The Assistant's Christmas Wish (The Christmas Wish Series Book 1)

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The Assistant's Christmas Wish (The Christmas Wish Series Book 1) Page 2

by Lexi Ostrow

  “Dream on, Jake, you’ve slowed down in your ripe old age of thirty-seven. I can take you down just as easily as I did by taking this branch of the company.” He smirked, it wasn’t serious banter because Jake hadn’t wanted the American firm.

  “You keep reminding yourself of that when I steal the perfect Leena away from you. Look, I have to go, they’re boarding soon. Catch you late tomorrow. Happy Christmas Eve early, little brother.”

  “Safe flight, Jake.”

  He set the phone down and crossed his legs on the desk. He did need to get home to pack, but he had to finish up a few last minutes account details. Pouring another glass of brandy he moved the computer mouse and booted up the screen, ready to settle in for a long night of work before a vacation full of seduction; if he could get her away from his family long enough of course.

  Jake slipped his phone into the inside breast pocket of his navy suit coat. The runway was clear, no planes taxied and there were no tarmac boardings going on at the American Airlines Terminal. A peaceful night outside did not make for one inside. His head was pounding from all the screaming children and cell phone conversations. He’d gone over the electronic charging area for some peace and quiet, but it hadn’t happened. So he was lounging on the black leather chaise lounge and waiting for the plane to board.

  It was good to be going home. He loved Paris, had since he was a young boy, but being surrounded by family at Christmas was pleasant. He didn’t want the coldness of his city flat. Michele had been a wonderful girl, but she was looking for someone to pamper her at all hours of the day and he simply didn’t have the time.

  He wouldn’t tell Nick, but he’d only been slightly kidding about stealing Leena away from him. He’d met Nick’s assistant six years ago at a company gala for Cancer research after pancreatic cancer had claimed their uncle. She’d been a sight. He still remembered what she looked like in the strapless, satin black gown with her hair pulled to the side in a low French twist. But if he thought she was beautiful on the outside there was no explaining how beautiful she was on the inside. She was a spitfire wrapped in a polite package. He’d escorted her that evening because she’d looked so lonely and out of place with Nick making all the big speeches. He’d whisked her away to a small balcony off the main ballroom and they’d drank an entire bottle of champagne. After which, she had promptly passed out and they’d never spoken since.

  He knew his brother had a thing for Leena. But whenever he talked about her it seemed to be a purely physical thing. Which wasn’t completely a bad thing. But he’d been attracted to who she was as a person; not just the incredibly sexy sway of her ass. Although, it was tempting. Sooner or later he hoped his attraction to her would wear off. It had been six years since he had seen her. Shit, he hadn’t even thought about her unless Nick was talking about her. But if she was going to be at the chalet, well, he had a feeling old desires could stir.

  He didn’t want to interfere in his brother’s end game. But the man had been given eleven years to make a move and his only excuse for waiting was that he didn’t want to damage their business relationship. Which was a load of shit in Jake’s opinion. He would be the good big brother though. Nick had a plan and he wasn’t going to get in the way of it.

  However, if his little brother tried and fell on his face, well that would be a different story entirely.

  “Nous allons maintenant commencer le processus d'embarquement pour le vol American Airlines 1378 à Denver, Colorado . S'il vous plaît faire votre chemin à la porte en ce moment. ”

  The announcement piped overhead for his flight in French and he stood up and grabbed the handle on his small rolling bag before the tourists could hear it all in English.

  “We will now begin the boarding process for American Airlines flight 1378 to Denver, Colorado. Please make your way to the gate at this time.”

  His eyes drifted out over the tarmac one last time. It was going to be a long week if his brother succeeded because he had a feeling he was going to find himself attracted to the lovely Leena once more.

  Chapter 2

  Leena smirked when she saw the hanging, black, garment bag attached to the hall light outside her door. It’s a good thing whoever delivered it hadn’t been his assistant or they’d be fired. One just didn’t go about leaving five thousand dollar dresses out in the hall. Her building was nice, but it was still a city and theft happened.

