Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Unexpected Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Unexpected Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 3

by Liliana Rhodes

  Nilsson wasn’t listening anymore. His foot was gently caressing the gas as his fingers wrapped around the shifter.

  Leaning down to pop his head into the car, Griffin whispered into Nilsson’s ear.

  “Do it.”

  His foot tapped the gas delicately, and a satisfying vrrum came from under the hood. Nilsson giggled as Griffin stepped back from the car, his hand still on the door handle.

  “Just one more thing before you go, Nilsson.”

  He tore his eyes away from the car and looked at Griffin anxiously.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Before you take that baby for a ride, can you read to me what’s on the title? I left it on the passenger seat.”

  Nilsson nodded and reached for the piece of paper. He held it in front of him as he read it, then shook his head.

  “This isn’t right, sir,” he said.

  “What’s not right? Read it to me.”

  “Under owner, it says Nilsson Johansson.” Nilsson’s eyes filled with tears. “Is this a joke?”

  “No, it’s no joke. It’s yours, Nilsson.”

  “But sir, I can’t.”

  Griffin put his hand up to silence the butler.

  “Consider it a birthday present.”

  “But my birthday—”

  “Isn’t for another six months,” Griffin said. “Never underestimate the things that I know, Nilsson.” Griffin smiled as he tapped the car’s roof. “Now get out of here. It has a full tank of gas and that baby wants to fly.”

  Griffin closed the car door before Nilsson could say anything else. As he climbed the steps of his parents’ home, he heard the roar of the engine as it sped towards the road.

  Walter Goodrich stood in the doorway with a smile.

  “Did you plan that?” he asked.

  “No, I ordered that car a while back, but when I saw it, damn if that old picture of Nilsson and his father didn’t pop into my head.”

  “I always knew you liked him,” he said.

  “Like him? It has nothing to do with that, Dad,” Griffin said with a shrug. He didn’t like anyone knowing how sentimental he was. “That man needs to get laid. I just made it easier for him.”

  Griffin entered the house, and his leather shoes clapped against the marble floor as he walked to his father’s library at the back of the house. Walt followed his son as he shook his head.

  “You realize it’s comments like that that got you into this trouble to begin with, right?” Walt asked.

  Griffin rolled his eyes as he sank into a burgundy leather chair. The last thing he wanted was a lecture. At thirty, he was too old for that. He watched his father pour two glasses of fifty-year-old whiskey, the sign that he was about to get on his soapbox.

  Walt brought the drinks over and handed one to his son before sitting in an identical chair.

  “You sure you want my help?” Walt asked.

  Griffin sipped from his glass as he weighed his options. The lawsuit was a nuisance designed to take his money. He didn’t have time for that and didn’t want to make the time for it either. But what was it worth to him? Did he really want to be indebted to his father? It was bad enough he was always telling him to settle down and get married, what would he want in return for his helping him with this case?

  “That depends,” Griffin said. “I know you’re not going to let me off easily. You always have something up your sleeve.”

  Walt laughed.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said. “The only thing I have in mind is your best interest. Remember, this lawsuit doesn’t look good for me either. Every time your name is published in the news, I’m linked to you.”

  Griffin sighed as he took another sip of the amber liquid.

  “Just be straight with me, Dad. If I let you help me with this, what do you want in return?”

  Walt raised his glass as he tried to hide the smile forming on his lips.

  “I want you to go on a vacation,” he said. “I spoke to Drew Titan, and he mentioned a new resort of his in Bora Bora. I think some relaxation would be good for you.”

  Griffin waited for his father to say he was joking. Was that really it? He just wanted him to go away and enjoy himself?

  “What’s the catch, Dad?”

  Walt nodded as he took a sip of his drink.

  “You’re right, there is a catch,” Walt said. “You need to keep it in your pants while you’re away. No chasing skirts or tail or whatever you boys call it nowadays. You have enough problems going on right now, I don’t need any more.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Yes, that’s it,” Walt said before taking another sip of the whiskey. “Take your time thinking about it, but don’t forget depositions start next month.”

  Griffin cringed as he thought about the depositions. He knew the questions were going to be tough. The attorneys would bring up his character and try labeling him as some kind of deviant. Griffin knew he had a bad reputation and was quite proud of it normally, but today he wasn’t so sure.

  “Fine, no women. I swear you take the fun out of everything,” Griffin said. “I’ll give Drew a call and look into flights.”

  “No need, you leave in the morning.”


  The dark green grass of the resort’s golf course swayed and parted as the helicopter landed. Drew Titan stepped out of a golf cart and walked towards Griffin as he touched down.

  It had been a long time since they last saw each other. Drew stood just an inch taller than Griffin’s six-foot frame. Griffin was glad to see Drew still looked the same. He didn’t have that flab many of Griffin’s married friends had.

  They shook hands and Griffin clapped his hand on Drew’s shoulder, glad to see him.

  “Good to see you,” Drew said as he motioned to the golf cart. “I’ll take you to your villa so you can unwind. I made sure the bar was fully stocked.”

  “You’re a good friend,” Griffin said with a laugh.

