Twisted Forever

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Twisted Forever Page 4

by Danielle James

  Poor thing glared so much he eventually fell asleep on the couch beside me. Though it could have been the constant fucking we’d been doing since last night. Cole glanced at Xavier and then at me.

  “What, Cole?” I sighed.

  “How hard did you put it on his ass? My man is snoring and everything.” He let a laugh slip out.

  “Yeah it’s been pretty non stop since he got over here. Twice this morning.” I chirped and climbed into Cole’s lap. He put his arms around me and shook his head.

  “You gotta stop that. Alexander is going to lose his shit.”

  “Alexander is the reason this is happening.” I motioned to Xavier and I. Cole wasn’t hearing it though.

  “You don’t know he’s cheating on you.”

  “He’s never flown to Montana before he took Anais up there. So, think about how thirsty that bitch is and tell me he’s not screwing her.” I was getting pissed just thinking about it. Cole squeezed my sides and put his phone to sleep so he could look at me.

  “Calm down, Camilla.” He turned me around so I was straddling him and we were face to face. Okay, now this is a position I’d understand Xavier flipping out over. I rested my forehead on Cole’s and groaned.

  “Why Anais? She’s so damn annoying. We have a kid,” I squeaked. I draped my arms around Cole’s broad shoulders. I felt his body sag in a sigh like he wanted to make me feel better. His hands ran up and down my back and I sank into the sensation. He always made me feel safer. He was a part of my circle and I loved him like family.

  “Anais is like a fucking leech. You don’t even understand. She doesn’t stop until she get what she wants.” He explained.

  “Well, if she wants him she can have him.”

  “I’m sure she’d take him,” he laughed.

  I whined a little and wrapped myself around him tighter and he held on to me harder. I didn’t want to think about confronting Alexander when he came home. I just wanted to enjoy being around people I loved. If I thought about getting my heart broken again I’d be a mess and then the only person who would be able to put me back together again would be Emmanuel. If he put me back together then Alexander and I didn’t stand a chance in hell.

  “Stop tripping over this. Anais is a piece of shit, if Alexander fucked her over you?” His voice trailed off as he laughed. “Let’s just say he’s crazy as hell. I know who I’m choosing if I had to.”

  “Anais,” I joked.

  “Nah. I’d choose you…if I absolutely had to.” He flashed me a smile and I rolled my eyes.

  “Whatever Cole. You were fucking Anais.”

  “You see I stopped that shit too.”

  “Uh huh. She must have something if she can convince Alexander to stay with her while I’m home with two kids by myself.”

  “Well I can’t speak for him but Anais doesn’t have anything compared to you. If I were him I’d be here all the time.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and I smiled; he always knew how to make me feel better, like I said.

  I swung my legs around so that I was just sitting on the couch before Xavier woke up and started fussing again. I propped my feet up in Xavier’s lap and laid my head on Cole’s lap while he ran his fingers through my hair mindlessly.

  “How’s Noelle?” I asked of his girlfriend.

  “She’s good. At work all night so I’m kinda lonely,” he grumbled. He was so cute when he missed her.

  “You can stay here. The kids would love it.”

  “Is Xavier staying?” He quizzed with a raised brow. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him sleeping. He looked so damn good I wanted to wake him up with some pussy but I had to control myself since Cole was around. I cleared my throat and threw on a smile.

  “If he’s not you can stay. Emmanuel won’t.”

  “You know why he won’t. You’re going to attack him if he does.”

  “Maybe…maybe not.” I giggled knowingly. I’d definitely attack him if he stayed anywhere near me.

  “Yeah okay.” Cole laughed. “You know all Manny gotta do is grab your little ass and you’ll melt.”

  “Grab me?” I frowned, sitting up to look at Cole.

  “Yeah, you forgot I know what kinda shit you’re into.” He smirked mischievously at me. I flashed back to the time we were both grieving over Dempsey getting killed when he pulled my hair and we got a little too close for comfort.

  “Don’t be an asshole Cole,” I warned.

  “Can’t help it. You’re still a freak.” He grumbled with a smirk tugging at one side of his lips.

