Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series

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Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series Page 25

by Autumn Reed

  “Haley, estoy muy feliz en verte!”

  “It’s good to see you too.”

  When she released me, I looked around the shop, reassured to find it empty apart from the employee who had already disappeared into the back. “Are we okay here?” I asked Patrick.

  Carmen and the other women were staying at a Zenith safe house, and I knew he was reluctant to let them be seen in public. It was an overabundance of caution, but I understood his desire to be safe rather than sorry.

  “We should be fine for a few minutes.”

  I could tell the moment Carmen noticed Jackson, because her face flushed and she backed away slightly. “Knox?”

  “No, this is Jackson.” I’d never gotten around to explaining the whole multiple boyfriends situation, so I left his introduction at that.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he said, and she nodded timidly before moving back to her chair.

  Once Jackson and I were seated, I asked Carmen about the others and the safe house. Apparently, the house was spacious, and the women were overwhelmed by their relatively opulent accommodations. She gushed about how nice my friends were and how safe she felt, making me more thankful than ever for Zenith’s influence and resources.

  “Now what?” I asked Patrick. “Do we need to worry about deportation?”

  “I found a successful immigration attorney who is willing to take their cases pro bono because of the exposure he’ll receive. He’s already worked out a deal for the women to stay in San Jose through the trial, since they are material witnesses. He can’t guarantee that they’ll be able to remain in the country after, but he’ll do everything he can.”

  Carmen was back to attacking her gelato, so I mouthed to him, “Does she know?”

  “Yes. The attorney is working with a translator, and the women have been apprised of the situation. Right now, I think they’re just happy to have somewhere safe to live until this is all over.”

  It was nowhere near an assurance that Carmen would be allowed to stay in the United States, but at least there was a chance. Like everything else wrapped up in the DuBois takedown, it would take time for resolution. Impatience wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  “Thank you, Patrick.”

  He patted my hand before standing. “Jax and I will give you two a few minutes to say goodbye. I’m not sure when you’ll be able to see each other again.”

  “Do you need anything?” I asked Carmen, still feeling like I should be doing more.

  Her eyes widened in what seemed to be dismay. “Te debo mi vida.” I owe you my life. She reached into a bag hanging on the back of her chair and slid a small box toward me. “For you.”

  I opened the gift to find a silver crescent moon charm on a delicate chain. “It’s beautiful. How did you know?”

  “Kara helped me.” That explained how she knew to select a moon, and it likely explained how she’d been able to pay for it. I’d have to remember to thank Kara.

  “It’s perfect,” I said, fastening it around my neck.

  Carmen carefully squeezed me once again before leaving with Patrick. Her smile was grateful but sad, like she knew her future remained anything but secure.

  Jackson wrapped an arm around my waist. “She has one of the best attorneys in the business working on her case. There’s hope.”

  “Will I ever stop feeling responsible for her?” I knew Jackson was the one person in my life who would understand how I felt. He wore responsibility for others like an Olympic gold medal around his neck. Though it sometimes weighed him down and set expectations that seemed unachievable, he refused to give up.

  He kissed the top of my head. “Probably not, but you have to accept that some things are out of your control.”

  “Pot, meet kettle.”

  He laughed. “No one said I was good at taking my own advice.”

  I was so engrossed in my book, I didn’t notice Theo enter the room or sit next to me on the couch. It wasn’t until he turned on the television that his presence finally sank in, and even then, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from my e-reader. The heroine, whose memory had been wiped, was just discovering that the men who kidnapped her were her husbands. Despite the fact that she faced almost-constant danger, I was slightly jealous of Melissa and her futuristic world where women were expected to marry multiple men. That would make my life so much simpler.

  “What do you think?” Theo asked.



  Finally looking up, I found Theo scowling at me. “Sorry. What?”

  He snatched the e-reader out of my hands and closed the cover before tucking it behind his back. “Property Brothers is on. I thought you loved this show.”

  “I do, but I was at a really good part . . .” I considered explaining the plot of Kidnapped By Her Husbands but doubted he would find my newest obsession quite as enthralling as I did. “Never mind. What did I miss?”

  He rewound the last minute of the show. “Which do you like better—the dark or light countertops?”

  Theo was what I referred to as an interactive viewer. With the exception of Arrow, he always had a comment, question, or critique ready to share when watching TV. He was also known to verify facts and search for personal information on actors and other TV personalities. Thanks to Theo, I knew that the stars of Property Brothers were born four minutes apart and, as children, were paid to dress as clowns and perform in parades.

  “Neither. I prefer the countertops that look like marble but are more durable.”

  “Ahh, quartz. Nice, practical choice.” He paused on a shot of industrial-style pendant lights hanging above the kitchen island. “I’m partial to these fixtures. What do you think?”

  “I like the design, but they probably don’t give off much light.”

  “Good point. Maybe they’d be okay if there was plenty of recessed lighting?”

  “Yeah, that could work.”