  She stepped up on her tiptoes and unhooked the gold metal hanger off the light’s covering. The gown felt heavy and she wondered giddily if it might be beaded. Grabbing her keys from the heavy bag on her shoulder she undid the lock and walked inside. She carefully set the dress down over the couch.

  “Let’s see just what Mr. DeMarco sprung for.” She gently closed her thumb and index finger on the shiny, black zipper and pulled downwards. Her breath held in anticipation as a beautiful ruby red silk came into vision. As she passed the waist she noticed a thin line of beads around the waist, tasteful, but still sparkly. He knew she loved things that sparkled.

  She slid it out of the garment bag slowly, watching as the dress exposed an elegant chiffon skirt that would hang to the floor with her height. “My, my, you did very well, Nick.”

  She grabbed her phone and sent him a quick text to thank him for the beautiful dress. Her eyes caught hold of the rhinestone red pumps and she almost fainted at the sight of them. He might be her boss, but he knew how to shop for a woman, for her.

  She needed to call her parents though; let them know she wouldn’t be home for the holidays. They knew about her crush on Nick and hopefully they would think it a good thing that he’d asked her to spend Christmas there. She was absolutely going to leave out the part about him only bringing her so his mother, Elaine, didn’t nag him for coming alone.

  The phone rang twice before her mother’s delicate voice answered.

  “Evening, Mom.”

  “Oh, Leena! Are you coming over tonight? Be careful, the weather is really growing nasty. Why don’t you come in the morning when there’s daylight?”

  She sighed; getting a word in edgewise with her mother was sometimes impossible. “Mom, that’s why I’m calling actually. How upset would you and Dad be if I went to someone else’s for the holidays?”

  “Well why ever would you do that?” Her mother didn’t sound upset, just curious.

  “Nick invited me to his family’s chalet.” She held her breath, waiting for the assault of twenty-one questions to commence. But it never did.

  “That’s fantastic, sweetie! Oh my gosh when did you two finally hook up?” Her mother’s voice was dripping with excitement and she felt guilty having to break the truth to her.

  “We haven’t. His girlfriend dumped him and he doesn’t want to show up alone.”

  “Oh.” Excitement defused.

  “But I’ve always dreamed of being up there for the holidays and I’m ok with it Mom. As long as you and Dad are.” The statement hung in the silence before her mom finally answered.

  “Why of course we are. We’ve had twenty-nine with you. Go ahead and give him one, sweetie.”

  “Thanks, Mom, and get this – he bought me a Valentino and Loui Vuitton’s to wear.” She squealed like an excited schoolgirl because she was in fact that excited.

  “Oh! Oh! Well in that case go get your beauty sleep. Please be careful. I know he’s got that blasted jet to take you everywhere, but the snow is worse than usual this time of year.”

  She shook her head, smiling at her mother’s over protectiveness that would never fade. “You got it, Mom. I love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetie.”

  She hit the end button on the screen and took a deep breath. This was really happening. And that meant there was still one more person she had to call. Natasha Nightstar, actress extraordinaire and her best friend.

  Her foot tapped impatiently as she waited for the ringing to end.

  “Thank you for calling my personal phone. If you have this number you know who I am. So let me k
now what’s up and I’ll call you back as soon as I’m off set!” Tasha’s cheerful answering machine was not what she wanted to hear.

  The beep went off and she debated briefly about just hanging up. “Tasha! What kind of a best friend isn’t around when the other friend has a crisis or extremely important news? You, that’s who! Just kidding, listen I’m not going to be around for Christmas because…drum-roll please…Nick invited me to the chalet. And he bought me pretty things. That is all the information your voicemail is getting from me. Love you, call me back!”

