Paranormal Dating Agency: Dragon Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 24)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Dragon Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 24) Page 8

by Julia Mills

  “Let me grab it. If I had poured it the first time I called, it would be ice cold by now,” Mack laughed, running out of the room and down the stairs.

  Shuffling her feet in slow motion, Savannah had just made it to the bathroom when her sister came dashing back with a steamy cup of her favorite hazelnut coffee with lots of cream. Taking a sip, she moaned, “Oh my Goddess, you make the best java in the world, Sis.”

  “Why thank you, ma’am.” Mack did an over exaggerated curtsey. “I put an extra shot of espresso in it to put some pep in your step. We’ve got lots to get done and little time to do it.”

  Okay, okay, I can take a hint. I’ll hurry,” Savannah raised a single eyebrow and pretended to glare over the rim of her mug. “Only because you’re gonna nag me to death if I don’t.”

  Swatting her arms, Mack rolled her eyes and teased, “Pfft! This is your mating day! You should be bouncing off the walls.”

  “I am,” Savannah smiled as visions of Hayes floated through her mind, reminding her how much she loved his smile and the cheeky way he had of always making her feel better. Her mom had been right, the Universe does not make mistakes. Her dragon was her perfect match in every way.

  Laying her hand on her heart, she added, “Right here. Where it counts.”

  “You know, I think that arrogant, old dragon is the best thing that’s ever happened to you and I couldn’t be happier. No one deserves this more than you, Sis. I love you.”

  Setting down her mug, Savannah pulled Makayla in for a hug, squeezing her tight as she gushed, “I love you, too, so very, very much.”

  Stepping back, Mack wiped a happy tear from her cheek and grinned with a swat to Savannah’s butt, “Step to it! Let’s get you more beautiful than you already are for your big day.”

  Looking in the mirror, the Queen chuckled, “The first of two.” She slapped her palm to her forehead and groaned, “What was I thinking? Two mating ceremonies. Oh, my Goddess, I really have lost my marbles.”

  Popping around the doorframe, Mack looked at her in the mirror and winked, “You were thinking you love that dragon like crazy and would mate him over and over again.” She gave Savannah another tap on the butt and begged, “Now, please, get yourself in the shower. We have less than three hours.”

  “I’m hurrying, Brat.”

  “That’s Miss Brat to you,” came Mack’s giggled retort.

  Two hours and forty-five minutes later, Savannah had showered, had her long, brown waves done up in a beautiful up do with little wisps of hair framing her face and her makeup looked great. Not only was her little sister a fantastic pastry chef, but she was also a damn fine stylist.

  Standing in front of the mirror, the Queen carefully slid the long, ivory, silk, sheath dress over her head, loving the way it flowed down her body, accentuating her curves and highlighting her olive skin. The seamstress had done an amazing job. It was just what Savannah had ordered, from the light blue and gold crystals that decorated the scoop neck and the spaghetti straps, to the tiny navy-blue flames embroidered around the hem. Her only regret was that her mom and dad wouldn’t be there to celebrate her big day.

  Letting her chin fall to her chest, the Queen closed her eyes and whispered, “I love you guys. I know you’re looking down on us. Thank you for being the best parents I could have ever hoped for.”

  Raising her head, she saw Mack standing behind her, her eyes filled with tears. “I hate that I never really got to know them.”

  Turning, Savannah hugged her sister, reassuring, “Just remember, they are always with us.”

  “I know, and I thank the Goddess every day for you.” Stepping back. Mack shook her head and blew out a quick breath. “Now, enough of this. Let me look at you.” Holding up her hand, she drew a circle in the air with her index finger.

  Slowly turning until she was once again looking at her baby sister, Savannah chuckled as Mack furrowed her brow and tapped her chin, saying, “I am trying to think of a word better than gorgeous.” She snapped her fingers and smiled from ear-to-ear. “I know! You are fabulously spectacular!”

  Laughing out loud, Savannah beamed, “Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Aww shucks,” Mack grinned. “You’re already beautiful, I just added a little pizzazz.”

