Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1)

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Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1) Page 21

by Quell T Fox

  It’s not something you’d normally see on a beach. Though in times like these, where Paranormals share a world with humans, it shouldn’t be all that uncommon. But I really wasn’t expecting for Thorne to be a Paranormal.

  A shifter, to be exact.

  A bear shifter.

  My eyes widen as I take a step back, gawking at the sheer height of the bear. I don’t know if I should run and hide or stay where I am. It stands tall on its hind legs, snarling ferociously. Everyone is in a panic. Dropping cups, shouting, and running away. The beach is quickly emptying with kids rushing towards cars and getting into the closest one they find. Only a few people linger behind, off to the side by the trees edge, shadowed in the dark. As much as I feel I don’t have to be afraid of the giant bear in front of me, some part of me is. It’s a bear for crying out loud! How can I not feel even an ounce of fear over it?

  Even with the tiny voice in the back of my head telling me to run, I still do what I shouldn’t. My instincts scream at me to stay put or do what everyone else is doing. Run. But my feet move of their own accord. One step, two steps… closer to the bear. I reach him and cock my head to the side, admiring the beauty of it. Of him. His thick fur looks soft, begging me to touch it. The claws at the tips of his paws are as long as my fingers. His ears are… adorable.

  The screams have quieted. I look around, and I realize we are alone.

  Every last person has left.

  Everyone except for us.

  I reach my hand up and hesitate. The bear’s chest is heaving; soft grunts sounding as he breathes. How could I have assumed he was human? Why did I assume that? I think back to the conversations we’ve had. Them asking questions about my family… it made it seem like they were curious because they didn’t know anything about Paranormals. Never did I think it was because they too, were Paranormals.


  They are Paranormals

  All three of them are… aren’t they?

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask softly, taking another step closer, letting my hand fall down to my side. The bear lowers himself to all fours, his eyes gazing into mine. A deep hunter green I recognize immediately.

  The crackle of the fire and the soft waves of the water are the only things that can be heard now. Aside from our deep breathing, that is.

  Everyone has gone. They’ve all left us. This is proof the brain does what others around you do because I know for a fact some of these students are Paranormals. They would know there is no reason to fear him; if only they weren’t drunk, they’d have common sense. But their stupidity is my gain because I am now alone with Thorne, who I’ve just learned is a shifter and whatever animal is lurking inside of me, couldn’t be any happier.

  Because I can finally feel it.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The car ride home is quiet, the air full of tension. Excitement roils inside of me at the feel of my animal, both eager and nervous about what I’ve learned about Thorne. I can’t explain it, but it somehow feels like him and I became closer over this. That this event solidified whatever bond we’d been working towards.

  If I am a shifter and he’s a shifter, then maybe things can work with us after all. He seems to know what he is doing, maybe he can help me through this. My family are Paranormals, but they aren’t shifters. Even with Callan knowing everything about everything, Thorne has lived through this firsthand.

  I let us in when we reach the gate, my stomach full of butterflies. I can’t wait to tell my family. This information can only push them in the right direction when it comes to Thorne. There is no way this can be a bad thing. It’s hard not to speak the entire time, but Thorne looks grim. I can tell he isn’t angry, but I can also tell he isn’t in the mood to talk.

  You’d think my mood would reflect his after what happened, but it doesn’t. I’m too excited over finding out he is a bear! The Eli situation is long gone from my mind.

  When the Jeep stops at the top of the drive, I lean over and press my lips to Thorne’s, catching him off guard. He sighs, placing his hand behind my head, his thumb brushing down the side of my face. I pull away, smile, and get out without a word.

  I can’t get to the door fast enough. The lights are on, so I know someone is awake.

  “Lenny, guess what!” I say, closing the door behind me and spotting his head on the couch. “Thorne is—”

  I pause when he turns around, his face solemn.

  Something is wrong.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Sit down, little sis,” he says quietly, his voice void of emotion.

  I take a few tentative steps towards the couch and sit down beside him. He’s holding a piece of paper in his hand but I can’t see what’s on it. My eyes flick up to his face, he looks over at me. There are bags under his eyes I hadn’t noticed before; he looks so tired. He lifts his arm, bringing the paper towards me.

  “This was taped to the gate today.”

  “Wh-what is it?”

  His eyes shift to the letter. I take a closer look.

  If you don’t hand over the girl, she will be next.

  He holds up a polaroid photo in his other hand.

  “What is that?” I ask, my body covered in goosebumps.

  “It’s a photo of mom, Leona. It’s… she’s dead in the photo. I don’t want you to see it. You shouldn’t.” His hand drops to the couch, the photo face down.

  I think back to the morning I found her.

  I wake up hungrier than normal because I didn’t eat the day before. Mom was really bad this last week, grumpier than usual and there is no food in the house. When that happens, I can almost always find stale crackers or chips, but all week there has barely been a thing to pick at.

  My stomach growls the second I wake up. In fact, I think it’s what woke me. I check the clock and see it’s still early, so I don’t think she’s awake yet. I go downstairs to check if she picked up some food while I was in bed. I check the cabinets, nothing. The only thing in the fridge is an old, soggy box of baking soda.