  We watched the rest of the episode like that—Theo pointing out features he did and did not like and requiring my input. In the middle of trying to talk me into a home renovation marathon, the doorbell rang.

  “That’s probably my dad,” I said, getting up to answer it.

  He jumped off the couch and practically sprinted toward his room. “I remembered some work I need to do. I’ll be on my laptop upstairs.”

  I laughed. “Afraid of my father, are we?”

  “No,” he huffed. “I just want to give you two some alone time.”

  “Sure, you do.”

  I opened the door to find Dad standing there with two huge boxes of pizza. “Hi. Hungry?”

  He walked to the kitchen and deposited them on the counter. “You have three male roommates. I figured extra pizza was a necessity.”

  “Theo’s the only one here, but I’m sure everyone else will dig in when they get home.”

  Even though I was more than capable of doing it myself, I allowed him to dish the pizza and carry the plates and drinks to the table. “How did it go with the FBI agent today?” he asked after inhaling his first slice.

  “Fine. I’m just glad I don’t have to see him again anytime soon.”

  “I know what you mean. The prosecutor is even worse.”

  I picked at my dinner, unsure whether to ask the questions running through my mind. I’d seen my dad every day since returning home, but we’d kept our conversations low-key. We didn’t mention the future or what he’d been discussing with the government attorney. Part of me wanted to continue sticking my head in the sand and savor the relative normalcy of it all. The other part knew this respite would come to an end one way or another.

  “Now what?” I asked.

  He gave me a coy look. “Are you already thinking about dessert?”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  He slowly finished the last of his crust before pushing his plate away. “Why don’t we move into the living room, where it’s more comfortable?”

  In other words, this wouldn’t be
a short and simple chat. “Okay.” I’d barely made it through one slice of pizza, but it sat like lead in my stomach. I knew my dad’s good news expression, and he definitely wasn’t wearing it.

  Once we were settled, I waited for him to speak. He appeared to be studying the bookshelves behind me, but I could see the wheels turning.

  “Spending all those years in Coleville gave me a lot of time to think. I always promised myself that if something, or someone, forced us out of that situation, I wouldn’t go back. I wouldn’t allow myself to hide when I could fight instead.”

  His gaze finally met mine, his smile wistful. “Laura was such a magical person.” I had to hold in my gasp. I couldn’t even remember the last time he’d used my mom’s name. “Losing her felt like the end of the world, but it couldn’t be. I had to be strong for you.”

  My thoughts wanted to drift to my hazy memories of her, but I didn’t let them. I needed to soak in every word Dad was saying.

  “Now that Vincent DuBois is almost guaranteed to spend the rest of his life in prison, there’s light at the end of what has been a very long, dark tunnel. I can finally imagine starting to live again, the way Laura would have wanted.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?” Why did he seem so sad?

  “It is.”

  “But?” I could hear it in the hesitation in his voice. I could see it in the brightness of his eyes. There was something he was struggling to tell me.

  “But . . . to get the closure I so desperately need, I have to do everything within my power to see DuBois convicted of your mom’s murder.”

  This time, I did gasp aloud. “Is that a possibility?”

  “It’s possible, not guaranteed. That’s why I’ve been meeting with the prosecutor. He assures me that DuBois is going down for a myriad of other crimes, but he doesn’t know if my testimony will be enough to convict him of murder.” He sat forward, his expression pleading. “Still, I have to try. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  “Even though it means I’ll be returning to the Zenith safe house until the trial? I can’t be held back as a secret witness like you. As soon as DuBois finds out he’s being charged with Laura’s murder, he’ll know I’m behind it.”

  Oh. Now I understood his hesitancy. He thought I would resent his choice to leave me again for something that wasn’t even a certainty. What he didn’t realize was how much I had grown up in the time we’d been separated. Life was anything but black and white to me anymore. If he needed this, I was the last person who would judge him.

  A surprisingly genuine smile crossed my face. “I’ll miss you, but I’m glad you’re doing it.”

  “You are?” He appeared stunned, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yes. I want you to be able to move on. I want you to be happy.”

  “I think that’s supposed to be my line.”

  “Dad, I’m already happy. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  His expression turned incredulous as he pointedly looked to my sling then back to my face. “Says the girl who was kidnapped two weeks ago.”

  “Yes, at the hands of a severely misguided man with good intentions. It’s not exactly a circumstance I’ll run into on a daily basis.”

  He shook his head in exasperation but let the subject drop. “Let’s talk about this happiness business, then.”

  “Business?” I asked, laughing, though I knew the impending discussion wouldn’t be amusing in the slightest. I’d been hoping to avoid it for a while longer, but time had run out.

  “When were you going to tell me that you’re dating five men?”

  My smile froze on my face, and my heart seemed to stop beating. An immediate denial rose to my lips, but I swallowed it, knowing it was pointless. “How did you know?”

  “I may have been out of the detective business for over a decade, but I haven’t lost my instincts.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say. How could I possibly explain? Now that he’d confronted me with the truth, it was like all of my words had been sucked out of me.

