Her Wired Dom (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 8)

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Her Wired Dom (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 8) Page 11

by Anya Summers

  "Do you not like what you do anymore?"

  "No, it's not that. I just think that in some respects, it gets a little too political, and I have to put in appearances at events when I'd rather just be at home. It's hard for us homebodies when we're forced to mingle. I'm more comfortable behind a computer than in front of one."

  "I see," she said as he pulled off the highway toward Sunset Beach and his house. He was this big teddy bear, and preferred solace. She understood that sentiment, for she far preferred low-key interactions herself. It made her seem standoffish and aloof. They made quite the pair.

  "Have you decided what you're going to do after your company finishes their tour at the end of the month?" he asked, pulling into his garage which, as far as garages went, was pretty cool. It was a four car garage which held, in addition to his sporty, Batmobile style vehicle, an SUV, and a Tesla. The unused fourth space held all manner of storage racks, a deep freeze, and attached to the wall was one of those Tesla house batteries.

  "Kitty cat, I asked you a question."

  "Oh sorry, I was thinking about that steak. Told you I was hungry. Yes, actually I have made a decision." It made her belly tie up in knots at what he might think about her choice.

  "Really? Want to tell me." He cocked his head with an interested gleam in his eyes.

  She needed a drink before she told him her plans. They were so new, so fresh, and he was the first person she was telling them to. What if he told her she was being ridiculous, that she should stay with the company until she had her plans more well-formed? Or worse, what if he thought her living here was stupid? It made her tongue stick to the roof of her mouth and she swallowed nervously. "I'm dying for a glass of wine and some food. Feed me, and I'll tell you everything."

  They entered his house through the garage. There was all manner of tech gear and equipment infused into his home, like the door from the garage into the house, which opened with his palm print being identified.

  "Everything? Hmm. I might take you up on that. Help yourself to the wine, I picked up some of that red you liked the other night. I'll get the grill started." He placed her overnight bag on one of the barstools and then slid open the glass doors leading out onto the back brick porch. He left her to her own devices in the kitchen as he stepped outside to turn the grill on.

  Kat sighed a bit over the bottle of red on the counter top. The fact that he remembered the brand she'd liked the other night, that he paid attention to the details like that… was it any wonder he made her weak with merely a glance? She popped the cork and poured a glass for herself. Then she grabbed a beer for him out of the fridge as she set the table.

  "There's a salad in the fridge too, if you want."

  "You have been paying attention."

  He gave her a quick kiss on the nose as he took out the pan with the steaks. "I live to serve."

  She chuckled as he loped outside. His kitchen held all the latest, high tech silver appliances. The commercial grade refrigerator had a computer monitor on it. Computers on fridges? What was the world coming to? She was sadly not very computer literate, which was another thing that would need to change. Slate granite countertops with a light cherry wood cabinets completed the decor. The stove was also commercial grade, and one she could see Zeke getting excited over.

  She finished setting the table, an ebony wood, modern number, with the salad he had prepared, and put a few rolls in the oven. They'd really developed a rhythm over the past week that could be described as homey. She'd be lying if she said it wasn't what she wanted. Because she did—she wanted it so badly, it hurt that he might not think the same way and it terrified her all in the same breath. She could see how it could be between them. Her with her dance lessons and him with his gamer boy deals, then they'd reconvene here, talk about their day and just enjoy being together.

  At the scent of sizzling meat, her stomach growled.

  "Smells delicious."

  Once they sat and she'd had a chance to satiate the hunger pangs, she said, "So you asked about my decision. I haven't told the company owner, Nicolai, just yet. We need to finish up the performance here first. Otherwise, it could derail it. I've witnessed the man's meltdowns over an individual quitting the company before, and you'd think they were cutting bits and pieces off him."

  "I see. So you don't plan to continue with the company?"

  "No. I haven't been happy there for a long time. And I think I know what I want now. The biggest change is that I don't intend to go back to Manhattan. My mom will freak out a bit when I tell her, but that city is just not me. It hasn't been for a long time. Maybe it was once, but not anymore. With the non-stop touring, I've been away from it long enough that it doesn't feel like home anymore. In fact, I'm so certain about it; I put my apartment on the market this week and got an offer on it today."

  "Really? Where do you see yourself living? Here?" Will took a swig of his beer and observed her with a closed expression.

  The moment of truth upon her, Kat inhaled a deep breath before continuing, "Actually yes. I'd been toying with the idea of starting my own dance studio for many years, off and on. You know, teaching the next generation sort of thing. I came across this this building over in Burbank off Magnolia that would just be perfect for a studio, and it was up for lease. I sent the landlord my application with my business plans, so it's all a waiting game now."

  "Which property in Burbank?"

  "It's the one near Ophelia's house that was some fancy restaurant which went out of business about three months ago."

  "So it's already zoned commercial? And I think I know which one you're talking about, near the hardware store."

  "That's the one."

  "It's a good location. You are looking at living in Burbank then?" He sat back in his chair, pulling away from her.

  She hid her disappointment. He was a guy, and one who was notoriously tight-lipped about his feelings, or any hints about what he wanted out of their relationship. Or, hell, if he even considered what they had a relationship, and she was unwilling to rock the boat and potentially lose what they did have.

