Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series

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Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series Page 2

by Autumn Reed

  After long moments of silence, Liam chuckled. “Well, that was fun.”

  He scooted fully to his side of the bed, and I moved to the middle to give Jackson more room, grateful the dark was hiding my blush. As they both found ways to keep me close without smothering me, any awkwardness I felt was overshadowed by my contentment. They’d taken sharing me to an entirely new level tonight, and though it was outside my comfort zone, I refused to let fear win.


  Secrets & Surprises


  Footsteps echoed on the stairs, and I looked up from the couch and smiled. Theo's hair had grown out since the fall, and he was sporting what I considered his signature style. A flash of color caught my eye, drawing my attention to his latest shoe purchase—burgundy suede chukka boots—paired with fitted jeans cuffed at the hem and a navy sweater.

  I exited my browser window before shutting my laptop, not wanting him to see the article I'd been reading that promised unique gift ideas for the man in my life. I imagined finding the perfect gift for one boyfriend was troublesome enough, but I had five. Five guys who had everything. And with only two weeks left until Christmas, I was running out of time.

  Last year, the idea of buying presents for each of them seemed fun, but now that I was dating them, I found it incredibly stressful. It wasn't about the gifts—the actual material items—it was about what they symbolized. I wanted to make sure that Knox, Theo, Chase, Liam, and Jackson knew how important they were to me. Fortunately, Theo and I planned to go shopping today.

  “Good morning, sugar plum. You ready?”

  “Are you?” I teased, standing from the couch and smoothing down my skirt. “When you said you wanted an early start, I should have known better. Knox and Chase were already gone by the time I got home from Liam’s, and you were still in bed.”

  “Can you blame me for relishing my newfound freedom?”

  “No, but don't blame me if I run out of time to make iced oatmeal cookies because you wanted to sleep in.”

  He raised an eyebrow as he wrapped his hands around my waist. “You're making my favorite cookies? Does that mean you're actually excited about the party?”

  “I'm excited that you're graduating. You've worked hard, and I'm proud of you.”

  Considering what Theo had told me of his past, I was beyond proud of his accomplishments, of the man he had become. From a scrawny little boy from a broken home to the pre-Zenith Theo who sought attention and acted out, he had transformed himself. He had a college degree, a great job, and he was part of a family whose bonds had been forged through friendship.

  I clutched the front of his sweater, drawing him close, and he brushed his lips against mine. His woodsy-citrus scent overwhelmed my senses, making me feel at peace, at home. When he teased the seam of my mouth with his tongue, I grew impatient for him to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away with a tortured groan.

  “As much as I'd love to stand here and give those beautiful lips the attention they deserve, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  My stomach clenched with worry. Ever since the day Chase delivered the news that Jackson had been shot, I often found myself jumping to the worst possible conclusions. I tried not to relive the terror of that moment, but I clearly wasn’t over it yet. In truth, I wasn’t sure I ever would be.

  When any of the guys went on an assignment now, I braced myself for bad news and checked my phone almost constantly. It was becoming a compulsion that I needed to get a handle on. They had a job to do, and though there were certain dangers inherent in the job description, they were all capable of taking care of themselves.

  Perhaps sensing my distress, Theo grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. “I, um, sort of planned a surprise for you, and I probably should have run it by you first. But, now it's kind of a done deal.”

  Relieved by his mention of a surprise, I chided, “What did you do, Theodore? And, if you say you want us to go skydiving to celebrate your graduation, you can forget it.”

  “Not skydiving, but it does involve an airplane.” When I gave him a quizzical look, he added, “Jessica is coming to visit.”

  My mouth fell open, but I quickly closed it, realizing that Theo was looking at me expectantly with a tentative smile on his face. “Jess is coming to visit? Here?”

  I felt silly for repeating him, but I found it difficult to believe. Jess and I had barely spoken after I'd confessed the truth about my relationships with the guys. It was only after the near-tragedy in Dallas that I felt compelled to call her, not wanting another day to pass without attempting to make amends. Even so, I could tell she didn't approve of my choices, and I was still hurt by her spiteful words.