  Tossing the phone on the table as she hit end, she leaned back against the couch, a smile on her face. She would find a way to make this trip about telling Nick she had feelings for him. She’d leave out that she’d been essentially in love with him for the past eight years, but that’s because there was no reason to make her seem like a crazy person.

  Leaning back against the couch she closed her eyes to fantasize about what the weekend might bring and her eyes immediately snapped open in terror. “Packing!” She jumped up off the couch and raced through the apartment, packing everything she thought she might need for a week in the snow with the man she was going to wrangle.

  Morning came far too quickly. Leena had been up until past two trying on different outfits. She’d wanted to look like a sophisticated snow bunny that knew how to have fun. She’d tried on thirty-one outfits and had grudgingly decided on which five to bring for daytime as well as a few cocktail gowns that Nick had already seen her in at company events. The fact that she needed to look absolutely perfect every day of this and not in the business way shouldn’t have bothered her. She never had trouble picking up guys when she went out for drinks. But Nick had been looking at her, daily, for eleven years. She had to be a knock out if he’d already been ignoring her all this time.

  Her stomach rolled over as she thought about the week. She wasn’t entirely certain how she was going to tell Nick. She’d practiced in the mirror with each outfit, wanting to know which she looked best in while she said it and all she’d learned was she was behaving like a child. Not a professional who saw the man everyday and knew more about him than his parents probably did.

  She put her hands over her mouth and nose and breathed in and out deeply. The scent of her cocoa butter filled her nose and soothed her as it always had.

  “Just take a deep breath. If you act funny, you’re not doing anyone any favors. You’ve been alone with him thousands of times. Do not act like a moron.” Tugging her hands through her hair she secured her hair in a low ponytail. The snow was falling harder and there was no point in getting all pretty to look like a tumbleweed once the snow and wind attacked her. She’d looked out the window already this morning and the weather was so severe she feared they wouldn’t go at all. But Nick had called her twenty minutes ago telling her to be ready ASAP.

  Leena picked up her cup of hot cocoa and went to stand next to the window. It was so beautiful outside. The snow had been fierce all night and minus small sections of plowed street, the city was covered in a beautiful, thick coat of snow. She could see Christmas lights and menorahs on various windows on the building across from hers and she couldn’t help but smile. There was nothing quite like Christmas. The decorating of trees, the candy canes the cocoa and the lights – oh the lights. Nothing was more important to her than seeing the lights on Christmas Day night. She only hoped they could do that this year.

  She could feel the cold winter air coming through the window despite its insulation and she closed her eyes and let it wash over her. The cold wasn’t her favorite weather pattern, but she wouldn’t have it any other way at Christmas time. She thought again about what it would be like, or more, what she wanted it to be like this week. She would tell Nick her deepest secret.

  He wouldn’t confess an undying love for her, but he would lean forward and press his lips to hers. His mouth would slowly claim hers, his soft lips would melt her own and she’d moan. When she did, his tongue would slip inside and she would lean against him, panting and breathless. His hand would slip over breasts and massage them through her cashmere sweater. She would slowly unzip his pants and stroke his dick.

  Her cell phone cut through her fantasy and she almost growled at it.

  “Are you already, Miss Kensy? Your chariot awaits.”

  She snorted and walked to the kitchen and dumped out her hot cocoa into the sink. “You know, it’s always been rather annoying how you switch between my first name and my last, think since I’m playing your pretend girlfriend we could stick with Leena for the week?” She scrubbed the mug out and set in upside in the drying rack; she could put it away when she came back. “And yes, Nick, I’m ready to live a lie.” She smirked, loving being able to tease him. It wasn’t that they weren’t always playful, but sometimes in the office, she was worried he would take it the wrong way.

  “Whatever you wish, Miss Kensy.” She could almost hear the grin in his voice. “Come on down. The roads are a bit rough and the pilot said if visibility shrinks anymore we’re going to be stuck here, instead of at Keystone.”