  See? Pathetic, party of one at your service.

  "Most likely."

  "Well, let me know if you need a lawyer to help with licensing. I have a team of them at my beck and call. And I'd be happy to take a look at the property with you when the time comes, with contractors and such."

  "Thanks." She smiled even though in her heart she worried that she was falling for him faster than a boulder rolling down a mountain and he didn't seem nearly as affected by their relationship. For all she knew, this was just a fling to him.

  "How's the steak, by the way?" He shifted topics on her, leaving her feeling a bit deflated.

  She smiled through the ache in her heart, pretending it didn't hurt that he wasn't more excited that she planned to stay. "It was delicious. Thanks for feeding me."

  "You're welcome. I like that you have such a good appetite. Too many women hide that they like eating, and it's such a pleasurable thing."

  "You never have to fear with me. I love food. In fact, at Zoey and Declan's wedding, I indulged so much I gained a few pounds."

  "So I noticed." His gaze caressed the lines of her body with approval.

  She blushed and felt her core shift into molten honey. "That's the dream. The ability to eat whatever I want to and not get fat."

  "I thought women dream about finding the right man." He grinned.

  "Nope, we've been lying to you for centuries. It's all about the food, especially chocolate and wine." She sipped the delicious red, giving him a flirtatious batting of her eyelashes.

  He barked a laugh. "Is that right?"


  He chuckled and stood, clearing his plate off the table. "Good to know. If you're finished, I'd like to show you that game of mine."

  "Unless you want me to lick the plate clean, I am."

  They cleared up their dishes before leaving the kitchen. She followed him upstairs, wondering what it was he ne
eded her help with. It wasn't like she was a gamer, so she wasn't certain that there was anything she could do.

  They entered a room in the house she hadn't been in before, which had two leather chairs that looked a little bit like those all over massage chairs that were all the rage. She'd tried one in a mall not too long ago. But that was where any similarity ended.

  "I'll need you to put this on." He handed her a black suit that looked decidedly space-age and close to her size. "And you'll have to take your clothes off, too."

  Since he'd already seen everything there was too see, she stripped out of everything but her bra and panties.

  "You need to take it all off, kitty cat."

  She raised an eyebrow at him. Just what was this game? But she did as he asked and removed her underwear.

  "I'll never get tired of seeing you naked," he said, his face awash with desire, creating a mirroring ache inside her.


  "Really? Go figure." And then Will tugged his shirt off as he toed off his shoes.

  The inside of the suit felt like the softest silk. When they were both dressed in the space suit get up, she asked, "Okay, what gives? What type of video game uses suits?"

  "A highly specialized and lifelike game that simulates sex."

  "What? A sex game, really?" she asked, thoroughly intrigued at the thought.

  "Not just any sex game, but a virtual one where you will be able to hear, see, and feel your partner even though you won't actually be touching them."

  "Get out. I'll be able to feel it?" She didn't believe it.

  "Yep. That's why I want your help with this. I need a woman's perspective so I know if I need to recode anything. For our session, I've enabled the BDSM application."

  "You even have this thing coded for the lifestyle?"

  "It's part of why I built the game in the first place. Anything in particular you'd like to experience virtually?"

  "Flogging." It flew out of her before her brain connected with her mouth. At his darkly sensual expression, her heart stuttered. He liked giving a sub discipline. But why had he never flogged her, then? Did she need to get more vocal about her needs? Did she need to be more disobedient? She'd not necessarily incurred any infractions that would warrant any discipline. All this time, Kat had assumed he would pull out that bag of tricks eventually. That they were just getting warmed up as they explored each other.

  "You're sure?"

  "Does it look like I'm kidding?" she snapped, determined to get him—not just a damn video game—to discipline her. She wanted to feel his big hand reddening her ass.

  His face hardened into pissed-off Dom mode and it made her giddy on the inside. She'd totally been approaching his no disciplining angle the wrong way. Maybe he only liked to dole out punishment when it was warranted. If that were the case, there was one mouthy, disobedient sub coming right up.

  "Just flogging?" His voice had deepened with his arousal. Her sex fluttered in response.

  "What about whipping?" she said. At this point, Kat was all about baiting the tiger and yanking on its damn tail. By whatever means necessary to reach her goal, she'd get him to do a real life discipline scene.

  "No whips," he said, so coldly she was surprised the room didn't have a frost advisory and turned away. All righty then, no whips, they could stick with a flogger in the virtual world.

  Over his shoulder, he said, "Have a seat in the chair. I just have to enter a few things here to get the game prepped."

  Kat climbed into the chair and felt a weird humming, like all of a sudden she was connected to electricity.

  "This feels weird."

  "You ain't seen nothing yet, kitty cat." He finished typing on the keyboard, then walked over holding gloves and black-out goggles. "These," he held up the gloves, "turn the suit on. You will feel sensations just like you would in real life. If at any time it gets too intense, use your safeword 'red' and it will stop the game. Understood?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Good girl." He gave her a brief kiss before fitting the goggles on her face. Then he slid the gloves on her hands. Instantly the humming murmurs from the suit expanded and her whole body tingled. He strapped her wrists and feet into the chair.

