Wanting More

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Wanting More Page 23

by Jennifer Foor

  My bedroom door creaked open and Amy was standing there with tears in her eyes. Ty patted me on the shoulder and left us to be alone.

  Amy sat down beside me and looked at the floor.

  “You stayed?” I was so relieved.

  “I have to tell you something and you might just tell me that you don’t want to be with me anymore.”

  Oh God. All I could think was that she was still sleeping with Rick and he threatened to tell me. I tried so hard to think it could be anything else, but I couldn’t think of a single thing that she would have to hide from me, unless she was sleeping with him.

  “Before I tell you, I need you to promise not to freak out. I wanted to tell you when it happened, but I was so scared how you would handle it. I just love you so much and I can’t deal with thinking I could lose you over this.”

  I cleared my throat and spoke quietly. “How bad is it?”

  “It depends on how you take it. I guess it could be a deal breaker.” She started to cry and I knew it was bad news.

  I’d heard of people having affairs only to realize that they just wanted to stay in their marriage. For the life of me, I couldn’t believe she would want to be with an abuser and a liar over me. It made no sense. “Do you want to be with him?”

  She fell to the floor in front of me and put her hands on my legs. “Why would you think that?”

  I couldn’t look at her. It hurt me too much to look at something that I might lose. “Just tell me what you have to say. It’s late and I don’t think my heart can take much more, to be honest with you.”

  She spoke in a whisper. “Conner, please look at me.”

  “I can’t. I know what you’re goin’ to say and I don’t think I can handle it. I’m just not ready to hear somethin’ like that.”

  She stood up and walked away from my bed. “I was afraid of this. I knew it was just too much to ask. I mean, how could I ever think you were ready to hear something like that? Who would want to be involved with a married person and find that out?” She turned around and faced me. I kept my head down, but I could see her feet facing my direction. “I just want you to know that no matter what, I’m keeping it.”

  I looked up at her, because I obviously didn’t hear her clearly. “Come again?”

  “I’m keeping it, Conner. There’s nothing you can say to make me change my mind. I didn’t want to tell you, but Rick threatened to tell your family what a whore I was. He said he would make it so they would never accept me.”

  I stood up and walked over to her, but didn’t touch her. “Wait, did you just? Are you pregnant?”

  She nodded but didn’t speak.

  “And it’s mine?”

  This time I got a dirty look. “Of course it’s yours. Why would you ask me that? “She backed away from me and got all defensive.

  “I just…I thought you were goin’ to tell me you were sleepin’ with Rick still. I didn’t know that you were goin’ to say that.” I sat down on my bed and looked up at her again. “Pregnant?”

  She nodded again. “I understand if you’re pissed. I’m keeping it though, it’s not like we can do anything about it now anyway. It’s way too late for that.”

  She had her arms crossed over her chest and was waiting for me to say something. I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to say. “What do you mean too late?” I threw my arms up in the air. “Wait, I didn’t mean it like that, I swear. I just don’t understand.”

  “I’m too far along, Conner. We’re four and a half months pregnant.”

  I stood up and pulled her into my arms. “You said we’re.”

  “Well, you are the father, but I meant what I said. If you don’t want all of this, I can do it on my own. I never thought I could have children and when the doctor told me I was pregnant the other day, I was so happy. I want this baby.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “Are you kiddin’ me? This is the happiest moment of my life. There ain’t no way you’re raisin’ our child without me.”

  She fell into my chest and just burst into tears. “I was so afraid to tell you.”

  I cupped my hands on her cheeks. “Listen to me right now. I love you and I want a life with you. I don’t give a shit about any damn lunatic ex-husband. I don’t care about how much money you have and I sure as hell don’t care if you ever work again. I want you and now I want our child. I talked to Ty and he and his dad said I can have a parcel of land on the farm and build on it. I’m goin’ to give us a home and we’re goin’ to be together. Hell, you can even invite your family for Christmas next year.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” I wiped the tears that were falling down her cheeks and she smiled.

