Dracon: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords Book 1)

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Dracon: A Scifi Alien Romance (Rebel Lords Book 1) Page 7

by Kylie Gold

  Kowlow sat silent for a moment, processing all I had unleashed on him. Even as he processed, he didn’t wear a look of judgment or disgust—just contemplation. “Well, Dracon, I don’t think you are going mad,” he began before standing and walking to one of the only actual pieces of furniture in his tipi, which was a bookshelf. His fingers moved across the line of bindings before pulling a thick, rather aged looking book, down. Kowlow walked back over and sat back down on his pillow. “It sounds like this Amelia is your fated mate,” he spoke calmly.

  I, however, was not calm. “What do you mean fated mate?” I needed answers, and I needed them right then. So I really wasn’t going crazy?

  Kowlow began to flip through the thick book, seeking a passage towards the back of the book. “It means just as it sounds, it means it is your fate to end up with this human,” his tone casual as he continued to sift through the pages. For a moment, I felt like he was joking with me or perhaps making fun of me—and I wasn’t in a joking mood. I fell somber with a short temper, ready to explode if that was the case. I did not want to be toyed with, not when it came to Amelia. “Fated mates are rare, but they happen. In fact, I believe your mother and father were, I’m surprised they didn’t tell you that growing up. If one has a fated mate, they become completely magnetized to one another, almost inseparable. And the feeling of love can show up instantaneously. That is, for our people. I don’t know if humans have the same emotions…” he explained, still searching through the book.

  What did that mean? So we were fated mates, but she might not feel it because of being human? Did that mean she wouldn’t have feelings for me and it would be a one-sided love? My head was starting to spin from all the thoughts. The notion of her not loving me back if it was love that I felt, put a knot in my stomach. I sat in silence, waiting with bated breath to hear what he said next. “Ah hah, here it is. Just as I thought,” Kowlow gleamed. “There is a prophecy eerily similar to this situation, and it could be about the two of you. It describes a time of war and depletion caused by an outside enemy. And then goes on to say an enemy will come into the tribe and the outsider will marry an insider, a fated mate. And it reads: everything will be doomed, only to rise again,” Kowlow paused and looked up to me, “Now I think that sounds pretty spot on to the situation you are going through. I always thought it told of a time the tribes of the Navani would turn on one another, and that someone would marry an enemy tribe member to bring peace… I never thought about it being with an alien race. But, it fits.”

  I couldn’t breathe, my breath never releasing from my throat. She… She actually was my fated mate? And not only that, but she would help bring the rise of my people? This was too much to take in, but then again, I didn’t know what I should have expected when coming to the shaman. He had always given such powerful insights into any problem people brought him. I had been naïve to think it would be any different with me going to visit him. At least I wasn’t crazy for being attracted to her; then again, the thought of her being this fated mate and to bring the rise of the Navani was crazy in itself. Not to mention, how was she meant to be a part of this prophecy when the people of the tribe wouldn’t even accept her? We would be killed before I could even claim her. To say the least, Kowlow had given me quite a lot to think on. I stood from the pillow, “Thank you, Great Shaman,” I bowed, showing a sign of respect for the wise elder. “I thank you for your wisdom and your discrepancy.”

  “Anytime, anytime,” Kowlow called to me, seeming to already know I was about to leave seeing as he brought out a hand carved pipe to smoke herbs.

  I exited the teepee and tried to gain my head back from the ravenous thoughts as I headed back to the hut. Confusion didn’t even begin to cover what I felt, it consumed me. Kowlow’s words replayed again and again in my mind, but I just couldn’t make sense of them—I couldn’t make them sink in. Was that knowledge meant to soothe me and bring me joy, or strike fear and anxiety into me? Right then, it was doing all four.

  Entering the hut, I was met by more confusion seeing as Amelia wasn’t at the table. Panic electrified my body, had she tried to escape? I quickly dashed into the private half of the hut and froze in my tracks. The pale angel was in the bed, on top of the blankets in a comfy slumber. She must have grown bored of sitting around all day and decided to nap in my absence. With the sight of her being there, the anxiety and confusion flushed from my body and only relief remained; relief that she was safe. Reaching behind me, I closed the door and stepped towards the bed. Her arms were stretched above her head, her clean, bouncy curls falling around her face. Amelia looked so pure and sweet as she slept, I nearly didn’t want to wake her. Nearly. I could have sat and stared at her delicate face all day, but it was her body that distracted me from my innocent thoughts. The only thing she wore on her body was one of the white linen towels from the bathroom. It was wrapped around her chest, the tuck of the towel starting to come undone as she slept, leaving a narrow slit from her ribs all the way down to where the towel ended on her thigh. It showed just a hint of her creamy skin, the dip of her stomach and curve of her hipbone. But by god, it was enough to drive me wild. After the alarming and stressful meeting with Kowlow, and spending all day keeping my hands from her, I couldn’t resist it anymore.

