Paranormal Dating Agency: Dragon Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 24)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Dragon Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 24) Page 5

by Julia Mills

  “Exactly!” She jumped up, came out from behind her desk and began pacing. “How else could they get into the Pride, into Makayla’s house and escape without anyone seeing them? It’s the only explanation.” She stopped beside him. “Unless you have something better.”

  “I learned a long time that the simplest solution is usually the right one.” Closing the distance between them, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling Savannah to his chest. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered, “But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck. Betrayal is the worst kind of hurt. It not only stings like a bitch, but also makes you doubt yourself, your intuition, hell, just about fucking everything.”

  Raising her head, Savannah asked, “Sounds like the voice of experience.”

  “Oh yeah, but we’ve got time for those stories later. Right now, we need to find your sister and skin a few dozen jaguars, which means, you and I need to head over to the Lair.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Exiting Savannah’s office, Hayes was forced to swerve to the left to avoid running headlong into Jacques. With a look of shock and surprise on his wise, old face, Savannah’s advisor asked, “Is there news? You two look as if you’re hurrying off somewhere.”

  “We have a few leads,” Hayes answered with Savannah immediately adding, “Stay by the phone. I’ll call you as soon as I know something.”

  Patting her arm, the old lion nodded sadly, “Please do. I am just sick with worry.”

  Walking out the way they came in, Hayes suggested, “I think we need to go to your sister’s house first. See what we can find out there. Something tells me Simon is too smart to get his hands dirty.” Holding the door for Savannah, he asked, “Is it far from here?”

  “Not at all.” She pointed to her SUV. “Let’s take mine. It’ll be easier if I drive.”

  “You’re the boss,” Hayes teased aloud, laughing out loud when Savannah answered back, “And don’t you forget it, Beast.”

  Sliding into the passenger’s side, the Guardsman chuckled while waggling his eyebrows, “I’ll show you how much of a beast I can be just as soon as we find your little sister.”

  “Deal.” The Queen replied with a wink as she started her vehicle and backed out.

  Getting the lay of the land while they cruised through the populated areas of his mate’s Pride, Hayes made mental notes of all the dark alcoves and hidden trails the kidnappers could have used to escape without being seen and was frustratingly coming up with nothing. Sure there were an abundance of hidey holes, but only those who lived here would know where they were and none led to an exit.

  “There’s just no way someone without intimate knowledge of the landscape and setup of this place could’ve made it out without being noticed,” he commented. “The damn place is a maze with a lot of dead ends.”

  “Yes, it is. That was my grandfather and father’s plan. They wanted it to be beautiful but impenetrable with places for our people to hide in case of attack.” She gave him a quick glance before taking another turn. “Looking more and more like an inside job, huh?”

  “Damn sure is,” Hayes sighed.

  “You think we’ll find anything at Mack’s?”

  “It’s a long shot but something my brethren will ask about and who knows, maybe the asshole was careless. I know I would be shittin’ bricks if I’d done something to piss you off,” Hayes snickered, just barely moving his leg in time to miss Savannah slap.

  Opening his door while the engine was still running, the Guardsman’s feet hit the ground running, as he jogged to open Savannah’s door for her. Walking hand-in-hand in silence, the couple entered the small white cottage with black shutters using the Queen’s key. Opening his senses wide, the Guardsman looked for anything that would lead him to either confirm or deny it was indeed the jaguars who had kidnapped Makayla.

  The house felt comfortable, lived in, and was filled with some of the best scents he’d ever smelled. Apple pie, home baked cookies, and rolls of every variety made his stomach growl and his mouth water.

  “Does your sister own a bakery?” Hayes laughed to cover up the loud rumbling of his stomach.

  “She wants to, why?” Savannah asked then quickly added, “You hungry?”

  “Hell, yeah, I’m starving and the smells in this house are making me crazy. Your Makayla is an amazing cook.”

  “She is the best. I swear her peanut-butter-chocolate-chip-cranberry cookies are to die for.”