  “Say you want that too. Just tell me you want this. That you’re finally ready to give yourself to me completely.”

  She nodded her head. “I am, Conner. You’re all I want.”

  I kissed her perfect lips and held mine there as I spoke. “Good, let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow my family is going to eat you alive.”

  Chapter 38


  Getting Rick to leave wasn’t as bad as I thought. When I first walked out and saw him standing by the door, I half expected him to drag me out of there. One thing made me feel safe and that was the fact that he didn’t like people to know he was a violent man. With Ty and Miranda lingering around, he kept up with his fake appearance.

  He started to threaten me about telling Conner’s family about my pregnancy and ruining my happiness. Since Conner didn’t know about our bun in my oven, it became my first concern. I had to get rid of Rick.

  As soon as I accused him of being drunk and laying his hands on me, he was quick to back down. To protect mine and Conner’s secret, for the time being, I gave Rick the number to the house and told him I wasn’t leaving because he was drunk. I said it loud enough so Miranda could hear it. I knew she was about to learn the real truth, but it was about protecting Conner from Rick. It didn’t matter anyway, I had written down the wrong number. When he finally settled for leaving me there, I finally felt safe. Still, I didn’t leave that door until I watched his headlights disappearing down the road.

  I didn’t know anything about the money he was talking about and I certainly didn’t owe him a dime, so if he thought he was getting something from me, he was very wrong. As soon as the holidays were over, I was going to the police. There had to be some way to keep him away from me and from Conner’s family.

  Being back in Conner’s arms, in his bed, made it all seem real. Even though I didn’t have a belly, he wrapped his arms around me and held his hands on my stomach. I laced our fingers together and closed my eyes. “You’re safe now, Blaze.”

  I kept my eyes closed as I talked. As long as I was in Conner’s arms, I felt safe. “I still can’t believe he left. I mean, I thought he was going to drag me out by my hair.”

  “I thought you were going to leave with him.”

  “I think I decided that was a bad idea the moment I stepped out of your bedroom. The thought of not being with you killed me. I finally realized that I didn’t have to do this alone. As much as I don’t want you to have to be involved, I appreciate that you always protect me.” He was so warm and I nestled my head over his chest. With my eyes closed, I listened to his heart beating.

  “I will always protect you. I don’t care about a damn piece of paper.”

  “You know he’s going to come back, right?” As safe as I felt, I didn’t want to ever see Rick again.

  “Darlin’, there are so many unanswered questions that have to do with that man. One thing you need to remember is that you’re not alone and if I have to take you and my baby to Kentucky or any other state to be safe, I will. We’re goin’ to be a family.”

  I rested my chin on Conner’s chest and looked up at him. “Say that again.”

  He smiled and reached down to kiss me. “We’re goin’ to be a family.”

  I turned my body into Conner’s and ran my fingers through his. He reached his arm aro
und me, in the spooning position. “Thank you.”

  He kissed the back of my shoulder. “For what?”

  “Loving me.”

  “Lovin’ you was easy, it was gettin’ you to believe it, that was the hard part.”

  I closed my eyes and let myself drift to a goodnights sleep. I don’t know why it was so easy for me, but being in Conner’s arms made all the difference in the world.

  The next morning came sooner than expected, but Conner held me tight in his arms. He even helped me look up my father’s number and call to tell him that I was okay. I didn’t mean to make the man worry, but I didn’t exactly have a choice. Since they had an alarm on their house, I didn’t have to worry so much. Besides, Rick was after me, not my father.

  I wanted to ask my father if he knew anything about fifty thousand dollars, but since it meant nothing to me, I just dropped it.

  The bottom line was that Rick had been stealing money that I’d been making for six years. The salon was mine and everything in it belonged to me. Rick had been living with so many lies that even he couldn’t keep them straight anymore. He could show up a million times, but he couldn’t make me leave with him. I had no secrets from Conner and now that I knew he was going to stand by me and be with me, I knew I could get through anything.

