Sorority Row

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Sorority Row Page 10

by Tl Reeve

  “I’ll be on the lookout for your dad.” Jackson placed a kiss on the exact spot Christoph pressed his lips.

  “Nice tattoos,” Hayden remarked. “When did you get them?”

  His chest puffed out. “When we mated.”

  She grinned and shoved Bell’s shoulder. “Good for you.” She drew her over to the couch where Raquel sat, tapping away on her computer. “We got mail from the school late yesterday.”

  The knot tightened. “All right.”

  “It’s a notice about our pledge situation. We have to meet with the dean by the end of the week. Either we have them or we have to vacate the property and lose the charter.” She pulled the letter out of her pocket and handed it to Bell.

  She opened it and read what Dean Ames had to say. Yes, they were behind by about twenty-six pledges, but they had time. Or, well, they did until this letter. “I have a solution. But, it would mean changing who we are.” Quite frankly, she didn’t think she’d been cut out for this crap.

  Hayden sat forward. So did Shelly. “I talked to the guys about the co-op. They’re in. If Victor can get us the pledges, I think we should do it. Jackson is going to front the money for it.”

  “Holy shit.” Raquel glanced up from her computer. “I found something.”

  “What?” Bell scooted closer to her.

  “Remember when we got the first letter about the house being condemned and we had so many days to fix it?”

  She nodded. How could she forget? “Yes.”

  “I think it’s been forged.”

  Bell quirked a brow. Had she heard her right? “Come again?”

  “Yeah.” She turned her computer around. “These are public records. Each house, apartment, business, or establishment of any kind has inspection checks. It’s kind of like health inspections for restaurants. Anyway, all you have to do is put in the information for the place and this comes up.” She clicked her touch pad and a list of PDF documents appeared. “When you open each one, it tells you all the good and the bad.”


  “Well, I pulled up our address in the housing section. There’s absolutely nothing on us.” He typed again on her computer then turned it to them once more. “See?”

  Yes, she did. NO DOCUMENTS FOUND. “How did this happen?”

  Raquel grinned. “I scanned the letter into my computer. See,”—she returned to typing—“paper has dyes in it. Printers have different ways of printing on a page. Type face. Spacing and letterhead.”

  She rubbed her forehead, trying to process what Raquel said. “Go on.”

  “They don’t match.”

  She perked up. “What?”

  “I hacked into the system at the county office, and I got the specs on their paper and alignment. I put them into the letter we received and they didn’t match.” Again, she showed them her comparisons. “So, I researched printers and who would have a chance to get into the county office and steal some of their paper and what have you.”


  “It came from one house. Well, technically, two hundred houses and businesses have printers like the one used in this instance, but I found it highly suspicious Laney’s sorority is on the list.”

  Bell snatched the computer off her lap and scrolled through Raquel’s finding. A whimper escaped her. She’d been duped. She realized her house needed the repairs, and she knew she needed to do it last year; however, Laney and her cattiness distracted her from what needed to be done. And, for what? Some fucking pledges? “Did you find anything else out?”

  She smirked. “Oh yeah.” She grabbed the computer and began to type away on it. “She, and I mean Laney, is a naughty little thing.”

  “Naughty how?” Hayden sat forward a bit. After everything she and Nico had been through with the stupid cow, her curiosity didn’t surprise Bell one bit.

  “Someone likes the football team.” Raquel placed her computer on the coffee table in front of them and hit play.

  Laney’s passion-filled cries echoed in the living room, followed by a perfect view of her lying on the locker room bench surrounded by boys. Naked and aroused, they touched each other in the most intimate of ways.

  Her stomach rolled. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “No, I don’t want to see any more of that.”

  Laney could be a consensual partner in it, but what if? “How do we know she’s a willing participant? You can’t use it for leverage. We have the proof with the stolen letterhead and the forged document. If Victor comes through with the pledges, we’ll go to the dean with that plan.”

