Smolder: Trojans MC

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Smolder: Trojans MC Page 51

by Kara Parker

  “I’m a cop. I enjoy putting criminals in jail, everything else comes second after that.”

  “Then you and I should spend more time together since our shared goal is to put criminals in jail. We are working together; why not mix business with pleasure? Everyone else is doing it.”

  She ran her hand through her hair and bit her lower lip; Falcon could see she was trying to suppress a smile.

  “Come on now, Grace. You have to admit that we were good together, on that table... Why shouldn’t we be good again?”

  “I’m not admitting anything.”

  “You can deny it all you want, but those moans you were letting out are all the evidence I need.”

  “Well I need a bust. A real one and a big one. I’ve given you time to reinsert yourself into the gang, now I want arrests and names.”

  “I can do that,” Flacon said and he turned to look at her. He looked her up and down his eyes traveling the length of her body, remembering each and every inch of skin he had been permitted to touch. He remembered the taste of her, the way her body reacted to the slightest of touches.

  Finally he looked her in the eye again and he wasn’t surprised when he saw the naked want there. She wanted him, too, and he knew it.

  “I can’t tell you here. It’s too crowded,” Falcon said glancing around at all the other parents around him.

  Chapter Nine

  By noon Sophie was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open and Falcon gently picked her up and put her back in car seat. She was fast asleep before he had even turned on the engine. He drove back to her mother’s house in silence, keeping the radio off so she could rest uninterrupted. He was doing all of this for her; he had brought her into this world and it was his job to protect her.

  She slept soundly as he brought her upstairs and gently laid her down in her little bed covered in Beauty and the Beast sheets.

  “Did you have fun?” Kelly asked as he quietly closed the door.

  “Yeah, she’s a little water bug that one,” Falcon said.

  “Hey, I have to ask,” Kelly began, as she nervously looked everywhere but Falcon’s eyes. “I heard about the raid the other day. Do I need to be worried that the next call I get about you is going to come from the cops?”

  “No,” he said with a rueful laugh. “And I don’t want you worrying about me, Kelly. If anything were to happen the only thing that matters is that Sophie is okay, and that you’re here to take care of her. I would never do anything to hurt either one of you. I’ve kept you out of the game and I plan on keeping it that way.”

  “I know,” Kelly said with a nod. “But she loves you a lot. And I don’t want to have to be the one to tell her Daddy’s never coming home. I wish you would get out of the Screaming Eagles. I could get you more hours at the bar-”

  “Kelly, don’t,” Falcon said cutting her off. “Don’t waste your time worrying about me. Just worry about Sophie, okay?”

  “All right.”


  “I promise.”

  “Good. But I gotta be getting on the road. Take care of yourself, okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you next Thursday?”

  “Bright and early,” Falcon said.

  He left the apartment, closing the door quietly behind him. He worked sometimes as a bouncer for Kelly’s club, but he had never enjoyed it. College boys with rich daddies were always trying to push or pay their way past him and Falcon had lost his temper on them more than once. It was sad to say, but the only job he was remotely good at was being a biker. It was just a shame his occupation was probably going to get him killed.

  He drove the road back to the beach. He checked his mirror the whole way, but there was no tail. He had told the Screaming Eagles he would be with Sophie all day and, so far, it looked like they believed him. Once back on the beach he took the path to the shore, but made a hard right at a “No Trespassing” sign. He walked back through a rarely used path with tall grass covered dunes on either side of him, protecting him from the buffeting ocean’s wind.

  He turned a corner and there in front of him was a dilapidated little shack. He had first found it when he was a kid who hated to be at home. His father had been in a rage and Falcon needed somewhere to spend the night until his father cooled off. He went to the beach and then ignored the No Trespassing sign and discovered the little-used shack set back in the dunes.

  It had been built five years ago when the county had done research on beach erosion and no one had been back since. But it was built well and the inside was still clean and dry. Falcon spent many nights here as a child and he had brought blankets and pillows and candles and it became almost homey.

  He produced a key from his keychain and opened the door - he had changed the locks years ago and put up the fake signs that warned of a security system. Once inside he walked around the barren room and lit a few candles filling the room with their soft glow. There were sheets and blankets on the floor and old editions of Popular Mechanics strewn around. He thought back to the last time he was here. It had been a long time ago on a cold and rainy night. His girlfriend before Kelly kicked him out and he, with nowhere else to go, rediscovered his little beach house hideaway.

  “I told you we weren’t doing that again.”

  Falcon turned around at the voice, startled and reaching for his gun, but he relaxed when he saw it was only Grace. “Don’t sneak up on a guy like that,” he warned. “It’s liable to get you shot.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” she said, walking into the room and closing the door behind her. “So, what do you have for me?”