  He enjoyed the scenery while Drew drove towards a building on the edge of the water. The warmth felt good and as he looked at the beach, he admired the women in their bikinis. They were just the kind of trouble that Griffin got himself into.

  “I heard your dad retired,” Drew said.

  “You’d never know it. He’s still very involved with the business, but I don’t mind. I think I’d miss him if he wasn’t. This is quite a place you have here though.”

  Drew nodded. “I love my resorts, each one is different. Your dad had great timing because I just opened this place. You’ll have to let me know how you like your stay here.”

  “How long will you be here too?”

  “I’m actually heading back tonight. I don’t like being away from Trinity and the kids for very long. We’ll have to have you over for dinner sometime.”

  “That would be nice.”

  Drew parked the golf cart to the side of a pier that jutted out over the water. It had several branches on either side that led to private villas. The end of the pier had a magnificent view of the green mountains and an even more amazing woman.

  Her long dark hair waved in the breeze, hypnotizing Griffin. Her shoulders were bare, revealing her sun-kissed skin. Slowly, she spread her arms wide as she leaned forward against the railing.

  The wind blew, wrapping her skirt around her, making it cling to her curves. Griffin thought her hips were just the right size for his hands to grip.

  Griffin couldn’t take his eyes off her. From just what he could see of her from behind, she was exactly his type, but it wasn’t like him to be so drawn to a woman. Especially when he couldn’t even see her face. Yesterday he said that Nilsson needed to get laid, but Griffin was beginning to think it had been too long for him too. That was the only explanation for why he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.

  “I put you in the Royal Villa,” Drew said as he walked towards the last villa on the pier.

  Pull yourself together, Griffin thought to himself.

; “Thank you,” Griffin said as Drew handed him the room key. “It’s stunning.”

  Griffin wasn’t talking about the villa.

  Drew looked at his watch and said his goodbyes. Griffin couldn’t be bothered with looking at the room amenities. His mind was still on the pier with the beautiful woman. There was no way she could be at an exotic resort by herself, but he could dream, couldn’t he?

  If he hadn’t made that promise to his father, he would have introduced himself by now. But he needed his father’s help. The last thing he wanted was to have to deal with the lawsuit and the deposition on his own. He didn’t have time for that nonsense.

  Griffin walked out onto the terrace where he saw the woman was still standing. She was in deep conversation with a friend, leading him to believe there was no husband.

  Fate had to put her there to drive him crazy and to tempt him to break his promise to his dad. Griffin’s impulsive tendencies were pushing him to make his move, but he didn’t want to let his father down.

  The wind whipped her hair around, revealing her long neck and sending him over the edge. He was four thousand miles from Seattle, and what his father didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Besides, if he was here, he would understand. Griffin didn’t have a choice, he had to meet her.

  Chapter Five

  “Get over here!” Keira said between clenched teeth.

  Monica pulled the villa’s door closed behind her as she joined her friend at the end of the pier.

  “What? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Keira grabbed her friend by her shoulders and positioned her so she was facing the last villa.

  “Well hellllooo,” Monica said as she noticed the man on the terrace. “Did you see how his butt fills out those jeans? This trip just keeps getting better.”

  “No, it doesn’t. You have no idea who that is. That is Griffin Goodrich.”

  “Walt’s son? What a coincidence. Did Walt tell you he was coming here?”

  “No, he didn’t, but why would he?” Keira took a quick glance over her shoulder and looked at Griffin through the curtain of her hair.

  “How did you know him?” Monica asked.

  “My parents used to tutor him. That’s how I met Walt. They’d bring me along with them and I loved it because I always had such a crush on Griffin, but of course he didn’t give me the time of day.”

  “What a jerk.”

  Keira laughed. “He really wasn’t, but I was so much younger. I was four years younger than him so he probably didn’t think of me as anything but some stupid kid who stared at him nonstop. I was so ridiculous I’m ashamed just thinking about it. But seriously, and I don’t know if it’s the air out here or what, because I’ve never admitted this to anyone before, but he is that one guy.” Keira sighed dreamily. “Do you know what I mean?”

  “No, I’m still waiting to meet that guy.”

  “Oh come on, there has to be someone in your past who just thinking about them gives you goose bumps and makes your heart do things a cardiologist might want to know about.”

  “No, there isn’t. If there was, I wouldn’t let him out of my sight. Especially if he looked like him.” Monica looked past Keira at Griffin again. “You know who he reminds me of? Superman.”

  “I know, right? I thought that too.”

  Monica giggled, then lowered her voice.

  “Oh my lord, he’s looking over here,” she said as she giggled more. “Wow, it’s like I’m in high school all over again.”

  “Shut up, he’ll hear you.”

  “I think he’s checking you out,” Monica whispered. “Seriously, he is staring right at us.” Her hand shot up into the air and she waved to him. “Hi!”

  “Stop that. What are you doing?” Keira said.

  “Saying hi of course. I just remembered we are all adults, we don’t need to act like high school kids anymore, that was ten years ago.” She waved again at him. “Plus, you said you wanted someone to take your virginity, who better than your childhood crush? What did you call him? That one guy? Let’s get you a memory you can really think about.” She grabbed Keira’s shoulders. “Oh my lord oh my lord, he’s coming this way!”