  The chime of the grandfather clock in the hallway signaled that it was time to go. Slipping into her satin ballet flats adorned with crystals and flames to match her dress, Savannah grabbed Mack’s hand and together, they made their way down the stairs and out to the Peace Garden across from Royal Hall.

  Turning towards her sister, the Queen smiled, “Thank you for everything. You have always been there for me, through thick and thin, no matter what and I want you to know how very much I love and appreciate you.”

  “You’re just saying that because the other girls couldn’t get here,” Makayla teased.

  “Whatever,” Savannah sighed. “They’ll be here soon enough and Royal Hall will be chaos.” She squeezed Mack’s hands, “But seriously, thank you again.”

  Giving her a quick hug, Mack stepped back. “I love you, too. It’s my pleasure. Now, you’ve thanked me enough. Just be happy, that’s all that matters.”

  Savannah watched as her sister looked through the branches of the tall holly bushes before looking back and winking, “There’s a seriously handsome dragon, looking hotter than the noonday sun in July in his tux, standing up there waiting for you. I think you better get a move on.”

  The words were barely out of her mouth before the music started and together, the Queen and her sister walked down the rose-petal-covered white carpet towards the man of Savannah’s dreams. She was sad her other sisters and their families couldn’t make it, but with all the smiling faces looking up at her with so much love and support, Savannah couldn’t help but feel blessed beyond all measure.

  The garden looked absolutely breathtaking, decorated with massive bouquets of red and white roses in large golden urns adorned with navy-blue satin ribbons and silver bells. She marveled at the smaller sprays of blooms decorating the end of every row of chairs and the smaller baskets placed lovingly around the fountain where Hayes was waiting.

  Stepping up beside her dragon, she waited as Levi, the Spiritual Elder of her Pride asked, “Who gives this Queen to be mated to this dragon?”

  “With all the love in my heart and hope in my soul, I, Makayla Leonidas, do.”

  With a single nod, the Elder smiled, “Thank you, Makayla. You may take your seat.”

  Reaching for Hayes’ outstretched hand, Savannah shivered as the power of their bond filled every fiber of her being with wonderful sparks of love and adoration. Looking into the eyes of the man the Universe had made for her, seeing his unending love and adoration, the Queen was overwhelmed and humbled to have him in her life.

  Clearing his throat to get everyone’s attention, Levi began, his low, commanding tone filling the garden and touching every soul in attendance. “I admit to taking a few liberties with our usual mating ceremony as I feel the union of our Queen, Savannah Leonidas, to the mate of her soul, Hayes Gregory is a unique and thrilling event. One that demands a bit of improvisation and exultation.”

  He paused, glancing out into the audience before looking back at the couple. “We are here today, with these two beautiful souls to not only witness their union but rejoice in the blessings the Universe has bestowed upon each and every one of us. For in Her infinite wisdom and grand design, She has seen fit to join this lioness with this dragon and this man with this woman as reassurance that each of us has that perfect someone somewhere in the world just waiting to be found.”

  “Each of us in this sacred place can feel Savannah and Hayes’ undeniable connection. We know in our hearts they truly were made for each other and their mating has been blessed by the Goddess. This lioness and her dragon are two great warriors brought together by the magic of Fate and Destiny. Their profound spiritual connection is like a beacon in an otherwise dark and hazy wor
ld, exemplifying the promise of a bright tomorrow and hope for generations to come.”

  “We as lions have always been the Royalty of the Jungle, the predator - not the prey, just as the dragons have always been the Rulers of the Sky, the hunter – never the hunted.” He placed one hand on Savannah’s shoulder and the other on Hayes’ as he continued, “And today, we witness the powerful union between two commanding shifters that no one, not even the Universe, can ever divide.”

  Dropping his hand from Hayes’ shoulder, Levi focused on the Queen and asked, “Do you, Savannah Leonidas, acknowledge your miraculous gift of a mate and accept Hayes into your heart and soul, giving all that you and your lioness are to him with no reservations?”

  Savannah’s eyes met her mate’s as she whispered, “With all that I am and all that I will ever be, I pledge my undying love and devotion to you, Hayes Gregory.”