  Falcon took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He leaned back against one of the walls and watched the way beams of sunlight poured through the window illuminating thousands of dancing dust motes. “There’s an apartment-” Falcon started and before pausing as he began to doubt himself. All of this felt so wrong; it had been drilled into him from his earliest memories that you never rat on your gang. You were supposed to die for them. But no one had ever told him why; they never explained why his life was worth less than someone else’s. “It’s on Eighteenth and Ravenclaw; it sits above an out of business pawn shop. The shop’s been closed for eight years. The owner was shot and killed one night and had no one to pick up the business for him. The Screaming Eagles own the entire building and aren’t interested in leasing out the first floor.

  On the second floor is storage space. When you walk in it looks normal; it’s filled with junk: old chairs, empty cans, records. But there are a lot of clocks in there, cuckoo clocks and grandfather clocks; none work because they’ve been hollowed out and we keep them filled with the merchandise. I’m going to be there tomorrow at one o’clock. I won’t be alone.”

  Falcon finally looked up at Grace, she was staring at the floor and nodding in a thoughtful way. “Thank you,” she said, finally looking up at him. “I know this is hard for you, but you’re doing the right thing. The Screaming Eagles are bad guys; they do bad things that destroy neighborhoods and lives. And you don’t need to worry, Falcon. I’m gonna protect you. I’m going to get you out of there.”

  “Then what?” Falcon asked. “My whole I’ve been in the gang, who am I going to be without them?”

  “You can be whoever you want to be,” she said, Grace walked towards him and leaned against the same wall he was leaning against. “You’re a good dad. Maybe you can just focus on that for a while.”

  Falcon nodded, but he knew there was more to being a good dad than just being present. He needed to provide for her daughter, needed to be able to give her a good life.

  “How did you meet Sophie’s mother?”

  “She works a bar in downtown L.A. We liked to go there after big scores to celebrate. One thing led to another, you know how it goes,” He said with a rueful shake of his head. “Kelly’s a good woman, but we just never really clicked on that level. She has primary custody, for all the obvious reasons, but I can see Sophie whenever I want.”

�That’s nice that you and your ex get along. It’s very mature.”

  “Thanks, but it’s all for Sophie. I don’t want her growing up in a house where her parents hate each other and fight all the time. Kids know about that stuff. If they live in a home where their parents hate each other, it seeps down into them and they start to hate themselves. It’s not a good thing.”

  “Is that what growing up for you was like?” Grace asked.

  “You’ve seen my file,” Falcon said, straining to keep his voice even. “I didn’t have a lot of choices growing up. Joining the Screaming Eagles was the only option for me. I don’t want that for Sophie. I want her to have a good life where she can be whatever she wants to be. I don’t want her to always have to be running from the cops or worried where her next meal is coming from. I’ve been on my own since I was fifteen. By the time I was seventeen my parents were broke drug addicts living on the streets. They would find me wherever I was staying coming at all hours begging their teenage son for money or a score. But by seventeen I knew better than to give them anything and I always sent them packing. The last time I saw my father I was twenty years old and he was trying hock a stolen watch off on me. I don’t want to end up like them. I don’t know what I want to be, but I know it’s not that.” A strained silence fell over them and Falcon didn’t want to dwell on his past. “What about you? What were your parents like?”

  “I’m a military brat,” Grace said. “I’ve lived in Spain, Greece, the Baltics, Hawaii, and all over the U.S. I guess a lot of people hated moving around like that, but I always liked it. Every couple of years we would just pick up and leave everything behind and go start somewhere new. I always thought it was thrilling.”

  “So why didn’t you join the military?”

  “There were just so many problems at home, it seemed unfair to me that we were out policing other countries when our own cities were such a mess. So I became a cop instead. My dad’s proud of me; he comes and visits a couple of times a year.”

  “And you like being a cop?”

  “I fucking love it. I’m an excellent shot and I’m never afraid of working in even the roughest neighborhoods on the toughest cases. I live for the thrill of hunting down bad guys and putting them behind bars. It makes me feel alive. Nothing feels as good as busting bad guys.”

  “But no boyfriends?”

  “No time for love, Dr. Jones,” she said shaking her head and Falcon couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t have time for it. I don’t have time for someone else’s shit, you know? I want to do my thing and not have to worry about anyone else. Besides...the whole detective thing intimidates some guys. They want a nice little wifey who can sit at home and then make them dinner and clean up after them.”

  “Not me,” Falcon said, he reached up with his hand and turned Grace's cheek until she was facing him and he kissed her deeply letting his tongue slide into her as he pulled her close.

  Chapter Ten

  “We can’t do that again,” she whispered as she broke away from Falcon’s kiss. But she didn’t pull away. His hand was still on her neck and she leaned her forehead against his.

  “But we’re so good at it,” Falcon pressed.

