3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11)

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3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11) Page 2

by Laurie Roma

  “She’s in a meeting with Thorton right now. For some inexplicable reason, he’s currently obsessed with trying to bring back polka-dots.”

  Mya laughed. “I don’t see that happening.”

  “Neither do I.”

  A smaller man with round glasses rushed over, gripping a tablet tight to his chest. “Madam Mya, thank the stars! We just got the new shipment of material in for your celestial line, and it’s—”

  “Not now, Fredricks,” Jack ordered.

  “Oh, but, sir! The cerulean we requested isn’t as bright as we need—”

  Jack shifted his gaze over, making the smaller man scrambled back a few steps. Mya held back a laugh and squeezed her father’s arm.

  “Go talk to Dora,” Mya said kindly, mentioning their requisitions manager—which was a fancy name for the woman who ordered their material. “She’ll get it sorted out.”

  Fredricks bowed to them before heading away at a slight run. As Mya and Jack started walking away again, she leaned into his side. “Did you have to scare him?”

  Jack winked down at her. “It’s good to know I’ve still got it.”

  Mya laughed. “You mean the death stare? Yeah, you certainly do.”

  He pressed his hand to the palm plate, then they entered the lift after the doors slid open soundlessly. He gestured her to enter before him, then he placed his palm on the inside scanner and gave the verbal command for the floor he wanted. Leaning against the wall, he folded his arms across his broad chest and eyed her.

  “So, you’ve finally decided to tell us what’s been on your mind?”

  Mya fought the urge to duck her head. “Was I that obvious?”

  Jack reached out and tugged at a lock of her hair. “We know you. Not to mention, you’ve been avoiding everyone at the house for the past few weeks.” He paused for a moment, then asked, “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  “Holy nova, Dad! No!”

  Jack snorted out a laugh. “I had to ask. You look so damn serious.”

  Mya knew her father had a weird sense of humor, but his question had made her want to cringe. He knew she wasn’t in a relationship, and never had been. How pathetic was that? Hell, she was the only twenty-year-old virgin she knew, not that she would mention that to her father.

  But she was damn well going to do something about that…and soon.

  She was extremely relieved when the lift came to a stop and the doors opened. Instead of jumping out and running away like she wanted to, she slowly stepped out of the lift, then led the way around the corner and came to a stop in front of the two assistants who guarded the hallway that led to her parents’ offices.

  Unlike the rest of the building that was a filled with bold, bright colors, this floor was furnished in a more sedate fashion, with glossy black floors, dark-gray walls and silver desks. The only splashes of color came from the video screens on the walls that alternated different images every few seconds.

  The stylish assistants manning the desks looked like they belonged in the fashion house, but few people actually knew that both were highly-trained, skilled former-officers. Douglas and Veronica Levin were one of the rare, elite single pairings. Since Veronica was a scroll, Jack and Ian had gotten them a special exemption so she and Douglas could bond without a third. Loyalty had Douglas and Veronica following Jack into the private sector when he’d retired, but the change had worked out well for them.

  Douglas shot Jack a look as soon as he saw their approach. “Your chosen has some pretty ominous plans for you since you left her in that meeting with Thorton alone.”

  Jack sighed. “Better she be mad at me for that than for me strangling the man.”

  “True,” Douglas said with a laugh. “Nice to see you, Mya.”

  Before Mya could return the greeting, Veronica cut in.

  “Mya! Have you heard the good news? I’m expecting again.”

  Mya’s eyes widened. Veronica and Douglas had four kids together already, and hearing they were having another baby made something inside of her ache with longing. “Stars, the two of you are going to repopulate the Earth all by yourselves. Congratulations!”

  Jack waited patiently while Mya exchanged hugs with both Veronica and Douglas. He might not have the abilities that his chosen had, but he’d seen the look on his child’s face before she’d masked it behind the joy she felt for the couple. What he’d said in the lift had been meant as a joke, but he realized it wasn’t something that he should tease her about.

