The Night's Dawn Trilogy

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The Night's Dawn Trilogy Page 170

by Peter F. Hamilton

  “You know anything about that?” Al asked Jezzibella.

  “Sure, baby, I nearly did a concept album on the Garissa Genocide once. Too depressing, though. It happened all right.”

  “Sweet shit, a whole planet. And this Ambar guy was there?”

  “So he says.”

  “Antimatter can really do that? Waste out an entire planet?”

  “Yeah. But the thing is, Al, he says the Garissa government was working on their own weapon when they got wasted, something to fire at Omuta. The biggest weapon ever built, he swears. And he oughta know, he was some hotshot rocket scientist for their navy.”

  “Another weapon?”

  “Yeah. They called it the Alchemist. Ambar said it got built, but never got used. Said the whole fucking Confederation would know if it had been, that mother’s got some punch.”

  “So it’s still around,” Al said. “Let me guess: he’ll lead us right to it.”

  “No. But he says he knows someone who can. His old college lecturer, a broad called Alkad Mzu.”

  * * *

  Lady Macbeth was scheduled to depart in another eight hours, though no one would ever guess by looking at her. Twenty per cent of her hull was still open to space, exposing the hexagonal stress structure; engineers on waldo platforms had the gaps completely surrounded, working with methodical haste to integrate the new systems they had installed to replace battle-damaged units.

  There was an equal amount of well-ordered effort going on inside the life-support capsules, as crews from five service and astroengineering companies laboured to bring the starship up to its full combat capable status. A status whose performance figures would surprise a lot of conventional warship captains. A status she hadn’t truly enjoyed for decades. Her standard internal fittings were being stripped out, replaced by their military-grade equivalents.

  Joshua wanted the old girl readied at peak performance, and as Ione was paying . . . The more he thought about what he’d agreed to do for her, the more he worried about it. Immersing himself in the details of the refit was an easy escape, almost as good as flying.

  He had spent most of yesterday holding conferences with astroengineering company managers discussing how to compress a fortnight’s work into forty-eight hours. Now he watched attentively as their technicians clustered around the consoles manipulating the cyberdrones and waldo arms enclosing Lady Mac.

  A pair of legs slid through the control centre’s hatch, wobbling about as though the owner wasn’t quite accustomed to free-fall manoeuvring. Joshua hurriedly grabbed at the offending trousers, pulling the man to one side before his shoes caught one of the console operators behind her ear.

  “Thank you, Joshua,” a red-faced Horst Elwes said as Joshua guided him down onto a stikpad. He gave a watery blink, and peered out into the bay. “I was told I would find you here. I heard that you had found yourself a charter flight.”

  There was no detectable irony in the priest’s tone, so Joshua said: “Yes, the Lord of Ruin contracted me to pick up some essential specialist components to enhance Tranquillity’s defences. The industrial stations outside don’t manufacture every component which goes into the SD platforms.” Joshua didn’t actually hear anyone snigger, but there were definitely some sly grins flashing around the consoles. Nobody knew for sure what the flight was for, but they all had a good idea what it didn’t entail. As an excuse the components charter was pretty feeble. Ione had reported that every intelligence agency in the habitat had taken a sudden interest in his impending departure.

  “But they can manage to build combat wasps, apparently,” Horst said with gentle amusement. Brackets on the bay walls held sixty-five combat wasps ready for loading into Lady Macbeth’s launch tubes.

  “One of the reasons we won the contract, Father. Lady Mac can carry cargo and fight her way out of trouble.”

  “If you say so, young Joshua. But please, don’t try that one on St Peter if you ever make it to those big white gates.”

  “I’ll bear it in mind. Was there something you wanted?”

  “Nothing important. I was gladdened to hear your starship was being repaired for you. Lady Macbeth sustained a lot of damage rescuing us. I understand how expensive such machinery is. I wouldn’t want you to suffer a financial penalty for such a selfless act.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “The children would like to see you before you leave.”

  “Er . . . Why?”

  “I believe they want to say thank you.”

