Keri Locke 03-A Trace of Vice

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Keri Locke 03-A Trace of Vice Page 22

by Blake Pierce

  “Nope. I’m just that charming,” Castillo answered.

  When they got to Ray’s room, the door was open and he was sitting in a chair next the bed, tying his shoes.

  “Should you be out of bed?” Castillo asked as they all filed in.

  Ray looked up to reveal a big bandage on his forehead.

  “Oh jeez,” Saurez said, taken aback.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” Ray insisted. “They just had to give me some stitches and they want me to keep this on until tonight.”

  “Stitches in your head doesn’t sound great, man,” Suarez noted skeptically.

  “I’m not as bad off as this one,” Ray said, pointing at Keri. “How many blows to the head have you had in the last day?”

  “Hey, the doctors gave me an all-clear to leave this morning,” she lied. They’d let her go but it was far from an all-clear.

  “Knowing this town, I bet you paid them off,” Ray muttered.

  “Nice to see you’re back to your old self, Detective,” Castillo said sarcastically.

  “Always,” Ray said, flashing her a big grin. “Now let’s get out of here. By the way, where’s your uncle? He was gone before I woke up and got to thank him.”

  “He had to get back to Ejido Morelos last night. With so few officers, he couldn’t afford to stay away for long.”

  “He really saved us,” Keri told her as they all walked down the hallway together. “Thanks for reaching out to him.”

  “No problem. That’s what Castillos do, no matter which side of the border you’re on. He was pretty impressed with you guys. Apparently you two took down over a dozen of those assholes by yourselves.”

  “With a little help from Sarah Caldwell,” Keri noted quietly.

  “Where is she, by the way?” Ray asked as they reached the elevator. “I was hoping to check in on her.”

  “I asked,” Keri said. She’s down a floor. Her parents are with her. They got in last night and stayed in the room with her. They slept on cots.”

  “Have you been to see her yet?” Suarez asked.

  “No. I wanted to give her time with her folks and to just decompress, you know? She’s been through so much. And she had to kill a man. I don’t know what kind of state she’s in.”

  “I think we’ll let you and Ray do that without us,” Castillo said. “We’ll wait downstairs for you. We collected Ray’s car and we can all drive back when you’re ready. I know Hillman wants you back so you can do that interview with Downtown Division tomorrow.”

  “Ugh,” Keri said. “I was hoping that after all this, I’d get a pass.”

  “You may still,” Suarez said. “Because it’s so high profile, Hillman has to go by the book but I get the sense this is a formality. Considering who died on that parking ramp, I don’t think anyone’s going to push too hard. Besides, those postcards you found led to twenty-nine girls being rescued. They’re actively seeking twelve others. That’s a big deal. You may get a reprimand but not much more.”

  “I hope you’re right, Manny,” Keri said, less confident than he was.

  The elevator arrived and Ray hit “3” followed by “L.” When the doors opened he and Keri stepped out.

  “See you in a few,” he said as the doors closed to take the others to the lobby. Then he turned to Keri. “Which room?”


  They walked down the hall in silence for a bit, neither sure what they would say to Sarah, both a little uncertain what to say to each other.

  “Have they been able to identify Holiday yet?” he asked.

  “Not yet. He burned off all his fingerprints and those pearly whites were fake. Edgerton’s going to try to do facial recognition but he’s not optimistic. We may never know who this guy really is.”

  They walked silently for a few more awkward steps.

  “Did someone collect Chisolm’s body?” Ray finally asked.

  “Yeah, Manny and Castillo helped the locals find it. He’s being shipped back next week after they do an autopsy. I’m worried that his brother might do something to himself out of guilt when he finds out.”

  “Out of our hands, Keri. We can’t save everyone.”

  She nodded and stopped walking.

  “I know. But I like to try.”

  “I know you do, Tinkerbell.”

  “Aw shucks, Gulliver, you’re gonna make me blush,” she said, and before he could respond added, “This is her room.”

  She knocked on the door softly and the voice of Mariela Caldwell responded.

  “Come in.”