  Taking her arm again, Jack began to pull Mya down the hallway. After taking a few steps, he turned back toward Douglas and said, “We’re kicking Thorton out. Make sure we aren’t disturbed.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  Mya could sense that something had changed in Jack as he led her down the hallway. He pulled her to a stop before they got to the office door and cleared his throat, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “We haven’t given you much opportunity to meet anyone, have we?”

  Stars, did he really want to discuss this? Now? Talk about awkward.

  “Dad…it’s…let’s not…”

  He reached up and cupped her face. “If we’ve kept you too close, it’s only because we love you so much.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “I know, and I love you, too. But…I need more now.”

  Jack nodded curtly. “Then I’ll help you get it.”



  Mya always felt as if she were stepping back in time whenever she entered her mother’s office. The room was filled with old-fashioned furniture made of dark wood with cream-colored leather accents. One side of the room was made up entirely of windows that looked out at the city, while the rest was painted a rich gold that provided a nice backdrop to the authentic paintings that hung on the walls.

  At the intrusion, the glazed look of boredom in Donna Spartan-Rollins’ dark-brown eyes immediately changed to sheer pleasure. She rose from the chair behind her desk and rushed across the room. “Mya!”

  Mya had a few seconds to appreciate her mother’s beauty before she was wrapped in a warm embrace. Breathing in the familiar scent of her mother’s perfume reminded her of all the times she’d been there for her in the past. Even though Mya was set on her course, it made her miss her mother already.

  Donna pulled back abruptly. “Thorton. Our meeting is over.”

  The man sitting across the room sputtered for a moment, then he ran from the room when Jack barked out the command for him to, “Get out. Now.”

  Pulling on her hand, Donna guided Mya over to sitting area and forced her down on the couch next to her. “Your emotions are all over the place. What’s going on? Why are you feeling so guilty?”

  Mya stiffened and pulled away. “Stop reading me.”

  “I’m sorry,” Donna said as she patted Mya’s thigh, then she winced as she pulled her hands back and clasped them together in her own lap. “You know I can’t help it, especially when something is bothering you.”

  Pausing for a moment, Mya considered how to begin, then decided to just jump in head first as soon as Jack took a seat in a chair next to Donna.

  “I want to open up a store on New Vega. For two reasons, really. The first would be increasing our clientele. By setting up a location that caters to the various races that visit there, especially those who are ready and willing to drop credits, it’s the perfect location. I know you’ve wanted to keep the Starlight Design shops exclusively on Earth as an added incentive for the D’Aire to come visit, but we’re losing out on all those who have no intention of coming here.”

  Jack stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I see what you’re saying, but most of the other races don’t care about fashion.”

  “They don’t yet, and that’s partly because we don’t offer anything that interests them. The reality is that most of the other races tend to stick to leather, or material that is similar to what a warrior would wear. Partly for the flexibility it provides, but I also think it’s for the practicality of it. They don
’t have to worry about what they wear. But I think we can change that.”

  Donna leaned back against the pillows behind her on the couch and tilted her head to the side. “And how do you suggest we do that?”

  Mya tried hard not to babble as she always did when she was nervous. Taking a deep breath, she answered calmly. “By giving them what they’re used to, with a twist. People are fascinated with the Dragon Warriors, especially after Katra Tesera’s visit—”

  “She’s Lady Tor now,” Donna corrected.

  “Right. I forgot she just mated Skylar’s father on Tartarus. But the Dragon Warriors—male and females—have a certain look. So do the Krytos, the Helios and the Tarins. I saw that when Lord Jaden Tor came here with his warriors for Skylar, Dom and Arik’s claiming ceremony.”

  Mya saw the interest on her parents’ faces, and prepared to pitch her idea…hard.

