Honey Beaumont

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Honey Beaumont Page 17

by Sara Bushway

  Honey closed the door behind him and scanned the room. Frank was helping hysterical customers find their way out while a heated battle ensued between the duo and the three people Kage had left behind. Frank came toward him and put a hand on Honey's arm.

  "You okay, kid?"

  "Yeah," Honey nodded. "What's going on?"

  "Adventurers, kid! They're here to round up some troublemakers! Stay out of their way and let them do their job! They ain't here for you!"

  Honey nodded again and watched Frank waddle over to the bar to usher more people out. A loud crack accompanied by a big flash drew Honey's attention back to the battle. One of the troublemakers had cast a spell that sent the female adventurer to the ground covering her eyes. The hoodlum ran past her in an arc. He looked around for the slinking Silas but couldn't spot him if he was still around. Then he rushed down the catwalk to close the gap, his heeled boots thundering against the wood finish, and tackled the man to the ground. The man either hadn't seen Honey or hadn't expected a dancer to hurl himself upon him, but that's exactly what happened. Honey rolled the man onto his stomach and used his lasso prop that hung from the belt on his chaps to tie the man's hands.

  "Get off of me!" The man screamed. "Get off of me now, and I promise I won't hurt you, dancer!"

  Honey pulled harder on the rope, tied it even tighter to ensure the prop rope would hold until the real heroes could come help, and sat atop the man's back with his legs folded underneath himself.

  "I promise I won't hurt you if you don't try to throw me off!" He leaned down close to the man's ear and added. "By the way, this outfit might be designed for dancing, but I really do know how to hold on to a bucking beast."

  The man struggled underneath him, muttering insults and obscenities as he did so. By the time Honey looked up again, the adventuring pair stood over him and his captive sharing expressions that were a mix of confused and impressed.

  The man walked around to the other side of Honey and took him by the arm.

  "Alright, cupcake. We can take it from here."

  "But-but be careful, the rope isn't a real rope. It's just--"

  "I know," the man interrupted, pulling Honey off of the hoodlum. "It's ok. I've got something better than some bondage gear from the costume shop." The woman came over and smacked him in the shoulder.

  "What he means to say is 'thank you for your help.' We've been tracking these guys for days."

  "Yeah, yeah. Thanks. We're still missing one, but thanks."

  Honey stood and looked back and forth at the adventurers and the two they had apprehended a few yards away.

  "So, one of them got away?"

  "Yeah," she sighed, "but three out of four isn't bad, right? We'll find him later."

  Honey nodded and accepted his lasso from the man on the floor, who had replaced the rope with manacles. Meanwhile, the woman held her hand out.

  "I'm Andromeda. Call me Andy. And this is Torq."

  "Hey," Torq grunted.

  Honey shook her hand, glad he had mastered this greeting before meeting real heroes, and waved down to Torq."

  "It's nice to meet you both," he said. "I'm Honey."

  A laugh burst from Torq's chest, inciting a very stern look from Andy. She sighed again in frustration.

  "Hi, Honey. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for your help today, but we can take it from here. Why don't you take the day off to rest yourself? I trust your employer will expect you and the other dancers to help clean up this mess in the morning."

  Torq stood and pulled the hoodlum to his feet. Andy stepped over to the other two and pulled them to their feet as well.

  Honey's heart leaped in his chest.

  "W-wait!" They both looked at him as though he had screamed bloody murder. He looked back and forth at the adventurers, so regal in their gear. Even the little drips of blood on Andy's lip where she had taken a punch to the mouth shone like a badge of honor in Honey's eyes. "Take me with you."

  Torq snorted in derision. "What did he just say?"

  Andy shushed him and smiled at Honey.

  "We really appreciate your help today, but this is not a glorious job. We make it look fun and exciting, but it's also a lot of work and very dangerous." She gestured to the singed edges of her chest armor.

  "I know," Honey said. "I've been reading stories about adventurers for a long time now, and I've been listening to them for even longer. I want to join you! Please! Even if all you do is let me carry your gear, I want to come along. Take me with you."

