Smolder: Trojans MC

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Smolder: Trojans MC Page 13

by Kara Parker

  “I thought you were the sweaty one,” she said, giggling.

  “But you’re more fun to touch.”

  “I don’t know about that.” She grabbed the soap from his hand and began to lather it across his chest, her hands rubbing the suds over his arms and shoulders. Already, his cock was twitching again. But he was enjoying this moment. He enjoyed the intimacy of it. It wasn’t very often that Luke ever spent time with a person, getting to know their body, without going straight to fucking. And he wanted badly to know what kind of secrets Shayla’s divine figure held.

  Luke leaned down through the stream of water and kissed her, letting the warmth cascade over him as he tasted her lips. She sighed and pressed up, kissing him too, reaching her hand down to soap up his cock. She took him in her hand, and he could tell she was surprised that he was already ready to go again.

  “That’s what you do to me,” he said. “I could fuck you a million times and never be satisfied.”

  Shayla groaned, working her hand down the length of his shaft. The heat of the water and the friction from her hand were glorious. Luke reached down to press his digits against her mound, feeling the hot lips glide open for him and allow him entry. He remembered how good she had tasted and suddenly needed more.

  Luke pulled back his hand and reached around Shayla, turning off the shower.

  “What was that for?” she asked.

  He stepped out and grabbed two towels from the shelf next to the shower, tossing one to her as he dragged the other over his body. “I need to taste you again, sweetheart. And I don’t feel like waiting.”

  Like a woman on a mission, Shayla rubbed herself with the towel furiously. Apparently he wasn’t the only one anxious for him to get his face between her legs.

  Luke walked over and wrapped Shayla’s towel around her, ushering her out of the bathroom. He smacked her ass on the way to the bed, delighting in how he could see it jiggle even under the thick fabric of the towel.

  “Get on the bed.”

  She did as she was told, lying with her ass close to the edge. Luke swooped down and lifted her legs over his shoulders, kneeling on the soft carpet. He reached up and unfolded the towel so that he got an unobstructed view of her body, from the beautiful pink lips of her pussy to the creamy expanse of her throat.

  He wasted no more time, leaning forward and taking his first lick. She was divine. He started out slow, teasing her with his tongue. Swirling around her clit, Luke received his first moans of encouragement. He pressed a little deeper, licking along her entrance and back up, then going through that motion again. Then he began to pick up the pace, furiously lapping at her clit, loving the way she trembled and bucked against him.

  “Oh god, I’m so close!”

  Luke licked even harder, holding her hips with his hands and pressing his face against her. She cried out with pleasure, her body quivering. Luke held her close as she shook, loving his front seat to her pleasure.

  He began to kiss his way up her thighs, sliding up onto the bed and pulling her against him. He kissed her long and deep, exhaustion causing his eyes to feel heavy. He could tell that she was tired too, and why shouldn’t she had been? He’d just given her the ride of her life.

  His cock still longed to be inside of her, but he would give both of them a rest for now. He pulled the blankets over them and snuggled up next to her. His woman. With her leg over his, her breathing deep and slow, Luke felt at peace. And peace wasn’t something that came often to him.


  Something didn’t feel right. Something felt very wrong. Luke’s eyes shot open, but the room looked the same as it had when he’d drifted off to sleep. How long ago had that been? He looked around, but tried not to move too much so as to disturb Shayla. They’d passed out with the lights on, which made Luke smile. They must have been truly tired.

  Luke looked over to the window, but it was still black outside. So it wasn’t morning yet. He gently disentangled himself from his sleeping beauty and walked to where he’d left his jeans. Fishing out his phone to check the time, Luke noticed that he had missed calls and texts from Raven.


  Heard ur out with ur whore.

  Double fuck.

  Luke suppressed a groan of agitation. How had she known? Surely they hadn't been followed. He slipped on his jeans and walked over to the window. Sure enough, Raven’s two brothers were sitting outside on their bikes, smoking what was probably their second pack of the night. They saw him as soon as he approached, and waved him down furiously.

  Triple fuck.

  Luke was tired of this shit. They were not his babysitters, and he was not a kept man. If they thought they would get away with stalking him and trying to control his life, then they were sorely mistaken.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Shayla had never slept so well in her life. Her whole body was exhausted from her time with Luke, and she had felt completely safe in his arms. Dropping off had been as easy as slipping off the edge of a cliff, spiraling down into pure and deep rest.

  But she woke up sooner than she had intended, and she knew why—Luke was gone. She panicked at first, jolting up in bed with her heart racing. Her heart began to hurt before she even knew if he was gone for good or just gone to get breakfast. She looked toward the window. He couldn’t have been going to get breakfast yet; it was still dark outside.

  So where was he?

  Shayla looked to the side table, where he’d propped a note for her. She breathed a sigh of relief, reaching over and pulling the note to her face.