  “Oh, yes.” He glanced at Melvyn, who appeared equally discomforted. “I’ll try, Father.”

  “I thought you could combine it with the memorial service. They will all be there for that.”

  “What memorial service?”

  “Oh, dear, didn’t Sarha tell you? The bishop has agreed that I can hold a service of commemoration to those who sacrificed themselves for the children. I think Mr Malin’s team and Warlow deserve our prayers. It starts in three hours time.”

  Joshua’s good humour drained away. I do not want to think about death and after, not right now.

  Horst studied the young man’s face, seeing both anxiety and guilt expressed in the carefully composed features. “Joshua,” he said quietly. “There is more to death than the beyond. Believe me, I have seen how much more with my own two eyes. The recordings your friend Kelly made, while truthful, do not contain anything like the whole story. Do you think I could retain my faith in Our Lord if Shaun Wallace had been right?”

  “What did you see?”

  “The one thing which could convince me. For you, I expect it would be different.”

  “I see. We have to come to faith in our own way?”

  “As always, yes.”

  * * *

  Tranquillity’s cathedral was modelled on the old European archetype. One of the few buildings inside the habitat, it grew up out of the parkland several kilometres away from the circle of starscraper lobbies halfway along the cylinder. The polyp walls were lily-white, with an arching ceiling ribbed by smooth polygonal ridges to give the appearance of a long-abandoned hive nest. Tall gashes in the wall had been sealed by traditional stained glass, with a huge circular rosette at the end of the nave overlooking the stone altar. The Virgin Mary, baby Jesus in arm, gazed down on the slab of granite which Michael Saldana had brought from Earth.

  Joshua had been given a place in the front pew, sitting next to Ione. He hadn’t had time to change out of his ship-suit, while she was dressed in some exquisitely elegant black dress complete with elaborate hat. At least the rest of the Lady Mac’s crew shared his sartorial manner.

  The service was short, perhaps because of the children who fidgeted and whispered. Joshua didn’t mind. He sang the hymns and listened to Horst’s sermon, and joined in with the prayers of thanks.

  It wasn’t quite as cathartic as he wanted it to be, but there was some sense of relief. People congregating together to tell the dead of their gratitude. And just how did that ritual start, he wondered—have we always known they’d be watching?

  Ione propelled him over to the knot of children after it was over. Father Horst and several pediatric nurses were trying to keep them in order. They looked different, Joshua decided. The gaggle which closed around him could have been any junior day club on an outing. Certainly none of them resembled that subdued, frightened group who had flooded on board Lady Mac barely a week ago.

  As they giggled and recited their rehearsed thank yous he realized he was grinning back. Some good came out of the mission after all. In the background Father Horst was nodding approvingly. Wily old sod, Joshua thought, he set me up for this.

  There were others filing out of the cathedral, the usual clutter of rover reporters, (surprisingly) the Edenists from Aethra, a large number of the clientele from Harkey’s Bar and other space industry haunts, a few combat-boosted, Kelly Tirrel. Joshua excused himself from the children and caught up with her in the narthex.

  “Lady Mac is departing this evening,”
he said lamely.

  “I know.”

  “I caught some of the Collins news shows; you’ve done all right for yourself.”

  “Yes. Finally, I’m officially more popular than Matthias Rems.” There was humour in her voice, but not her expression.

  “There’s a berth if you want it.”

  “No thanks, Joshua.” She glanced over at Ione who was chatting to Horst Elwes. “I don’t know what she’s conned you into doing for her, but I don’t want any part of it.”

  “It’s only a charter to pick up components which—”

  “Fuck off, Joshua. If that’s all there is to it, why offer me a place? And why load Lady Mac full of top-grade combat wasps? You’re heading straight back into trouble, aren’t you?”

  “I sincerely hope not.”

  “I don’t need it, Joshua. I don’t need the fame, I don’t need the risk. For fuck’s sake, do you know what’s going to happen to you if you die? Didn’t you access any of my recordings?” She almost seemed to be pleading with him.