  “I’ve been wanting to do a new line of leather warrior gear. Something that takes a little bit of inspiration from each race, but making it something different…something unique that all the races would be comfortable wearing. By creating a new look, it will allow them to wear it without feeling as if they are copying from another race. Added to that, perhaps we can even get them to consider other colors, like red or blue leather instead of just black or brown. In fact, I’ve started making some design samples that I think you’re really going to like.”

  “Mya, I think…” Donna began carefully, then her lips curved into a smile, “…that this is a brilliant idea.”

  Mya sighed in relief, feeling victorious…until Jack spoke.

  “What is the second part of your plan?”

  Turning to meet his gaze, she said, “I think I can do this. No, I know I can. But in order to do it…I want to move to New Vega and head this project myself.”

  Donna gasped, but before she could say anything, Jack raised up his hand, never taking his eyes off Mya’s. “This is what you really want?”

  Mya nodded, letting him see the truth in her eyes. “Yes. It is.” Her gaze drifted over, and her heart ached at the sight of the tears glistening in her mother’s eyes. “I don’t mean to hurt you…”

  Donna sniffled a little, then cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. “You surprised me, that’s all. Of course, you would want to do this yourself.” Her eyes narrowed as she glanced over at her bonded. “Did you know about this?”

  Jack shook his head. “This is the first I’m hearing about it. But I agree with Mya. It’s a damn good business plan.”

  Donna reached out to grab hold of his hand. “I’m sorry I snapped at you, my love.”

  A grin spread over Jack’s handsome face. “I’m used to it.”

  Mya saw the love on their faces as her parents looked at one another. It was something that had always been there throughout her entire life, and Mya hoped to one day share that same love and devotion with her own bonded.

  “I know I need your permission to open the shop on New Vega, but that’s business. Even if you decide against it, I’m going to go. I need to. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, because I’m not. I appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me. You’ve given me everything I’ve ever needed, but now what I need is something I can only get for myself. I don’t even know what that is, really,” Mya said with a hint of irritation in her voice. “But I know I won’t find it here.”

  Donna and Jack exchanged a long look, then she said, “No, you won’t find it here. Have you already found a location on New Vega?”

  “I’ve tried, but the Adaro brothers have made it impossible to do so from here. They require a face-to-face meeting with all three of them in order to get clearance to rent any retail space on their vessel.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” Jack said. “I’ve heard those three Krytos brothers are pretty ruthless when it comes to protecting their home, but Jax says they are good males with a strict moral code. They might not exactly follow Alliance rules, but Jax wouldn’t respect them if they weren’t trustworthy.”

  “I have no doubt you will convince them to give you the space,” Donna said with a gleam of pride in her eyes.

  “I really appreciate you backing me on this,” Mya said softly.

  Jack snorted. “Sweetheart, you’re gonna make us a shit ton of credits.”

  “You know that’s not what I mean.”

  “Yeah, well,” he grumbled. “I’m trying not to think about the missing you part of all this.”

  That had Donna sniffling again. “I know you have to go, but I think I’m entitled to be a little sad that my daughter is leaving the planet. I also got a little weepy when Jax and Talon left, didn’t I? And the universe knows those two can handle themselves…more than I’m comfortable thinking about. But I miss all my children when you leave.”

  Jack reached out and took his chosen’s hand again. “That just means we’ll have to go visit her.”

  Donna nodded. “True.”

  Mya laughed, then sobered as a dark cloud intruded on her happiness. “Dad Ian won’t like this. Neither will Jax or Talon.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Let us handle your father. And your brothers don’t need to know about any of this until it’s a done deal,” Donna added with a small smile.

  “You’ll be taking guards with you,” Jack ordered, leaving no room for argument.

  Mya nodded. “Ryland, Mikal and Pia have agreed to go with me.”

  “Good. Now, tell us more about this plan of yours.”

  Mya pulled out her tablet from the bag she’d brought with her, and handed it over. As her parents looked over the outline she’d drafted, it was difficult to keep her voice calm as she talked them through the details.