  Andy and Torq shared a look. Torq rolled his eyes and started to say something, but Andy interrupted his thought. "Sure, why not?"

  "What?!" Torq shouted.

  "We could use another pair of hands, especially after losing our third to these thugs and their leader."

  Torq sputtered and sighed. "Fine! But he's your pet! You train him, feed him, keep an eye on him. I want no part of this!"

  Andy grinned over at Torq with the shameless victory. Her smile softened to a polite one when she returned her attention to Honey.

  "We have to march these men to parliament and process them. After that, we'll need some time to rest up and re-supply. Can you meet with us tomorrow at sunrise?"

  Honey beamed at Andy. "Yes! Yes, I can! Oh, thank you!" He grabbed Andy and hugged her, making sure not to compromise her hold on her prisoners. He stepped over to hug Torq but was met with a glare that said, "Thanks but no thanks," and backed off.

  "I know a place," he said. "There's this little diner up the road..."


  After he had finalized plans with his new adventuring team, he bid Frank and the muscles farewell and rushed home to Chroma and the others. He hadn't even bothered to change before leaving the club and didn't realize he hadn't stopped to change or shower before entering the house until Menna, Nana, and Chroma were all standing in the kitchen gazing at his sparkly skin and half-dressed self.

  "Oh my," Menna said, covering her mouth with her hand. Chroma covered her face with her hands and squeaked, unable to say anything at the moment. Nana turned herself in her chair and clapped.

  "Shake it! Shake it!"

  "NANA!" Menna shrieked.

  "What? I know what that is he's wearing! Come on over and earn yourself a coin, boy!"

  Chroma sat down in a chair, devolving into giggles behind her curtain of hands. Menna, meanwhile, grabbed a cooking apron and put it on over Honey.

  "Ok, Honey," she said, stepping away from him with her arms folded. "What is going on here?"

  Honey tied the apron behind him to keep the strings from tickling the exposed sections of his legs and told the girls everything about his job and what had happened that night. They were all shocked, but Menna seemed borderline offended.

  "You've been stripping? That's awful, Honey! What a seedy business to get into with those dirty tramps--"

  "I like it," Honey interjected. "I like dancing, and I make good money. I've made more than I can even count. And I've made friends, and...I-I-I’m sorry I didn't tell you the truth."

  Chroma sighed. "It's not that big of a deal, Mom. He's been through a lot, and it's not like he's whoring again."


  That was another long conversation Honey hadn't relished, but he wanted to tell them the whole truth before he left, and he did. He finally circled back around to that night and told them about Andy and Torq and how Andy had invited him to join them. "I've always wanted to be a hero," Honey said. "I hate to leave, but this is my one chance."

  The room fell silent for a few moments. Then Nana spoke up. "Well, I bet you were a wonderful dancer. Almost wish I could have seen it, but I bet you'll be an even better hero. You've got the body for dancing but the heart of a hero."

  Honey giggled and hugged Nana while Chroma and her mom tried not to indulge Nana's crude humor with a laugh. "Thank you, Nana."

  Chroma stood and hugged Honey as well. "If this is what you have to do, then you should do it," she mumbled into his shoulder. "But we
'll miss you."

  Honey hugged her tightly. "I'll miss you too."

  Chroma backed away, and Menna took her time shuffling over to Honey. She stopped short of him and sighed. "I don't like what I've heard about you, Honey, but I also know you didn't choose to be what you were. And what you are isn't all bad, I suppose. You've been good to Nana and my Chroma, so...I'll miss you too." She leaned in and gave him a gentle hug, quickly backing away when she realized some of the glitter from his skin got on her work shirt. Honey apologized and grabbed a cloth to help her clean it off.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Honey took a long shower to scrub the glitter out of his skin, washed his cowboy outfit as best he could, and hung it up to dry. He assumed Frank would expect an explanation and his costume back. He also felt bad about leaving Chroma, Menna, and Nana. They had been so good to him since his escape from Anastasia's home, and now he was leaving them too. While he had loved dancing, leaving them was going to be so much more difficult.

