Blind Date Bet

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Blind Date Bet Page 13

by Nicole Flockton

  Half an hour later, he strode down the hallway toward the kitchen. He’d raced through his shower because all he wanted to do was be with Izzy. Now he understood what the guys were talking about when they said coming home to a woman was the best feeling in the world. He always thought they were exaggerating but seeing Isabella standing in his hallway, waiting for him to arrive home, had surpassed anything he’d ever felt in his life. What he wanted most was to ensure that it happened all the time, but he was getting ahead of himself. They’d only been dating seriously for a month; it was way too soon to be thinking of forever. There was still too much to work through before any talk of love.

  Halting the runaway train his thoughts had boarded seemed impossible when he walked into the kitchen as Isabella pulled a steaming dish out of the oven. A delicious, spicy aroma enveloped the kitchen and his stomach grumbled appreciatively. “Please tell me you made me your amazing lasagna?”

  The dish clattered to the stove top and he cringed at the sound. “Geez, Ethan, you could’ve warned me you’d come into the kitchen.”

  There was no heat in her words indicating she wasn’t too upset with him. He sidled up to her, hooked an arm around her waist, and looked down at the dish. His stomach grumbled again when he spied the neatly layered pasta covered in a red sauce and bubbling melted cheese. “You did. You are a goddess.” He dropped a kiss on the back of her neck, enjoying the shiver that rippled through her. “I lo—uh can’t wait to taste it.”

  What the hell? Was he about to say he loved her? Hadn’t he just lectured himself that it was too soon to be thinking beyond the here and now with Isabella? He was exhausted after an intense week; after a good night’s sleep everything would make sense.

  “I set the table in your dining room, why don’t you go in there and I’ll bring everything in.”

  Glad to get away so he could get his wayward thoughts under control, Ethan mumbled what he hoped sounded like an okay and exited the kitchen.

  When he walked into the dining room he stopped dead. The table that was usually covered with junk now sported a pale yellow tablecloth. A vase of brightly colored flowers sat in the middle. The silverware sparkled beneath the chandelier and he wondered if she’d polished them before laying them down. His mismatched plates looked out of place in such an elegant setting but his heart took another running leap into the well of love at the effort she put in to make his welcome home a memorable one.

  “Excuse me,” Isabella murmured as she walked into the room. He took a side step, still unable to believe he wasn’t dreaming all of this.

  “I can’t believe you went to all this trouble, for me.” He laid a hand on Izzy’s arm as she walked past him. “Why?”

  The confidence that had been sparkling in her gorgeous blue eyes dimmed a little and he felt like an ass for causing it. Her tongue darted out and swiped across her bottom lip, the action went straight to his groin, hardening his dick against his jeans. “Because I missed you.”

  As hungry as he was, the words she spoke pierced his heart and he gathered her close. His need for her overriding everything else. “God, I missed you too,” he whispered before he bent and scooped her up in his arms.

  “Ethan,” she squeaked out in shock. “Dinner’s going to get cold.”

  “I don’t care, I want you far more than I want to eat.” He pressed a kiss against her cheek and walked out of the dining room, heading for his room instead.

  Thank God, for his air force training. His bedroom was spic and span clean. He’d dumped his backpack in the laundry before his shower and his dirty uniform was hidden in the hamper in the bathroom.

  Gently, he laid her down on the bed, following so he was beside her. He traced a finger over her face. “I dreamed about you every night I was away, but not once did I dream that you’d be waiting for me when I walked through the door.”

  He captured her lips, preventing her from responding. He really didn’t want to talk, all he wanted to do was make love to this beautiful woman and claim her as his own.


  Isabella stirred, opening her eyes to an unfamiliar room. Something had woken her but she didn’t know what. She stretched and the sheet drifted a little lower on her naked skin.

  Naked skin? I don’t sleep naked.

  A warm hand drifted across her belly. “Hey, honey.”

  Her body shivered in response to Ethan’s softly spoken words. Everything came back to her. Her surprising him on his return from training trip. Him scooping her up and making love to her so exquisitely she’d cried. Them eating dinner in bed, before they feasted on each other again.

  “Hey, yourself. Did I wake you?” she asked trying to see if she could see the time. “What’s the time?”

  “Just before five.”

  She groaned, she never woke up that early. Then again, waking up next to a hunk of a man, a man she could no longer deny was becoming important to her, was new to her too.

  No way would she tell Ethan about her feelings. Expressing them out loud would likely put a jinx on whatever was growing between them and that was the last thing she wanted to do. While he’d been away, Anna had had her baby and when she’d gone to see the other woman, Zeke had been there all proud father. Her step had faltered because in her mind she imagined it was her and Ethan in the hospital holding their own baby. How she’d gotten through the visit she didn’t know but she had.

  Perhaps it had been something on her face that she hadn’t been able to hide, but Anna had seen it because when she’d received a call from the other woman telling her when Ethan would be home and that Caleb had left a spare key under the obligatory flower pot, she stopped thinking and had only acted.

  Now her actions had landed her in his bed and, for once, she didn’t regret her spontaneity.

