by Jack Ford
Chuck I wouldn’t say that, but what I would say, Harry, is be very careful. Threats are something I take real seriously… Here, take this.
Break in recording.
Gibson What difference [?——] let’s say that’s what it is.
Chunk You need to let that go, Harry. And my advice to you is to ease up on that temper of yours, it’ll get you in a lot of trouble.
Gibson How do you live with yourself?
Chuk Just fine, Harry, real fine. What about you? Maybe you should be asking yourself the same question, after all it’s not me who was found with my pants down in Saudi.
Gibson [?——] Bastard! You son-of-a-bitch. You know that’s not what happened.
Chuk There’s that temper again. Besides, I saw the photos the Saudi police took. Remember? You and those boys. Not a nice thing to see.
Gibson I’ll kill you, Chuck, one way or another I’ll kill you.
Chuk And then what? What will you do then? How long can you hide out in those woods without me? Face it, Harry, I’m your meal ticket. I’m your butcher, tinker and tailor. I’m your Momma. I’m your everything.
Gibson Go to hell, Chuck.
Chuk It won’t be me going to hell, it’ll be you. Back to that prison cell… How long do you think it’ll take them until they send you back once they find out you’re here? But this time there won’t be any getting out. You’ll rot in there for life.
Gibson And why will I? Don’t pretend you didn’t set me up. I know what you did.
Chuk I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Gibson Bullshit. That night, you laced my drink with scopolamine, why don’t you just admit it?
Chuk Because I don’t have to.
Gibson Just tell me why then? I was a damn good agent and I had a good life. A wife. Kids. And you took it all away from me.
Chuk No, Harry, you did that yourself. You threatened to bring me down. Whistle-blow, like the dog you are. What was I supposed to do? Just let you destroy everything that I’d worked hard for?
Gibson What you weren’t supposed to do is torture prisoners and question people under such extreme circumstances. People died because of the things you did. It was inhuman.
Chuk Bullshit! They were Goddamn terrorists. They deserve everything that happened to them. Everything. I was protecting this country and I needed to make sure those scum bags opened their mouths and talked. Whatever it took and whatever it takes, I will do. And you, Harry, you were either with me or against me. With me or with them. And the minute I heard you wanted to [?] — then I knew you were with them.
Gibson I was not with them! I was with my country, protecting and serving, but you, Chuck, you went too far.
Chuk Going too far is what those bastards did on 9/11, what they did in Florida, in San Bernardino, Paris, Turkey, Belgium, in Washington, Denver and what they’re about to do in Chatham, Illinois.
Gibson What are you talking about?
Chuk There’s going to be a bomb, in a government building in Chatham.
Gibson How the hell do you know that?
Chuk Because they told me, that’s how.
Gibson Wait. What?
Chuk The terror group behind Bin Hamad.
Gibson What? You’re talking to them?
Chuk Negotiating.
Gibson Now that’s crazy.
Chuk No, it’s not, Harry. What it is, is a deal.
Gibson A deal? [?——]
Chuk Prisoner exchange.
Gibson I thought President Woods ruled those out especially when it came to major terrorists.
Chuk He did, but then that’s what happens when you have a jack-ass for a President. This is a global war on terror, not a Goddamn contest to see who can be the biggest schmuck and biggest liberal sympathizer. My job is to protect this country, and I’ve got to do that as I see fit… With negotiations, I’ve managed to do deals and exchanges with Bin Hamad’s group, that have not only seen some of our own men freed, but also helped prevent terror attacks on US soil. Do you know what it’s like to have to work out which is the right move? Which move will be the lesser of two evils? No you don’t, because that’s my burden, Harry. So whatever it is President Woods has got to say to me about what I can or can’t do, well I’m not interested until he gets his head out of his ass. There are a lot of powerful people who aren’t best pleased with the fact Bin Hamad is being imprisoned without trial or charge. This is a game of chess, Harry. Sometimes hands get tied when you don’t want them to be. But that doesn’t mean you don’t see it for what it is. If Bin Hamad’s released, then the attacks are called off. I had no choice. I was doing it for the American people because Woods wouldn’t.