  “She is. In fact, she would've been here by now if her flight hadn't been delayed.”

  I fell silent, panic rising within me, even as I recognized that I needed to stay calm. Theo wouldn't expect me to be anything but ecstatic to see my best friend. If only I'd told him about our fight, this all could have been avoided.


  Knowing I either needed to confess the truth or maintain the charade that everything was fine, I opted for the latter. Theo had gone to considerable effort, and likely expense, to surprise me, and I didn't want to ruin it for him. Like it or not, Jess was coming to visit, and it saddened me that I dreaded the idea of spending time with her.

  “Wow. Thank you.”

  “You really had no idea?”

  “Not a clue. Considering all the secrecy in the past, I'm surprised Jax allowed it.”

  “He only found out yesterday when I finally told him and the others. But I have a sneaking suspicion he'd permit almost anything when it comes to your happiness.”

  I cast my eyes to the floor, studying the pattern of the rug as my face heated from memories of the night before with Jackson and Liam. If only Theo knew.

  With a glance at his watch, he said, “We should probably get going if we want to make it to the airport on time.”

  In a daze, I nodded and followed him to the car. During the drive, he detailed an extensive list of his top picks for the attractions, shops, and restaurants we should visit during Jess’s stay. Thankfully, I knew I could count on Theo to keep us busy, and we'd probably always have one or more of the guys with us as a buffer. Maybe the situation wasn't as bad as I initially feared; I'd simply avoid spending any alone time with her.

  Theo's voice broke through my thoughts. “Since Chase took over the guest room, I figured you'd want Jessica to stay with you. I hope that's okay.” There went that idea.

  “Sure. That’ll work.”

  Theo linked our hands as we walked through the airport, passing harried travelers, their suitcases bursting at the seams. Between the near-constant announcements and the incessant stream of passengers, I realized how spoiled I'd become by flying mostly by charter jet.

  As we waited at the baggage claim, I surveyed the crowd. Thanks to my Zenith training, scanning large groups of people had become second nature, and it didn't take me long to spot Jess.

  With a patterned tote slung over her shoulder, she looked stylish in dark skinny jeans and a loose sweater that hung off one shoulder. Maybe it was her straightened hair that grazed the exposed skin of her collarbone or new makeup, but she looked different, older. I shouldn't have been surprised—almost nine months had passed since I'd visited her in Vegas.

  I squeezed Theo's hand before releasing it, grateful when he gave me a bright smile. Wishing the weekend was already over, even though it had barely started, I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax. Jess had been my best friend, my only friend, for most of my life. There was nothing to be afraid of.


  “Jess.” I forced a smile, walking into her open arms for a hug.

  She pulled back, surprising me with the genuine happiness radiating from her. “It's good to see you.”

  Theo stepped forward to give her a side hug as she said, “Hey, Theo. Thanks again for helping me arrange
everything.” Stunned to learn that it had been her idea, I tried to rein in my surprise.

  “Anything for Haley.” He grinned, taking her bag before leading us back to the car.

  After grabbing lunch and a quick stop at the beach, we returned to the loft. Between catching up with the guys, making cookies, and setting up for the party, Jess and I weren’t truly alone until it was time to get ready. She walked around my room, taking everything in while I evaluated her, not quite sure what to say. I'd never known Jess to be so reticent with her opinion, and it threw me for a loop.

  Pausing when she came to the picture of Chase, Jackson, Liam, Knox, Theo, and me on Christmas Eve, I braced myself and was relieved when she said, “Your room is gorgeous. It's straight out of a magazine.”

  “Thanks. Theo gave me a room makeover for Christmas last year. He really has an eye for design.”

  Not wanting to ruin our tentative peace by discussing Theo or any of the guys, I grabbed my cosmetics bag and selected an eye shadow palette. As we applied our makeup and got dressed for the party, she asked questions about my job and we discussed her volunteer work at the animal shelter, dancing around the elephant in the room.