  “Did you fall asleep on me again?”

  Isabella grabbed the sheet and pulled it up, turning so the hand Ethan had resting on her belly slid around to her back. She wiggled closer to him, his erection nudging her belly. “No, and I can see you’re not sleepy either.”

  Ethan chuckled and nuzzled her neck. “I’m used to waking early.”

  She ran a hand over his warm chest and down his back. “Do you have to go to PT today?” she asked, dreading the answer to that question. It was Saturday and she wanted to spend the day in his bed.

  “Nope, not today. We have the weekend off for a change.”

  “Good.” With a shove against his shoulder he fell back against the mattress and she straddled him. “I’ve got plans for you Mr. Masters.”

  “That’s Master Sergeant Masters to you, ma’am.”

  Her heart fluttered. It was the first time he’d referred to himself by his rank and some of the fears she’d being carrying around with her since they’d started dating resurfaced. With a concerted effort, she pushed them down.

  No, this time was for them. She wasn’t going to let real life intrude on this moment. Oh, she couldn’t ignore it forever, but for a little while she planned to.

  Lowering her head she trailed her mouth along his collarbone before finding his nipple and swirling her tongue around the small disk. His groan rumbled through his chest and vibrated against her cheek. Her lips ventured further down and when she reached his erection, she kissed the tip of it. In answer to her seeking tongue, his fingers threaded through her hair. There was a slight pull of pain but she didn’t mind. It was his turn to experience the pleasure he’d given her multiple times during the night.

  Her tongue traced down his hard length before sliding back up to swirl around the head of his dick. His moan encouraged her. She opened her lips and closed over him, sucking him deep into her mouth.

  “Jesus, Izzy, that feels amazing.” He moaned low and long.

  Hearing his sounds of pleasure empowered her and she increased her pace. Just when she was getting into a good rhythm, Ethan pulled his fingers from her hair and lifted her head away from him. She let him go with a pop.

  Before she could ask him what was w
rong he hauled her up his chest and devoured her mouth with his. His arms banded around her, holding her tight against his chest. She reveled in the contact, sure she would never get enough of it.

  He broke their kiss and rubbed his cheek against hers. “This is the best way to wake up.”

  “I can’t complain about it either,” she managed to get out before her lips were captured again.

  She ran her hands down his side, clutching his waist to keep him close to her. She ground her hips against his erection, telling him in no uncertain terms what she wanted.

  In a flash, she was flipped over and Ethan propped himself up on his hands, looking down at her. “You are so beautiful, Izzy. I can’t believe you’re here in my bed.”

  Reaching up, she cupped his cheek. “I am, and I have no plans to be anywhere else today.”

  “Thank God,” he said as he lowered the bottom half of his body against her, his erection nudging her entrance.

  All it would take would be a lift of her hips and he would be able to slide right into her. She was so ready for him. As if sensing her thoughts, Ethan placed a hand on her hip stilling her movement. With his other he reached over and retrieved another condom from the bedside table.

  His lips kissed her gently as he dealt with protection and when he thrust his tongue inside of her, he entered her at the same time.

  She ripped her mouth away from his. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.” She cried out as he began to move slowly within her. She was so worked up from having him in her mouth and their kisses that she didn’t want to take it slow. She wanted him to take her hard and fast.

  When she tried to increase the pace, his fingers tightened around her waist, holding her in place so he could keep the tempo of their lovemaking to his liking.

  “I need you to go faster,” she whispered against his shoulder.

  His lips brushed her ear. “Normally, I’d grant you your wish, but not now. I’m savoring every inch of you and every moment.”

  She sighed and turned her head allowing their lips to meld together in an evocative kiss. As his body continued to move in her and his lips and tongue caressed her mouth, sensations like she’d never experienced before built inside of her, coalescing at the juncture of her thighs before spreading out and consuming her as her orgasm crashed through her. Her inner muscles vibrated against his dick and finally, his thrusts became faster and soon he was crying out her name. It was the most intense orgasm she’d ever had in her life and her body still shook in reaction to it.

  Ethan collapsed on top of her, his chest heaving in and out against her breasts. “Izzy,” he whispered.

  He didn’t need to say anything more, she knew exactly what he meant. Their relationship had taken another turn and she, for one, couldn’t wait to keep traveling down the road with him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ethan gave Sam one last pat on the head before he straightened. He looked around the kennel area and tried to imagine himself managing it all. The thought of not working day in and day out with Sam cut deep. She was like an extra limb; without her, he’d be lost.

  He’d discussed the promotion with his parents, who were proud of him and told him he had to go for it, that if he wanted to progress in his career then it was a moot point.

  What he hadn’t told them was about his indecision whether he would sign his reenlistment papers or not. Both his parents assumed he’d do his twenty and then retire and find a job using the skills he’d learned.

  He couldn’t deny that had been his plan all along, but now he wanted to discuss his future with Isabella.