  At least I have a chance to say goodbye to them, Honey thought. It still bothered him he hadn't gotten to say a proper goodbye to Dane and the other boys, but if things went as he hoped they would, he would go on to gain his freedom and could come back to see them again. The way he saw it, once he had his citizenship in hand, he could do literally anything his heart desired, even go back to see Loretta and the girls. But joining the Adventuring Guild was a big step he couldn't afford to miss, even if it meant giving up his peaceful home-life in exchange for a much harder one that could put his life in danger. It was worth it if he could bring some sense of peace to those he cared about.

  The next morning, he started packing his few belongings into a large backpack Chroma had given him. He then gathered all of the coins he had socked away into a cheap cinch bag. He took the cowboy outfit from the back of the bathroom door and carefully folded it up.

  Surely, Frank will want this back, Honey thought.

  A quick glance through the dresser drawers revealed Honey's lack of what one might call adventuring clothes. He hoped he would be able to buy some soon after he started. He was sure Torq would give him hell about dressing like a prep the first time they saw battle, but that was most of Honey’s wardrobe at this point. He hadn’t had much time or bag-space to be packing any more than what he had needed when he left Anastasia’s house that evening. Honey shook the memories of that night from his head and continued getting ready to go. Torq had been less than enthused about Honey joining them, but Andy seemed pretty agreeable. Perhaps she still remembered what it was like to be a fledgling adventurer or even a non-citizen, unlike Torq, who looked like he had walked out of his mother full-grown, holding that machete and ready for battle. He knew it would be a challenge to get through to the man and make him see that Honey was capable of being one of them. It would just take some time and finesse.

  After he finished packing, Honey wrote up his letter of resignation for Frank at Sacred Mounds. He was grateful Chroma had taught him enough about reading and writing that he could write his own notes now, so long as he didn’t aspire to write anything that needed those big, fancy words that only government officials and scholars used. Wizards probably would have if they hadn’t already come up with their own secret script for keeping their knowledge safe from anyone who might choose to use it nefariously.

  He folded the letter and tucked it into the back pocket of his pants before slinging on his backpack and heading to the main house to say his goodbyes. A wall of delicious smells met him at the back door. Menna had prepared a feast of delicious breakfast foods, including those heavenly cinnamon rolls she had prepared for him when he had gotten his first real job. Chroma crossed the kitchen and hugged him tightly before he could put his pack down. "Good morning," she chimed. "Mom wanted to send you off with a big breakfast."

  Honey chuckled, "Yeah, I can see that. Everyone down the block can probably smell it too."

  "Well, you should have a good meal before you go," Menna reasoned from her place in front of the stove. "You never know when you’re going to get another home-cooked meal when you’re on the road like that. Ben used to complain about the preserved meals they served when he was out on assignment for the army. He said they would sometimes remind the troops it was that or nothing, and sometimes nothing is what he chose."

  Honey nodded and slid over to her for a quick, one-armed hug. "Thank you, Menna."

  Nana waved Honey over with both hands. "Come on over here, Honey-boy! You're not getting out of here without a little lovin' from me!" Honey giggled and hung his bag off of the back of his chair on his way over to Nana. She stood and hugged him, patted his back, and tousled his short hair. "You're a good boy, Honey. You're gonna do good out there. I know it."

  Honey hugged her again and helped her back into her chair. "I hope so, Nana. It has to be pretty amazing to make it worth leaving you fine ladies here." They shared a laugh and joined him at the table for what might have been his last good meal for goodness knows how long. They spoke of everyday things at first but then started the line of questioning regarding his travels.

  "Did you pack enough socks?" Menna asked.

  Honey stifled his laughter, remembering his wrestling match with Jez, and nodded. Through the giggles bubbling up inside, he managed to squeak out, "Yes, ma'am."

  "Underwear? Wait, do you still have underwear?"

  Chroma sighed and groaned, "Strippers still wear underwear, Mom!"

  Honey nodded in agreement, "Yes, I should have enough that I won't have to do laundry for a while."