  “Takes one to know one,” I teased. He regarded me curiously and in a matter of seconds he’d grabbed my hair making my throat bob up and down.

  “See? Look at you.” He moved closer to me and I fought to keep the nonchalant look on my face.

  “You’re blushing.” He told me with his hand still twisted around my ponytail.

  “I am not. You don’t turn me on so it’s not working,” I told him. If he wanted to play games though, we could.

  I climbed back on top of him and he looked caught off guard. “So these are the kind of games we’re playing Cole?” I bit my bottom lip and he gave me a full smile.

  “What’s that supposed to do? You sat in my lap, and?” His grip tightened on my hair, yanking my head back. I lifted my ass up and down a few times mimicking riding his dick and I saw him lose a bit of his smile.

  “Alright. You win.” He pushed me off of him and I laughed until I fell over on the floor. “I’m telling your baby daddy.” He joked as he adjusted himself.

  “Hush, you’re not telling anyone shit.” I went into the kitchen a made Cole and Xavier some lunch. Cole followed me on his phone as usual.

  “You know Xavier is going to wake up bitching since you’re in here.” I told Cole over my shoulder.

  “For what? I could see if I had you bent over the counter…pulling your hair.”

  “Cole if you don’t stop playing with me I’m going to cut you.” I waved a sharp knife at him and he grabbed my wrist with a frown.

  “You better stop playing with sharp things.”

  “Why? Am I gonna get poked?” I playfully bumped him with my hips.

  “You might.” He stole a glance at my ass that made me blush. This was one of the first times we’d been around each other this long since I’d had Mason. He wasn’t used to seeing me without a huge belly.

  “Camilla,” Cole sighed then laughed, rubbing his palms over his face. “I see why you got these dudes going crazy.” He wagged a finger at me. “You’re not getting me caught up. Don’t even try.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I let out a hearty laugh.

  “You know.” He shook his head and went back to his phone. I really wasn’t trying to fuck Cole but it was fun having someone off limits to play with, I’ll admit. I couldn’t play with Xavier because it would turn into sex and Emmanuel would run. Cole was perfect. He knew how to flirt without always trying to fuck someone.

  “Yeah, yeah. I told you, Cole you don’t turn me on.”

  “I’m not listening to shit you say Camilla. With your lying ass.”

  I shoved a plate in his direction and he took it gladly. I hopped up on the counter and swung my legs back and forth. My mind kept flitting back to Alexander in Montana. What was he really doing? How could he possibly be fucking someone else when I tried to give him all of me?

  “Hey, you okay?” Cole looked up with a concerned frown.

  “I’m fine,” I lied. He tilted his head to the side and walked over to me.

  “Are you thinking about Alexander?”

  I responded with a nod then looked down at my hands. I tried to hold back the stinging tears. Cole was hugging me tight in no time and I just let the tears fall, nobody else was in the kitchen but us anyway.

  “Stop all that shit Camilla. I told you if he’s fucking Anais then he’s stupid.”

  “If he’s fucking her then what the hell am I supposed to do? We have a kid together Cole. I
don’t want this to be Xavier part two. I wanted things to work with Alexander and now I feel stupid all over again.”

  “Don’t.” Cole’s voice was strong and stern. “Anais is only effective when she’s right in front of you. Once you step away from her she’s weak.”

  “Okay so what the fuck does that mean?” I sniffled.

  “It means that as soon as Alexander comes home and realize how stupid he’s been he’s going to forget about Anais.”

  “I doubt it.” I wiped my eyes quickly. “He’s been coming home and he still takes his ass right back to Montana every month.”

  “What’s wrong?” Xavier’s voice broke Cole and I apart from our embrace. Cole motioned to me with his chin.

  “She’s crying over Alexander.” Cole told him before heading out. I’m sure it was to avoid any further bitching from Xavier.

  “I’m fine…just annoyed.”

  “You wanna talk about it?” Xavier caressed my cheek and I nuzzled his hand a bit.

