Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks)

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Deadly Sin (Cassandra Farbanks) Page 15

by Sonnet O'Dell

  The rain ceased as I collected the umbrella resting by the foyer door. I headed out into a clear, starry night. Perhaps I did need a distraction. Lucky for me I had one all lined up.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I was dubious about Trinket’s choice of costume, but as it was last minute and there weren’t really many other choices, I went for it. Material swished behind me as I walked through the community streets heading for the large, castle structure carved out of rock. The imposing façade of the werewolf council hall always gave me an eerie little chill. The two on duty at the door looked me over and then my invitation before letting me through. They did their best to stay focused on their jobs and not what I was wearing, but I could tell it was hard. Even I knew my outfit had a risky quality to it.

  I placed the invite on top of the checkered towel in the basket. Under the towel were my phone and keys, as I couldn’t have added a purse to my ensemble. Music floated softly through the halls as I headed for the main, underground chamber where the party would no doubt be in full swing. I was careful in my heels as I descended the stairs, desperate not to catch on the hem of my cloak.

  The lights were bright and attracting. The music was something you could mingle to, so dancing hadn’t broken out yet. I stepped into the light as I entered through the doorway. Several of the conversations ceased as I did. I dropped the hood back, shaking my hair out. I could feel eyes on me.

  I smiled when I saw Simian coming over to greet me. He was dressed in an orange fur toga. His brown hair mussed, and a blue tie hung loose around his neck.

  “Cassandra you made it,” he said directing me towards the drink table.

  “Shouldn’t you say yabba dabba doo?”

  “Shouldn’t you be on the way to grandma’s house? Seriously, Red Riding Hood? Did you forget we’re werewolves?” I looked down at my outfit. The hooded red cloak ran the length of my body. Under that was a red dress with a black corset that showed my chest off by pushing it in and up. I thought the stockings on top of my little black boots were a little much, but Trinket insisted the outfit would be incomplete without them. Luckily I was the same height and roughly same size of one of her sister’s. She raided all their clothes that we’d put into storage when she came to work for me. I added my locket as a precaution in case this party went into the early hours.

  “Come on, you’re telling me this bothers you?”

  “Not me,” he said, catching the eyes of several, young male wolves in the room staring at me. “Red Riding Hood happens to be a fairly popular fantasy with our men.” I smirked, reaching for a glass of what looked like champagne. I made a quick observation of the room. I was indeed getting a few lusty glances. I arched a brow and faces turned back to their conversations. I took a long sip from the fluted glass. Simian looked nervous.

  “Relax will you. I’m a big girl. You don’t have to stand here guarding my virtue. I think I can handle anyone who makes a pass at me. Where’s Wilma?” I asked in an attempt to change the subject. Simian’s eyes searched the room.

  “Over by the cheese dip,” he said. I turned my gaze in that direction. Indeed Sophie stood by the buffet dressed in a white dress, boulder like pearls and a bone in her hair. I bet she picked the costumes. Simian was too uncomfortable barefoot and not wearing pants.

  “Are the kids here?”

  “No, it’s too late for them. We got a sitter.” I found that a shame. I always found kids in costumes cute. Zoe would have made a very cute Pebbles. A tap on my shoulder made me turn and I was greeted by a warm smile from out host. Usually Leroy Craven reminded me of Russell Crow in Gladiator, but tonight he had on a black pompadour wig and a bedazzled, white jumpsuit covered by sequins and rhinestones.

  “Miss Farbanks so glad you could come. Thank you, thank you very much.” I smiled at him.

  “And you are?”

  “I’m the king,” he said beaming and did a little Elvis pelvic twist. I bit my lip not to laugh. He took my hand; the one not burdened by the basket and brought it to his lips.