  After all of the months of fighting with Conner to wait and look for a good reason to get away from Rick, now that I was pregnant, everything had changed. I no longer cared so much about having anything. If Rick wanted to fight me and he ended up taking the salon, I would still have Conner and our baby.

  I figured that Miranda was going to come flying into the room giving me a piece of her mind, but she never did. Since I felt stupid, we stayed in his room all day. He went out to use the bathroom and get us something to eat.

  All throughout the day, I kept waiting for the phone to ring or Rick to knock on the door, but he never did. By the end of the night, I just knew he wasn’t coming back for me. In fact, I was pretty sure that he was probably drunk somewhere, in the company of whoever he could find. Hopefully, they would both get a disease and die.

  The next morning, I woke up to Conner’s kisses. I’d taken a shower before bed and couldn’t imagine how horrible my hair looked, but he didn’t even seem to mind.

  I felt down to my belly, just reminding myself that none of this was a dream.

  Conner kept staring at me. “What are you thinkin’ about?”

  I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. “I’m thinking about being a mother.”

  “Yeah, you were smiling and lost in thought over there.” He reached for my hand and kissed the back of it. “When do you want to tell my family the good news?”

  I sighed and shook my head. “Maybe we should just wait. I mean, I can’t expect that they will be happy about it.”

  Conner started laughing at me. “Amy, it ain’t like you’re a stranger and they’ve all suspected this was happenin’ anyway. My family isn’t goin’ to hate you, I promise.”

  I thought about the first time Miranda had introduced me to her mother and how sweet I thought she was. I just wondered how sweet she would be when she knew that her son had knocked up a married woman. “I don’t know Conner.”

  He laughed again and pushed up his oversized t-shirt to reveal my belly. When I looked at it, I guessed I did see a little change, but it looked like I just ate a lot, not like I was pregnant. “At the end of the day, we’re adults and this baby is my flesh and blood. I think you’ll be surprised how my family takes it. You better get up and get changed though, because I just heard Colt’s big mouth.”

  I sat up really fast. “Conner, please don’t leave me in here.”

  He leaned down and kissed my head. “Get changed and come out. If I stay in here while you change, I won’t want to leave this room.”

  He left me to get changed and even pointed to a pile of clothes that he’d gotten from Miranda. I still hadn’t even faced her yet. This all just made my stomach hurt.

  I got dressed slowly and ran into the bathroom to do something with my face and hair. I decided to just go all natural and put my hair in a ponytail. After using Conner’s toothbrush, which was the one that wasn’t any kind of character, I took a deep breath and walked out to face Conner’s family.

  Chapter 39


  I knew the only way to get Amy out of my room was to leave her there. As much as she didn’t want to confront my family, I needed her to at least be cordial.

  When she came out, I couldn’t help but smile. Bella went right over to her and hugged her. I thought back on the day that she asked if I was going to marry her Aunt Amy. I knew I loved her then, but I’d never considered being married. This past year had changed me and now being married and having a kid was something I was really looking forward to.

  After hugging Colt and Van and giving my little niece Christian a dozen kisses, the house filled with commotion. Amy stayed close to me at first, but ended up helping the girls with carrying stuff over to Ty’s parents.

  I couldn’t help but look over at her every chance I got, even when she was trying her hardest to avoid my stares. She just made me so darn happy and I didn’t feel like hiding it anymore. Maybe it was too soon, but I felt like I’d waited so long already.

  After dinner, Amy helped the girls clean up, but when I had to go feed the pony that Bella was getting from Santa, Amy tagged along. As soon as we got out of the house, I couldn’t help but put my arm around her. Being in a house with my horny ass family was hard enough, but knowing that my woman was also in that room made it damn near unbearable.

  Once we got to the barn, Amy relaxed. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me slowly. I grabbed her on the hips and pulled her body into mine. “Don’t start somethin’ you can’t finish.”