  Raquel turned off the video. “You’re right, but tell me it doesn’t feel just a little bit good to see she’s not always so prim and proper.”

  It did and it didn’t. “I can’t. I want to say yes, it does, but it makes me no better than her if I give in to my inner bitch.”

  “True, but—”

  A knock at the door had Bell glancing up. “I’ll get it.” She stuffed the letter into her pocket, and would put it with the rest of their evidence to show the dean. The idea of having to stand before him and explain why they were missing pledges and how Laney had duped them, causing who knows how much harm, sickened her. Heck, she wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t have her hand in more than just the condemned notices. She jumped when another knock sounded. “Hold your horses.” She opened the door and took a step to the side. “Victor?”

  He grinned and stepped inside. “I brought a few pledges with me. I hope you don’t mind.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Uh, no. Come on in.”

  Person after person entered her home. Some she knew, some she had no clue where they came from, but each of them handed her a pledge application. She found Victor sitting on the couch with Hayden and Raquel, his relaxed posture and easy smile unsettled her.

  “I have a way to raise the money,” he announced.

  “We don’t have to. I have the money. Well, technically, I will have the money. Jackson is giving it to us.” She held onto the applications while the new pledges looked around the house. “Where did you find all of them?”

  “Here and there. What you have here are the rejects. For whatever reason, whether it’s their mixed shifter race or the fact they’re pure human, they aren’t good enough for the fraternities or sororities here. They want to belong so badly, but no one will give them a chance.”

  “We will.” She glanced at Hayden, who nodded. “Okay, girls, let’s go meet our new pledges.”


  Christoph and Jackson stepped outside. Rapier and his crew huddled around their work table. The hum of their conversation not more than a whisper. Already, the house looked brand new. Fresh stucco and a coat of paint along the trim took ten years off the house. The inside of the pool where they’d broken out the old leaky concrete had been resurfaced. Several hundred gallons of water already filled the pool.

  With purposeful strides, Christoph, with Jackson at his side, cut a path through the yard and came up behind Rapier when they broke apart to get to work. Bell’s father stood there for a moment, scrutinizing him. Rapier would scent their mating and, standing in front of him with the physical marks of it, intimidated the hell out of Christoph.

  “You went and did it.” Not a question.


  “Bell?” He crossed his arms.

  “She’s fine.” Jackson stepped forward. “I give you my word we’d never harm her in any way.”

  Rapier pointed to his cheek. “Your mark?”

  He nodded. “It’s the mark of a dragon’s mate. Christoph and Bell wear one.”

  He cocked his brow at Christoph. “Interesting. I take it this isn’t a social call.”

  “No.” Christoph shook his head. “It’s time to move Aislinn. The minute my father finds out I have mated with Bell and Jackson….” He struggled to get the words out. He still wasn’t too sure about the whole thing between them. However, they had time, and, eventually, they�
��d get where they needed to be. “Her father will hurt her. I am certain of it.”

  Bell’s father nodded. “I agree. Rashid and Wy are ready. They’re in a rental van. They will be met at the airport in Colorado Springs by Caden. From there, Kee and Dani will drive her home with Jace and Lucas as lookouts.”

  “I can get a message to her. She’ll know it’s me. I’d like to have her gone in two days.”

  He grunted. “Like cutting it close, don’t you, kid?”

  “Well, I plan to confront my parents. When she is safely on the road, I won’t be worried about anything else.”

  “You should be worried about Bell,” he replied. “You better hope nothing happens to her.”

  “I’ll protect her.” Jackson smirked. “Can’t let the both of you have all the fun. Don’t worry, she’ll be safe and sound.”

  The door opened, and Bell stepped outside. His expression had been a mix of relief and worry. “I have some good news and some not-so-great news. I also have some skanky news.”

  “Bell.” Rapier cocked a brow at her.

  “Oh, Daddy. I’m only speaking the truth.” She handed the letter to Christoph who snarled. “We have a meeting on Friday. But, I have good news.”