  “Yes, Kelly, I accessed some of them. I know what happens when you die. But you can’t give up hope for something better. You can’t stop living just because you’re frightened. You kept going on Lalonde, despite everything the dead threw at you. And you triumphed.”

  “Ha!” She let out a bitter, agonized laugh. “I wouldn’t call that triumph if I were you: thirty kids saved. That’s the most pathetic defeat in history. Even Custer did better than that.”

  Joshua gazed at her, trying to understand where his Kelly had vanished. “I’m sorry you feel that way, really I am. I think we did okay at Lalonde, and a lot of other people share that opinion.”

  “Then they’re stupid, and they’ll grow out of it. Because everything now is temporary. Everything. When you’re damned to exist for eternity, nothing you experience lasts for long.”

  “Quite. That’s what makes living worthwhile.”

  “No.” She gave him a fragile smile. “Know what I’m going to do now?”


  “Join Ashly, he’s got the right idea about how to spend his time. I’m going to take million-year sojourns in zero-tau. I’m going to sleep away the rest of the universe’s existence, Joshua.”

  “Jesus, that’s dumb. What’s the point?”

  “The point is, you don’t suffer the beyond.”

  Joshua grinned the infamous Calvert grin, then ducked forwards to give her a quick kiss. “Thanks, Kelly.”

  “What the hell for, bollockbrain?”

  “It’s a faith thing. You have to come to it by yourself . . . apparently.”

  “If you go on like this, Joshua, you’re going to die young.”

  “And leave a beautiful corpse. Yeah, I know. But I’m still flying Ione’s charter.”

  Her mournful eyes regarded him with hurt and the old pain of longing. But she knew the gulf was too wide now. They both did.

  “I never doubted it.” She kissed him back, so platonic it was almost formal. “Take care.”

  “It was fun while it lasted, though, wasn’t it?” he inquired to her retreating back.

  Her hand fluttered casually, a dismissive backwards wave.

  “Sod it,” he grunted.

  “Ah, Joshua, good, I wanted to catch you.”

  He turned to face Horst. “Nice service, Father.”

  “Why, thank you. I got rather out of practice on Lalonde, nice to see the old art hasn’t deserted me entirely.”

  “The children look well.”

  “I should hope so, the attention they’re getting. Tranquillity is an extraordinary place for an old arcology dweller like me. You know, the Church really did get it wrong about bitek. It’s a wonderful technology.”

  “Another cause, Father?”

  Horst chuckled. “I have my hands full, thank you. Speaking of which—” He pulled a small wooden crucifix from his cassock pocket. “I’d like you to take this with you on your voyage. I had it with me the whole time on Lalonde. I’m not sure if it’ll bring you good luck, but I suspect your need is greater than mine.”

  Joshua accepted the gift awkwardly, not quite sure whether to put it around his neck or stuff it in a pocket. “Thank you, Father. It’ll come with me.”

  “Bon voyage, Joshua. May the Lord look after you. And do try and be good, this time.”

  Joshua grinned. “Do my best.”

  Horst hurried back to the children.

  “Captain Calvert?”

  Joshua sucked in a breath. Now what? “You got me.” He was telling it to a gleaming brass breastplate, one with distinctly feminine contours. It belonged to a cosmonik that resembled some steam-age concept of a robot: solid metal bodywork and rubbery flexible joints. Definitely a cosmonik, Joshua determined after a quick survey, not combat boosted, there was too much finesse in the ancillary systems braceleting each of the forearms. This was a worker, not a warrior.

  “My name is Beaulieu,” she said. “I was a friend of Warlow’s. If you are looking for a replacement for his post, I would like to be considered.”

  “Jesus, you’re as blunt as he was, I’ll give you that. But I don’t think he ever mentioned you.”

  “How much of his past did he mention?”

  “Yeah, not much.”


  “I’m sorry?”

  “So, do I have the post?” She datavised over her CV file.

