Life Or Something Like It

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Life Or Something Like It Page 18

by Annie Lyons

  ‘What was that?’ cried Ellie as something moved in the hedgerow. ‘I don’t like it!’

  Moved by her friend’s distress, Daisy began to cry. ‘I want to go home.’

  ‘Probably a king cobra,’ chuckled Charlie.

  ‘That’s not helpful,’ said Cat, doing her best to usher the near-hysterical girls forward whilst trying to remain calm herself. ‘Hey, girls, I think there are some blackberries up ahead.’

  ‘Where?’ cried Ellie moving rapidly along the path, closely followed by Daisy.

  ‘Nice distraction technique,’ remarked Finn as they reached the end of the winding path and came out onto a crossroads where several footpaths converged.

  Cat grinned. ‘Maybe my PR skills are coming in handy after all.’

  ‘That was the old railway track,’ said Finn, pointing back along a grassy path flanked on either side by sloping verges. ‘Until it was closed in the twenties.’ He leant forwards and plucked a handful of blackberries from the bushes, holding them out for everyone to try. They were delicious and bursting with flavour.

  ‘I feel as if I’m in the Famous Five.’ Cat grinned.

  ‘Which one are you?’ asked Finn.

  ‘George, of course. No-one ever wanted to be Anne.’

  ‘True,’ he laughed. ‘Right, ready to go on?’ The path to the harbour was relatively flat and wide, enabling them to ride in a slightly unruly line whilst allowing people coming the other way to pass. However, one couple did have to jump onto the grassy embankment when Ellie veered wildly into their path.

  ‘Sorry!’ cried Cat cheerfully as she passed. ‘She’s a bit erratic.’

  After her initial struggle, Cat felt more confident riding at the back of their group. Finn was hurtling ahead, closely followed by Charlie. Cat and the girls kept a steady pace, gliding along in the warm sun. The landscape opened up on both sides and Cat was able to admire the soft green fields dotted with cows and the lighthouse and town in the background. The breeze shushed through the reeds and Cat’s mind and body was filled with a sense of freedom she hadn’t experienced for a long time. She had nowhere to be except here. Before, this would have filled her with fear but today, it was oddly liberating.

  She was disappointed when they reached the metal bridge, which stretched across the harbour, and had to dismount. However, once they had walked across to the other side, they continued their bike ride along a similar country path crossing marshy fields flanked by reeds. A little way along the path, there was a large red-bricked house. Finn stopped there for everyone to catch up. A fat marmalade cat was basking on the garden path outside the glass-fronted porch. Cat noticed beehives at the end of the garden and jars of honey for sale. She surprised herself by reaching into her purse and giving Ellie and Daisy the money to buy one. Charlie and the girls paused to make a huge fuss of the cat, who graciously rolled onto his back so that they could tickle his belly.

  ‘This was a great idea,’ admitted Cat as she and Finn watched them. ‘I don’t usually slow down to this sort of pace.’

  ‘You don’t say,’ teased Finn.

  Cat pulled a face at him. ‘Having said that, I am starving. Shall we find somewhere to have the picnic?’

  ‘Come on, kids,’ called Finn. The track became a road up ahead with a scattering of houses and a handful of cars. They wheeled their bikes into the village, which contained some of the most charming cottages Cat had ever seen. They soon came to a road lined with gift shops and tea rooms leading to a smartly maintained village green surrounded by more pretty cottages. It was situated on a slight slope and had a small play area in one corner. They found a spot to put down the blanket and it wasn’t long before they were tucking into their picnic. After she had finished her sandwiches, Ellie plucked a shiny red apple from the bag and stood up.

  ‘Charlie, will you push Daisy and me on the swings, pleeeease?’

  Charlie sighed but he was in a good mood. ‘Come on then,’ he said, taking an apple of his own.

  Cat watched them go. ‘He seems happier today,’ she remarked.

  Finn nodded. ‘He’s probably relaxed into his holiday. It takes a while sometimes.’

  ‘Tell me about it.’

  ‘Speaking of which, I take it there’s no signal out here,’ he joked.

  ‘To be honest, I have no idea,’ said Cat surprised at herself. She reached into her pocket before withdrawing her hand as she changed her mind. ‘Actually, why do I need to look? It’s not as if anyone needs me.’

