Grave New Day

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Grave New Day Page 13

by Lina Gardiner

  Had he been created for a single purpose? Or did someone have even bigger, more terrifying, plans for him.

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  Chapter Fifteen

  Britt looked into the rearview mirror of Regent’s SUV. Lack of sleep from scouring the city all night had left heavy shadows under his eyes. Again they’d had little luck searching for James, and the team had been called off for another job. He’d seen how disappointed Jess had become with each waning hour. When he’d taken her back to her apartment, he’d watched her go into her bedroom with a very heavy heart.

  He wanted to stop her pain, to make everything all right. If only he could.

  Now, with the address written on a piece of paper, he left Jess safely in stasis to go out and find his apartment. It hadn’t been long since he’d supposedly died, and according to Jess, she hadn’t got around to clearing out his things. Something inside him said she probably couldn’t face it. Thankfully, the rent had been paid and the place was still his. Jess had told him he’d be safe enough by himself in the daytime. Her offhand comment had been a little hard on the ego, but he knew she meant that vampires wouldn’t attack in the sunlight so he hadn’t reminded her that he’d crisp-fried a couple of them today and they were probably in more danger from him than he was from them.

  He’d sneaked into his apartment wearing a hoodie so no one would see him. After all, he’d been told that a good many of his neighbors had gone to his funeral. It would be difficult to explain his presence in the building. At least most of his neighbors would be at work right now. When he stepped inside his place, it even smelled like home, albeit a little more musty than usual.

  He wandered around, picked up items and set them down, then went into his bedroom. An immediate wave of dizziness struck him, and he slammed sideways into the wall, then dropped to the floor on his knees. His head spun. Weird images molested his mind. Images coming faster and faster until he felt as if he’d puke.

  At some point he must’ve blacked out because when he opened his eyes he was on the floor, face crushed into his orange swag carpet.

  He blinked and sat up. He remembered! He touched his chest, and even though there was no scar, his skin was a little tender where he’d been staked.

  And he vaguely remembered Zeke, though his encounters with the man were still fuzzy and not quite fully formed yet.

  His memory was returning. With a vengeance.

  Taking a shaky breath, he pushed off the carpet and wandered back to the kitchen for a glass of water. The twins were crying in the apartment below his. He wondered how they’d been doing since his absence. He’d have to move around quietly so their mother wouldn’t hear him.

  He looked around the room. His place was a mess. The patio door was boarded up and hadn’t been replaced since his last fight here.

  Seeing the ceramic coffee mug on his kitchen counter elicited thoughts of his next door neighbor, Rosaria. She was very religious and terrified of evil spirits. He grinned, remembering the night Rosaria had phoned him, sure she’d seen an apparition in her apartment and wanted him to check it out. She’d bought him that mug as a thank you. Poor Rosaria, terrified of the unknown, but she’d asked a vampire hunter for help. If she’d known what he did for a living, he was sure she’d have moved away.

  Yeah! Memories had flooded in so fast when he’d entered his apartment that they’d actually caused him to pass out, but now he felt lighter at being able to remember.

  Britt wandered into the living room that served as both dining and living room with the kitchen off to the right—one continuous room all crammed into a small area, but it was home. He sank onto his worse-for-wear couch and ran one hand across his face. His fingers rasped over a half-inch beard, and he realized it must have been days since he’d shaved.

  He thought about the mysterious Zeke again. He looked at his hands, fisted them, flung them open and raised his arms. Nothing happened.

  No bright light. No destructive energy.

  “You have to want it very badly,” Zeke said, stepping out of the shadows near the entrance to his alcove bedroom.

  Britt jumped to his feet, grabbed his stake and cursed violently. “Jesus, man. Don’t do that to me.”

  “Sorry. I thought you wanted to talk to me.”

  Britt felt his skin turn cold and goosebumps rose. “I was thinking about you, but you were already here. I must have unconsciously sensed your presence.”