  “No.” I blurted. I hopped down and he pulled me right back into him. He didn’t say anything he just hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

  “You want time alone? Let me know what you want Camilla.”

  “I want Alexander to bring his ass home.” I snapped angrily. He looked taken back by my answer.

  “Look, I’m gonna give you some time to yourself okay? I need to change clothes and take a shower anyway. Call me when the kids get back and let me know if you want me to stay tonight.”

  I wanted to tell him to stay and fuck all my pain away but maybe it was best for him to go, the way we were fucking I would end up pregnant again in no time.

  Later that evening, Emmanuel offered to take the kids off my hands so I could actually have some time to myself and also so he could put more distance between us. I wasn’t stupid. I needed him more than anything right then, he was the only person I could spill everything to and have him make it all better. Perhaps he knew that though so he kept himself away.

  I laid flat on my back in the middle of the living room floor after taking way too many shots to count. Cole and Laurel were both with me. My BFF’s. I was practically begging my father to watch TJ so Laurel could come help me cry into my liquor with Cole. She needed to get out of the house so she was more than happy to oblige.

  “Get up,” Laurel giggled, she was drunk herself.

  “I don’t want to. If I do everything is going to start moving again,” I whined. Cole lay beside me and stared at the same spot on the ceiling that I did.

  “You sleeping out here tonight?” He wondered out loud.

  “No.” I rolled over to my side and cuddled close to him. My leg hooked around his body and his arm wrapped around my waist.

  “Should I just throw a blanket over yall?” Laurel chuckled half serious.

  “We’re good,” Cole yawned. Laurel stood there watching us thoughtfully, before grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. “Laurel, what are you doing?” Cole grumbled like she snatched his security blanket away.

  “Camilla…” Laurel hissed once we were alone. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing.” I shrugged, “I was just cuddling with Cole.”

  “Yeah, that’s not nothing.”

  “It really is. Don’t be like Xavier.”

  “What about Xavier?” She quizzed with her arms folded. My cheeks flushed and I turned my head a bit. “You fucked Xavier!” Drunken giggles spilled from her lips until she could barely contain herself. Cole walked into the bedroom and swung his hooded gaze from me to Laurel.

  “Telling on yourself?” He smirked. He held his arm out and I went to his side. “She told you she fucked baby daddy?”

  “Yeah, whore.” Laurel snapped playfully.

  “Whatever. Xavier was so perfect last night.” I pressed my legs together at the memories of him swirling around in my head. “I couldn’t help myself,” I admitted.

  “I don’t think it was just you that couldn’t help themselves. You had Xavier all fucked up,” Cole chimed.

  “Next you’re going to be right back with Manny.” Laurel nodded.

  “No, he wont come near me.”

  “Give him some time,” Cole laughed.

  We all ended up in my king-sized bed talking most of the night with Cole in between both Laurel and I. He couldn’t help but mention his favorable position. Laurel and I exchanged knowing smirks and then erupted into a fit of laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked looking from me to Laurel.

  “We had a threesome…” I said quietly with a shrug. Laurel covered her face out of embarrassment. Cole sat up and grinned like an asshole.

  “I need more details.” He rubbed his hands together and Laurel and I shook our heads. “Who’d yall have a threesome with?”

  “Xavier,” I groaned.

  Cole laughed like it was the funniest shit he’d heard all day. Laurel and I both slapped his arms but honestly we ended up hurting ourselves.

  “Man, Xavier has it made in the fucking shade.”

  Laurel laid back and closed her eyes. “He thinks he does,” she remarked.

  “If he got to fuck both of yall then I’d say he does. I’m trying to get Noelle to let me have a threesome. You think you can talk her into it, Camilla?” Cole turned over to face me and we fell into our usual cuddle.

  “Nope. Not helping aid to your delinquency.”

  “What the fuck kind of friend are you?” He frowned.

  “One you can cuddle with.” I laid my head on his chest.

  “Is that the only benefit?” He was asking Laurel but she was knocked the fuck out. That quick. For a pill popper the girl was lightweight when it came to liquor.

  “It’s a good one.” I laughed, closing my own eyes.