  “My dear you look delectable. Please enjoy the party.” He lingered a little with his lips on my knuckles before letting my hand drop and wandering off to greet more of his guests. I was amused at his costume choice and several others in the room. I told Simian that he didn’t have to hover protectively at my side. He moved away, but stayed in lunging distance in case my outfit enticed any male’s grabby hands. I was enjoying working out who people had come as when Ghost Face sidled up to me with a plate of buffet goodies. The mask lifted and I recognized the face underneath it. Clark, Brie’s cousin. I smiled.

  “So what’s your favorite scary movie?”

  He rolled his eyes at me.

  “Do you know how many times I’ve heard that tonight?” I grinned at him unrepentant.

  “Your costume choice.”

  “Speaking of costume choices,” he said looking me up and down. “Do you know half the men in the room are probably thinking about jumping you?” I shook my head as if to deny his statement.

  “I didn’t come with that in mind.”

  “It’s not just the outfit, it’s the full effect.”

  “You don’t seem to be affected.”

  “I’m not a wolf. I’m a cat shifter. Come dressed as a giant ball of yarn and I’ll be whistling a different tune.” I smiled at Clark. He’d gotten me through his cousins wedding with his humor. Maybe he was my key to surviving the party.

  “Who did you come with?” I asked him.

  “Brie. Michael had to work so I got drafted.”

  “Where is she?” He absently pointed to a chair in the corner where Cat Woman sat. The grey suit and black mask version. I smirked.

  “She’s sulking because I wouldn’t wear his Batman costume.” I had to laugh at the thought of LeBron in an old, grey and black, batman costume from the TV series. LeBron and Brie didn’t go on a honeymoon. Instead, she wanted to spend the money doing up their house. I could see the sense in that. No doubt the place needed a lot of work to turn it from a bachelor pad to a respectable family home.

  “It might have looked good.”

  “I don’t have your legs. I prefer to cover up.” He munched on his plate of goodies and we stood in companionable silence.

  “I thought you’d have gone home after the wedding.” Clark shook his head.

  “Brie convinced me to take her place here. Be closer to family. I need to find a job though.”

  “Anything particular in mind?”

  “I don’t know. Is ruler of the world available?”

  “You have plans for world domination.” Clark tilted his head and smirked at me.

  “Doesn’t everyone. My secret plan involves hording black current fruit pastels. It’s genius.”

  “How would black current fruit pastels work?” Clark stroked his chin in a very cunning way.

  “I seem to remember the devil tempting Christ with one in the desert. Christ folded like a cheap deck chair.” I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Clark was a person with a sense of humor not unlike my own.

  “Now Red, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go ask Raggedy Ann to dance and providing she doesn’t shoot me down like a clay pigeon, I should be gone a while.” He lowered his mask and discarded his plate on the table behind us.

  “Good luck,” I said with a smile and made my own quest for food. The one thing that can be said about werewolf gatherings is they know how to put out a spread. Roasted meats, soft white rolls to pile it in, cocktail sausage and Scotch egg pyramids, buffalo style chicken wings, kebabs, drumsticks and ribs. A lot of meat, a lot of protein and they favored desserts in the high sugar range.

  “My kingdom for a salad,” I muttered as I picked treats that weren’t too much. If I gorged I would regret it in the morning. A finger tapped me on the shoulder. I half wondered if there was a tap me sign back there and felt obliged to turn around. A chocolate colored hand waved in the air between me and the man before me.

  “These are not the snacks you�
��re looking for,” he said smiling, very white surrounded by very pink gums. Theodore Mayla and I were not on the best of terms. He pushed work my way and tried to use me as a political pin up for his campaign for mayor. I looked over his drab brown, grey and cream robes.

  “I get it,” I said tapping my skull. “Jedi mind trick.” I felt buzzing around my brain and smacked it down hard. He winced then returned to grinning.

  “Just checking.” The thing about Theodore Mayla was that he claimed to be telepathic. However, he couldn’t read me and it bothered him to no end because he couldn’t prove it. He had however, in his political maneuvering, been a step ahead and gave the people what they really wanted, policies that had made him popular. There was every chance he’d see a second term in office.