  The information matrix rotated slowly inside the confines of Joshua’s skull. It competed for space with a sense of indignation that she should do this at Warlow’s own memorial, coupled with a grudging acknowledgement that anyone this forthright probably had what it took, she wouldn’t last long with an attitude that wasn’t solidly backed up with competence.

  Running a quick overview check on the file he saw she was seventy-seven years old. “You served with the Confederation Navy?”

  “Yes, Captain. Thirty-two years ago; it qualifies me to maintain combat wasps.”

  “So I see. The navy issued an arrest warrant for me and Lady Mac at Lalonde.”

  “I’m sure they had their reasons. I only serve one captain at a time.”

  “Er, right. That’s good.” Joshua could see another three cosmoniks standing in the last pew, waiting to see what the outcome would be. He datavised the cathedral’s net processor block. “Tranquillity?”

  “Yes, Joshua.”

  “I’ve got three hours before we leave, and I don’t have time for games. Is this Beaulieu on the level?”

  “As far as I can ascertain, yes. She has been working in my spaceport for fifteen months, and has had no contact with any foreign agency operatives. Nor does she fraternize with the combat-boosted or the less savoury traders. She stays with her own kind; cosmoniks do tend to stick together. Warlow’s outgoing nature was an exception rather than the rule.”

  “Outgoing?” Joshua’s eyebrows shot up.

  “Yes. Did you not find him so?”

  “Thank you, Tranquillity.”

  “My pleasure to assist.”

  Joshua cancelled the datavise. “We’re having to fly with one patterning node out until I can find a replacement, and there may be some trouble later on in the charter,” he told Beaulieu. “I can’t give you specifics.”

  “That does not concern me. I believe your ability will minimize any threat, Lagrange Calvert.”

  “Oh, Jesus. Okay, welcome aboard. You’ve got two hours to collect your gear and get it stowed.”

  * * *

  The docking cradle gently elevated Lady Macbeth upwards out of bay CA 5-099. Several hundred people had accessed the spaceport’s sensors to watch her departure; intelligence agency operatives, curious rumour-gorged space industry crews, news offices recording files for their library in case anything eventful did happen.

  Ione saw the Lady Macbeth’s thermo dump panels slide out of their recesses, a parody of a bird’s wings extending ready for flight. Tiny chemical verniers ignited around the starship’s equator, lifting her smoothly
from the cradle.

  She used her affinity to receive a montage summary of the tired company engineering teams congratulating each other, traffic control officers coordinating the starship’s vector, Kelly Tirrel alone in her room accessing the spaceport sensor image.

  It is fortunate that Kelly Tirrel did not wish to go with him, Tranquillity said. You would have had to stop her, which would have raised the flight’s profile.


  He will remain safe, Ione. We are there with him to provide assistance, and even in part to die to protect him.


  The Lady Macbeth’s bright blue ion thrusters fired, washing out the bay’s floodlights. Ione used the Strategic Defence platforms to track the starship as it flew in towards Mirchusko. Joshua piloted her into a perfectly circular one-hundred-and-eighty-five-thousand-kilometre orbit, cutting off the triple fusion drives at the precise moment of injection. The ion thrusters only fired twice more to fine-tune the trajectory before the thermo dump panels started to fold up.

  Tranquillity sensed the gravitonic pulse as the starship’s patterning nodes discharged. Then the tiny mote of mass was gone.

  Ione turned back to her other problems.

  * * *

  Demaris Coligan thought he’d done okay with his suit, dreaming up a fawn-brown fabric with silvery pinstripes, and a neat cut that wasn’t half as garish as some of the Organization lieutenants wore.

  At the last minute he added a small scarlet buttonhole rose to his lapel, then nodded to the oily Bernhard Allsop who led him into the Nixon suite.

  Al Capone was waiting for him in the vast lounge; his suit wasn’t that different from Demaris’s, it was just that Al wore it with such verve. Not even the equally snappy senior lieutenants flanking him could produce the same style.

  The sight of so many heavyweights didn’t do much to increase Demaris’s level of confidence. But there was nothing he’d done wrong, he was sure of that.


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