Gibson You really believe that don’t you? That you’re some kind of anti-hero. Well, let me tell you, that’s not a deal you made, Chuck, that’s blackmail.
Chuk Don’t be an asshole. If you want to be precious about words, be my guest, but in the meantime, I’ll carry on saving this country from unnecessary terror attacks. There are enough home-grown terrorists in this country, without bringing Satan to our doors.
Gibson But Bin Hamad? You’re crazy.
Chuk So I release him? So what? That will save hundreds of American lives.
Gibson You’ve played this one wrong, Chuck. Bin Hamad will never stop. Once released he’ll be more powerful than ever. Come back with a vengeance that America has never seen before.
Chuk Look, I know what I’m doing. There’s been too many warnings already. That’s why I need you. I’m going to get some of the roads closed down in Chatham, along with the government building where they’ve hidden the bomb.
Gibson I don’t understand. Why not just get the bomb squad in and defuse it?
Chuk Because then I can’t keep this whole thing quiet. It’ll come out. There’ll be investigations and before we know it, it’ll become obvious who’s behind it. And then it’ll be impossible to go through with this deal, which translates to me not being able to protect this country from Bin Hamad’s group.
Gibson So you’re going risk lives by not calling in the FBI? I thought you loved this country?
Chuk Nobody’s life will be at risk, the area will be closed down under the premise of a chemical spill.
Gibson You got this all worked out, haven’t you?
Chuk That’s why I’m the best. They’ll think it’s a home-grown terrorist. David Thorpe. He’s known to the FBI, been on the No-Fly List. He’s had strong affiliations with Boko Haram; he’s done hate preaching, and at one point tried to recruit online for a group he was running. I want you to give him the scopolamine you’ve been making. And then I want you to get him to drive a truck to the government building. It’ll have explosives inside. After that I want him to go to a coffee shop, or somewhere obvious where he’s caught on camera. Then I want him to go back home. The explosives will detonate and then once they do, the blast will be big enough to trigger the bomb planted in the government building. So all it’ll look like is one big bomb blast. David Thorpe will then be picked up by the FBI, but then I’ll have him taken into CIA custody, and from there fly him to the black site in Turkmenistan and go through the motions. I can blame the bomb and the suicide bombs on Thorpe and Boko Haram, and that way the Qataris and Bin Hamad are kept out of it… I reckon if we play hard enough, I might even get a confession out of Thorpe.
Gibson You’re pure evil, you know that, Chuck?
Chuk If it makes you feel better to think so, be my guest. I’m just part of the whole process. Just a link in the chain. And I’m also a realist, and David Thorpe’s no innocent.
Gibson He is when it comes to this.
Chuk Technically, he won’t be. He’ll be on that CCTV for all to see. Driving that bomb to that building. Then boom.
Gibson [?——] Funny? [?——]
Chuk [?——] And everything stays quiet that way and nobody’s focusing on Bin Hamad’s group and then I’ll have time to do what I have to do.
Gibson How are you going to
do that? How are you going to release Bin Hamad?
Chuk You ask too many questions, Harry. Always makes me nervous when a man starts to ask so many questions.
End of recording
President Woods looked at Lyndon, then at Teddy, who had his head in his hands and then at Brent Miller who sat taking large gulps of oxygen. And the only thing Woods could think of to say was, ‘Jesus Christ.’
Rubins said, ‘There’s one more recording which I think is really important to listen to at this point, if that’s alright with you, Mr President? It’s much shorter.’
Woods nodded.
Rubins said, ‘Again, I’ve got a transcript here for y’all. The recording’s exceptionally bad on this one. But I’m sure you’ll get the gist of it.’
Rubins pressed play.
Top Secret.
Transcript 2.
* * *
Transcription of recording between Harry Gibson and Charles (Chuck) Harrison. Unintelligible phrases are marked with a question mark in brackets [?], followed by dashes signifying the estimated number of words that are unintelligible: [?——] means that approximately four words plus are unintelligible in the phrase.