  ‘They do,’ said Finn, pointing towards the children.

  ‘Yes,’ murmured Cat. ‘I suppose they do. I am still a bit worried about Charlie.’

  ‘Because of the boys at the park?’

  She nodded. ‘Also, I saw some messages on his iPad when we were back home.’

  ‘What sort of messages?’

  ‘Unpleasant ones. I think he’s being bullied or at least getting into something he doesn’t know how to handle.’

  Finn shook his head in sympathy. ‘Poor kid. Have you talked to Andrew about it?’

  ‘I didn’t really have a chance and Charlie seems so closed about it. I was hoping the holiday might help him to open up a bit.’

  Finn sighed. ‘That is a tough one. Boys aren’t exactly known for sharing their feelings with the world.’

  ‘What about you?’

  ‘I’m an open book.’ He grinned.


  ‘Sure. Ask me anything.’

  Cat gave a sly smile. ‘Favourite film?’

  ‘Cinema Paradiso.’

  Cat nodded her approval. ‘Favourite singer?’

  Finn screwed up his face in concentration. ‘Ella Fitzgerald,’ he said after a pause. ‘Complete perfection and makes it sound easy, which it isn’t.’

  Cat smiled. ‘Ever been in love?’

  ‘Yes. It was 1986. I was five. She kissed another boy called Martin. Broke my heart. Still haven’t recovered.’

  Cat laughed. ‘Poor you. Ever broken someone’s heart?’

  Finn winced. ‘Yes, but I was very young and foolish and she was far too good for me. I would have made her unhappy.’

  ‘Self-awareness is half the battle. On behalf of the sisterhood, you are forgiven.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Finn with an amused nod. ‘And what about you? Ever been in love? Or is there a secret man you’re hiding in a cellar?’

  ‘Actually there is. His name is Brian and we’re blissfully happy, thank you,’ joked Cat. ‘Anyway, what about Angelica?’

  Finn eyed her knowingly. ‘That was a very neat deflection.’

  Cat pretended to be clueless. ‘What? I thought we were still on you.’

  ‘You’ve got a story haven’t you, Cat Nightingale?’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ replied Cat, feeling her cheeks grow hot. ‘There’s no story.’

  ‘Everyone has a story,’ said Finn. ‘Some people just choose not to tell it.’

  ‘Well there you go then.’

  ‘So there’s no-one? No unrequited love or handsome dude on the horizon?’

  Cat peered out towards the sea, which could be spied over the tops of the cottages. ‘Can’t see one and as George Clooney’s now taken, all bets are off.’

  ‘Do you always do that?’


  ‘Fend off a serious question with humour?’

  ‘I seem to remember you telling me that I didn’t have much of a sense of humour once.’

  ‘Well maybe being with the kids has helped you develop one.’

  ‘You certainly need one around kids,’ admitted Cat.

  ‘Seriously though, are you saying you’ve never been in love?’

  Curse this man, thought Cat, why couldn’t he let it go?

  ‘Can we have an ice-cream now, please?’ asked Ellie appearing at Cat’s side.

  ‘What a brilliant idea!’ she cried. Cat could have kissed her niece for impeccable timing.

  After they had finished their ice-creams, they pack
ed up the picnic rug and loaded the bikes. Finn turned to Cat with a wry grin. ‘This isn’t over, Nightingale. Not by a long shot.’

  She frowned. She knew he was joking but for Cat this was serious; like teenage acne and the music of Take That, she had given up heart-to-hearts a long time ago. She could see that she would have to keep avoiding Finn’s bald questioning for the rest of the holiday.

  The cycle ride back to the town took them along the towpath by the side of the harbour and back over the metal bridge. It was a narrow path and Cat prayed she would avoid toppling down into the thick estuary mud. Happily she managed it and once again she found herself exhilarated by the simple joy of cycling through beautiful scenery. There were all types of fishing boats and yachts in the harbour and as the ropes hit the masts they made a pleasant tinny sound accompanied by the insistent peep-peep-peep of the marsh birds. It was harder going on the way back for the children and by the time they reached the town and returned the bikes, the girls were crotchety and Charlie’s face was pink and sweaty.

  ‘How about we go for a drink?’ suggested Finn.

  ‘Good idea,’ agreed Cat. ‘Shall we find a café?’