  I crawled over her, keeping all of my weight off of her as she slept; I didn’t want to wake her just yet. My lips left a trail of breezy kisses from below her ear, down her neck. She shuffled a bit in her sleep but didn’t really stir. Kissing along her collarbone, my hands reached down and finished parting the towel. The cool air hit her, leaving the lightest bumps over her skin, her nipples turning hard. A smirk came over my face, kissing down to her breast and flicking my tongue over her nipple. I heard a soft gasp come from her, but when I looked up her eyes were still closed. My hands ran up and down her sides, basking in the softness of her skin. It was as though my hands craved her skin like they had gone through a drought and her skin was an oasis. However, I kept my touch to nothing more than a light rub, still not wanting to wake her right away. My lips traveled down her abdomen, across her hips. I began to part her legs, looking up to check to see if she was awake—she wasn’t. My lips covered each thigh in pecks, moving down to her knee and back up again. Once I returned from the second leg, I looked to her once again to find her sleeping and a smirk came to my lips.

  Pushing her legs up a bit, I laid them on each of my shoulders. Very slowly, my tongue traveled from the end of her opening, up to her clitoris. And I heard it, the sharp intake of breath as she finally began to wake up. I wasted no time, not wanting to give her a chance to even speak. I licked the sweet pink lips a few times before pushing my tongue into her, to which her hips bucked out of reflex. I pushed it in as far as it would go before using a flicking motion. Her body began to twitch the more aware she became, breathy moans vibrating from her lips. I could feel that I already had a rock-hard erection, but I didn’t care. I hungered to touch her, to please her. There was nothing I wanted more in that moment than to make her come.

  Withdrawing my tongue from her, I kissed the lips before letting my tongue once again lick her length. My tongue flicked over her clit, another sharp gasp coming from her. I then brought my lips around it, sucking on the sensitive bud. Her fingers were in my hair then, pulling on the roots, making me groan against her. Suppressing my own urges, I focused on her, sucking hard on her clit until I heard her beginning to pant. Pulling back, I gave it a slow lick, feeling her muscles shudder from the sensation. My erection began to press uncomfortably against the cloth of my shorts, every little noise or move she made driving me wild. I kept my own temptations at bay by thinking of how sexy it would be to watch her come just from me pleasuring her like I was. My tongue pressed back into her, this time she was completely wet from her excitement. I flicked my tongue in and out as fast as I could before pushing it into her deeply, swirling my tongue around. My hand reached up and with one finger, I rubbed her clit. Her muscles tensed around me, I knew a climax was coming
. I pushed it hard into her, exploring every crevice of her I could as my finger picked up speed with rubbing her. Her hips began to rock against me, moans erupting from her. “Oh god, Dracon,” she groaned, only making me pick up the speed. Her breathing was loud and labored as her thighs began to squeeze my neck. Her muscles contracted around my tongue, juices flowing down softly. I pushed my tongue in and out slowly as she climaxed, her hips still twitching against my face. Holding still, I let her finish, her body pressing down onto my tongue.

  Finally withdrawing my tongue, I gave her clit a quick lick which made her giggle and her hands reached down to cover her sex. “Don’t!” she whined. “That tickled, it’s sensitive.” I gave a dopey grin as I sat up straight, only to be met with Amelia sitting up as well, giving me a big kiss on the lips; completely uncaring of her fluids still lingering there. She pulled away and looked at my face with a smile before happening to glance down. Lust and mischief sparked in her eyes before she looked back to me, her arms going around my neck. “Well now, we can’t have you pent up. I’ll have to take care of that,” Amelia spoke in a purr, giving me another kiss on the lips.

  It was definite—I had it bad for this woman.



  The following morning, after breakfast, Dracon wanted to show me around the village. I was nervous about it, knowing the tribe didn’t like me very much. Well, they hated me—they were only tolerating me because I gave them information to help them win a fight. But he was insistent, and really the safest place I could be was by his side. It just felt weird to be taking a tour of the village that I was being held captive in. Or was I even being held captive anymore? I didn’t know. I honestly probably shouldn’t have been wondering what was and wasn’t weird, considering I was sleeping with the man holding me captive.

  We headed out of the hut, and I instantly felt so out of place. I was only a little over five foot, with rather thin and very pale legs and arms, with crazy curly dark brown hair; and the brown poncho-thing with arm holes swallowed me whole, hanging off my shoulders and flowing down to about mid-thigh. He had chuckled when I put it on, saying it was just a shirt on him. And there I was, short, pale, big haired, with nothing on but a poncho-dress and my black boots from the Union Jack—and everyone around me was six foot or taller, with vibrant red skin, with well-fitting clothes. Yeah, I didn’t fit in, to say the least. I tried to act as though it didn’t bother me, not wanting it to be so apparent on my face; though it was pretty certain that the embarrassed blush covering my cheeks gave it away. Dracon held my wrist in order to not give away to the others what was actually going on; though his fingers would brush down against my palm, making butterflies swarm in my stomach. There was something about him that just pulled me in, making me feel almost like a little school girl with a crush.

  “Most of the huts you see are residential. We don’t have businesses or anything of the sort. We have a communal living style. Some raise crops and harvest them, others hunt, others make clothes and other goods,” Dracon spoke as we walked along.