  “Great eyeliner. Can I borrow it?” Jess held her hand out expectantly.

  “I'll give you the name, but I'd rather not share cosmetics.”

  She scrunched up her face. “We've been friends forever. We've shared everything from clothes to root beer floats.”

  I laughed, remembering how often she had begged her mom for the sugary treat. “Yeah, I know, but Kara has told me over and over what a bad idea it is.”

  “I share makeup with my friends in Vegas all the time, and we never have an issue. But if you're worried about my cooties or whatever, that's fine.” She shrugged.

  “I don't think you have cooties,” I said, feeling like we were a pair of six-year-olds. Annoyed by the tight expression on her face, I held it out to her, knowing the argument was ridiculous and I could always buy another. “Here, you can have it.”

  “Don't worry about it.” She focused on her handheld mirror and applied lipstick while refusing to take the pencil from me. “I wouldn't want to contaminate your pristine eyeliner.”

  Grinding my teeth, I dropped it back into the bag and swiped on some lip gloss. “I'm going to head out there. Join us when you're ready.”

  I shut the door and took a deep breath, wondering how I was going to survive the weekend. If Jess and I were arguing about something as trivial as eyeliner, what would happen when we discussed my love life? Because I suspected it was only a matter of time before that issue came to a head.

  Music filtered through the loft, and I wasn't surprised to find Theo standing near the record player, perusing the extensive vinyl collection. Jackson was talking with one of Theo's friends from UCSC, and I spotted Penny sniffing the floor for crumbs. Max and her boyfriend refilled their drinks, joining Liam, Chase, and a few other guests who had congregated in the kitchen near the food.

  Knox pulled me into a hug, placing a gentle kiss on my temple before releasing me. “Are you okay?”

  “What was she thinking?”

  “I don't know, but clearly she wanted to see you. Give her a chance and hear her out.” Perhaps sensing my resistance, he added, “Don't live with regrets, sweetheart.”

  I nodded, thinking of everything that had happened with Ethan and the team. Knox was right, even if I didn't like it.

  “You can always stay in my room if you need to escape.” The slight curve of his lips was the only indication he was insinuating more than sleep.

  “Yeah, that won't be happening while she's here.”

  “If you say so.”

  He lifted his beer to his mouth and took a sip, watching me watch him. Electricity crackled between us, and everything about him, from his scent to the way he invaded my space, was intoxicating. But with a house full of guests, I knew I needed to distance myself before I succumbed to the fire growing within me.

  “I'm going to get some water.” I turned away from him.

  He chuckled from behind me, and I fled to the kitchen and hid my head in the fridge while pretending to look for something. Between Knox's sexy smirk and the fact that I now knew what hid beneath the dark-wash jeans that clung to his perfect butt, it was going to take more than a rush of refrigerated air to cool me down.

  “Tip of the day: cold showers last longer, but I'll take a water while you're in there,” Kara said, and I shut the door to find her smirking at me.

  Ignoring her comment, I focused instead on the fact that she wasn't drinking a cocktail. “Water? Liam made a special holiday concoction.”

  “Can't. I'm driving.”

  “Wow, you and Logan actually rode together?”

  “Yes, but I dropped him off a few blocks before the loft. So, to all outward appearances, we arrived separately.”

  “All these months and you’ve never been caught together,” I said incredulously.

  “What can I say? We’re good at what we do. Besides, it won’t be long before we tell Scott and the team.”

  “That's right, because the first of the year is somehow magical,” I teased. Kara had admitted to me several weeks ago that she and Logan were finally going to spill the big secret to the team.

  “Well, we are in the middle of an important assignment, and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it. Plus, I’d rather have Scott submit my year-end performance review before he discovers the truth.”

  Penny trotted over to me, nudging her head into my hand, and I bent down to pet her silky fur. Since Jackson's injury, I'd spent more time with her, with both of them, and I hoped that wouldn't end just because he was completing physical therapy soon.