  Holding his stomach and acting as if he might faint dead away, Hayes feigned a groan and pleaded, “Please tell me there’s some leftovers in that kitchen somewhere.”

  “Look first, then food. Got it?”

  Giving Savannah a mock salute, he headed down the hall, starting in Mack’s bedroom. Looking at all the photos covering almost every available inch of wall space, Hayes smiled at how happy Savannah’s family looked in each shot. Counting the number of little girls with long dark curls, dressed in matching yellow dresses, standing in front of the gorgeous garden across the street from Royal Hall, the dragon called out, “How many sisters do you have?”

  “Four,” Savannah answered from the living room.

  “Including Makayla, right?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Just making sure,” he chuckled. “Wanted to know how many interrogations to expect.”

  “Just one,” she laughed out loud. “Mack is the only one who still lives here. The other three are mated to lions from other Prides, who are already Kings or the next in line to take the throne, so the girls moved in with their men.”

  “I see,” Hayes replied. “It sucks, but I understand.”

  He could feel how much Savannah missed her sisters and saw in all the family photos what a close-knit family they were. Smiling to himself, the Guardsman made a mental note to make sure to invite them all back for a family reunion as a surprise for his lioness.

  Looking away, Hayes began his inspection. He concentrated on every detail, every scent, hair and fiber he could find, but continued to come up with nothing but traces of male and female lions. Moving slowly through every room, checking each closet, even the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and pantry in the kitchen, he met Savannah back in the living room where in unison they exclaimed, “I got nothing.”

  “I don’t understand,” the Queen sighed. “Not a trace of anyone who doesn’t belong. How could that be?”

  “They could’ve used magic to mask their identity.”

  “But we would feel the traces,” Savannah looked up. “Wouldn’t we?”

  Shaking his head, Hayes thoughtfully answered, “Not always. Some witches are really good at hiding their trail. Of course, most that are that strong are mated to my brethren and I know for a fact they don’t have Makayla.”


  “None, I know. In my experience, there’s always a trace of black magic somewhere.

  “Well, shit. Then how are we gonna find her?”

  The sound of heartbreak in Savannah’s voice nearly ripped Hayes’ heart from his chest. Closing the distance between them, opening his arms wide, the Guardsman was overjoyed as his mate walked into them without pause. Holding his Queen close, the dragon poured love and support through their mating bond while reassuring, “We’re gonna call in the cavalry.”

  Looking down into his mate’s upturned eyes, Hayes chuckled as she teased, “Only your cavalry uses wings instead of horses.”

  “Oh, never fear, my darling lioness, we’ve got horses, too.”

  Chapter Nine

  “We will approach the jaguars from the South,” Hayes instructed, pointing to a map he’d hung on the wall. “This will put us downwind, give us the cover of Winter’s Forest, and let us utilize the high ground advantage.”

  Hayes was amazing. Not only was he handsome and chivalrous, but he also possessed a brilliant mind and was a charismatic and confident leader.

  No one better to be my King…

  “Where do you want us?” Leopold, the lion who headed up not
only the Royal Bodyguards but also Security for the entire Leonidas Pride, asked. Leo had been Savannah’s father’s First Beta and now was hers.

  “You will be here and here,” Hayes pointed to the left and right side of the Jaguar’s Pride. “We’ll be flying in to ensure we have their attention, allowing y’all to sneak right in there.”

  “Do we know for sure Makayla is in their Lair and not being held somewhere else?” Leo asked Savannah, who looked to her mate, not wanting to steal Hayes’ thunder.

  Nodding, her dragon confidently replied, “I am ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure that’s where they’re holding her. Simon’s a coward. He hides behind women, throws rocks through windows and skulks in the shadows. There’s no way he would keep her somewhere that his mangy hide wasn’t completely protected.”

  “I see what you mean,” Leo’s low rumble of approval sounded. “One more question and then I’ll let someone else have a turn.”

  “Go ahead,” Hayes grinned. “We’re all family here.”

