Baby, Come Back [Clandestine Affairs 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Baby, Come Back [Clandestine Affairs 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Zara Chase

  “We did things together, didn’t we? You, me and Zeke.”

  “You remember that?”

  “Flashes. I saw the picture by your computer the other day and knew it was Las Vegas. We had just gotten married and the three of us didn’t leave the hotel room for two whole days after that.”

  “That’s right.” Raoul flashed a warm smile. “And we still couldn’t get enough of you.”

  “I want that again,” she said softly. “I need to start living again, Raoul. I feel so much stronger. I need to get my life back.”

  Raoul knew this was a defining moment. The first time she had made demands of any kind. “So, you only want me for my body?” he teased.

  “Don’t pretend it’s not mutual, Washington,” she said, biting her lip to quell a giggle. Raoul wanted to tell her not to. Hearing his wife giggle uninhibitedly would kick start his healing process, too. “That big old cock of yours gives you away.”

  “And it’s all yours, if you still want it, darlin’,” he said, fixing her with a smoldering smile. “Always has been, and always will be.”

  It filled Raoul’s heart with joy to see her eyes darken with desire. “Then it must be my lucky day,” she said in a husky voice.

  “I don’t know what you remember about the games you used to play with Zeke and me,” he said, rolling her off his thighs and eliciting a squeal from her as he tumbled her onto her back. Raoul’s gaze roved over her rapidly recovering body as, hair fanned out beneath her, she treated him to the sultry smile that had haunted his dreams these past three years. “We’ll be happy to remind you, once you’re strong enough. But right now, I’m gonna take this real gentle, and you have to promise to tell me if I hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she replied, tracing the curve of his face with the tips of her fingers. “I know you won’t, because you love me.”

  “More than you can possibly know. Way more. I’m a one woman guy, Cantara, and you’re that one woman, darlin’.”

  He lowered his head to claim her lips as his fingers gently explored the contours of her body, which were slowly taking shape again. Her tits were as sensitive as ever. She proved it by groaning around their fused lips as he softly pinched a solidified nipple.

  “You like that, sweetheart?” he asked, breaking the kiss because he needed to hear her say it.

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly. “I like everything you do to me. I remembered that when I woke up this morning, but I think subconsciously I knew it before then. That’s why I feel so safe with you and Zeke, and now that I’ve admitted it, I’m not afraid for you to touch me anymore.”

  “I’m so very glad you feel that way, sweetheart.” Her admission earned her another searing kiss. “You used to like this, too. A lot.”

  He started at her neck, gently nipping and lapping his way to the pulse beating at the base of her throat. He worked his way methodically downwards, cupping one of her small breasts and giving the nipple the attention it cried out for by sucking it into his mouth. She gasped as he kissed a trail down to her abdomen, his tongue swirling, tantalizing and teasing.

  “I still do like it.” She gasped. “You know all the right places to agitate.”

  “Is that right?”


  “We only just got started. We haven’t got to the best part yet.”

  He continued on down to her pussy, pushed her legs apart, knelt between them, and bent to feast on her nub. She cried out, throaty little gasps of pleasure he remembered as being so uniquely her. She tasted so goddamned sweet, was just as responsive as she had always been. Raoul was dangerously out of control, his cock throbbing so hard that he could easily shoot his load then and there. That couldn’t be allowed to happen. This one was for her.

  All for her.

  He sat back on his haunches, taking a moment to rein himself in, and examined her face for signs of distress. Her eyes were closed and she seemed totally with the program. Reassured, Raoul slid a couple of fingers into her cunt, slick with her juices, and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit.


  Her eyes flew open and she looked at him with a wild entreaty that definitely had no basis in anxiety. He chuckled and added a third finger.

  “That what you need?”

  “No, I want you.”

  “All in good time, darlin’. All in good time. It’s a sin to rush these things.”

  He increased the pressure of his thumb, and pushed his fingers a little deeper into her tight pussy. She cried out, bucked her hips against his hand, and exploded. Raoul watched her face as she rode her orgasm, loving the fact that she could be so uninhibited so soon after her ordeal. Loving it even more that the suggestion had been hers.