  “Yeah,” she said with a whisper and she looked up at him and it was like her green eyes were hooks that got into him. He couldn’t look away. “But it’s too unprofessional. It could ruin this whole investigation.” But still she hadn’t pulled away from him.

  “I promise not to tell anyone,” Falcon whispered as he kissed her cheek. He brought her arm up and kissed the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. She shuddered at his touch and leaned into him.

  “I want you so badly. But I promised myself I wouldn’t do this again. It was bad the first time; it’ll be worse the second.”

  “It’ll be better the second,” Falcon whispered as he kissed a little farther up the inside of her arm and she squirmed next to him. “It’ll be even better the third and fourth and fifth.”

  She sighed and when he kissed her arm again he let his tongue touch her skin and she moaned. He kept kissing and licking and her before she took him by the head and pulled him towards her and kissed him deeply. She buried her hands in his hair and around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her body and he pulled her closer to him.

  She kissed his neck and Falcon felt his already-hard cock grow harder as she kissed and bit his neck. She licked and bit his earlobe and he moaned in pleasure as his hands moved up and under her shirt and he reached around and easily undid the snaps on her bra. He lifted her shirt over her head and then ripped her bra off as well, pulling it out of her shirt before tossing it aside.

  Her kisses were frantic and fast as their hands fought for control. He took her by the wrists, but she fought free of him and grabbed his head again and pulled him closer. They were almost fighting now, but fighting for who was in control, fighting over where their hands went, fighting over who wanted it more. They each needed more of each other and neither could get enough.

  His cock was growing and his jeans were getting in the way. Grace undid the buttons on and unzipped his pants until they fell off him. She looked up at him as she licked her lips. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as she got down on the floor on her knees. She looked him in the eye as she pulled his boxers down and his erection sprung free.

  She took his cock in her hand and then enveloped him in her mouth. Falcon groaned in pleasure as her warm and wet mouth took in his head and she ran her tongue over him. He shuddered and grabbed her hair with both of his hands. But he knew, at that moment, she was in complete control. She used both of her hands on the base of his penis, encircling him and moving up and down with the perfect amount of pressure. Her tongue swirled over the tip of his penis; he looked down and she was looking right at him, his cock in her mouth the hottest thing he had ever seen.

  It was good; it was too good. He closed his eyes and let his head roll back. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to hear her moan as he entered her, to bury himself inside of her. Falcon took Grace by the arm and lifted her up. He took her by both of her arms and pulled her close to him, holding her between his strong hands.

  “I want you. I want to hear you cum while I’m inside of you.”

  Her green eyes were shining up at him as she nodded his assent. He let go of her arms long enough to undo the button on her jeans and pull them and her panties down. She easily stepped out of them and her shoes before he grabbed her arms again and pulled her over to a table in the shack. He lifted her up, setting her on top of it. He pushed her down until she was flat on her back with her legs hanging over the table, her body exposed and ready for him.

  He leaned down and buried his face in her breasts, sucking and biting her nipples as she writhed underneath him. She tried to grab his head and pull him up to kiss her, but he took both of her wrists and pinned them against the table as she moaned and cried out from underneath him.

  “Falcon, please.” Her body was searching for his, her hips lifting off the table as her hands strained against his.

  But he was holding her back, wanted to take his time, wanted this to last as long as possible. He lifted his head and looked at the detective lying naked before him. “Say it again,” he ordered.

  “Falcon, I want you. Please fuck me,” she said, looking him right in the eye as she did so.

  Falcon released her hand and reached for his pants and the wallet and the condom he kept in there. Grace remained where he had left her, her hands still resting by her head. He unrolled the condom over himself and moved to stand between Grace’s legs. He took his cock in his own hand and guided himself into her. She gasped as he slipped inside of her and he could feel every inch of her as he sunk deeper.

  “God, Grace, yes,” he said. He reached forward and grabbed her breasts as he began to rock back and forth, bringing his cock entirely out of her before thrusting it back in.

  She was moaning in pleasure and her hands were running up and down his arms as he pushed deeper into her

  “Touch yourself,” he whispered to her, taking his hand off her breast and moving a stray lock of hair off her cheek. “I want to hear you come.”

  Her eyes locked on his and Grace moved her hand down her body and then between her folds before she closed her eyes and she moved her hand in tight little circles. He could feel her fingers as he pushed in and pulled out; the sensation was indescribable.

  “Yes, Falcon. It feels so good,” Grace whispered. As her fingers spun their circles, he began to move faster, thrusting harder.

  God, he was already so close. Just the sight of her was enough to push him over the edge. He made himself wait, withholding his own pleasure until he knew that she had hers.

  “Grace,” he moaned as she locked her ankles behind Falcon’s legs, trapping him inside of her. It was too much; she felt too good. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He was out of control, thrusting wildly into her his hands gripping her hips, pulling her harder against him.


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