  “What?” Jackson wrapped his arm around her.

  “I have all of my pledges and the condemned notice is a fake!” She giggled. “Everyone is inside. We thought we’d have a little party tonight to celebrate.”

  “Hold on there, princess.” Her father held up his hand. “What do you mean, a fake?”

  “Let’s just say a little birdy went digging. She found out some letterhead had been stolen and what kind of printer had been used and from where.”

  “Where?” Christoph narrowed his eyes.


  “Son of a bitch! I told Hill to keep his women in line.” He curled his lip and growled.

  “Well, I have a plan for her, don’t worry.” She smiled.

  “What else did you find?”

  “Seems she also likes to get down with the football team in the locker room,” she answered.

  “Wait. Are you serious?” Christoph couldn’t believe what she’d said.

  “Deadly. She posted a Snapchat. We found the conversation and saved it.”

  “Jesus. Bell, you can’t use that. Morally, it’s not right. We’re all allowed to explore our sexuality.” Leave it to her father to be the voice of reason.

  “I know, Daddy. I’m not going to.” She held out her hand to Christoph. “Come on, we have planning to do for our celebration, plus we need to eat.”

  “I’m all for breakfast.” Christoph came up beside her. “Then I want to tell you what we have planned for Aislinn.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Christoph hadn’t realized how anxious he’d been until Jackson slapped him on the shoulder after he kissed Bell good-bye. While she was off getting ready for her hearing with Dean Ames, he’d be with her father, dealing with his parents. Aislinn would be picked up in about ten minutes from the park across from the hotel where she and her parents stayed. He sent her the text to tell her where to go.

  Wy and Rashid waited on site. He’d made it clear she couldn’t take anything with her. This had to look like she’d disappeared. Kee and Dani promised she’d have everything she’d need, and Jackson also wanted to help. Though the girl would never be Christoph’s mate, he had a duty and responsibility to her. In a few years, they would return to Window Rock, and that knowledge helped ease some of the guilt he experienced. Even though he had nothing to do with her parents’ antiquated ways, it bothered him to leave Aislinn alone.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yes. It’s time to put this shit behind us.” He turned from the mirror he’d been staring at.

  “I just got a message from Aislinn. She’s nervous.” Jackson followed him to the door of the room they shared with Bell.

  “She’s not alone. So am I.”

  “In an hour, it won’t matter. She’ll be on the road, and we’ll be meeting Bell for her hearing with the dean.” Since Victor explained his solution of turning her sorority into a co-op, the tension building within him had eased. One less thing he had to worry about. Victor’s idea held merit. Giving up his fraternity for it didn’t even cross Christoph’s mind.

  “You’re right.”

  The ride to the park was quiet. Nothing really needed to be said. They had their plan. With everyone in position, they only had to finish it. He parked his car in the park’s lot instead of the hotel, spotting Wy’s van at the end of the block, waiting. They’d tossed around the idea of nabbing Aislinn in the hotel, but too many variables existed. The park, at least, had multiple exits and lax security.

  Aislinn stepped out from behind a tree. She looked horrible. Her normally glossy hair hung in dirty tangles. Purple rimmed her eyes from lack of sleep, and her clothes appeared rumpled. What in the hell had happened? He got out of the vehicle while Jackson called Wy to get the ball rolling.

  Christoph jogged to her. “What happened?”

  Her bottom lip trembled. “What always happens. I’ve been in the box.” She wiped her eyes. “When I didn’t come home the other day with a mark, I went into the box. They let me out once a day to eat and use the facilities.”

  Which explained why she’d answered his text. No one saw the phone. No one tried to stop her. Anger spiked within him. “The van is coming. I need you to act normal. We don’t want to attract unwanted attention.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “I won’t see you again for at least a couple of years. But you’re going to good people. Keeley is Bell’s aunt. Same with Dani. They take care of shifter kids. You’ll fit in, and you’ll disappear.”