  “Better?” he asked when she came back down to earth and opened her eyes again.

  “Hmm.” She squirmed beneath him. “Was that the appetizer?”

  Raoul laughed aloud. “Dr. Sanford didn’t actually prescribe this treatment, but perhaps he should have done. We shall look upon it as medicinal and administer regular doses. How does that sound, babe?”

  “Like heaven.”

  Raoul leaned over her, supporting his weight on his forearms. Not a great fan of vanilla sex, right now it had never seemed more appealing. He parted her creamy folds and slid the tip of his throbbing cock into her, just an inch or two, still not totally convinced she was ready for this. Too far gone to deny her. He ached with a need Cantara could spend the rest of her life satiating—for him and for Zeke.

  Part of him wished his buddy could have been there when Cantara took this big step forward on the path to recovery, both physical and carnal. Another part of him figured both of them at once would be too much for her when she was still so fragile. Zeke would get his, now she was back in the saddle, just so long as she didn’t react aversely to what they were about to do. He still didn’t know if she’d been forced to have sex with that bastard Salim. Raoul ground his jaw at the prospect, not wanting to know if she had been, but figured she needed to face it sooner or later. Make that later.

  He was reassured when Cantara wrapped her legs around his waist and locked them at the ankles, as though afraid he might change his mind. Like he could! She was so damned tight—way tighter than he recalled, but perhaps it was more to do with the extent of his tumescence. He tried to work his way into her gently, but his feisty Cantara was having none of it. She thrust her pelvis upwards to meet his next thrust and before he knew it he was completely sheathed in her enveloping warmth. They groaned in unison and, satisfied that she was comfortable, Raoul picked up the pace.

  “You used to spank me,” she said on a breathless sigh.

  “Yeah, and you loved it.”

  “Will you do that again?”

  “I’ll do whatever you want me to, sweetness, but not too fast. We need to build up to these things.”

  “Sure we do.”

  There was a mischievous light in her eye as she thrust against him with increased force, gyrating her hips as she did so, creating an almost unbearably intoxicating friction between them. She clenched the muscles in her pussy against his length, adding to his agony. Straining to explode, Raoul couldn’t let that happen yet. She needed to come first, and come hard. She’d damn well earned the right. He increased the pace and ferocity of his thrusts, watching her for signs of distress that didn’t materialize. Instead her cute little needy moans increased in volume and intensity by the second.

  “That’s it, darlin’. Now we’re really fucking. You’ve got everything I can give you, Cantara, honey. God, I never dreamed I’d get a second chance with you. I love you so damned much it hurts. I’m never gonna let you out of my sight again. Get used to it.”

  “I love it that you’re so protective.”

  “Yeah,” he groaned, breathless from the flickering heat building deep inside of him. “But do you love me, darlin’? Do you forgive me?”

  “I love you, and I love Zeke.” Her fingers clawed at his back. “Don’t care
if that sounds greedy. As to forgiving, there’s nothing to forgive, unless you count the fact that you’re deliberately teasing me when you know I need to come real bad.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, darlin’, let’s do this together.”

  “Raoul! Oh my God, I…”

  Cantara had no breath left to finish her sentence. Raoul gloried in the feel of her tightening muscles around his throbbing cock, drank in her expression of astounded ecstasy as she thrashed her head from side to side and absorbed her orgasm like a woman with a point to prove to herself. A woman who definitely felt ready to embrace life again. Her pleasure was Raoul’s undoing. His dwindling self-control evaporated and with a growl of fierce possessiveness he shot his load deep inside the woman he had loved since the moment he set eyes on her. The woman whom he had thought was lost to him forever.

  Against all the odds, they had been granted a second chance and this time Raoul and Zeke wouldn’t be taking any risks when it came to Cantara’s welfare.