  ‘I was actually thinking more of a pub,’ said Finn. ‘There’s a nice family-friendly one near the seafront.’

  Cat didn’t normally frequent pubs but even she had to admit this was rather lovely. It had three separate rooms including the splendidly named ‘snug’, which led off the bar and where children were allowed. Finn led them to this area where there was a large table and the shelf around the top of the wall was lined with beer bottles. There was a fire at the far end, which Cat imagined would be blissful on a winter’s day.

  ‘What will you have?’ asked Finn. ‘Fancy trying the local beer?’

  Cat usually drank wine but there was something about having just completed her first cycle ride in twenty years that made her answer. ‘Why not?’

  Finn returned a short while later with two pints of beer, three glasses of lemonade and assorted packets of crisps, which the children pounced upon.

  ‘Cheers,’ he said holding up his glass to Cat.

  ‘Cheers,’ she replied taking a sip. Maybe it was the effect of the sun, the bike ride or being on holiday but the beer seemed to Cat at that moment to be the most delicious drink she had ever tasted. ‘Now that is good,’ she declared, putting her glass down.

  Finn smiled. ‘First of the day always tastes the best.’ He glanced around the room before spying a pile of games on a corner shelf. ‘Now then,’ he said standing up and perusing them, ‘who fancies a game of Happy Families?’

  ‘Ooh me!’ chorused the girls.

  ‘Okay,’ said Charlie with a shrug.

  ‘I’ve never played it,’ admitted Cat. She wasn’t a great one for games but couldn’t say this in front of the kids.

  ‘You’ve never played Happy Families?’ cried Finn scandalised. ‘Next thing you’ll be telling me is that you’ve never played Old Maid either.’

  ‘Guilty as charged,’ said Cat, taking another sip of her drink.

  ‘Right then. Let’s play.’

  Cat couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so much. The children loved playing games and she was pleased to see how much Charlie was enjoying himself, happy and joking with Finn. Ellie was the sneaky one and Daisy was delightfully honest. They played Old Maid using the Happy Families cards and Finn took great delight when Cat was given the title of Old Maid. She folded her arms and stuck out her tongue at him. An elderly man with sparkling eyes paused in the doorway, grinning at them.

  ‘How wonderful,’ he declared, ‘to see parents actually enjoying time with their children for a change.’

  Finn and Cat exchanged glances before dissolving into renewed giggles. ‘Your round,’ said Finn as he finished his pint.

  ‘Can we have dinner here, please?’ asked Daisy.

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Finn.

  ‘Yes let’s,’ said Cat. ‘My treat.’

  ‘You don’t have to do that,’ protested Finn.

  ‘I want to. Please,’ she replied. ‘Another pint?’

  ‘Thank you,’ he smiled. ‘That would be great.’

  Cat felt a surge of happiness as she watched Ellie squirt a family-sized dollop of ketchup onto her chips whilst Daisy neatly tucked her napkin into her T-shirt and Charlie looked up from his burger and thanked her for treating them. She remembered eating out as a child – at the ticklish joy of being able to choose your dinner and the promise of dessert afterwards. She noticed that Finn glanced at her from time to time, a smile never far from his lips. Thankfully, the girls offered the perfect distraction with their excited chatter or occasional need for the toilet.

  It was beginning to get dark as they left the pub with the tired but happy children.

  ‘Wow look at the stars!’ cried Charlie. They gazed up at the sky in awe.

  ‘They’re so pretty,’ murmured Daisy.

  Living in light-polluted London, Cat had almost forgotten what stars looked like. As she stared deeper into the sky, more became apparent and the ones she thought she’d seen seemed to wink at her or disappear altogether.

  ‘This has been the best day ever,’ sighed Ellie.

  ‘You said that about your birthday,’ observed Charlie.

  ‘This is better.’

  ‘And Christmas.’

  ‘This is still better.’

  ‘Why?’ asked Cat with genuine interest.

  ‘No-one got cross all day,’ said Ellie.

  ‘Huh. Well that’s definitely a good thing,’ agreed Cat.

  Back at the cottage, the weary girls were quickly despatched to bed and Charlie took himself off to his room to listen to music before lights out. Cat went in to say goodnight to the girls after Finn had tucked them in.