  The love glistening in her dragon’s eyes combined with the adoration she felt coming from him, filling her soul to overflowing. Never in her life had the Queen thought she could love someone as much as she loved her mate.

  Removing his hand from her shoulder, Levi turned to her dragon and began, “Do you, Hayes Gregory, acknowledge your miraculous gift of a mate and accept Savannah into your heart and soul, giving all that you and your dragon are to her well-being with no reservations?”

  “With all that I am and all that I will ever be, I pledge my undying love and devotion to you, Savannah Leonidas.” Letting go of her left hand, Hayes reached into the jacket of his black tuxedo jacket, revealing a small blue velvet box.

  Opening the lid, he took out the most spectacular piece of jewelry Savannah had ever seen. The heart-shaped, sapphire surrounded by smaller canary diamonds sparkled in the noonday sun as her heart beat wildly.

  Sliding the platinum band onto her finger, Hayes whispered into her mind, “I love you, Savannah, from now until the end of time…forever and always.”

  Levi’s voice sounded once again as his hands returned to the couple’s shoulders and he announced, “What the Universe and the Goddess have brought together let no man nor beast tear asunder. Hayes, you may kiss your mate.”

  With the Elder’s words still hanging in the air, Hayes pulled Savannah into his arms and kissed her as if she was the very air he breathed while their guests clapped and cheered. Opening completely to her dragon, baring all that she was to the mate of her heart and soul, reveling in the passion burning like fire into every fiber of her being, the Queen spoke in the language of her dragon’s kin in the manner the Universe had always intended, “Anois agus go deo, is breá liom tú mo Dragon.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  He’d had enough. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate everything everyone had done for him and Savannah or that he didn’t like a good party, because he did. It all came down to one simple fact, Hayes was ready to be alone with his mate and nothing or no one was going to stop him.

  Marching across the dance floor, zigging and zagging to miss all the dancing guests, the Guardsman slid up behind his lovely lioness, wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered, “Wanna get out of here?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she murmured in return, leaning her body against his, teasing him with a little wiggle of her ass that made his already hard cock jump against the zipper of his tuxedo pants.

  Lifting her into his arms and making a mad dash for the back staircase he’d discovered during his inspection of Royal Hall, Hayes ignored the cheers, clapping and catcalls, especially Kayne’s chuckled, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Taking the stairs two at a time, having a hard time concentrating as Savannah kissed his neck and lavished the sweet spot behind his ear, Hayes kicked open the door to her suite with the toe of his shoe. Crossing the threshold, he then slammed it shut with his elbow before making a beeline for the large four-poster bed in the middle of the room.

  Gently pulling his arm from under her legs, Hayes shivered at the currents of their combined energy fueling the fire in his soul, filling his entire being with light and love as his lioness’ body slid against his. Slamming his lips to hers, the Guardsman licked the seam of her mouth, sucked on her bottom lip and drove his tongue alongside hers, fueling their arousal as she pushed the jacket from his shoulders and began ripping the buttons from his shirt.

  Tearing his lips from hers, Hayes gasped as he pushed her hands from his bare chest, grabbing the silk covering her hips and pulling her dress over her head. Her nipples, already irresistibly hard, tempted the Guardsman more than a chest of gold, but he wanted, no needed, to taste his mate, to take her juices into his body, to mark her from the inside-out, so summoning all of his strength, he resisted. Instead shredding his shirt, lifting his mate off the floor and laying her on the soft ivory coverlet with her butt on the very edge of the mattress, Hayes dropped to his knees.

  Sliding her shapely legs over his shoulders, the dragon looked deep into Savannah’s eyes, inhaling the sweet scent of her arousal as he groaned, “You smell like Heaven.”

  Kissing up the inside of one thigh and down the other, ignoring the heat of her pussy as she lifted her hips from the bed and grabbed for him, Hayes smiled against Savannah’s silken skin while she moaned, “Please…please…”

  “Please what?” He cooed, teasing her pussy through the damp silk of the crotch of her panties with the tips of his fingers.

  “Please…” She gasped as he pushed harder, rubbing the tip of her hot, throbbing fabric-covered clit. “Please…l-love m-me.”