  * * * *

  Zeke whistled tunelessly as he carried the breakfast tray toward the yellow room, pleased with the simple domesticity of the task. Even more pleased with Cantara’s progress. The shell of the woman who had returned to them was blossoming into the wild and beautiful creature who had haunted Zeke’s dreams. Curiosity was replacing Cantara’s mental inertia. She asked more and more questions about their past, about what had happened to her, and Zeke was confident she would gradually remember everything for herself. Something small and insignificant would open the floodgates, and there it would all be. So would Raoul and Zeke, ready to help her through the traumatic aftermath.

  Sanford was delighted with her progress. Now that he knew her better he agreed she was the sort of person who needed to remember, rather than bury the past. Only then would she be truly free to start living again. Once she had remembered, he and Raoul could concentrate on finding that sniveling bastard Levi and giving him what he had coming. A man who betrayed his country’s interests in order to save his own miserable hide was the worst kind of coward, and Raoul and Zeke would know no peace until he was held to account.

  They had Cantara back, it was true, but that was no thanks to Levi. They lived with daily evidence of the horrors she’d suffered because of him—her haunted expression, her injuries, the nightmares, the long stretches of time she spent staring vacantly into space—to say nothing of the loss of her memory and three of the best years of her life.

  And theirs.

  All the practice they’d had at administering their own form of justice through their Clandestine Agency had been in preparation for dealing with Levi. Zeke understood that now, and wouldn’t back down from the fight. A small part of his brain still wondered how he could have gotten it so wrong. He reckoned he was a good judge of character and had liked and respected Levi. He had been in the Israeli army for fifteen years, had a spotless record and a wife and two kids whom he supposedly doted on. Of course, he hadn’t seen his family since he absconded from captivity, and nor would he ever again. Still, that was not punishment enough for what he’d done to their Cantara. The problem was, they’d spent endless hours and countless resources trying to find the man, without any luck. They had some of the best people in the business at their disposal, but they’d all come up empty-handed. Zeke was starting to think Levi must be dead, which infuriated him because it meant he’d escaped justice, either by taking his own life or being given a helping hand. Unless, until, he and Raoul knew for sure, they would never stop looking for him.

  About to go into the bedroom, he paused on the threshold when he heard noises coming from within. Noises he hadn’t expected to hear. He didn’t need a degree in rocket science to figure out what was going on. A broad smile broke out across his face.

  “Well, well,” he muttered. “Now that’s what I call progress. Hadn’t expected her to be up for that quite yet. Leave it to Raoul to change her mind.”

  But Zeke knew Raoul wouldn’t have instigated proceedings. They’d talked about it. Worried over her anxiety if they kissed her too enthusiastically, held her for a little too long, or touched her too intimately. They had learned that any physical contact at all, aside from holding her hand or giving her a chaste kiss, had to come from her. The last thing they wanted to do was spook her, or remind her of aspects of her three-year ordeal she wasn’t ready to remember.

  He leaned on the door jamb, watching their baby climax. Watching Raoul’s ass moving as he gave her what she so obviously needed before taking his own pleasure.

  “You guys started without me,” he said, strolling into the room with their breakfast and pulling an injured face. “That wasn’t nice.”

  “It was from where I was lying,” Cantara replied with a saucy smile.

  Zeke laughed, put the tray down, and leaned down to kiss her lips. “I’m real glad about that, babe,” he said, tweaking one of her nipples. “You deserved it.”

  She stretched like the satiated cat she was, her smile wide and smug. “I remembered something,” she said, looking excited.

  “You did. What was that then?”

  “I remembered that you and Raoul both used to play with me like this.”

  Zeke widened his eyes as a shot a sideways glance Raoul’s way. “How do you feel about that, darlin’? Don’t tell me you’re gonna settle just for this big bad ass,” he said, pointing dismissively at Raoul. “I can give you just as much as he can. More in fact.”

  Raoul flipped him off. “In your dreams, bud.”

  “Who says anything about choosing?” she asked with a mischievous little smile that moved Zeke’s heart. She used to flash that particular smile all the time, but it was the first time he’d seen it since she came home. Progress.