  Therein lay the problem. Would he, or could he, give up the life he’d imagined himself having since he was a kid, for her? He was five years away from his twenty years. He was up for a promotion that would benefit his skill set. The desire to serve and protect his country hadn’t died since he’d met Isabella.

  “Masters, are you listening to me?”

  Lost in his thoughts, Ethan hadn’t noticed Lieutenant Colonel Blue standing beside him.

  “Sir,” he said and stood to attention. “I apologize. I didn’t hear what you said.”

  A rare smile broke out over his superior officer’s face. “I suspected as much. I wanted to see if you’d given any thought on our discussion last month.”

  Was the man psychic? “I was just thinking about it, sir.”

  Blue nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. “Good. I don’t want to pressure you or anything, but we can’t afford to lose airmen like you. Your record is impeccable and so is your commitment to the force and your squadron. You will always be a valuable member whether you’re first in or training the dogs to protect our men. Remember that when you’re considering the promotion and your reenlistment while you’re deployed.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Enjoy your evening and weekend, Masters.”

  Blue walked away, leaving Ethan to consider his words. Being in the K-9 division of the security forces for many years, he was well aware of the role the kennel master played. In his gut, he knew the role was important, not only to the K-9 officers but to the rest of the squadron as well. If he did take the promotion, he’d still be an integral part of his group. Still be responsible for the safety of the other guys, just in a different capacity.

  He could no longer avoid talking to Isabella about it. He wanted a future with her, but he wouldn’t compromise his career. When the time came, he would sign the papers for another go-around. After he’d completed his required years, then he would seriously consider retirement. He was sure he and Isabella could come to a place where both their needs were met.

  At least he hoped they could.


  So many thoughts swirled around Ethan’s mind as he drove up Isabella’s driveway. He’d been tempted to cancel on her until he got his thoughts straightened out into some sort of order. But, there was so much they needed to discuss. He had to explain his future career path and desires. The question was, how would she take his news? Would she encourage him to take the promotion? They’d also not discussed his upcoming deployment. She always tried to change the subject on him. Would she break it off with him, saying she really couldn’t cope knowing he planned to stay in the armed forces for at least another five years and would be deployed during that time too?

  Dammit, he needed to stop, he’d been on this same thought roller coaster since he’d left the base.

  He pulled to a stop behind a car he didn’t recognize. Had they made plans with another couple tonight and he’d forgotten? He didn’t think so.

  Grabbing his overnight bag from the passenger seat, he got out and strode up to the front door. Normally he’d let himself in with the key Izzy had given him, but if they had a guest he didn’t want to just barge in.

  Stupid thought really, considering how much time he’d spent there over the last month, but he just felt he needed to knock on the door tonight.

  Before he could raise his fist, the door opened and an annoyed-looking Isabella answered.

  “Oh, God, Ethan, I’m so sorry my dad’s here. He just turned up out of the blue. He doesn’t do this.”

  Dropping his bag on the ground he reached out and pulled Isabella close to him, not quite understanding her issue with her dad being at her house. He ran a hand up and down her back, hoping to soothe her anxiety. Once he could tell her breathing had calmed down a little, he pulled back and placed a soft, chaste kiss on her lips. “Want to tell me what the problem is with your dad turning up unannounced?”

  “He brought a woman with him. He thought it was time I met his girlfriend. I didn’t even know Dad had a girlfriend. We’ve been mending our relationship ever since that day at his place when you first met him. Not once has he mentioned he had a girlfriend. I’m so angry that he didn’t trust me with this. It’s important information.”

  Ahh, there it was, the trust issue between Isabella and her dad. He could understand why she’d be feeling so hurt. But he also understood wh
y Eric had kept things quiet. Ethan imagined Eric wanted to make sure his relationship with his daughter was on solid ground before he introduced another facet to their dynamic.

  “Honey, just like that Sunday when I met your dad for the first time, I have your back. I’ll support you and if you want them to leave I’ll ask Eric to leave. Explain how you’re feeling. I’m sure he didn’t keep his girlfriend from you to be malicious. I think he was so keen to fix things with you that that was his focus.”

  “These two situations are not the same at all. He at least knew you existed when you met him. I don’t know anything about this woman.”

  “Our circumstances were different, your dad set us up on a blind date. He wanted to see if the guy Lincoln had said was perfect for his daughter actually was.” Ethan hooked a finger under her chin and raised her face. “And I am, you know. I am perfect for you.”

  Time stood still as their eyes said the words both were afraid to speak out loud. Ethan hoped he conveyed how important Isabella was to him and that no matter what, he would always be there for her.

  “Honey bee, why did you rush off like that? Oh, Ethan, I didn’t know you were coming over.” He must have spied the bag on the floor. “Hmm, seems you’re here for a couple of days too.”

  There wasn’t disapproval in Eric’s voice, but maybe just a little bit of protective father coming out. Regardless of the fact that his daughter was a grown woman, Eric would be a father first and foremost, even if Isabella didn’t believe they had that sort of relationship.

  Placing another kiss on Isabella’s forehead, he released his arms and closed the distance between him and the other man. “Eric, it’s good to see you. I understand you brought a friend with you.”


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