  She backed away from me and removed her scarf. “Who says I can’t finish? I mean, Ty and Miranda were doing some freaky sex thing at the dinner table with their eyes and then Colt and Van snuck in the back bedroom to get diapers, but they didn’t come out with any.”

  I started to laugh. “I can’t believe you noticed that. Yeah, at Thanksgiving, we caught Colt and Van gettin’ it on in the pantry with a house full of people and Ty and Miranda got chiggers from doin’ it in the woods. I guess my family just can’t keep their pants on.” I started unbuttoning my pants as I reached where Amy was standing. She reached inside and at first her hands were so cold that I pulled away. “Whoa, I didn’t expect that.”

  She giggled and leaned into my chest, while she attempted a second time. Her hands were still cold, but as they began stroking my shaft, I forgot all about the temperature. I wasn’t used to her hair being in a ponytail, but I loved being able to dive right into her neck with my lips. She leaned back and gave me full reign to drag my tongue up to her ear. I could hear her breathing increase as she continued stroking my cock. “I love you so much. You’ll always be my Blaze.”

  She bit down on her lip and moaned. “Mmm, I want you inside of me, Conner.”

  I pushed her shirt up and then her bra, to reveal her perfect tits. I sunk down and licked one of her nipples. She watched me and I noticed that she slowed down how she was stroking me. I took her whole breast into my mouth and sucked hard, making her cry out. I knew what she wanted and I wanted it just as bad.

  I pulled her hand out of my pants and slipped them down to fall on the floor. With one swift tug, her pants went down and her little panties were all that was separating me from being inside of her.

  I picked her up and leaned her up against the counter. She grabbed her panties and pulled them to the side to give me just enough room to slide inside.

  I thrusted into of her and we both were caught off guard by the urgency of our need for each other. Her legs wrapped around my waist like she knew I liked and I started on a constant pace. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her mouth into mine. She pulled away and teased me with her tongue. Each time I pounded myself into her, I watched her perfect titties bounc
ing all around her chest. I took one hand and played with her little nipple, causing her to cry out for me to never stop.

  I could feel her starting to let go. Her legs put me in a death hold as she lifted her hips and met my thrusts. I could feel her tightening around my cock and just feeling her having an orgasm started my own.

  I buried my face in her neck and placed tiny tongue filled kisses up to her chin and then finally back to her mouth.

  The barn was cold, but we were sweating up a storm. I grabbed her shirt and pulled it down to cover her back up. “We better get back.” I pulled up my pants and buttoned them. “You know they have to know we’re together. Can’t we just tell them?”

  She shrugged. “They’re going to hate me.”

  “I think you’re wrong, but I will let you wait one more day and then we are tellin’ them our news.” I reached my hand out for her and we walked together out of the barn, but she pulled away right before we got to the house. “Amy, we slept in the same bed last night.”

  “Yeah and we all noticed that.” Colt came walking around the corner and I swear Amy was about to have a heart attack. She put her head down, like she was ashamed.

  I held up my hand to my cousin. “Let me explain.”

  He stuck his hands in his pockets and waited. “Go ahead. Say somethin’, because the last time you and I talked you said she didn’t want to be with you.”

  “If you just be quiet for a damn second, I will. Look, the truth is, we’ve been seeing each other for a while now.”

  Colt laughed. “You think it’s alright to be involved with a married woman?”

  “I left him.” We both turned around to look at Amy. She looked like she was shocked she said it too. “He beat me and lied to me for our whole marriage. Conner was there for me when I couldn’t tell anyone about it.”

  I cut her off. “Colt, I know you don’t believe this, but we love each other.”

  He continued to laugh. “I’m sorry guys, I don’t mean to be rude. It’s Christmas and we’re all here together. I’m goin’ to leave this conversation for you to explain. You know every darn person in that house is waiting for you two to admit there’s somethin’ goin’ on.”


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