  Time seemed to move so slowly this morning, but Honey didn't mind. He wasn't sure when he would be back to see them again and enjoyed every minute of it until it was time for him to leave. Another round of hugs and well-wishing was shared before Honey and Menna started off toward her work. They were quiet as they walked together to the diner. Neither of them seemed to know just what to say to the other. Honey looked around, taking in all of the comings and goings of the people he had come to know. Know in the sense that he saw them on his way into Southie and wave at from a fair distance. He had been careful not to get too close to anyone, just in case Miss Anastasia had eyes and ears out searching for him. He hoped he was moving on to better things and would come back and pay her back every penny she had spent on him. It seemed fair, after all, she had done for him.

  They slowed to a stop in front of the diner, and Menna turned and hugged him. "Keep yourself safe, okay?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I will," Honey said and pulled away. He smiled in an attempt to keep Menna from crying, but it seemed as though she was already struggling with it.

  "Keep an eye on Nana for me? She is a wild woman!"

  Menna laughed and wiped her eyes. "We'll try. She's got a lot of spirit."

  Honey nodded, and so did she, in awkward silence. They hugged and bid each other farewell again, and Honey watched her disappear into the diner to start her shift. He started down the road and made his way to South Roxana to resign. When he arrived, the lights were on, but the music wasn't playing yet. Honey went to Frank's office and knocked on the open door. Frank turned.

  "Hey! There's my sexy little badass! How're you feeling after yesterday? You aren't scared, are ya, cause- I swear - that almost never happens. I've never had to pick up an arm off of my floor before until now."

  "An arm?"

  Frank nodded. "Almost up to the elbow."

  Honey recalled Ashelynn's fight with Silas and frowned.

  "Oh well," Frank said. "I got this little beauty out of it." He held up a black revolver, the same black revolver Silas had tried to use to kill Honey. "Must have belonged to one of those bums the adventurers were rounding up last night. Apparently, it's a 'Byron Beaumont.' You ever heard of that?"

  Honey froze at the sound of his old master's name and stiffly shook his head. "I don't know nothin' about guns." Frank shrugged and put the gun down on his desk.

  "Yeah, me neither. Anyway, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Honey took the letter from his back pocket and rewound the conversation back to before Frank had shown him a weapon that had obviously been given to Silas by Beaumont to assassinate Honey. "I'm not afraid, but I am afraid I do have to resign."

  Frank looked at Honey and then at the folded piece of paper in his hand. He plucked it from Honey's grip, scanned the document, and looked back up at him. "You're leaving?"

  "Yes," Honey said and produced the cowboy outfit from his pack. "It's not about you or this place. This is actually the best job I've ever had, but those adventurers offered me a chance to join their group. After everything I’ve been through, I can't pass that up."

  Frank put the letter on his desk and sighed. "That's what you want to do with your life?"

  Honey nodded. "Yes, sir. I want to be an adventurer and maybe a hero someday, and I think this can help me do that." He held the costume out to Frank, who waved it away.

  "Keep it. If nothing else, you'll look great kicking ass in that hat. Also, you left yesterday without taking your cut from the stage, but I'm going to have to keep that to help recuperate what I spent on advertising and clothes and stuff. I hope you'll understand."

  Honey put the cowboy costume away and nodded, deciding it was fair to let the man keep a day's earnings. He had probably spent much more than that on the artists, and that handful of well-fitting outfits had earned him a decent stack of coins. "That's fair." After all, the man had spent quite a bit of coin on his newest attraction only to watch him saunter away with a couple of adventurers. He reached out and shook Frank's hand. "Thank you for everything."

  Frank nodded and gave Honey's hand one final squeeze. "Good luck, kid."

  Honey left Frank's office and Sacred Mounds to meet Andy and Torq. He smiled as he caught sight of them up the road. Some part of him had wondered if they weren't going to show up as planned. If everything he had hinged his hopes on was going to fall through. Torq certainly didn't seem to take him seriously. Andy seemed nice enough, but some part of him felt like she didn't see him as adventurer material either. But there they were, waiting for him in front of the diner. The closer he got to them, the more real his dream felt, and the more he sped up to meet with them so his new life could begin.


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