  “What a gorgeous dog,” Jess cooed, cocktail in hand.

  I stood to introduce her to Kara, watching as my two closest friends sized each other up. “Kara this is Jess, my friend from home.”

  “Friend from home?” Jess turned to look at me, her voice devoid of mirth as she nearly sloshed her drink. “More like lifelong BFF.”

  “It's nice to finally meet you. Haley's told me a lot about you.”

  “Who's the hottie?” Kara and I both turned to see Logan walk through the door as Jess pushed past us.

  Fuming at her rudeness, I lifted my hand as if to stop her, but Kara shook her head. Once Jess was out of earshot, Kara said, “I didn't realize she was coming to visit.”

  “Neither did I,” I said through gritted teeth, glancing around to make sure none of the guys were nearby.

  “I guess you never told them about your fight?” I hadn't told Kara everything, but I'd told her enough.

  “Only Knox, but Theo helped Jess with the surprise, and he kept everyone else in the dark.”

  “Yikes. Want me to come hang out? We could take her to that new makeup store I was telling you about.”

  “Thanks, but since she made the effort to come out here, I should probably spend time alone with her.”

  “I'm always here if you need to talk. And, who knows, maybe it will be a good thing. Some face time could be just what the two of you need.”

  I nodded, hoping she was right. Kara had always been a good friend, but over the past month, she'd really been there for me—available to listen at any time and encouraging me through text messages. I was finding it difficult to talk to the guys about the disastrous assignment in Texas. They had their own feelings to deal with, and I had to be strong for them. Kara gave me the extra support I needed.


  Knox tipped his bottle to me. “Congrats, brother. I'm proud of you.”

  Not to downplay graduating college—because it was a huge achievement, especially considering my background—but joining Team Jaguar had seemed more momentous. Maybe it was because it had been my greatest accomplishment to date, or maybe it was because the guys had presented me with the Santa Cruz 5010 Alloy R1 mountain bike I'd been coveting.

  Despite the anticlimactic end to my college career, I was
ecstatic to be done with classes and studying. And I hoped it would give me more free time to spend with Haley. Between my exams and her busy schedule, we'd barely seen each other since coming home from Dallas. Then again, she and Jackson had bonded over the past month, making me optimistic that my plan for all of us to be together would actually succeed.

  Even so, I still worried how Haley would react if she knew our ultimate goal. Would she freak out? Try to run again? My heart couldn't handle it, and I consoled myself with the belief that it would all work out. It had to.

  Watching Jackson and Haley together now, I was oddly captivated. His arm rested on the back of the sofa while Haley caressed Penny's fur. When he whispered something in her ear, she turned to smile at him, the perfect picture of happiness. It was clear from the way they touched each other and the glances they shared that they were infatuated. Did she feel the same way about me? I wanted to think so.

  “I told her she didn't have to choose.” Knox interrupted my thoughts, making me wonder if he was capable of reading minds as Haley sometimes accused.

  “What?” I sputtered, nearly choking on my drink. “When?”


  Maybe that explained the shift in how Knox and Haley were behaving around each other. “And, you're just now telling me?”

  Laughter rang out through the loft, and I turned to discover that Jessica was the source. Between her hand on Logan's chest and the sultry look in her eyes, I wondered how much she'd had to drink. At least she was enjoying herself, even if it did seem that she and Haley had spent more of the evening apart than together.

  “Think of it as a graduation gift,” Knox threw over his shoulder before joining the group congregated around the table.

  Haley entered the kitchen, tossing a water bottle into the recycling bin and distracting me from my thoughts. Sweet snickerdoodles, she was stunning. Her dark hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, and my eyes were drawn to fitted jeans that clung to her impossibly long legs. On top, she paired a chunky sweater with a soft white camisole that dipped low enough to reveal a hint of cleavage, creating a sexy but casual look that she wore well.


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