Participants: Harry Gibson
Chuck Harrison
Recording time 45 seconds
Chuck [?——] gun. I want a clean shot. Don’t even leave the bullet.
Gibson Will he be a problem?
Chuk No, he’s just some jerk off kid.
Gibson Jesus. Then why kill him?
Chuk Because he’s got a big mouth, and he seems to want trouble.
Gibson Why? What’s he done?
Chuk The kid’s got a hobby. Does amateur seismology. Apparently he’s got a recording of the bomb blast in Chatham and he’s going around shouting about it. How there were two bomb blasts that day. At the moment nobody’s listening to him, he’s some kind of simpleton, but eventually, imbecile or not, if he makes enough noise for enough time, someone will start listening. So before that happens, I want you to get rid of him and the seismograph read outs he’s got. Just go in, then out. Make it quick and make it fast… Oh, and Harry, you did well with the Senator.
Gibson Yeah well, he was like putty in my hands. I have to give it to you on that one.
Chuk It helps that the man’s an idiot.
Gibson You make it sound like it’s personal.
Chuk Harry, I’ve known the Senator for a long time, I’ve also had a few run-ins with him in the past. The man wouldn’t know loyalty to this country if the Stars and Stripes fell down from heaven on him. But everything that goes around comes around. He’s just a vain, greedy, power-hungry fool. And God forbid it comes out, well then what’s he going to say? Because he won’t remember anything, but then neither can he deny it – after all, he’s the number two. So it’ll either be blamed on his drinking blackouts or they’ll think he was a willing participant. Either way, he’ll be finished, Harry. Mark my words, he’ll be finished.
End of recording
Without looking at him, President Woods spoke to Teddy. ‘So the kid was right all along. Two bomb blasts. Two recordings.’
Teddy nodded. ‘Poor kid… I take it we all agree it was probably Chuck who killed Gibson?’
Lyndon said, ‘I have no doubt about it. Maybe Gibson was asking too many questions, or maybe it was the old adage, he knew too much… Senator, you really can’t say where you got these recordings from?’
Rubins, with only the slightest hesitation, shook his head. ‘They came into my possession from a source who’s extremely reliable, and he was given them anonymously, anything other than that I don’t know.’
Woods asked, ‘Senator, would you be willing to do a polygraph test in regards to your involvement in the release of Bin Hamad?’
‘Of course.’
Woods turned to Brent, who looked pale beyond his already pallid complexion. ‘Miller, can you set that up for this afternoon?’
‘No problem, Mr President, but if it’s okay with you I’d like to ask the Senator a few more questions.’
‘Fine by me.’
In the comfort of the Oval Office, Brent turned to the Senator, taking a gulp of air before speaking. ‘So, there’s nothing else?’
‘No, I’ve told you everything I know.’
‘But you haven’t told us who you got them from.’
Rubins sighed in exasperation. ‘Like I said it came from an anonymous source.’
‘Pretty convenient, wouldn’t you say? How do we know you’re not hiding a whole lot more?’
‘And why would I do that?’
Brent leant forward to tipping point. ‘I don’t know Senator, you tell me.’
‘Look, I’m not the enemy here.’
Brent took another guzzle of air and aggressively said, ‘No?’
‘And you’re categorically telling me there really aren’t any other recordings.’
‘Absolutely. That’s what I’m telling you. And that’s the truth.’
Brent pushed harder. ‘So we’ve heard everything there is?’
Getting annoyed by the barrage and accusations and tone, Senator Rubins’ temper snapped.
‘For God’s sake this isn’t one of your CIA interrogations. How many times do I have to tell y’all, that’s it? I do not know any more.’
‘If I find out, Senator, that…’
Woods cut in. ‘Brent, that’s enough. It won’t help turning on ourselves. This is hard enough already.’
Cordially, Brent replied, ‘Sorry, Mr President, I just feel very strongly about this, and the implications of what it means to our country. I need to make sure there aren’t any other recordings, or any other evidence we haven’t seen or heard.’