  It warmed Savannah’s heart to see her Pride working so well with the Dragon Clan. She’d had so many misgivings about the winged-warriors, specifically her mate, that were all being disapproved the more time she spent with the revered shifters. Hayes was still as arrogant as the day was long and more stubborn than a mule, but he was hers, and she was falling in love more every minute she spent by his side. Looking up, Leo’s question pulled the lioness from her thoughts as she once again listened carefully to both sides.

  “Are we sure this is in retaliation for his sister’s death?”

  “That’s what the note said, although I don’t know the details,” Hayes replied.

  Looking to her, Leo waited until Savannah gave him a single nod to explain. “Almost a year after the Queen’s parents were brutally struck down, every Pride of Big Cat was struck with violent acts of vandalism. Most were small fires set in the outlying brush of their Lairs. When investigated, there was always evidence that whoever was doing it had attempted to force the fire into the heaviest populated areas of each Pride with a trail of accelerant.”

  The tall, muscular man with long, blond hair that surrounded his face like a mane, stood and began walking around the large wooden table in the middle of what the dragons referred to as the ‘War Room’ while continuing to speak. “After several weeks, we caught up with the culprits and placed them in custody in our Pride. A group of us had found the loners, cats who’d broken away from several Prides in the States and run over here to hide, red-pawed. They had gas, matches and petrol-soaked rags hidden right outside the Pride of the Cougars on the far side of the mountain range.”

  “Then came the call. The pastures to the north of the jaguars were on fire and it was spreading fast. By the time we got there, several of the homes near the wall were ablaze. It looked like the whole damn place was gonna go up if we didn’t act fast.”

  “Maximillian Prentice and his Pride showed up with sand bags and walled off the unaffected areas while we pumped thousands of gallons of water directly onto the fire. Finally, damn near seven hours later, we got it out. Several were hurt but none dead, at least that’s what we thought. Then Simon came stumbling across the field carrying his sister, Sandy, in his arms. Somehow, she’d been cut off by the flames, unable to get through to anyone, telepathically or otherwise, and had perished in the flames.”

  “Of course, we all mourned at the loss of one of our own. No one liked Simon, he’s been an asshole from birth, but not Sandy, she was sweet and kind, just like her parents. The day of the funeral, as we were all standing next to her funeral pyre, Simon burst onto the scene, drunk as a skunk and screaming about how the lions had done this. He said we had purposefully misled everyone by imprisoning the loners and that we were trying to take control of all the Prides.”

  “Thankfully, everyone thought he was crazy. Most ignored his words. But as time went on, the bastard kept up his accusations, going so far as to allege that Savannah had killed her own parents to shift the focus from himself. Sadly, most of the jaguars eventually bought into his lies and have been estranged from any and all dealings with us.”

  “Wow, that’s harsh,” Kayne chimed in. “I mean, it sounds like the guy is batshit crazy and sharing his meds.”

  “Oh, it gets worse,” Savannah spoke up. “He’s gone so far as to show up at diplomatic dinners, inter-Pride conferences, anywhere I am with a crowd of people just to slander my name and that of my Pride’s.” She stood and walked towards Hayes, continuing, “I just never thought he would go as far as harming another, especially Mack.” She stepped into Hayes’ waiting arms and faced the table going on, “But he has and I cannot thank you enough for helping to get her back.”

  “It is the least we can do,” Maddox, the dragon her mate had introduced as the mad dragon, grumbled. “You’re taking Hayes off our hands. Hell, I’ll be forever indebted.”

  The room erupted in laughter with Hayes yelling, “Maybe it’s me that’s getting rid of you, ya’ crazy old man.”

  When the ruckus died down and they got back to business, the sun was already high in the sky. Walking arm-in-arm in companionable silence with Hayes, Savannah asked, “What happened to your parents?” Feeling him tense at her side, the Queen rushed to explain. “Sorry to be so blunt. I felt how upset you got when Leo told the story of Sandy’s death. I mean, everyone was sad, but yours was different, more personal. I know you’ve been betrayed, that was obvious by your comments earlier. I just wondered if it had anything to do with your family.”

