Smolder: Trojans MC

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Smolder: Trojans MC Page 16

by Kara Parker

Oh well. Better than nothing, he supposed.

  Luke turned down one side road and then the next, each street getting smaller and quieter. He could almost feel Shayla’s anticipation building with each turn. His own, too. His cock was hard and ready in his jeans—had been the moment she’d said to take her somewhere they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  And they were there.

  He could only imagine the look Shayla gave him when he stopped the bike and killed the ignition in front of the old cemetery. The sun had just slipped behind the mountains, and though the sky was light there was definitely an eerie sense to the evening air. But he knew she was too far gone with lust to care. She would probably fuck him behind a Taco Bell at this point. And god, he loved that about her.

  They both stepped off of the bike and looked out over the grassy expanse of the graveyard.

  “Come on, little one,” Luke said. “There’s a thing or two I’m going to do to that hot body of yours.”

  Her eyes flashed with passion, the heat of it searing through her apprehension. “I can’t wait.”

  He smacked her on the ass and walked in toward the copse of trees in the middle. “I want to hear you moan so loud you wake the dead. Do you understand?”

  Shayla tagged along behind him. “Isn’t that a bit disrespectful?”

  There it was. Luke smirked. He knew her lust would only get her so far. He wheeled on her and captured her ass in his hands, pulling her tight against him so that he could feel her body grind against his bulge.

  “This is a place that commemorates the one inevitability of life, sweetheart.” He leaned in and nipped her ear with his teeth. “Death.” Moving his lips down to her neck, Luke began to suckle and nip. “Another fact of life, though not an inevitability, is fucking.” He pulled back and stared in her eyes. “What we’re about to do is more natural than the stones they use to mark the graves.”

  Her eyes were wide, her pupils small even in the dim light. He knew that if he slipped a hand down the front of her jeans she’d be soaking wet. He released her, giving her another smack on the ass and calling behind him as he continued on, “And this is the only place I know of that will be completely deserted at this time of night. Of the living, at least.”

  Shayla ate it up like candy, catching up with him and lacing her fingers through his. He looked down at the gesture but didn’t scoff as he might have with someone else. He wanted to hold hands with Shayla, much as he’d never admit to anyone. But what happened here was for them and them alone. That’s why he wanted to bring her here.

  They found a grassy knoll with nobody buried underneath it—Luke drew the line somewhere—and he threw her to the springy earth. Shayla clearly hadn’t expected such fire from him, but the look on her face informed him that she was anything but put off. She reached down and pulled him on top of her, fiercely pressing her lips against his and into a demanding kiss.

  But Luke would not allow anything less than him dominating her. Holding hands he could abide, but while they were in the throes of passion he would be the one in charge. He pinned her to the grass and began roughly feeling her up, running his hands down her luscious cleavage and between her thighs, rubbing the denim of her pants and causing her to groan.

  “Not good enough,” he growled, unbuttoning her jeans and ripping them down her thighs. She helped him by kicking off the garment, her panties with them. Then Luke pressed his fingers between her folds and began to rub vigorously. Shayla rewarded him with a louder moan, one that echoed around them and caused his cock to throb painfully.

  She was so wet and ready that he swore loudly, probing her pussy with his skilled fingers. But he had barely seen any of her yet. He wanted to see the evening light across the creamy expanse of her tits.

  Getting Shayla’s shirt off was even easier than her jeans. In a couple deft movements, she was completely exposed to him, and he teased her nipples with his mouth as he extracted more moans from her throat. But he knew that he wouldn’t get the real show stopper until he pumped inside of her.

  Luke leaned back and unzipped his jeans, freeing his swollen cock and leaning back down again to position it at her pussy.

  “Wait, aren’t you getting naked too?” Shayla asked. “I want to feel you.”

  Luke laughed. “You asked what I wanted, little one.” He shoved himself inside of her, filling her in one smooth motion. He leaned down the shell of her ear. “And what I want is a rough, dirty fuck under the stars with you screaming beneath me.”

  He pulled back and thrusted in again, and Shayla cried out in rapture. She put her arms around his neck and he growled, ripping them off and pinning them above her head while he slammed into her. “You like this, little one?”

  He joined their hips again and Shayla screamed, “Yes!”

  Luke nearly blew his load with how hot that had sounded. He began to rut into her, biting at her neck and whispering filthy things into her ear as he did. Her cries grew louder and louder, until finally she came with a shriek that went straight through Luke to his balls. He tensed and emptied inside of her, his whole body alive with electricity.

  Collapsing on top of his woman, Luke drew in several deep breaths and sighed. “Holy shit.”

  “Holy shit indeed,” Shayla replied, chuckling.

  Luke drew back up and prepared to get off of her, when something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He glanced over slowly, trying not to alarm Shayla.