  I look over at the garbage and consider digging through it for scraps. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve eaten out of the garbage, but I really don’t want to do that. It’s awful.

  I go back upstairs and lie in bed. Mom’s door is still closed, she must still be sleeping. She’s never up this early anyway. I try to fall back asleep, but it doesn’t work. I listen to the kids next door play outside. There are two of them over there, they’re both small. I tried talking to them once when I went outside, but mom heard me and made me come back inside.

  I listen to them now, laughing and having fun. And I wonder what I did to deserve this kind of life. Why am I being punished?

  I consider going outside, sneaking around the side of the house and asking them for food. I know I’d be in big trouble if mom found out though, and there isn’t any guarantee they would give me food. I ponder it for a few minutes and decide the risk isn’t worth it. I focus my mind on sleep.

  After lying there for a while, unable to sleep and stomach pains worse than ever, I decide I have to wake mom up. The pains in my stomach are so bad they’re making me nauseous. I need something to eat.

  I knock on her door and nothing happens. I knock again, still nothing. I try the handle and it’s unlocked, so I push it open. Her curtains are closed and the room is pitch black, other than the small sliver of light getting through the two curtain panels.

  The room smells awful, worse than I remember. I block my nose as I step forward, towards her bed.

  “Mama?” I call out, but she doesn’t react.

  I take another step closer and reach my hand out to shake her. When I touch her, her skin is like ice. I pull my hand away quickly, not understanding why it feels like that. I blink a few times, allowing my eyes to adjust. I lean over her and reach for her face, wanting to wake her up. I really need food. My head is starting to feel fuzzy now.

  She doesn’t feel right. Something is just not right
. I turn towards the end table lamp and flick it on. A scream leaves my throat as I see what’s lying in bed in front of me.

  Her eyes are wide open and a pale blue color, motionless. Her mouth is agape, her lips drained of color. I slowly step out of the room and rush back to my own. I start to panic, not sure what to do. I know what’s happened. She’s dead. I know she’s dead. But what do I do?

  A buzzing sound catches my ear and I remember she has a cell phone. I also remember she mentioned someone. Someone that may be able to help me.


  “Huh? Sorry.” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, scrubbing my sweaty hands down my pants.

  “The seal on the envelope tells us we’re right. You’re a wolf. You have to be. It’s the only thing which makes sense.” Lenny takes a deep breath. “I know Callan is never wrong, but… I don’t know. Part of me hoped he was wrong because I need to keep you safe.”

  No one is ready to accept this yet. I’m not sure what else it is going to take for acceptance to strike, but it needs to happen soon. After tonight, I know without a doubt there is an animal lurking inside of me. I felt it and it was the strangest sensation, like the voice in the back of my head finally had a face, only it wasn’t a face, it was just a feeling.

  This should be good news, and in a sense it is. But look at what it comes with. Finding out I’m a Paranormal is something that should excite me, it’s something I’ve always wanted. Knowing my life is on the line, though… is it worth it?

  “Why do they want me?” I try to ask the most sensible question, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to process the answer if one was given.

  “Wolves are territorial. They’re possessive, as are most shifters.” The voice comes from behind me, but I don’t turn around. “I can only assess this has something to do with your father. The scenario which makes the most sense is he had an affair with your mother, a human. She wasn’t supposed to get pregnant, but she did. She had you when she wasn’t supposed to. If someone found out about this, the Alpha would lose his status.”

  It's the same thing he has been saying. Nothing has changed. Again… when is this going to sink in?

  When your life isn’t in danger.

  “How sure are you?”

  I don’t know why I ask because I know the answer.

  “I don’t have enough information to be one hundred percent sure, but it makes the most sense with the information I have. I am confident in stating this is what we are dealing with. We don’t have any reason to believe your mother was Paranormal but even if she were, it would be the same scenario. Unless she was also a shifter, which I doubt, but it’s possible. Shifters aren’t supposed to mate outside of their Circles or packs. It’s one of the worst crimes you can commit, especially to a pack like that one.” Callan points to the envelope.

  “What do we do?” I ask, my voice crackling.

  “We keep you safe. We figure this out.”

  Lenny throws his arm around me and pulls me close. Callan squeezes my shoulder and the sound of his footsteps disappear up the stairs.

  “I’m sorry, sis. I swear we will keep you safe,” Lenny whispers to me. “I will do anything to protect you. We are going to figure this out. Trust me. We’ve dealt with something similar before. We got this handled. You’re going to be safe.”

  It’s quiet for a long time. Lenny and I sit on the couch without saying a word, me leaning against his side, my head resting on his shoulder. He’s brushing his fingers through my hair, relaxing me. I wonder why I haven’t allowed myself this type of comfort with him before. After a long period of silence, Lenny finally speaks. “What were you so excited about?”

  I look up at him, narrowing my eyes in question.

  “When you came in. You were happy about something. Tell me what it was.” He lets out a sigh and rests his head on mine. “Give me good news, sis. I need it.”

  “For a moment I was happy of the possibility I could be a shifter. That maybe I was a Paranormal and things would be okay.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Because Thorne is a bear.”