  Zeke smiled and his eyes looked sensitive and understanding. “No. You wanted me and I came.”

  Britt started to object, but then shook his head. “That is just so far out of my understanding right now that I’m not going to even touch it.”

  Britt followed Zeke back to the table. Zeke pulled out a chair from the ratty Formica table and sat down facing Britt. His blond hair was clipped short enough to be military.

  “It’s time you and I had a talk,” Zeke said. “I’ve been waiting for you to come to terms with your life as it was and for your mind to heal. Now it’s time to come to terms with your life as it will be.”

  Britt’s gut swirled acid and he glared at Zeke. “What the hell have you done to me? Did you do something to my body? Dr. Case says my DNA is abnormal.”

  “I only helped to initiate a metamorphosis that lay dormant inside you,” Zeke said spreading his hands as if in explanation.

  “Metamorphosis? Am I turning into something else?”

  “You are what you always were. You just weren’t ready for the next step.”

  “Which is?” Britt wasn’t sure he was ready for this.

  “You have a destiny that is a difficult one, but one for you alone. Well, not quite alone. For this part, you and Jess must choose to take on this challenge together. Only the two of you can overcome the vampires who have the ability to manipulate humankind into their own private stockyard.”

  “What kind of vampires have that kind of ability?”

  “The vampires from long ago. Their knowledge of the past alone is very dangerous, but add that to the knowledge they’ve gained since, and they can be invincible, given the proper tools. They’ve been increasing their holdings in the worldwide market places. They’ve strategically placed themselves in the highest, most important positions on the planet. And they’re ready for the next step.”

  “They’re poised for a takeover?”

  Zeke nodded. “Drago Vaslov was servicing some of the top vampires in the world. Worse, in finding and manipulating people with the mind-controlling paste he was using the most potent, valuable device known to vampire kind, only they didn’t realize he had it until Constantine killed Vaslov. If they get their hands on it they’ll be free to control whomever they want.”

  Fine hairs stood on the back of Britt’s neck. “That’s why the attackers were from Europe? Most likely Italy?”

  “Rome, actually,” Zeke said, his statuesque face looking troubled. “Their oldest and most organized conglomerate is there.”

  Britt’s gut kicked up a ruckus. Vampires taking over the world!

  “There are only two people on the planet capable of fighting these vampires once they’re in control of the paste.”

  Zeke nodded. “Do you know where it is?”

  Britt knew, but there was no way was he telling anyone. Especially if it was that dangerous. Instead of answering Zeke’s question, he said, “What if we fail?”

  “The term apocalypse would be appropriate.”

  Britt’s ire rose. “Stop being so damned melodramatic! “

  Zeke threaded his fingers together. “There are secrets that will unfold for you as your battle evolves. This battle involves you and Jess. Each of you have your own path to follow, but your road is for you alone. Your path isn’t predestined. But both you and Jess must choose and choose well. That’s all I can tell you. This is your mission and your battle. You must do it in your own way.”

  “If that’s the case, why are you telling me all this?”

  Zeke leaned toward Britt.
“As I said, only two people on this planet have the ability to combat the evil these vampires will present when they use the paste. You and Jess.”

  “But how does Jess fit into this?”

  “She is your other half. It takes two.”

  “I see.” Britt said.

  “I’m sure you won’t comprehend the true gravity of this until you’re facing your own doom. Just remember, this is your mission and your battle. You must do it in your own way.” Zeke adjusted his position and looked over his shoulder as if he was listening to someone.

  Britt could have sworn he’d seen a shadow moving behind him. His hackles rose when the shadow disappeared. “Who was that?”

  “You could see him?” Zeke appeared surprised for the first time.

  “I could see a shadow.”

  Zeke nodded, but all he said was, “The time for battle is approaching even faster than we anticipated. When you need to know more, you and Jess will be given all of the information we have. Hopefully, it will be enough.”