  “He is so insecure about his size,” Raoul quipped. “Still, I guess he has reason to be.”

  “You two used to banter like this all the time,” Cantara said. “I do remember that much.”

  “Hey, this isn’t banter,” Zeke replied, clutching dramatically at his heart. “The size of a man’s weapon is no joking matter.”

  Cantara bit her lip, her eyes coming alight with laughter. “Sorry,” she said meekly. “But I didn’t start it.”

  “You okay, darlin’?” Raoul asked. “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “No, I feel…well, I’m not sure.” She sat up and stretched her arms above her head. Zeke was pleased to note there was now enough weight on her tits again for them to bounce when she moved. She had already gained back ten pounds, and all in the right places. “I feel like I’m coming alive.”

  “Just think how much better you’d be feeling if it was me who’d just fucked you,” Zeke said, moving in to steal another kiss.

  “You’re full of it,” Raoul said, unable to stop grinning. “Come on, babe, let’s get you cleaned up, then I reckon we could all use some breakfast.”

  “Poor, Zeke,” Cantara said, pouting. “He missed all the fun.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve only taken a rain check.” He waited until Raoul had returned with a cloth to clean Cantara’s pussy with, then moved the breakfast things aside and lay down next to her, pulling her against him. “Tonight, you’re mine.”

  “It’s a date.”

  “Talking of dates, darlin’,” Raoul said. “What would you like to do today? More walking?”

  “No,” Cantara said, sharing a look of determination between them, like she was readying herself for a fight. “I want to ride Iesha.”

  Zeke glanced at Raoul. “Wadda you think? Is she ready?”

  Raoul shrugged. “She was ready to be fucked, so I figure she’s strong enough to ride.”

  “Hey, excuse me, gentlemen, but she is in the room.”

  They laughed aloud. “That’s more like it.” Zeke swooped in for yet another kiss. “She’s getting her sass back. That has to be a good sign.”

  “Go get yourself showered, darlin’,” Raoul said once they’d finished breakfast. “I’ll make sure the horses are saddled up for

  Chapter Ten

  “Oh, this is lovely.”

  Dressed in jeans, a checkered shirt and cowgirl boots, Cantara smiled with delight as she touched the exquisite saddle and bridle Zeke had had handmade for Iesha.

  “Not as lovely as it will be to finally see you on her back,” Raoul replied, squeezing her waist.

  Iesha, recognizing Cantara, whickered a greeting and was rewarded with a carrot. The mare ate her treat and then snuffled around Cantara’s pockets, looking for more of the same. Finding none, she arched her neck and gave her head a disgruntled toss, sending her long mane dancing, and pawed irritably at the ground.

  “Told you she was precocious,” Zeke said. “Iesha, that is, not you, darlin’,” he added, blowing Cantara a kiss.

  “Sure you’re up for this?” Raoul asked.

  “Definitely,” Cantara replied with firm assurance.

  “Okay then, let’s get going.”

  Zeke legged her into the saddle and the guys watched, trying not to show their anxiety, as she gathered up the reins and adjusted her stirrups. They relaxed when Iesha didn’t play up, which she sometimes did because she liked to be the center of attention.

  “All set?” Raoul asked.

  “Will you stop fussing? I’m fine. Besides, if I fall off and take another knock to the head, it might bring my memory back.”

  Zeke shuddered. “We hadn’t thought of that.”

  “And you are definitely not going to bash your head again,” Raoul added, wagging a finger at her.

  “Are you guys gonna stand there and stare at us?” she asked, patting Iesha’s neck. “Or do you plan on joining us?”

  “Baby, you just got yourself an escort,” Raoul replied, winking at her as he and Zeke mounted up themselves and rode up on either side of her.

  Raoul watched her closely as they rode away from the ranch, worried that this was too much, too soon. He quit fretting when Iesha remembered her manners and Cantara seemed to be as much at home in the saddle as she had been three years previously. Instinct over instruction, he figured, deciding it would be safe to give the horses their heads.


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