  “You thought I would be angry?” His voice was calm, but that didn’t tell me anything.

  “Aren’t you?”

  He sighed deeply. “No father wants to imagine his little girl in a relationship with any man, so you can imagine what multiplying that by five is like. Am I concerned? Yes. Am I angry? No. How long has this been going on?”

  “Since I returned from Portland.”

  “And it’s been okay? You don’t feel . . . pressured into anything?” My cheeks flushed, and he scrubbed a hand over his face. “I know you don’t want to discuss this with me, but I need assurance that you’re not being taken advantage of.”

  I took a few deep breaths. If I was grown up enough to be with five men, I was grown up enough to talk about it with my father. Maybe if I kept telling myself that, I’d eventually believe it.

  “Please don’t assume the worst. None of them would ever pressure me. Actually, I think our relationships are moving slower than if I was only dating one of them.”

  “That’s not entirely reassuring.” His hands clenched, and I wondered if he was imagining slugging one or more of the guys. “I’m sure you’ve given this a lot of thought, but I have to ask. Are you positive this is what you want?”

  “Yes,” I responded without pause, wanting him to feel my certainty. “In the beginning, I assumed I would date all of them for a while before choosing. But I was lying to myself even then. I could never choose one over the others. It was part of the reason I left Santa Cruz in the first place. I was terrified of ruining their friendships, and I didn’t know how else to deal with it.”

  “So, this isn’t a temporary thing? You’re in a serious relationship with Theo, Knox, Chase, Liam, and Jackson?”

  I smoothed my clammy right hand over my jeans, wishing I could do the same with the left. “Yes.”

  “And they’re okay with it? They don’t fight over you . . . go into fits of jealous rage?”

  I shrugged and couldn’t help smiling a little. “It was their idea. Their solution to what seemed like an impossible problem. If they get jealous, they hide it well.”

  “You love them?”

  My smile grew. “Very much.”

  “And they love you?”

  “They do.”

  His shoulders slumped, but he appeared more resigned than defeated. “I could tell. While you were missing, each one of them looked like a man on the edge of losing it. They tried to hide it, but it’s impossible to suppress that kind of love.”

  My eyes glittered with tears, his description of the guys and the realization that he wasn’t going to fight me on this both hitting me hard. “So, you’re not upset? You can accept them as my boyfriends?” Boyfriend didn’t seem like a strong enough word anymore. I wanted to refer to them as my forever.

  “Let’s just say that it’s probably a good thing I’ll be in witness protection for the next year or more. I’m not upset, but I think distance will help me process and accept everything.”

  Knowing that was the best response I could realistically hope for, I nodded gratefully. “Thank you for understanding, Dad. You wouldn’t have been able to change my mind, but it means the world to me that you’re willing to respect my decision.”

  “They make you happy. How can I argue with that?”

  “You can’t,” I said gleefully, my relief palpable.

  Dad slapped his palms on his knees. “I could really use a beer. I’m assuming there’s one around here somewhere?”

  “In the refrigerator downstairs, I think.”

  “Okay, I’ll grab one for Theo too, if you want to let him know that he doesn’t have to hide in his room anymore.”

  I laughed, because he was spot on. “I’ll tell him.”

  He started toward the basement door, but I called out to him. “Dad, wait.” I walked straight into his arms, not caring if I caused myself pain. It would be worth it. “I love you,” I murmur
ed into his chest, “and I wish you didn’t have to leave.”

  “Love you too, kiddo.” After I stepped back, he grinned. “It’s not forever, and who knows—maybe I’ll decide to dabble in private security one of these days. Do you think Patrick would hire me?”

  “In a heartbeat.”


  Perfectly Content


  I stared out at the brilliant, turquoise water and allowed the sound of the surf crashing into shore coax me into a deep state of contentment. When the guys had announced three days ago that we were traveling to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, I’d thought they’d lost their minds. Why would we take a vacation now, of all times? I couldn’t do anything with my arm in a sling, and they needed to return to their normal work schedules.

  But now that we were here, I was happily changing my tune. I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful escape. The boutique resort boasted an open-air lobby overlooking landscaped walkways down to the beach, stunning infinity pools, fabulous restaurants, and a rooftop lounge. Every room had a magnificent ocean view, but the guys had gone a step further and rented a villa with its own cabana and private beach.

  Although the villa’s interior was spectacular, nothing could surpass the massive terrace, with its lounge seating, hanging daybed, wet bar, and exclusive plunge pool. I could easily spend the remainder of the day in my current spot in the shade, just soaking up the ocean breeze and pristine view.

  “One steak taco with a side of chips and guacamole for you,” Liam said as he appeared carrying a massive tray of food.

  I sat up and quickly joined him at the outdoor dining table. “Wow, I can’t believe room service was that fast.”

  “I think you’ll find the service is exceptional here.”

  “Everything is exceptional here. It’s amazing.”

  Liam glanced around before grinning at me. “It is, isn’t it? I could see this becoming one of our places.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “One of?”


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