  “Does this have something to do with my new abilities? For example, how did I kill vampires with some sort of weird light?”

  “You’re learning how to use your innate abilities. They have nothing to do with us. Those abilities come from within you. They’ll help you in this battle.”

  Britt had a million questions he wanted to ask, but only one stood out in his mind. “Can I hurt Jess?”

  Zeke nodded with obvious gravity. “You can. That’s why you have to maintain control. In a way, you’ve been given the same difficulties that she’s had to face for the past fifty years.”

  Spikes of fear tightened Britt’s chest. “I can lose control and kill her can’t I?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. To use a quote, with great power comes great responsibility. You can’t let it control you. This ability has to be measured. You can’t kill without forethought.”

  Britt exhaled and inhaled several times, trying to quell the nausea rising in his stomach. He still hadn’t eaten and he was so hungry he could barely think straight. He ignored Zeke and went to the fridge. He opened it and perused its contents. Nothing but canned milk and a rotten tomato. He opened the cupboard and grabbed a can of soup and some stale crackers that’d been in the cupboard for months.

  “There’s one other thing, Britt,” Zeke said. “If you’re successful, when this is over, you’ll have the ability to save one vampire soul. To allow them to become human again.”

  Britt dropped the soup can and just barely jumped out of the way before it slammed into his toe. “You’re kidding!” Holy hell, he’d be able to save Jess. What more could he ask for?

  The stakes had just risen. He wanted this.

  A hand touched his shoulder and Britt pulled himself out of his daydream.

  “This ability is not exactly a gift, though it can be one, given the right circumstances. It will become a curse for you if you do not use it without considering all of the repercussions first. Just because you want something badly doesn’t make it the right reason to use it. You must wait until you’ve gained some understanding of what you are becoming and how your gift will impact the person you bestow it upon. Just understand that your gift can become a curse if used improperly.”

  “But I can ask the person if they want the gift and then it’s up to them, right?”

  Zeke shook his head again. “You cannot tell anyone. This is a gift only you may bestow. But you must do it of your own volition. If you ask for permission the gift becomes null and void—forever.”

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  Chapter Sixteen

  Locked in a hotel infested with the meanest vampires she’d ever seen Terry reached down and smoothed Sephina’s silky blond hair away from her brow.

  James had been duped, tricked into killing a human to protect her from being raped. The attack had been set up to bring him into the fold. To use him against the Black Ops team, and Jess Vandermire. Unfortunately, their horrible plan had worked. James had become as evil as the rest of them.

  He didn’t even care that the baby had missed two appointments with Father Vandermire. Crucial appointments at this stage of her sweet baby’s vampirism. Since she was so young, Regent’s prayers had been generating obvious physiological changes. But now her baby’s eyes were coal black and her tiny vampire teeth were extended. She needed to feed again. Indeed, as a baby, she needed to feed often. At one year old, Sephina was still unable to walk or talk. Her body hadn’t grown since she’d been bitten at nine months. There had actually been some improvement in her development when Regent had been working with her, but she quickly reverted back without the prayers.

  Terry rolled up her sleeve and offered a Sephina a vein. The child sank her little fangs in and drank deeply, gulping so fast Terry felt a wave of dizziness overwhelm her. Not daring to give her too much blood tonight, she gently removed her arm and hoped Sephina had had enough for now. She rocked her child, speaking to her in a soothing voice. If she went to sleep, she might forget how hungry she was. Terry’s humanity made it physically difficult for her to raise a vampire baby, but she loved her as if she were her own child. She’d married James, a fellow team member and vampire, and together they decided to help Sephina have a better life. She loved James beyond words. Vampire or not, he was a good man. At least, until lately—now she still loved the man he’d been, but detested the monster he’d become.

  A rat crept out of a hole from the corner of the room in the abandoned hotel. No doubt the vile animal smelled the blood. They always came out when Terry fed the baby. It had been three days, now. Hard to say how much blood she’d given in that time. She was feeling weak today. Her vision was granular, too. Probably not a good sign.