  I’ll be right back. I just had to talk to someone.

  Shayla relaxed back onto the bed, snuggling further under the covers. Her body was sore in the best way possible. How could sex with Luke be so good? Shayla had never had such fierce and easy orgasms. Her body had never lit up for someone before like it did with Luke. She thirsted for more, her core already throbbing with need.

  Luckily, Luke came back in the room just then. He looked tense, his shoulders stiff and straight. Shayla glanced to his hands, where she saw that his knuckles were bloody.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  Luke nodded, his gaze hot and heavy. He stalked toward her, stripping along the way. When he took off his boxers she saw just how aroused he was already—arousal to match her own. Shayla’s body sang, and she pulled him toward her and kissed him.

  His mouth was hot and demanding, seeking entry into hers before the kiss even began. She let him take control of the kiss, but she aimed to take control of the sex. She wanted to ride him and see the lust in his eyes. She wanted to see how much he wanted her.

  Luke didn’t protest as she gently nudged him onto his back, sliding him up to the top of the bed. His torso was laced with tattoos, all intricately connected and alive. She ran her fingers across his bulging arms and chest, sighing with satisfaction. He was, undoubtedly, the most beautiful man that had ever existed. Shayla would accept no substitute.

  Luke pulled her down and kissed her again, his hands securing her hips to him as he began to grind his erection into her mound. She cooed with delight, but needed more friction than him grinding against her could offer. She needed him inside.

  Reaching down, Shayla directed his cock to her entrance and slid down on top of it, taking him in with an agonizing slowness that caused both of them to moan. She arched her back into him and began to gyrate in his lap, feeling every inch of him as it speared inside of her.

  Shayla took things slow. The heat of their bodies and the slow dance she did on his lap caused sweat to prickle on her back. She watched his expression, one of pure enjoyment, and she savored the moment even more.

  In the pit of her belly, Shayla felt the tension of her oncoming orgasm coil. She ground toward it, her chest heaving with exertion and lust. Each steady stroke brought her closer and closer to the edge.

  Luke’s hands gripped onto her hips, lifting her and pulling her back down as he began to lose his mind with lust. The sight of him so undone,
so wild, caused Shayla’s orgasm to rip through her. Fierce and unrelenting, the waves of pleasure overtook her, her eyes screwed shut and a low moan emanating from her throat.

  Floating somewhere in the abyss, Shayla was aware of Luke’s hands and hips continuing to move her, to pummel her. Then, after a few moments, he cried out in ecstasy and held her to him. Shayla opened her eyes and looked down at her lover, taking in the sweat of his brow and the way his lips were parted so seductively. Everything about him seemed designed to attract or scare. And for her, of course, there was only attraction.

  Luke swung her back down to the mattress and cradled her in his arms. “You’re a wild cat, little one.”

  Shayla chuckled. “I don’t know about that. I’m just a woman who knows what she wants and how to take it.”

  He nuzzled his face against her neck, his chest hard against her back. “I’m glad you came around.” He sighed. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I would’ve gone crazy if you hadn’t listened to me.”

  She clasped his arm, a little smile tugging at her lips. “I’m glad I listened too.”

  The sky outside was just beginning to lighten. Dawn had come too quickly. Shayla groaned. “I should go home and change. I’m going to see if I can meet with the two head execs this morning and pitch your story to them.”

  “Straight to business I see.” Luke’s voice vibrated against Shayla’s throat, causing her to tingle throughout her whole body. It was going to be hard to leave him, but she wanted to have all the pieces in place so she could start filming as soon as possible. Maybe she’d even have something for this evening’s news if she hopped to it fast enough.

  Shayla turned and faced Luke, her nose less than an inch away from his. She could feel his breath brushing over her lips, and he stared down at her, his eyes pools of moss and a tired lust.

  “I’ll see you very soon, Luke Cinder.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “I’ll be seeing a lot of you if this meeting goes over well.”

  He chuckled and slid her closer to him on the mattress, pressing her breasts flat against his chest. “You don’t have to have a camera crew to see lots more of me,” he said. “All you have to do is ask nicely.”

  Disentangling herself was going to be more difficult than she had thought. He was so ready to go at all times. She could feel him pressing against her under the sheets, and was tempted to stay.

  But no, if she stayed then she’d never end up back home. She’d be lost here forever. Which wouldn’t be too horrible of a fate, except it wouldn’t help her career any.

  “I’m getting up now, Luke,” she said sternly, inching away. He let her go, surprisingly. His eyes stayed locked on her the entire time she dressed, making no move to do the same. Her eyes, on the other hand, kept glancing back to the red stains all over his knuckles.

  What the hell had happened to him in the night?

  Chapter Nineteen

  Luke saw the question in Shayla’s eyes. He wasn’t sure what held her back from just asking it, but he wasn’t about to volunteer the information anyway. Some things were better left under wraps until they had been properly dealt with. The reason his hand hurt like a son of a bitch was no different.