  Unable to resist any longer, Hayes ripped the silk from her body and thrust his tongue into her wanting pussy. Multicolored bursts of light, like fireworks in the night sky, sparkled behind his closed eyelids as her taste, so fresh, so unique, so completely Savannah, fed the excitement roaring through both man and dragon as nothing ever had.

  Her hands dove into his hair, fisting the curls, guiding him where she needed him most until the Guardsman thought he might be bald. But Hayes, couldn’t care. Loving his mate, giving her pleasure as only he could, was the realization of a lifetime of hopes and dreams.

  Driving his tongue in and out of his mate, the dragon curled the tip, teasing the tender bundle of nerves at the top of her center, holding her hips as they rocketed from the bed. Pulling out, he paid special attention to her clit, licking and sucking until Savannah was screaming his name to the Heavens.

  Feeling his mate teetering on the edge of her powerful climax, Hayes thrust two fingers into her quivering sex. Fucking her with his fingers until her arousal was at its peak, he took her clit between his teeth and gently bit down, working his digits in and out of Savannah as her screams of release echoed off the walls of the room.

  Slowing his motion, gently bringing his mate back to reality, Hayes smiled as Savannah’s body went limp. Sliding her legs from his shoulders, massaging her shaking muscles, the Guardsman got to his feet, shed his remaining clothes and picking up his lioness, followed her down to the mattress.

  Opening her eyes, Savannah crooked her index finger in a come-hither motion. Leaning forward, Hayes was pleasantly surprised when her lips met his in a blissfully erotic kiss. In a single beat of his heart, their embrace turned wild. Tongues mated. Hands groped. Bodies pressed together as if they were one.

  Savannah’s hands wrapped around his rock-hard cock, her tongue in his mouth imitating the motion of her hands on his erection. Up and down, in and out, his mate drove him wild with her seduction. Rolling her over onto her back, Hayes loomed above, looking deep into her eyes as he pulled his cock from her grasp, immediately thrusting deep into her warm, wet pussy.

  Holding perfectly still, reveling in the feel of their bodies joined as one, their hearts beating in sync and their souls intertwining as Fate intended, Hayes saw double as Savannah’s body tightened around his cock, her pussy contracting repeatedly as her body was already racing towards her second orgasm.

  Pulling out until he almost fell from the heaven of Savannah’s body, the
dragon lifted her knees, pushing them forward as he drove back into her beautiful body until he could go no further. Over and over he repeated the motion, his Queen meeting him thrust for thrust as his dragon reached for her lioness, the sounds of their lovemaking filling the room with the most beautifully sensual sounds.

  Letting go of her legs and leaning forward, his palms landed on the bed next to her head. Hayes growled in pleasure as Savannah’s legs wound around his waist and her heels dug into the small of his back. The claws of her lioness dug into his shoulders and slid down his back as she wailed, “Yes…yes…Oh my Goddess, Hayes…yes!”

  Ready to explode, losing all control, the Guardsman reached between their bodies, slipped her clit between his thumb and forefinger and commanded, “Look at me, Savannah. Look at the man who loves you more than all the stars in the sky.”

  As her eyes snapped to his, Hayes gave one final thrust at the same time that he gently pinched her clit between his fingers. Savannah screamed, her hips bucking against his as the Guardsman emptied himself into her with an earth-shattering roar.

  Coming again and again along with his beloved mate, bathing her insides with his scent as her juices marked his body, Hayes slowed his motion, bringing them both down from the high of their lovemaking. Slowly pulling from her body, groaning in unison with Savannah at the loss, the Guardsman moved his lioness to the head of the bed, placing her head on the pillow before he laid down facing her.

  Hayes couldn’t help but smile at Savannah’s heavily lidded eyes, the flush on her cheeks and her kiss-swollen lips. Speaking from his heart, he grinned, “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  “Yes,” she happily sighed. “But I will never tire of hearing it.”

  Kissing her slowly and deeply, Hayes whispered into her mind, “I love and adore you more with every heartbeat, Savannah Gregory. You are an stór mo chroí go deo agus i gcónaí.”


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