  ‘Night-night,’ she called softly. ‘Sleep tight.’ There was no answer. She turned to leave.

  ‘Night-night, Mummy,’ sighed Ellie sleepily. ‘Love you.’

  Cat paused at the door for a second. ‘Love you too,’ she whispered, smiling to herself before heading downstairs.

  Finn was sitting at the kitchen table with his guitar. There was a bottle of dark red liquid in front of him and two small glasses. He smiled as she entered the kitchen. ‘I took the liberty,’ he said gesturing at the drinks.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked picking up the bottle.

  ‘Morello cherry liqueur. I bought it from the brewery shop. Not only do they make their own beer but they also distil their own spirits and import wine.’

  ‘Fancy,’ smiled Cat. ‘Who knew they’d built heaven in this wind-whipped corner of Suffolk?’ She poured herself a glass of water and sat down opposite him at the table. ‘Can I say that if you’re thinking of getting me drunk and picking up the conversation where we left off earlier then you’re out of luck.’

  ‘Damn,’ laughed Finn, setting his guitar to one side. ‘You’ve seen right through me.’

  ‘You’re very easy to read,’ she replied with one eyebrow raised.

  ‘Whereas you, Cat Nightingale, are a complete mystery.’

  ‘That’s how I like it.’

  ‘Why?’ He picked up his glass and gestured for her to do the same. ‘Skol.’

  ‘Skol,’ she replied, knocking her glass against his and taking a sip. It was nothing like liqueurs Cat had tried in the past. There was no acid hit of alcohol; it was warming and pleasantly sweet but not cloying. ‘Delicious.’

  ‘So, you were saying?’

  Cat shrugged. ‘I just don’t feel the need to analyse my life endlessly. It’s really not that interesting and the past is best left where it is.’

  ‘Oh, so you do have a past then?’

  ‘Doesn’t everyone? I just choose to leave it there and live in the here and now.’

  ‘But the past feeds the here and now so you have to acknowledge it.’

  ‘That’s very deep.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Finn smiled. ‘I surprise myself sometimes. Seriously though, a
nd I hope I’m not speaking out of turn, but I would say that your past is actually having a big effect on you at the moment.’

  Cat sighed. ‘I know but it can be sorted. These things move quickly and I trust Jesse.’

  ‘Yeah, what is it with that guy?’ They had finished their first drink, so Finn refilled their glasses. ‘Prost.’

  ‘Prost,’ replied Cat, knocking her glass against his. ‘Jesse is my oldest friend. I met him at uni and we’ve been friends ever since.’

  ‘And that’s it?’

  Cat fixed him with a narrow gaze. ‘You don’t give up, do you?’

  ‘It’s one of my best and worst qualities.’ Finn grinned.

  Cat took a deep breath. ‘Okay, I had a tiny crush on Jesse at uni – we shared a moment but it came to nothing.’

  ‘And now?’

  ‘Now he’s married and I work for him. That’s it.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Absolutely. We are really good friends. Is that so hard to believe?’

  ‘I believe you. I’m just not sure I get why he’d pass up the chance to be with you.’

  Cat was secretly flattered. ‘You know that he’s married to Alexandra Lorenzo?’

  ‘The model? She’s fine but I’d rather be with a woman who eats chocolate croissants for breakfast.’

  Cat winced. ‘I only do that on holiday.’

  ‘Well I like holiday-Cat,’ declared Finn. ‘And I would like to propose a toast to her.’ He topped up their glasses again. ‘To holiday-Cat.’

  ‘To holiday-me.’ Cat grinned. ‘And what about you? What about Angelica?’

  ‘Yeah, she’s cool. Ronnie can’t stand her but she sort of fits into my world so we rock along pretty well.’

  ‘Do you love her?’

  Finn shrugged. ‘We’re not an item. She’s just always there, you know?’

  ‘Wow, Finn, that’s really romantic,’ teased Cat.

  ‘Thank you,’ he laughed. ‘I’m better if I say it with music to be honest.’

  ‘Well thank you for the music,’ giggled Cat who was feeling quite merry. ‘Right, that’s enough drink for one night. I am going to bed.’ She stood up and stumbled to the sink. ‘Oops! Thanks for today by the way,’ she said turning to face him. ‘I had a really good time.’


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