  The bed was luxurious compared to his own. Luke had plenty of money, but most of it got put back into his business or his bike. He had never seen the need for luxury items like fancy beds or toaster ovens, but now he was beginning to think that maybe it was time for him to spend a chunk of change on a new mattress. Maybe he just loved this mattress so much because it was the one he finally bedded Shayla on. The one he had held Shayla on while they slept. It was still warm from where she had lain. Luke didn’t want to ever have to go to sleep again without her. In such a short period of time, Shayla had gone from being a hot girl he saw on TV to the woman at the forefront of his mind at all times. Was that normal?

  “I’ll call you later,” Shayla said, running her fingers through her messy hair.

  Luke smiled, remembering how it had felt in his hand as he came, holding on for dear life. “You better.”

  She gave him one final smile and left, and Luke sighed and collapsed back onto the bed. He could feel where there were bruises forming on his ribs, but luckily his tattoos covered them. His cheek was a little sore, but it didn’t seem like it was going to bruise. He would kill Dax and Klyde the next time they picked a fight with him.

  He might have tonight, if Raven hadn’t been there.

  How the hell had they found him at a hotel in the middle of the night? And why? Since his marriage, he’d fucked dozens of girls. Raven hadn’t been on the welcoming committee for each new set of legs that waltzed into his life, but she hadn’t interfered either. And now she was putting her foot down? It was bullshit, plain and simple.

  He wanted to think that it was all Dax and Klyde’s idea—that’d they’d put all this shit about him owning her his body and soul—but that wasn’t likely. He wasn’t even sure why he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, she’d done little else but annoy the hell out of him since the moment they met. Maybe it was some sort of back of the head notion that he did owe her something.

  But he didn’t.

  Luke had done far more for the sake of their “marriage” than she ever had. He’d spared her brothers a beating more times than he could count, first of all—especially the youngest. Those three shitheads were always up to something. But because of their powerful daddy nobody had ever stepped up against them in their own gang—which more often than not left someone from the Trojans having to play judge and jury. And every damn time, Luke had let them walk away basically unscathed. Because of the treaty between their clubs, and because of his bogus feelings of affinity with Raven.

  That crazy bitch.

  After Dax and Klyde had waved him down, Luke had considered not going. It wasn’t like they could come up and get him. The hotel was pretty nice, and he laughed when he realized they were probably too afraid to come inside for fear of someone calling the cops.

  But Luke had a sense of honor. He knew that he had to go down there and talk to them, or fight with them, whichever it was that they wanted.

  He hadn’t expected Raven to be there.

  She had looked like pure fury when he came out into the parking lot. Her hair, blacker than the sky outside, was wild and curly around her face. Her eyes were dark, but he could see that they locked onto him right away.

  “You’re mine.” Those were the first two words out of her mouth. Even before Luke had a chance to assess the situation, she had spewed her false claim of ownership into the night air. And it had made him made.

  “I haven’t been yours since the day we agreed that we weren’t doing things that way,” Luke countered, bristling as Dax and Klyde approached him from the side. “Why you think that’s going to change now is beyond me.”

  Raven stalked up to him, standing so close he could smell the cloying scent of her perfume. She’d always worn this horrible flowery bouquet that she claimed was the best smelling perfume in the world.

  “I’m your wife.”

  “And that hasn’t stopped you fucking half the guys in your dad’s club.”

  Luke had been too focused on not dropping eye contact with Raven. As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a crushing blow to his ribs from Dax. Luke staggered back and then keeled forward, putting all his weight into a punch that sent Dax flying.

  Klyde came at him next. He was less of a sloppy fighter than his brother, and he managed to graze his fist against Luke’s cheekbone just as Luke tried to dodge. Luke came back on the upswing, getting Klyde in the gut just as hard as Dax had got him in the ribs. Klyde doubled over and heaved.

  Luke turned his attention back to Raven, whose face had screwed up into a snarl.

  “You go upstairs and break up with that girl right now,” she commanded lowly.

  Luke laughed, even though it caused his ribs to ache. “I’m definitely not going to do that.”

  Raven huffed. “We
ll then we’ll hurt her.”

  Luke looked behind him at her brothers. Dax had staggered up from the ground, and was patting Klyde on the back. Luke couldn’t tell whether Klyde was going to vomit or not. Klyde probably couldn’t tell either.

  “You won’t even get close to her,” Luke snarled. “And if you touch her, I guarantee you I’ll do double to you.”

  Raven stepped close to him, and Luke had to resist the urge to flinch back. This was all a mind game, and he was intent on winning that as well as the physical contest.

  “Baby, you haven’t touched me in so long,” Raven purred, staring up at him through her lashes with mock innocence. “Maybe I’ll have to do something to her just to get your hands on me again. I’ve missed them so much.”


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