  “What about your weapons and the cabinets and things?” I asked curiously, not entirely understanding how that worked.

  “We have a group of men and women who work on those things. Some of them harvest the materials while the others make what needs to be made.”

  “So… what exactly do they get the lasers from?”

  Dracon paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking a bit hard on the answer. “There aren’t English words for what they are called… however, there are two rocks found here that when struck together make the light you see. Several generations ago, our ancestors found out a way to carefully fuse the two rocks together, making the continuous light—and they found another type of rock which counteracted the effects, so that is used to disable the weapon as well as turn our lights off and other things that have the lasers as you call them. They are plentiful here, but we use them sparingly to make sure the planet has time to make them over the generations so we never run out. As far as I know, our people have never even come close to running out.”

  That was just remarkable to me, from a human perspective. Humans were so ridiculously wasteful as a species, not knowing the meaning of the word ‘sparingly’. “What about the blue stuff on the cabinets?” I asked, glad to finally be able to get answers to those questions. All of their technology had completely amazed me, but so foreign that I couldn’t even begin to comprehend how it worked.

  “Same thing in a way. Our ancestors found this particular tree that had a core made of the hard material the doors are made of. At first, they used it for the construction of homes because of how remarkably durable it is. However, there’s a bug here that’s very tiny and flies in swarms. Two generations ago, the planet became infested with these little bugs—and when they landed on the structures made of the tree cores, it turned into a liquid-like substance. It collapsed many homes and some actually died from their huts giving way above them. The men captured some of the bugs and found that they secrete a waxy substance which makes them able to pass through the cores of the tree. The bugs bed into trees to get nutrients, and they believed they adapted that wax over thousands of years to be able to pass through the trees core with ease in order to get to new, uneaten spots of the tree. So, they caught the bugs and ground them into a wax, coating the wax onto various items to allow people to reach through the slats of the tree core,” Dracon spoke as though I was watching a holo-program on the construct of these items; he sounded so formal and informative.

  “That’s crazy,” I exclaimed, trying to process what all he had just told me. “So do all of the technology you guys use come from renewable resources in nature?” I asked.

  “Essentially, yes. Though the rocks for the lasers and the metal for the snake locks aren’t exactly quickly renewed… we just try our best to make the items which require those last as long as possible so we do not have to waste any of the metals or rocks. We want to live in peace with our planet. After all, it provides the necessities for us to live. In return, we do our best to take care of it and coexist with all of the plants and animals.”

  “That’s so amazing and rather admirable. Humans tend to be so wasteful, leaving planets in ruins in their wake,” I frowned, shaking my head. “I suppose I’m a part of it, though, being an ice miner. But no one lives on the planets we get the ice from… if you can even call them planets. More like giant, mountainous ice balls,” I tried to joke lightly. But Dracon’s face was pinched a bit, upset over something.

  “We know all too well how wasteful humans can be. Even if they hadn’t started a war over whatever it was six years ago, we honestly may have started a war with them by this point. They are mining away so much of our resources, putting our people at risk of extinction at the rate they are mining. The other Navani tribes are fed up with it as well,” Dracon sighed, stress coming over his features just at the thought of it.

  “Wait, other Navani tribes? There are more than just your tribe?” I asked in awe. I hadn’t even known there was more than just this tribe. It seemed like Lyle and his men were primarily focused on Dracon’s tribe for whatever reason when it came to war.

  Dracon nodded, “Several of them. We’ve tried to join forces to fight the humans, despite differences tribe to tribe. But, with those differences still there… we can’t seem to see eye to eye. And with the only fertile part of the planet being around the equator, the overall number of Navani people is rather small—and depleting by the day because of the war. With small numbers and the tribes not getting along, we are fighting a losing battle…”

  My eyes quickly scanned around to see if any of the others were watching for the time being, and reached my other hand over and clasped it over his, giving it a light squeeze. I wanted to take his stresses away, or take his mind off of it, but the only ways I knew how to do that weren’t exactly appropriate for the public. His lilac eyes moved to mine, his fingers once again brushing down against my palm as a way to show his appreciation.
I dropped my hand from over his, trying to think of anything to do or say. I thought back to our previous conversations and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “You said one of your main jobs is to help with hunting, right?”

  Sudden confusion overtook Dracon’s face; I’m assuming because of the randomness of the question. “Yes, why?” he asked rather hesitantly.

  “I want to see what it is like, hunting. I’ve never been. And I have been eating the tribe’s food… All of them have jobs, so it isn’t fair for me to do nothing,” I tried to explain. I assumed he wouldn’t take ‘it was the first thing to come to mind and I didn’t like you being sad’ as a very serious answer.

  A smirk came to his lips then, “Well, because you’re technically my prisoner, that’s why you don’t have to help. Your life is meant to be hanging in the balance, unsure if you will see tomorrow,” he teased heavily.

  “I don’t think I any longer qualify as just a prisoner,” I whispered as I leaned into him a bit to let him hear before returning to a normal voice, giving a light chuckle. “And I’m being serious, I want to help. I want to show I don’t mean harm, and that I truly do want to help you guys in any way.”


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