  We both reeked of liquor and were notably drunk out of our minds. A loud thud made Cole and I jerk awake. He hopped out of bed with way too much accuracy for someone who was supposed to be shitfaced.

  “Goddamn Laurel.” He huffed, scooping her off the floor. She groaned a bit, but was still knocked out. I watched his muscular back as he carried her into the guest room. When he returned, he pulled his shirt off, slipped out of his jeans and flopped back down beside me.

  He pulled me close to him, spooning my body. Without thinking I pushed my ass back against him. I realized my mistake when I felt him freeze.

  “Yo, you gotta move,” he chuckled.

  “It’s habit.” I whined, turning over to face him.

  “Yeah okay. Habit that’s gonna get you fucked.” He muttered with his eyes closed.

  “What?” I my eyes opened and I looked at his almost sleeping face.

  “Nothing man. Go to sleep.” He pulled the blanket over us and tossed his arm over my body like he always did. This wasn’t our first time sleeping beside each other. Nothing ever happened. Cole was responsible like that. Not that I wasn’t but my frame of mind wasn’t the best and my judgment wasn’t the sharpest.

  In the middle of the night I felt Cole’s hands gripping my ass in his sleep. I smacked my lips together and scooted away from him, annoyed.

  “Come here.” He grumbled in the darkness.

  “No, move. It’s hot.”

  “Shut up, Camilla. Come here.” I couldn’t fight his strength as he yanked me across the bed and against his body. “You think we push shit too far?” He asked me, fully awake and watching my eyes in the darkness.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged. “Why am I so close to you, Cole?” I sighed.

  “I miss Noelle.” Even though it was dark I could see his grin. “You’re soft, you smell good and you have a phat ass.” His hands squeezed my behind again and I felt my pussy throb. I had to get the fuck away from Cole before something happened. He seemed sober but my ass was still incredibly tipsy.

  “Okay so you were awake when you grabbed my ass.” I noted.


  “Pervert.” Our laughs turned quiet the closer our lips got to each other.

’m gonna tell you right now Camilla, if we start kissing…I’m fucking you. It’s too dark and too late for this shit.”

  “Who said I was gonna kiss you?” I blurted.

  “I can read you.” He sat on the edge of the bed and groaned. “Let me do myself a favor and take me and my hard dick out of this room.” With that Cole was snoring on the couch a few minutes later.


  Chapter Five


  “Just a few more days Alexander.” Anais whined with her arms around my shoulders. I squeezed her hands and chuckled softly. She was very good at drawing me into her and making me give her whatever she wanted but I’d been gone from Camilla and the kids for a week and every time I Facetimed with her Xavier was over there. I knew he was fucking Camilla. I’d be stupid to think anything else.

  The way their history is wouldn’t allow for anything else. Besides knowing she was sleeping with her ex, I saw the sadness in her eyes whenever she looked at me and it started eating a hole at my core. Anais was quickly moving into my core as well but I couldn’t make Camilla suffer for Anais no matter how much I loved being with her.

  “Nah, I gotta go back. I miss my son.” I told her, pulling her curvy body into my lap. I tucked a lock of inky black hair behind her ear and smiled. “I’ll be back next month, okay?” I rested my lips on hers and she nodded. I used my thumb to swipe away the lone tear trickling down her cheek. I hated this part.

  I hated having to leave Anais all the way in Montana especially since we’d gotten so close. I wanted to be able to keep an eye on her more often so I was working on a more permanent position at the shelter in Montana.

  “Call me when you touch down…promise?” She stood at the door in nothing but her pink silk robe and every part of me wanted to push her back in the house and fuck her again.

  “Promise,” I nodded.

  “I love you,” she sniffled. I took one step towards her and curled my fingers around the back of her dainty neck.

  “I love you too, Anais.”

  When the door clicked shut, I could hear her break down in tears and it made me feel like shit. Last month, after hearing that gut wrenching sob I turned right back around and stayed three more days. Camilla wouldn’t speak to me when I got back and I realized living a double life was hell to pay either fucking way.


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