  Twenty or thirty feet away, he recognized the villainous smirks of Dax and Klyde. That was bad. Beside them, Raven sat with sunglasses on, looking bored. That was worse. In Dax’s hand was a phone, and the red light flashing informed Luke that they had just been recorded.

  That was horrible.

  At his sighting of them, the three rats scurried off into the trees. Thankfully they were quiet about it, and Shayla still hadn’t noticed that something was amiss. She was still bathing in the glow of her orgasm, a massive smile plastered on her lips.

  Should he tell her? Luke looked down at the gorgeous blonde, whose eyes were bright and whose cheeks with flushed with an otherworldly glow. He couldn’t tell her. She’d only get upset, and hopefully he’d be able to do something about it before Raven and her brothers did whatever they intended to do with the recording.


  Chapter Twenty Four

  Shayla was having the best week of her life. She was busier than she’d ever been, but it felt so unbelievably good that she wouldn’t have had it any other way. During the day she got to spend time with Luke, and they stole away between segments to go have crazy animal sex anywhere they could.

  That was something that really surprised Shayla about her relationship with Luke—if that’s what it was. She had never been wholly comfortable being submissive in the bedroom. But for some reason, with Luke, it just felt right. It was like her whole world revolved around his cock, and that was the way she liked it. She felt a thrill each time he held her still as he slid into her, or when he whispered things in her ear that would have made a sailor blush.

  It felt right with Luke.

  Hell, everything felt right with Luke. From the looks she got when she was with him to the way her stomach fluttered when she woke up next to his beautiful face. There wasn’t a single moment that she didn’t feel she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

  And the fact that the week of biker news coverage was being lauded across the country was no mere trifle either. For the first time ever, people on the street recognized Shayla from her broadcasts. There were Youtube clips all over social media from the show, and people were rushing out to buy motorcycles and leather jackets. She hadn’t become a national sensation the likes of the Beatles or Justin Bieber, but she was enjoying her tiny piece of fame. Even if, admittedly, a fair portion of the viewership tuned in to see hunky bikers.

  She’d interviewed all the guys in Luke’s club, and they were the nicest bunch of guys that she’d ever met. They were a bit rough, admittedly
, but she could tell that they had good hearts. Sparky, in particular, she had bonded with over the course of the week. He and Luke had snuck off a few times during filming to conduct “off camera club business”, but Shayla was so in her own world that she hardly noticed. She and the crew just took a break, and when they resumed filming they pretended as if no time had passed at all.

  They’d just wrapped up the second to last day of shooting. All that was left was a charity bake sale Luke’s guys had put together for the local humane society. Shayla had nearly attacked Luke when he’d told her.

  “Nobody’s going to be on board with that!” she’d huffed. “They’ll see through it as a sugarcoating ruse and they’ll all have finally had enough with you.”

  Lo and behold, the people loved it. There were already two hundred people listed as attending on the Facebook group, and local bakeries had been invited to donate goods in order to make up for the fact that there was no way Luke and his club could bake as many cookies as there were people coming. Though she now had some lovely fantasies about his big, burly body wearing nothing but a frilly apron. God, he’d probably faint if he knew she’d had that little daydream.

  It was going to be a great way to cap off a great week, and everyone had been given the afternoon and evening off to prepare, except Sparky. He and some teenager he’d taken under his wing were busy baking up a storm under Pierce’s watchful lens. As much as Shayla wanted to see that in person, she had gratefully accepted Luke’s offer to go somewhere quiet and relax.

  He drove them to the south side of town, which looked a lot like where Jacklin lived, but with more greenery. There were tree-lined boulevards and fountains, and the buildings looked older than the ones in the rest of Templeton.

  Luke parked in front of a white, Georgian building with columns on the porch. Shayla hopped off and looked around her with glee. “I can’t believe I’ve never been to this part of town before.”

  Luke grabbed her hand and pulled her close, kissing her sweetly on the lips. “This is where I grew up,” he explained. “If you can believe it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?” She cocked her head to the side. “We could have included that in the broadcast. This would have been a great place to shoot.”

  Luke laughed and shook his head. “No, sweetheart.” He kissed her cheek. “This place is only for me and you. No camera crews, no bullshit—just good wholesome fun.” He began to lead her up the building’s steps. A sign declared that it was the South Templeton Library, which caused Shayla to give Luke a look.

  “You’re not about good wholesome fun, Luke,” she said warily. “Please don’t tell me you brought me here ‘cause you want to fuck me in the library.”

  Luke halted and keeled over with laughter, his back shaking with it. He righted himself after a moment and wiped a tear from his eye, all the while Shayla watched with wide eyes.

  “Don’t get me wrong, little one,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close. “I definitely want to fuck you in a library someday. Definitely. Tell you that if ever make a sound we’ll be found out and humiliated – and even worse, I’ll stop. But that will happen at a library I’m will to be banned from.”

  “You don’t think I could stay quiet?”

