all your kin."

  "Nonsense. If I could finish in six months' time, you could surely finish in one."

  Electra could see that Dagon did not wish to speak of the dangers that lay ahead, nor did she wish to think about them. She knew there was a very real possibility that she would never see Dagon again—but why speak of it.

  "I took the sleeping potion to the rafts this morning. Tandor stowed it in the lead raft. He seemed excited to be going. More so than his father, Dorian. I believe Dorian resents being left behind."

  Dagon lips curled in a grimace. "I know. Do not tell him that I thought him too old to make the journey. He may be a help to you in making decisions."

  "As long as there are no military decisions to be made we will carry on. I know you are taking Deimos and Otto in addition to Tandor. Who else?"

  "Isa's husband Olaf and Maki the Scout."

  Electra stopped for a moment as she stared at Dagon. "Olaf? Isa has said nothing to me."

  Isa, Dagon's sister was married to Olaf. When Electra first met Isa, giving birth to her second son, her husband was imprisoned in King Geoffrey's dungeon.

  "Yes, Olaf told her last night. I urged him to stay. They have already suffered through many months apart while he was in Fernland's dungeon. But Olaf is my best soldier after Deimos and he knows it. He insisted on coming along and I had no argument strong enough to dissuade him."

  "I will ask Isa and the boys to stay with me at the school if they wish."

  They reached the castle and Dagon gave his unfinished project a wistful glance. Electra followed his gaze to the tripod of pulleys that lifted the rocks in a canvas sleeve to the top of the castle keep. The outer walls of the castle were rough hewn but solid, reaching to a height of twenty feet. The keep, which would be their future home, already rose higher than the outer walls. It would eventually rise to a height of forty feet with a view of the entire plateau. She knew Dagon hated to leave just as the project was nearing completion and many decisions remained to be made. Electra switched her gaze to the rafts that pulled against ropes at the river's edge.

  Dagon had taken Electra's advice and added a second level of boards to raise the men off the cold water and provide a storage space for gear and food. Every inch of space had been put to use. Cooking implements, furs for warmth, fishing gear, food, weapons, oars, sails—all had been carefully stowed. Men were waiting at the ropes to tow the boats upstream and on into the lake. It was time to say goodbye.

  "I will think only good thoughts," Electra said.

  "As will I." Dagon took Electra's hands in his and squeezed them slightly. "Thank you for the sleeping potions. I know I had no right to ask."

  Electra looked down at the ground. "I would have done as much with or without your asking."

  Dagon hugged Electra fiercely, then turned quickly and boarded a raft.

  Isa came to stand beside Electra as they watched the men begin the slow trip upriver. When the rafts were far enough away, both women let their tears flow.

  "I feel in my heart we will see them again," Isa said.

  Electra only nodded, unsure she could voice her feelings without losing control of her emotions.

  "We will have the school to keep us busy," Isa added, looking cautiously at Electra.

  Electra nodded again.

  They watched until the rafts rounded a bend. Then they turned to walk ba
ck to the school.

  Juanita and Esmeralda ran toward them, pale and very upset.

  "What is it?" Electra asked quickly. "Is it Leif?"

  "No," Juanita whispered. "We need a place to hide. Serafina has come with her twins and her panther. She is waiting at the school."

  Electra was shocked out of her sorrow. "Serafina? Here?"

  Esmeralda shook, her eyes wide with fright. "She may kill us if she sees us. We snuck out the back of the clinic when we saw her arrive. You have to help us."

  Electra tried to calm the girls. "I'm sure she has only come for a visit." She considered for a moment where she might send the girls. "Go stay in Dagon's house until I have a chance to speak to her."

  Both girls ran off quickly.

  Isa's face betrayed her suspicion. "It seems an odd coincidence, her arriving just as our best soldiers are leaving."

  "I'm sure it is only that—a coincidence," Electra replied.

  She thought to herself—why would Serafina bring the panther along if it is only a visit?


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