  She was already grabbing her duffle bag and the garment bag while he talked. “On my way down, but I need my hands.” She didn’t wait for him to respond because he never did when it was time to hang up the phone. Letting the phone drop to the couch she set the Valentino bag next to it, swung her duffle and coat over her shoulder and grabbed the dress and cell.

  Leena locked her door quickly and took the stairs to avoid the slower than dirt elevator. If anyone ever was chasing someone to murder them in her building, they would succeed if they took the stairs.

  She pushed open the heavy stairwell door at the bottom and smiled when she saw Nick. He was bundled up in a pea coat that made him seem very refined and had a box hat on instead of a beanie like she did. She wanted to laugh, but she was too drawn to the small growth of stubble on his chin. He never forgot to shave and she rather liked it.

  He caught her staring at his chin when she walked up to him and out the door he was holding open. He said something to her, but it was lost as she took in the blast of cold when she dashed from the building to the limo. Throwing herself into the seat she tried to stop her teeth from chattering. Not putting on her coat had been dumb, but she would have had to take it off to avoid sweating in the car and it just made sense at the time.

  Nick was mere seconds behind her and he rubbed his gloved hands together when he got in the car. “I said, don’t like the beard?”

  She cocked her head at him even as the car drove off. “Is that what you said a few moments ago?”

  “With how you were staring at me like I’d grown a third head, I made the assumption it was the rugged mountain man look I’m sporting.”

  She couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted. She also couldn’t seem to stop laughing. Tears sprang in her eyes and her stomach even clenched she was laughing so hard. She took a deep breath and coughed as she tried to suck down enough air to breathe. “You are the furthest thing from a mountain man that’s ever lived, Nick. It’s just that perfectly combed hair and a slight five o’clock shadow doesn’t qualify as a mountain man.” Without thinking she reached out with her gloved hand and gently ran it over his chin. “I like it. Up late working?”

  His eyes pierced hers and she pulled her hand away and winced at how intimate the gesture was. “Of course. But I did it to annoy my mother. Jake always has a bit of beard and it drives her crazy. I figured, might as well take some stress off of him. I just found out he’s been officially one hundred percent dumped by the model.”

  She tried to feel bad for Jake. But she didn’t know him all that well. He was just as handsome as Nick, but she hadn’t seen him since he’d taken over the Paris office six years ago. “Oh, your poor brother. Seems to run in the family to end things at the holidays. Secret plot to not bring them home to Elaine?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “That would be smart for their sake, but not ours. Remember, that’s why you’re here.”

  Some of her excited energy slipped away with the reminder. They fit so well together sometimes that being with him when it hadn’t involved work had made her forget who they were to one another. Nothing like a nice slap in the face on Christmas Eve to put one in the holiday mood.

  Trying to ignore her bitterness, she pushed the button and lowered the partition between them and the driver. “Driver, Christmas music if you don’t mind.”

  “You got it, Leena.” He winked at her in the rear view mirror and slid the partition closed, probably because he didn’t want to listen to it. Whether or not Nick knew he’d upset her, he didn’t say, but he took the hint as the music filled the car. She began to sing and turned her eyes to the window.

  The snow was falling a lot less now and she knew the freeway well, they were only about ten miles from the private airstrip his family used. She wondered briefly why they were taking the plane when they were so close. It would have made more sense for Jake or his mother and stepfather too. His sister wasn’t coming this year, she had just taken hold of the London office from their cousin and wanted to stay to learn the ropes.

  “Everything ok?” Nick seemed genuinely concerned and she tried to brush off her annoyance. It wasn’t like she didn’t know why he had asked her to go. It wasn’t fair for her to punish him because she’d harbored feelings for him forever.

  “Fine. Just looking at the snow. I wish it was a little darker, so we could see the lights.” The excuse sounded good, he knew how much she loved all things winter and didn’t question it. “I am amazed how clear the roads are.”

  “Most commercial flights aren’t leaving. I talked to Jake last night and he said he might even get detained in New York. There was no confirmation from the flight deck.”


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