  He didn’t say anything, just lifted and eyebrow until she huffed out a breath. Sure, she was noisy during sex. But she didn’t have to be. Probably. He snickered at her expression and headed into the library while she followed behind.

  He made no move to explain what made this library so special, so Shayla walked quietly up the steps beside him. She assumed she was about to find out, anyway.

  Not two steps through the doors and they were attacked.

  “Luke!” a croaky voice called from the desk to their left.

  Shayla looked over, to where a woman who looked like she should have been well retired by now was waving a wrinkly hand at Luke. Luke waved back and the woman began to shuffle over, calling behind her, “Agnes, Luke’s here!”

  “I don’t normally get this kind of welcome,” Luke murmured to Shayla.

  The woman apparently had amazing hearing. “Well, normally when you come in I haven’t just been watching you on the web.” She approached them and peered up at him through her glasses. “You’re looking a little thin, have you been eating properly?”

  Before Luke could answer, another woman, slightly less old but with a perm that spoke of a different time, emerged from the back room and made hasty steps toward them. “I thought you said Luke was here!” she said. “Though for a moment I thought you said that he was queer.”

  Both Luke and Shayla barked with laughter. Shayla couldn’t imagine anyone who liked sleeping with women more.

  “It would be fine if you were, dear,” said Agnes. “Though I see you’ve brought your lady friend.” She followed that with a wink.

  “You told your librarian friends we were a thing?” Shayla asked, amusement threatening to spill out in another laugh.

  “Oh no,” said the older lady. “But we’ve got eyes, haven’t we? We’re not dead yet. You two have a chemistry that only two people who having been doing the dance could have!”

  Shayla wasn't sure about that, since she saw people with chemistry all the time who definitely were not sleeping with each other, but she applauded the woman for her observational skills.

  “And now, the feather in the hat, he’s brought his girlfriend to see the old biddies at the library!” declared Agnes. “And we are delighted.”

  Heat flashed on Sheila's face. It was the first time that someone had referred to her as Luke’s girlfriend. Even he hadn’t referred to her as his girlfriend! What if it made him uncomfortable? What if it was too much, too soon? What if—

  “That’s right,” he said, pulling Shayla to him. “I wanted to introduce my girlfriend Shayla to you so that she’d think I’m cool.”

  “Well then you should have taken her somewhere where there are more things to do than read books and eat prunes in the back room,” Agnes scolded. “Though we are delighted that your misguided intentions brought you here.”

  Shayla liked these two. They could have their own talk show.

  “Shayla, this is Agnes and Clara,” Luke said, pointing between them. “They’ve been the librarians here...for how long, girls?”

  “Near forty-odd years now, I’d say.” Clara scowled. “They’ve been trying to get me to retire for the past ten of those!”

  Maybe she should have taken their advice, Shayla thought. The woman looked like she could barely lift a finger, never mind a stack of books. But then, lots of little old ladies were also tough old broads, and neither Anges nor Clara looked fragile.

  Shayla decided it was time for her to get active in the conversation. “So, have you ladies known Luke for long?”

  Agnes and Clara shared a conspiratorial grin. “Since he was a little tyke. He used to come in here and dog-ear all of our books, and I nearly rapped him across the knuckles for it once or twice. But I’d never seen a kid with such a passion for reading.”

  “Do you remember, Clara, how we had to replace our copy of The Iliad four times from the time he first read it to when he finally went out and bought his own copy? He kept losing the damned thing.”

  Clara laughed. “Oh, I remember. Thought he was Paris and could get away with it!”

  The two old biddies laughed good-naturedly, and Shayla turned her own smile up to Luke. He didn’t look in the least embarrassed. He had the same shit-eating grin on that he always did. And, somehow, he’d never looked more attractive.

  “I hope you got him to pay for all those copies,” Shayla said.

  Clara nodded. “Oh, he paid for it. Worked summers here during high school, until his parents split and he moved across town.”

  “Such a shame, that was,” said Agnes. “Never could find another person who’d memorized the Dewey Decimal System so perfectly.”

  Shayla was on an information overload. Though she would gr
eedily eat up all the things she could about Luke, she had failed to realize that he had a childhood. Besides her one fraction of a second of panic when she thought he might be taking her to meet his parents, Shayla more or less went by the assumption that Luke had roared onto this world as a fully grown, fully sexy human being—bike and all.

  Now it was clear that she’d missed something. There was, of course, more to Luke than met the eye. And he’d clearly brought her here because he wanted to share that part of himself with her, but didn’t have the words to tell his story himself.

  Shayla was touched.

  “You’ll still come visit, even though you’re rich and famous now and can afford your own books, won’t you?” prompted Agnes.

  Luke stooped and pecked each of the women on the cheek. “Of course I will.” He gave them a smile so warm it could melt hearts. It had probably melted a few. “After all, you need my late fees to keep this place running.”


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