  She stopped, stepping in front of her mate and making him look at her. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. It’s just that…well, I feel your pain and it’s killing me. I hate that you hurt. I hate it even more that someone hurt you. My lioness wants to spring forth and tear whoever dared touch you or anyone that you cared about to shreds.”

  Getting on her tip-toes, she kissed his cheek and placed the palm of her hand on his warm, stubbled jaw. “I just want you to know that I’m here. I care and I…” She stopped, took a breath and said the three words she’d needed to say since their first kiss. “I love you, Hayes.” She kissed his other cheek. “Even if you are a damned, pigheaded dragon.”

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist as Hayes’ lips found hers and he lifted her off the ground, swinging the lioness in circles as he sang, “You love me. You really love me.” into her mind. “And I love you, too, so very, very much.”

  Breaking their kiss, Savannah swatted hom on the shoulder and pretended to scold, “Put me down, you, crazy man.”

  Setting her feet on the ground but still holding onto her waist, Hayes gave her a hard and fast kiss before laughing out loud, “You’re right! I am crazy, crazy about you.”

  Looking deep into his eyes, the Queen sighed, “Hush, goofball. People are sleeping.”

  Standing tall, her mate slid his hands from her waist and wrapped thread his fingers through hers while nodding, “You are so right, but I don’t care. They’ll all know soon enough that I’m in love and gonna spend the rest of my life making you the happiest lioness that ever lived.”

  Leaning against her mate, keeping in step with him, Savannah had to smile. She knew Hayes was hiding his pain with humor and sarcasm but figured he would talk when he was ready, besides, she was happy for the time to think and try to reach Mack.

  Deep in thought, letting Hayes lead the way, Savannah was surprised to inhale the beautiful fragrance of flowers as an expertly maintained garden full of a myriad colorful blooms and blossoms came into view. “What are we doing here? I thought you were hungry,” she asked, taking a seat beside him on the wooden seat of the rot-iron framed bench.

  “I am starving,” he quickly agreed. “But I wanted to answer your question before we go any further.”

  Hearing the intensity in his voice and feeling his frustration and pain, Savannah tightened her grip on his hand, rubbing little circles on the back with her thumb and murmuring, “Okay, but please don’t think�

  “I don’t think anything, love. I want to tell you everything, share every detail of my life, even the crappy ones. I just thought we needed to get Makayla back first, but since we have some time until nightfall, I want to answer your question.”

  “I see,” was all she could say. For the second time in the same morning, Savannah was humbled by the words of someone who held a piece of her heart, first Mack and now Hayes. It was overwhelming but also incredibly wonderful. Opening not only her mind but also her heart and soul completely to her mate, the lioness simply waited patiently until her dragon began to speak.

  “I was off on a mission. The lads and I were cleaning out a coven of wizards hell-bent on world domination.” He smirked, “But then again aren’t they all?”

  “Anyway, we’d just finished and I was washing up in a nearby stream while Noah, Wiley and the others were clearing the carnage. Out of nowhere, my sister Amelia’s voice blast through my mind. She was screaming and crying. I could barely make out a word. All I picked out was ‘Mom and Dad, attack, and fire’.”

  “I called back, screamed and yelled, but just like earlier when you were cut off from Mack, the link between my sister and I was just gone. I tried to get my mom and dad and my younger brother, but everyone had just vanished.”

  “Jumping on my horse, I raced home with Noah and Wiley right behind me. We made a five-hour ride in under three, but were still too late. All that was left was the smoldering remains of the house and barn.”

  Hayes stopped and stared straight ahead, holding onto Savannah’s hand so tightly her fingers hurt, but she refused to let go, giving her mate the support he needed no matter what. Almost two full minutes later, he began again, this time his voice was low and rumbly, filled with hate and if she wasn’t mistaken, tears.

  “We found the remains of my family in the woods, hanging by the neck from ropes soaked in silver.”

  “Oh, my Goddess, Hayes. I am so sorry.” Savannah’s heart broke, tears flowing freely as the images of what he’d seen swam from Hayes’ mind to hers.


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