  “So much for acting mature,” Keira snarked.

  She took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm. Monica waved her hands frantically in front of her, and Keira grabbed them to stop her. Sometimes it made her envious that Monica could be so loud and out there, but right now she just wanted to hide.

  The boy she had never stopped thinking about was heading her way. Only he wasn’t a boy anymore, and she was definitely a woman.

  She took another deep breath and held onto Monica’s hands tighter to steady her own shaky hands.

  “Excuse me,” Griffin said, his deep voice tickling something deep inside Keira. “I couldn’t help but notice you.”

  Keira placed her hand on her heart and urged it to calm down. Now wasn’t the time to have a heart attack. She turned around and smiled at Griffin but didn’t say anything.

  His head tilted slightly to the side as his brow wrinkled. Slowly, his lips curved up and made wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

  “Keira? Is that really you?” Without waiting for an answer, he pulled her into a hug and Keira melted against his strong body. “What a small world.” He pulled back and looked at her as he slowly shook his head. “My God, you’re gorgeous.”

  Keira felt her face burn as she flushed several shades of red.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said.

  Griffin laughed. “How long has it been? I think the last time I saw you was senior year of high school. Has it really been twelve years? Gosh, you haven’t changed a bit.”

  “Give me a break, I’ve definitely changed. I was fourteen then.”

  “And the most beautiful girl I had ever seen,” he said.

  “Shut up,” Keira said. She looked away from him. She never imagined Griffin Goodrich flirting with her, and she thought her head was going to explode. “You’re full of it. I know all about you and how you get around,” she teased him.

  “You’ll have to tell me about that one day,” Monica said.

  Keira’s eyes widened in embarrassment. She had been so focused on Griffin that she had forgotten her friend. She looked at Monica apologetically and smiled.

  “Monica Strathorn, this is Griffin Goodrich. Griffin, this is my friend Monica.”

  “So is it just the two of you on this trip or are your boyfriends waiting for you somewhere?” he asked.

  “It’s just the two of us,” Monica said. “We were just heading out to the restaurant by the main building for dinner. How about you and Keira go together instead?”

  “Oh no, Monica, you can’t do that. I can’t leave you alone like that,” Keira said.

  “Please,” Monica said, rolling her eyes. “I was just getting comfortable in that bubble bath when you forced me out. That was a long plane ride, and you know I don’t travel well.”

  Keira lowered her voice as she searched her friend’s eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely.” Monica took Keira’s hand and squeezed it. “Go. You know I wanted room service.”


  Keira was dazed throughout dinner. She knew she ate, but except for the floating orchids, she couldn’t remember what was on the table. She and Griffin talked about everything, bouncing from one topic to the next as they caught up on the past twelve years.

  A man sat at a grand piano in the corner of the room and started playing. Griffin held his hand out to her, and she looked at him with confusion. He motioned his head towards the dance floor and she put her hand in his.

  As he led her onto the dance floor, she wondered if she was dreaming. Between the soft glow of the candles on the tables, the ocean, and the twinkling stars outside, she couldn’t imagine a more beautiful place.

  Slowly, they swayed to the music as he held her close. She could feel the heat of his body and the hard muscles of his chest pressed against her. S
he imagined what he must look like naked and felt her blood pump through her veins.

  She didn’t want the dance to end. She wanted to stay in his arms all night, but after a few slow songs, the pianist chose an up-tempo melody so they moved off the dance floor.

  As they left the restaurant, Griffin slipped his arm around her waist. Instead of regular lamps, the pathway was lit with small torches that formed an arch over their heads.

  “I was a wreck when you and your mom moved away,” he said.

  “Really? Your dad didn’t tell me.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t know. My dad and I are pretty close, but there’s a lot that we don’t talk about. I guess you’re one of them.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Well, for example, I had no idea he had been in touch with you all these years.”


  “He never mentioned it and I guess since I never spoke about you, he had no reason to.”

  “You don’t think that’s a little odd?” she asked. “I mean after my mom passed away, he was the closest thing I had to a father figure.”

  He shrugged. “It’s like I said, we just don’t talk about certain things.”

  “And what if you did know that he and I were in touch?”

  “Maybe I would have finally asked you out on a date.”

  “Maybe I would have said yes.” She smiled up at him. “I always had a crush on you.”

  “I don’t blame you,” he said. “I’m pretty wonderful.”

  She laughed and elbowed him playfully in his side. He covered the spot with his hand and contorted his face as if he was in pain.

  “You’re terrible,” she said.

  “I can’t be that bad. I remembered to bring Monica dessert.”

  He grinned as he held up a plain white box with a tiny window on top. Inside was a slice of pineapple cheesecake, Monica’s favorite. She knew it wasn’t enough to make up for her leaving her to go on the date, but she knew Monica really just wanted to stay in that tub anyway.

  The full moon was high in the sky as she walked hand in hand with Griffin along the cement pier back to their villas. He stopped in front of Keira’s and she took the piece of cake from him.


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