  She had a moment of panic at being blinded and rendered immobile.

  "Easy, kitty cat. Just another minute while I get into my chair to start the game. You're doing beautifully."

  She took a few deep calming breaths, feeling absolutely ridiculous. She sincerely doubted that a video game could simulate sex. Not that she didn't trust Will, because she did, but this was a stretch even for her.

  And then the screen inside the goggles turned on and lit up. She blinked a few times as she adjusted to the light. She glanced around the room and it took her a few moments to realize where they were at in this simulated world. It was a BDSMers dream dungeon, with every type of bondage furniture imaginable available at their fingertips.

  Holy smokes! The detail was incredible. She could see the minute difference between the chain links holding up the suspension bar, see the individual bricks in the wall behind it, and the floor she glanced down at, underneath her bare feet, felt like hard wood.

  This was unlike any game she'd ever seen, it was so lifelike. Kat swiveled her head, absorbing the incredible world he had built, and there he was, standing in leather pants, holding a black leather flogger. She could see the individual leather strands sway in his grasp. Her belly quivered and a corresponding ache started in the rest of her body.

  "Kitty cat, you've been a very naughty sub. It's time for your punishment."

  Oh, goodie! It was about damn time.

  "Come." Will held out his hand.

  Kat took a deep breath. She was unsure about whether she'd actually feel anything in this simulated world but was willing to give it a try for him. Besides, she knew she could trust Will, he would never place her in harm's way. With that knowledge, she slid her hand into his. His grip lasered through her system and intense tingling waves shot through the body suit.

  Oh, she was going to feel it all right, if his slight touch was any indication.

  He towed her over to the suspension bar and attached her wrist cuffs to it. Once he had her fully restrained, he held her face between his hands and gave her a tender kiss, just a light press of his sensual lips against hers, and it was all the more poignant as the gesture spoke of deeper emotions.

  Still holding her face in his big hands, he broke the caress and stared into her eyes, reading her movements. "Remember your safeword if anything feels amiss or wrong, understood?"

  "Yes, Sir," Kat replied, clenching at her restraints, wanting to rub her face against his palms as he withdrew them.

  Will ran the flogger across her breasts and she felt every unique strand. The body suit shimmered and pulsed wherever he touched. It threaded through her system, straight to her core. On edge, waiting for that first lovely strike of the leather against her flesh, she panted. Sweat beaded at her temples at the agony of waiting. Will caressed her entire body with the soft leather strips, grazing her breasts until the nipples stood at attention and ached. Then down across her belly until the muscles trembled beneath his touch. Onwards, further south, skipping past her apex so he could tease her thighs until they twitched and quaked. He trailed the leather strands down over her calves, leaving no skin untouched. And then he traveled around to her back and out of her sight so all she could do was feel. He traced her butt with the strands and she groaned at the salacious contact. She whimpered when he drew the flogger up over the muscles in her back, trailing it along her shoulders and arms. She was on heightened sensory overload as she waited for the first smack against her skin. This was what she needed, what she yearned for in their relationship. Even though it was only a simulation, it felt wonderful, her anticipation building as she waited for the first lash of it.

  The first strike across her back surprised her and she yelped at the flash burn. At the second lash, Kat moaned as pleasure burst inside her core.
At her vocal encouragement, Will launched a pattern with his strokes. He commenced at her back, raining blows across her shoulder blades and down over her butt. The most intense ones landed against her rear. Kat felt heat expand and consume the globes of her ass. Each stroke against her flesh incited a riot of desire zinging through her body. She didn't know how long she'd be able to last before she came. Wetness dribbled between her thighs as the pain in her ass morphed into paramount pleasure. Kat was in heaven. This was what she'd needed. What had been missing between them. She strained against the suspension bar as another hit fell across her ass. He knew the right amount of force to use to drive her over the edge, and she felt herself sliding into sub space.

  And then Will moved back into her line of sight. She wanted more and whined deep in her throat at the loss of the lash against her flesh. Will held the flogger, his dominant face awash with lust as he contemplated where to strike her next. Kat held her breath, her body in a space of heightened awareness. With a flick of his forearm, the flogger struck her breast and slapped against her nipple. The nub stabbed up in a hardened peak as pleasure riddled her body. He did it a second time and she mewled at the intensity, feeling lightning arc from her nipple all the way to her clenching sex. Once Will realized she enjoyed it, he unleashed this sadistic beast, whacking at her boobs, her belly, and finally, against her pussy.

  Kat's body was enflamed by his discipline but she wanted his hands on her, not just the flogger.

  "Spank me, Sir. Please," she begged and strained against her cuffs.

  At the utterly voracious glance Will gave her, desire blackening his eyes, she almost came on the spot. After a final strike of the leather straps against her pussy, where the tips grazed against her clit, igniting a flurry of sparks, he strode around to her backside. Kat's pussy quaked in anticipation. Her thighs trembled. Her body was enflamed at the prospect of his spanking.

  His hands massaged her rear, pulling the two halves apart, kneading the flesh, and she whimpered.


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