  They stepped into the room to find Ed and Mariela sitting on chairs on either side of the bed where Sarah was propped up.

  “Do you mind if we say hi?” Keri asked hesitantly.

  Mariela responded by getting up, walking over, and hugging her so hard that she worried she might cry out from the pain. When she finally let her go, Ed, who had been embracing Ray, took her place, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing tighter than she thought possible.

  “Thank you, thank you. Thank you for saving our baby,” Mariela said repeatedly through hiccupping sobs.

  Keri couldn’t think of anything to say so she merely nodded. Sarah, who was looking at her with watery eyes, waved them over.

  As Keri approached, she took the girl in. Almost every inch of her exposed skin was covered in bandages.

  “How are you doing?” Keri asked.

  Sarah took her hand and gave it a little squeeze.

  “A lot better than I would be doing without you guys.”

  “Thank you,” Ray said. “But from what Keri tells me, neither of us would be here if not for you.”

  Sarah nodded but didn’t respond. Keri sensed that she wasn’t sure yet how to feel about what she’d done.

  “When do you get to go home?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “In two days,” Sarah said, brightening. “That’s Tuesday, right? I kind of lost track.”

  “Yep, that’s Tuesday. What about the other girls?”

  “Most everyone should be able to go by the end of the week. At least that’s what they said in the meeting.”

  “Meeting?” Keri said.

  “Um, yeah,” she said a little shyly. “I kind of organized a meeting earlier today. So we could all sort of talk and stuff. I also wanted to create a contact list for anyone who wants to stay in touch.”

  “You know the prosecutors will have a list of everyone,” Ray said.

  “This is something different. It’s just for us. I figured that we’re going to need each other over the next few months. You know, as we try to get past this. I’m hoping to create a support system, especially for the girls who might have lost hope. I want to create a community, like a family almost, that they can turn to when they need it.”

  Keri wiped away a tear and smiled.

  “Sarah, you are just about the most amazing person I’ve ever met,” she said. “And I’ve met some pretty amazing people.”


  Keri gave Ray a glance and, knowing exactly what it meant, he stood up.

  “Well, we’re going to get out of the way of the Caldwell family reunion. We’re expected back in LA. But please, you have our numbers. If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to call.”

  “Even if it’s just to talk,” Keri added.

  They survived another round of hugs before heading out.

  “You think she’s going to be okay?” Ray asked as they headed back down the hall to the elevator.

  “I don’t know. The things she’s been through…I don’t know how someone moves beyond that to recreate a normal life. The scars she has on the outside are probably nothing compared to what she’s dealing with on the inside. But I think that if there’s any girl I’ve met who could come out the other side of this okay, it’s her.”

  When they got to the lobby, Castillo was waiting for them.

  “Where’s Manny?” Keri asked.

  “He’s bringing the car around
,” she said. “Oh, I almost forgot. Now that it’s been twenty-four hours since you almost died, I’m giving you your phones back.”

  “What?” Ray demanded.

  “Hillman ordered me not to return them until now. Something about giving yourselves time to recover,” she said as she pulled their phones out of her handbag.

  “To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about it,” Keri said

  “I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing,” Castillo replied.

  Manny pulled up and they got in the car. As they drove to the hotel, Keri felt herself starting to drift off. Ray was next to her in the backseat and she rested her head on his shoulder. He glanced down at her and smiled, but said nothing.

  She had just closed her eyes when they hit a bump and she was jarred awake. Glancing at her phone, she saw that she had four messages.

  May as well check them.

  There was one from Keith, the mall security guard who’d helped them out. He wanted to know how things had gone with the case. He also said he had definitively decided to apply to the police academy and was hoping for some advice. He said he was too afraid to call Ray. She chuckled to herself at that and made a mental note to call him after she’d recovered a bit.

  The next message was from Susan Granger, the former teen prostitute living at the group home. She too wanted to know how the case was going and if her information was helpful.