  “So you’re supposed to be a Jedi? Samuel L Jackson’s character in episode two, perhaps?”

  “Quite correct. I have a light saber too. You want to see.” Mayla searched about his waist.

  “Please don’t let that be a euphemism,” I muttered, preparing for the worst. He produced one of those plastic light sabers you could buy in toy stores. The kind you stick batteries in and it lights up. His was green. His authenticity rating went down. He brandished it in a two handed pose, smiling.

  “Very gallant. What can I do for you mister mayor?”

  “Nothing. No campaigning tonight. Just some fun with upstanding members of the community. I was glad to see you here, a familiar face…”

  I started to tune him out when I noticed a familiar face across the room. The smoothness of his shaved head was diminished by the party lighting. His face half covered by a white mask and his large body swathed in a tuxedo complete with opera cape. I shook my head. He couldn’t be here. How would he have gotten in without an invite? Making my breath catch in my chest, darkest blue eyes stared back at me. He turned from me, slipping through the crowd and heading for the door.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, cutting off the mayor, having not heard a word. “Will you excuse me?” I headed towards the door keeping tight hold of my small basket as I went. I stepped out into the dark corridor leaving the brightness and the noise of the party behind me. I saw a red flicker from the cape’s lining at a corner and hurried to follow. I wasn’t going to give into my fear this time. He kept just ahead of me. I followed tiny flickers of movement through the building and outside between buildings until I entered the woods.

  The woods were dark, dank and deep. I cupped my hands, blew into them a word of power, and molded a small ball of light to float in front of me. Shadows danced amongst the trees and brambles caught on the hem of my cloak, pulling me back each step I took. I saw that same flash of red silk and a slight glimpse of the mask covering half his face and chased him deeper into the woods.

  I stepped into a small clearing and spun in circles till I was dizzy looking for another flash of color or flicker of movement. Where was he? Where?

  Hard weight threw me to the ground and a man pressed over me. I was a fool. I’d let him lead me away from safety and where he could jump me. I was prepared to kick up a fuss when a familiar voice growled.

  “Where are you going Little Red? To grandma’s house? What’s in the basket little girl?” I willed my light bigger, brighter, and closer so I could see that I’d been tackled by Robin Hood. DJ looked very good in his costume. The tight, brown pants curved around his athletic legs snuggly. The green tunic made his chest so much wider. Even the traditional Robin Hood hat with its long, pheasant feather sat well on his handsome head.

  “You’re dressed wrong to be the big bad wolf.” It was all I could manage lying there beneath him, watching that feral look of lust wash over his features. He splayed the cloak out so he could examine my body fully. He leaned closer with his hands on either side of my shoulders. He ran his nose up the line of my throat, along my jaw to a spot just behind my ear. DJ inhaled deeply, nuzzling, letting my scent swirl around his nasal pallet like fine wine. A little shiver ran through me and I couldn’t say it was fear.

  “I’m always the big bad wolf,” he growled low in my ear, “and you look good enough to eat.” I shivered again. The way I had landed meant both of his knees were between mine. I felt very vulnerable and a little excited. DJ could make my body react to him, but that was all he knew he could affect. I liked him, but not enough to go down the road he wanted.

  “Why are you out here?”

  “I saw you; I followed. Do you have any idea how hot you look in that get up?” His reply was hot breath against the skin of my neck. His teeth trailed lightly over my flesh, and then he bit my shoulder. I gasped and my body bucked. My sounds pleased him, as did my heaving chest. Grabbing my hips he pulled me closer, making my knees fit against his ribs. My skirt hiked slightly and he stole a glance at my thighs. He growled primal as he kissed the mounds of my breasts. I raised my arm to push him back. Sensing my resistance, he hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him so that I straddled him with my lower body. DJ’s other hand traveled slowly up my back to my neck and under the cloak. He pulled my upper body teasingly closer to him. He licked my neck and brought his lips to mine. His kiss was insistent and demanding. I tried not to respond, but did. I wrapped my arms around his neck, gripping to try and pull away, but his hands cupped my rear and brought me sharply against the long, hard line in his pants. In shock, I gasped into his mouth. His hot and determined tongue, found its way inside. My body quivered, prepared to betray me. DJ had pressed up against me once before, but I didn’t remember it being so rigid. Simian was right about the whole Red Riding Hood fantasy thing.