  Sephina sucked her thumb and her eyes were getting heavy.

  The staircase outside the door creaked and her heart began to pound. James, her once beloved husband, was coming. He arrived the same time each night.

  Besides fear, sorrow swamped her. James had been reverted to the most evil side of his vampirism. Even so he hadn’t attacked her. She prayed that meant a spark of humanity still fought for space inside him. But deep down she knew the truth. James had become one of the monsters and nothing could bring him back to her—ever.

  She tried to swallow, could barely work up any spit. Yesterday she’d found a little bottle of water in the bottom of the diaper bag, but today she’d run out.

  The key turned in the deadbolt. James barged in and instantly locked his attention on her. She hated that black, oily stare. It wasn’t James looking at her right now, but his alter ego. His evil side. It was torture to see her husband like this. To know he had little control over what he did to her.

  “James, please let us go. I don’t know how much longer I can sustain Sephina.”

  His mouth opened and he licked his tongue over his lips suggestively, making her cringe. The man she loved would have killed himself rather than treat her this way.

  “Good, maybe she’ll turn you before I do. Wouldn’t that be lovely? Your baby making you a vampire?”

  “James, please don’t do this. Please find strength inside yourself.”

  James laughed. “Beg all you want. You’re mine, and you’ll be mine forever.”

  Terry tried to swallow, but the lump in her throat threatened to fill her whole chest. He’d slipped deeper into the dark side with each passing day. Somehow he’d found the strength not to attack her. Yet. She wasn’t sure he could manage it for much longer.

  In the beginning she’d prayed for rescue, but by day two she’d realized no one would be coming. If it wasn’t for Sephina, she might have given up. She’d lost her first husband to a vampire, and when she’d married James, he’d been a vampire for nearly fifty years, but he’d been one of the good guys. He’d been on her Black Ops team, and they’d fought vampires side by side before they fell in love.

  Terry put the sleeping baby down into an old dresser drawer filled with yellowed newspapers she’d found. It was nearly dawn
, but baby vampires fell into stasis well before the sun rose.

  James watched her tending Sephina, actually gave her time to do so. Somewhere inside he had to be fighting his demons.

  But he couldn’t fight them all the time. He had blood on his clothing, so he’d fed before he’d returned to the hotel.

  “James, please let us go. You don’t want to do this to me or to Sephina.”

  He swore vehemently and pushed his face too close to hers. His fetid breath nearly turned her stomach. He must’ve realized how repelled she was because he flew into a rage and slammed his fist through the nearest wall.

  Terry cringed, and that enraged him further.

  “I won’t wait for you to come to me,” he said. “By tomorrow night I’ll take the last of your blood when the moon is full. Our connection will be unbreakable after that.” He glanced at Sephina again. “We’ll be a family again.”

  “Go to hell!” she screamed at him.

  He laughed. “As long as you come with me.”

  The lascivious way he looked her up and down sent dread through her core. She moved to the window covered with cracked, black paint. It was nearly morning and faint streaks of light crept through the tiny fissures. But Terry feared the light didn’t have enough strength to slow James down—until a thin beam struck his arm and it began to smoke.

  He lurched backward and hissed in pain. Finally, having no other choice, he retreated into the decrepit, windowless bathroom. Dropping quickly into the old iron tub, he closed his eyes.

  As she did the other two nights, she waited. She felt for a pulse to make sure he was in stasis. Then she prayed for his partial soul. She prayed as she hoped Regent would pray. If she continued, she might be able to keep her beloved husband from losing himself forever.

  This time when he entered the hotel room, she’d seen the look on his face and knew the bright light was the only thing that had saved her from his fangs. There’d be no second chance when he woke. She’d have to make an attempt at escape. As always the keys were locked in his clasped hand. She’d tried each day to pry them from his grip, but his clasp on them was like iron.


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