  I spend the rest of the weekend locked away in my room, trying to process everything that took place on Saturday. Knowing for sure I am a shifter. Finding out Thorne is a shifter. Oh, and also there is a wolf pack hunting me down and trying to kidnap me or maybe even kill me.

  I’ve known this, it’s always been there in the back of my head. Or maybe right in front of my face, I’m not sure. Each day that passes, something new happens solidifying these things just a little more, making them a little more real. I need to stop thinking this may be a possibility and realize this is now my reality.

  I am a shifter. Thorne is a bear. Someone is trying to kill me.

  My best friend is dead.

  This is my life now.

  It’s Monday morning and I have zero interest in going to school. The only thing getting me out of bed is knowing Thorne will be here shortly to pick me up. Coffee and donuts are in my near future, which also helps.

  The barista slides our coffees across the counter, I grab mine and Thorne grabs his. I love the way his eyes light up when he gets handed the bag full of our donuts. It still makes me smile today, even though I’m feeling like dirt.

  My morning goes by without issue. Notes in first period, pop quiz in second period, and a boring ass movie in third. It’s lunch now so of course something has to go wrong because I woke up today knowing something would go wrong. I could feel it in my bones.

  I get to the cafeteria late because I chose to stay after and talk to my teacher about an upcoming project. Thorne is sitting at my table with Castor and Hunter—who ignored me all of first period. I stopped trying to be nice, not understanding what the hell his problem is, and really not caring anymore. I roll my eyes now because I’m not in the mood to play pretend with him or Castor. I don’t want to be questioned about what’s going on with Thorne and me. In fact, I don’t want to talk about it at all. I consider leaving the cafeteria entirely, so I don’t have to deal with the situation, but then I see Thorne again. His broad shoulders, his messy hair up in a bun. His back is to me, but I remember exactly what his face looks like. I miss him. He is what I need right now. Whatever I deal with from Castor and Hunter will be worth it, if only for one hug from him.

  I could really use a hug.

  I walk towards the table and even though he’s sitting with the two assholes, I decide I want to surprise him by throwing my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. Maybe just to piss of the two he’s with or maybe because I want to see him smile. Either way, I want to keep up my happy image as best I can because there is no greater power you can give to someone than your weaknesses. As I near, I can sense Thorne isn’t in a joking mood. The air is thick around him, filled with a negative energy which makes my skin crawl. I pause right behind him.

  “–ours. I can feel it.”

  Castor and Hunter saw me when I walked in. They had eyes on me the moment I stepped through the door. They know I am here. They don’t make it known though, not saying a word or looking up again as I near. I assume it’s because they’re still rebelling and refusing to talk to me. They continue on with their conversation like I don’t exist, like I’m not standing a few feet in front of them.

  Like I don’t matter.

  They’re having a conversation that I wasn’t meant to hear.

  And I guess that explains it.

  “Don’t talk about her like that. She’s not a thing,” Thorne says harshly. His hand balls into a fist on top of the table.

  “What’s wrong, Thorne? You catching feelings or something?” Hunter retorts with a sly smirk.

  “Don’t act like you feel nothing. Just because you want to own her doesn’t mean you can’t love her.”

  “Oh, is that what this is?” Hunter raises an eyebrow. “You love her now? Last I checked it wasn’t part of the plan.” I both love and hate how gorgeous he is. Someone as cocky as Hunter shouldn’t be so bea

  “Well, maybe I’m done with the plan.”

  I’m frozen in my spot. The noise around me is cancelled out and all I hear is the beating of my heart, pumping the blood through my veins. All I feel is the nausea building up in my stomach, threatening to come launching out.

  “Oh, Leona! How nice of you to join us.” Hunter puts on the fakest grin he can manage and leans back in his chair. Castor looks up lazily, his expression bored and uninterested. And Thorne stiffens. I watch as his back expands with the deep breath he takes.

  I turn and run.

  “Leona, wait!”

  I burst through the cafeteria doors without looking back. I need to get out of here, I feel like I can’t breathe. I need to be in the fresh air. Something stirs deep inside of me. I need to run.

  The cool air hits my skin as I pass through the school doors, reaching the outside. I jog down the steps and then down the path towards the main road. I turn right and I start to pick up speed. I run and run and run. I’m not sure at what point I dropped my things, but I don’t care.

  They’re books and they can be replaced.

  I reach a long stretch of woods on the side of the road and turn into them, onto an overgrown path. I keep running. My chest is heaving, my lungs burning, my heart pounding. When the woods become too thick to continue, I slow down to a walk. I focus on catching my breath as I navigate through the trees. I push the brush aside and walk deeper, needing to be as far away from people as I can.

  I come across a clearing with a small pond. I walk to the spot where the grass ends and the shore begins, the dirt slowly turning into sand. I pull my shoes off and step into the sand, needing to feel the earth between my toes. I sink into the firm, coolness of it.

  It’s too cold for this, but I don’t care. I take a few steps forward until my toes are resting in the water. The harsh pinch of the freezing water on my feet, the pain of it reminds me how alive I actually am; because only when you are alive, can you feel pain.


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