  Keri didn’t feel up to talking to her just yet either. But she texted her back saying the info had been very helpful, that the girl was safe and that she’d call her tomorrow after she’d had a day to recover from her bumps and bruises. She ended by writing, “Thanks, Nancy Drew!”

  The third message was from Hillman, saying he needed her to be at the station tomorrow afternoon for her interview with Downtown Division. He said he would accompany her, as would her union rep. He also said she should let him do most of the talking.

  Is that a good sign? He sounds like he’s got my back but I never know with that guy.

  The last message was from Mags. It was short and to the point.

  “Call me back when you can.”

  Keri didn’t think it was possible after everything her body had been through, but she felt a pit in her stomach and a surge of adrenaline at the same time.

  When they got to the hotel, she excused herself and went into an empty conference room, where she called Mags. Her friend picked up on the first ring.

  “Are you okay, darling?”

  “I’m fine. Just a couple of concussions, a shot back, crushed shoulders, bruised ribs, and some swollen knees. What going on? It sounded urgent.”

  “I’m afraid it is. You know that ad I put on Craigslist, the one intended for the Black Widower?”

  “Of course.”

  “He’s responded.”

  Even as a chill ran down her spine, Keri forced herself to stay calm. She stood there, frozen, for a long time. Slowly, she allowed a feeling to grow inside her, one that she thought had permanently disappeared the other night when she’d watched that brown van turn the corner and drive out of sight with her daughter inside.

  It was hope.



  (A Keri Locke Mystery—Book 4)

  “A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go.”

  --Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)

  From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.

  In A TRACE OF CRIME (Book #4 in the Keri Locke mystery series), Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, follows a fresh lead for her abducted daughter. She winds her way through a twisted underworld, and step by step, she gets closer to finding her daughter.

  Yet she has no time. Keri is assigned a new case: a dad calls from an affluent community and reports that his teen daughter vanished on the way home from school.

  Shortly after, ransom letters arrive. Twisted, filled with riddles, they make it clear that there is little time to save the girl. They also make it clear that this is the work of a diabolical killer who is toying with them.

  Keri and the police must scramble to find the kidnapper, to understand his demands, to decode the letters, and most of all, to outwit him. But in this master game of chess, Keri may find herself up against a foe even she cannot understand, and for the missing girl—and her own daughter—she may just be too late.

  A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, A TRACE OF CRIME is book #4 in a riveting new series—and a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.

  “A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.”

  --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)

  Book #5 in the Keri Locke series will be available soon.


  (A Keri Locke Mystery—Book 4)

  Did you know that I've written multiple novels in the mystery genre? If you haven't read all my series, click the image below to download a series starter!

  Blake Pierce

  Blake Pierce is author of the bestselling RILEY PAGE mystery series, which includes seven nine (and counting). Blake Pierce is also the author of the MACKENZIE WHITE mystery series, comprising six books (and counting); of the AVERY BLACK mystery series, comprising four books (and counting); and of the KERI LOCKE mystery series, comprising four books (and counting).

  ONCE GONE (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #1), BEFORE HE KILLS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 1), CAUSE TO KILL (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 1), and A TRACE OF DEATH (A Keri Locke Mystery—Book 1) are each available as a free download on Google Play!

  An avid reader and lifelong fan of the mystery and thriller genres, Blake loves to hear from you, so please feel free to visit to learn more and stay in touch.



  ONCE GONE (Book #1)

  ONCE TAKEN (Book #2)

  ONCE CRAVED (Book #3)

  ONCE LURED (Book #4)

  ONCE HUNTED (Book #5)

  ONCE PINED (Book #6)


  ONCE COLD (Book #8)

  ONCE STALKED (Book #9)



  BEFORE HE SEES (Book #2)






  CAUSE TO KILL (Book #1)

  CAUSE TO RUN (Book #2)

  CAUSE TO HIDE (Book #3)

  CAUSE TO FEAR (Book #4)


  A TRACE OF DEATH (Book #1)

  A TRACE OF MUDER (Book #2)

  A TRACE OF VICE (Book #3)

  A TRACE OF CRIME (Book #4)

  Table of Contents




































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