‘I know, and I appreciate your input on this matter, as well as overseeing the imminent process.’
‘It’s my honor, Mr President, and the least I could do.’
Woods took a deep breath. ‘Okay, well let’s hear what Chuck has to say… Teddy, can you get Janice to show him in? And Senator Rubins, would you mind leaving the Oval Office by the other door? I’d rather Chuck not know you’re here… And Senator? Thank you.’
Be2 Re1
Chuck nodded his head in greeting. ‘Mr President… Hello, Brent, I must say this is a surprise. A really big surprise. You didn’t mention anything about a meeting when I spoke to you the other day.’
Tightly, Brent said, ‘No, I didn’t.’
‘But hey, here you are sitting on the couch looking… well, how should I put it? Looking all Brent-like…’ He turned to look at the others and, with a greeting brimming with hostility, he added, ‘Lyndon. Teddy… Well, well. This will be fun.’
Lyndon P Clarke knitted his brow. Furrowed it deeper until large, waved creases spread across the length of his forehead.
Woods spoke. ‘I’d appreciate it if you could address me and me alone during this meeting, Chuck.’
Chuck gave a wry smile. ‘Whatever you say. Where do you want me to sit?’
‘Anywhere will be fine.’
Chuck squeezed himself next to Brent and using his elbows to dig out some space he grinned. ‘Why, this is cozy.’
Woods craned forward in his chair, irritated by Chuck’s blatant arrogance. ‘I have a sense that you find all this amusing.’
‘All what, Mr President?’
‘Let me put it a different way. I always get a sense that you’re just humoring us. Tolerating us mere mortals. You’ll nod in all the right places and you’ll make all the right noises, but the truth of the matter is you really don’t have any respect. Not only for myself and this administration, but also for the integrity and ethical code of conduct for an employee of the CIA. You continue to mark out a circle around you, and within that circle you just do your own thing in your own way. It’s almost like you don’t even work for the CIA. You’ve created a divide. An intentional one, separating you from the rule of law.’
Chuck’s eyes flicked round
the Oval Office, his gaze settling on Lyndon. ‘You paint a pretty picture, Mr President. Sounds very inviting. But that’s not how it is.’
Woods’ face was splashed with fury and over the sound of Brent Miller taking loud gulps of oxygen, he raised his voice. ‘Oh, that’s exactly how it is. We both know that, so why don’t you cut the crap? The way you work is directly at odds with this government.’
Chuck answered calmly, his hostile stare firmly on Lyndon. ‘I wouldn’t say that.’
‘No? So come on, Chuck, what would you say? What would you call your method of working?’
Chuck’s supercilious and disdainful smirk, mixed in with a touch of feigned thoughtfulness, had Woods sitting on his hands so as not to get up and grab the acting chief of CTC by his immaculately starched white shirt collar.
‘Unorthodox…? Sometimes my methods are a little bit unorthodox. But then the results are there to see.’
Woods snapped. ‘It’s not unorthodox, it’s blatantly going against everything the CIA is supposed to be. Transparent…’
Chuck butted in. ‘Transparent? That’s a Goddamn joke. How can you expect to have an intelligence agency which is transparent? That’s like inviting the terrorists to come and work in the mail room.’
Woods’ anger filled the room, and this time he did stand up, and he paced and turned and pointed. ‘You went against everything I said. You knew Bin Hamad was untouchable where prisoner exchange was concerned. I didn’t sign any special orders. I didn’t give you any permission, yet you released him. I’d call that treason.’
Chuck gave nothing away. Didn’t flinch. No sign of stress. No discomfort or look of surprise. But Woods knew that came from years of being in the CIA.
Chuck just smiled pleasantly and glanced down at his manicured nails. ‘Treason? Seriously? Mr President, what I did was negotiate a deal which was vital for making this country safe. That’s why you gave me the job, and I did what I saw fit and what had to be done. To call it anything else just wouldn’t be true.’