  This was what she’d wanted, and it all seemed almost too good to be true. She wasn’t just setting up a new business, one that she would be in charge of.

  It was the beginning of something…something new and exciting.

  And Mya was damned determined to make the most of it.

  * * * *

  Tavius Adaro wasn’t pleased.

  And when he wasn’t pleased, someone usually ended up getting bloody.

  But this time, he really couldn’t complain about the situation he was in since he was the one who’d agreed to personally welcome their newest VIP guest to New Vega. Actually, his agreement was more a matter of self preservation than anything. Out of the three Adaro brothers, Tavius was the only one who had any semblance of charm.

  That was, if anyone could ever describe any Krytos as being charming.

  While Maddox was the undisputed leader of their group and Daimon was the organized one, Tavius was the natural born spokesman of the trio and the only one who had any patience for diplomacy. Maybe it came from being the youngest of the group, but despite that, Tavius was just as dangerous as the others when riled. Only, he preferred to keep his opponents guessing as to what he was thinking so they wouldn’t see the ass kicking coming.

  But even with his polished veneer, there was something untamed about all the Krytos that couldn’t be hidden behind a smile and some charisma.

  With black eyes, pronounced canine fangs, and large, muscular bodies, all the Krytos were an intimidating lot, and that was nothing compared to their battle forms. They were a shifter race, but unlike the Helios that could transform completely into their animal form, the Krytos changed into a hybrid beast, growing sharp, lethal claws and long fangs ideal for combat. When in a rage, their black eyes turned red and their voices deepened into an animalistic rumble.

  The Krytos lived in packs, led by the strongest and most capable. The Adaro brothers were somewhat unusual, since Maddox, Daimon and Tavius Adaro could have each been pack leaders themselves. But Tavius and Daimon had chosen to follow their oldest brother instead of breaking up their family.

  They had lost far too much already.

  As a race that had lost their home world when the Zyphir attacked and destroyed their planet almost a century ago, the Krytos had scattered across the stars, se
eking to find new places to call home. But the Krytos’ struggle was far from over, and peace came with a heavy cost.

  After the Adaro brothers’ mother and fathers had fought alongside the humans during the Alien Wars to defeat the Zyphir that attacked Earth, the Alliance had given them a shuttle for their aid. They had started transporting cargo instead of settling on one of the space stations or on Earth like others had, and Maddox, Daimon and Tavius had been born on that shuttle. Born into a life of freedom—something all of them would protect until their dying breath.

  For the Adaro pack, living under someone else’s rule didn’t appeal to them, so they had created the dream that would one day be New Vega. They’d wanted a world of their own, where their word was law…somewhere no one could take from them.

  The first few years had been difficult, but they had saved every credit they’d earned and poured it back into their business. As Maddox, Daimon and Tavius had gotten older, they were able to contribute to the family business, finding new ways to expand it and thrive. Over time, they were able to purchase a decommissioned destroyer-class vessel from the Alliance. It had taken a lot of hard work and countless hours of repairs, but they had eventually been able to make their parents’ dream a reality.

  Now, New Vega was theirs, and it was a world unlike any other.

  Most people thought of it as a floating pleasure palace. Although they adhered to the general guidelines of Alliance rules and regulations, New Vega wasn’t under United Federation Alliance Command control. Because it was a privately owned enterprise, the Adaro brothers enjoyed pushing the boundaries of propriety, making New Vega a luxurious destination where one could satiate a number of vices all in one central location.

  But in reality, it was so much more than that.

  In memory of all the friends and family they’d lost, the Adaro brothers had turned New Vega into a traveling sanctuary, making it a haven for all the different races that chose to visit. No expense had been spared to outfit the vessel with defenses, as well as powerful weapons, making it an almost impenetrable fortress that kept its clientele safe. They updated the ship often, keeping up with the latest and greatest technology the worlds had to offer.


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