  “Eventually, my father will find me.” She glanced down at her feet and rubbed her arm.

  “I’m counting on it.” The van came up to the curb and slid the door open. “Good luck, Aislinn.”

  “Good-bye, Christoph. Thank you.” She jumped into the vehicle, and Rashid closed the door.

  The van eased into traffic, not causing any alarm, and he stood there until it was out of sight. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. One down, two to go. Jackson joined him at the curb, and they headed across the street. They headed straight for his parents’ room. Enough of this bullshit. When they arrived, he knocked on the door.

  The door opened. Christoph’s father’s smug grin and superior stance had Christoph digging deep to keep from doing something stupid. “Well, look who decided to return.”

  “Tell Aislinn’s parents it’s time we meet.” The gleam in his father’s eyes had Christoph’s stomach knotting.

  “They’re already here. We’re just finishing breakfast.” He stood to the side, allowing them to enter.

  “Good. This will be a whole lot easier with all of you here.”

  “Yes.” His father pushed between him and Jackson. “It’s about time you got your head out of the clouds. Two mates. No self-respecting alpha would have two mates.”

  If his father noticed the menacing vibe coming from Jackson, he didn’t acknowledge it. “Sure.”

  “Look who’s joining us this morning.”

  His mother beamed at him. Her perfect dress, along with her perfect gloves adorning her hands oozed gluttonous spending. “Mother. Mr. and Mrs. Makino.”

  “Where is Aislinn? She said she would be joining you this morning to begin the rights of mating.” Mr. Makino placed his napkin on the table.

  Good. No pretense, which meant not having to stick around after the little speech he’d prepared. “Aislinn is no longer your responsibility.”

  “So, the mating took. Excellent.”

  “No. You misunderstand.”

  His father stepped to him. His rage-filled gaze narrowed, while his lip curled. “What have you done?”

  “What needed to be done.” He snarled at the man he’d called father for the last twenty-three years. “For th
e life of me, I couldn’t understand why you would have me follow the old ways. Our pride is modern. We have equal opportunities for our pride members. Then I got to looking at our finances the other day.” He grinned. “I love having a hacker for a friend because she saw a deposit into your account for two million dollars.”

  “How dare you!”

  “No, Father. How dare you!” He pulled his shirt off, exposing the marks of his mates. “To deny a true mating for a child is inconceivable. She is sixteen. Not even of age. But you couldn’t wait to denounce our ways, could you?”

  He gave Mr. Makino his full attention. “Aislinn, as we speak, has disappeared. You will never find her, and you will never be allowed to hurt her again.”

  The man lunged from his chair to attack him, but Jackson stopped him. “You can’t kidnap my daughter. I will kill you.”

  The scent of brimstone filled the room along with the smoke Jackson breathed right before blowing fire. “I would advise you to sit down.” His tone never wavered. How Jackson could be so calm in this situation surprised Christoph.

  “Once you paid for her”—he pointed to Aislinn’s father— “and you accepted the money”—he pointed to his father— “you set the ball rolling for me to take over Aislinn’s day-to-day activities. I can also request monetary compensation for any damage inflicted on her. You kept her in a fucking box. Be glad I don’t know where the box is because I would shove you into it.”

  “You will bring my daughter to me, or you will be sorry,” the man snarled at Christoph.

  “Do you know how hot dragon’s fire burns?” Jackson blew a narrow flame. “If you don’t stop with the threats, you’ll find out.”

  “All of you will return to your homes.” He gave his parents his attention. “I am no longer your son.” He glanced at Mr. Makino. “Aislinn is no longer your daughter.”

  His father laughed. “And how will you survive without your money?”

  Jackson released Mr. Makino and smoothed the shoulders of the man’s suit jacket. “Don’t you worry. I will be taking care of his needs.” He glanced at Christoph for the first time since entering the room. “Ready?”


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