  I was so preoccupied with his size and the pleasant way it pressed against me that I didn’t feel his hand slide between us to uncage the beast. I shoved away from him with all my might and remembered he thought we just needed to have sex and I would want to be with him. I landed sprawled on my side, flashing more than a little hip and thigh. He stared frozen at me, one hand on his belt.

  “God you look delicious woman.” I grabbed the cape, swishing it over to cover me. He blinked confused. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not doing this!” DJ’s eyebrows pulled together.


  “Honestly. I don’t want to.”

  “Bollocks. I felt your pulse quicken. I can smell you want me.” My mouth fell open and I slammed my legs together, rallying myself.

  “I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t find you attractive…”

  “But?” I bit my lips staying silent. I thought I’d made myself clear to him before, and once my heart stopped hammering, maybe I could make him believe that.

  “Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t?”

  If the truth be told, I could think of several reasons not to go down this path with DJ. First, we were in the middle of the wet woods, which was just plain icky. Second, DJ was a rather intense individual, possessive and controlling even when we weren’t dating. Third was the difference in our life spans. It wouldn’t be a problem at first, but later when he kept aging and I didn’t, he’d resent me. He crawled a little closer to me.

  “Just give in to our attraction. It’ll feel so good.”

  I tried not thinking about how good DJ, or any man after three months, would feel. I jumped right to my immediate reason for turning him down.

  “Aram.” I said his name softly. DJ growled and dug his fingers into the dirt.

  “That stinkin’, bloody vampire’s got his hooks in you deep.”

  “Don’t talk like that. I love him,” I barked. DJ looked at me, gauging the honesty of emotion on my face. He pointed in the rough direction of Dante’s.

  “Then why aren’t you with him?”

  Why wasn’t I with him? Why didn’t DJ and I just have a good, long screw? I growled.

  “You act as if I have to be with someone. Well I don’t. I don’t need a man to complete me. I’m three months without one,” I screamed. I’d had to start recounting after Aram and my very memorable encounter in an alley
, where I’d let him convince me to give into my desire. “I’m just fine on my own. I’m finding myself, which is much more important than getting laid.” Except not as fun, and lonely, some part of my brain chimed in. I told it to shut the hell up. DJ stared shocked at my outburst. I pulled myself to my feet, righted my dress and retrieved my dropped basket.

  “I’m sick of you men trying to use my frickin’ libido against me. You don’t like being told no. He’s mad that I won’t just come back to him, and neither of you understand I’m not doing it to hurt you. Yes, I get lonely. And yes, sometimes the idea of hopping on a man and riding to the last stop is an appealing idea, but I won’t be pressured. I will know when I am ready, when I am once again comfortable enough in my skin to share it with another. And I decide who!”

  I stomped off in a direction away from DJ.

  “The party is back that way,” he said trying to be helpful.

  “I’m not going back. I’m going home.” DJ leaped to his feet and wrapped his hand around my wrist, holding me back.

  “Wait. Please Cassandra. Just tell me what I have to do to win a chance with you.”

  “It’s not a race. Fastest wins. You can’t beat him when he’s as determined as he is. Just let go.” I said the last words whisper soft but knew he heard me as he released my wrist.

  “We could be good together. We should at least get the chance to try.”

  I didn’t answer him. There was no point in indulging him any longer. I wrapped the cloak around me and walked away into the trees, leaving him behind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I walked towards home with a big head of mad on. The kind of mad you get when you’re impotent against the other person’s feelings. You can’t do anything with them or make them go away. I was also mad that I couldn’t even enjoy a night out without some kind of drama. I’d needed to unwind but felt more tightly coiled than ever.


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