Conquest of the Heart

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Conquest of the Heart Page 24

by R. J. Dillon

  He went in and sat down next to her. He took the magazine away from her so that he would have her full attention.

  “What are you doing?” she asked looking directly at him.

  “We need to talk,” he said seriously.

  “What is it?” she asked. She had a feeling of what this was about, but didn’t offer up that information.

  “You need to let the police know if you’re going to press charges against Carter today. They’ve already arrested him and can only hold him for seventy two hours. It’s up to you if he stands trial, or walks away scot free from this.”

  “You want me to press charges, don’t you?” she asked, afraid of how he might react.

  He shook his head, “I want you to do what you feel is right. You have a very big heart, Faith. I’ve been anticipating a different outcome than what I would prefer.”

  “Carter needs help. I would rather see him get the help he needs than waste away in prison for being messed up and confused,” said Faith.

  Gavin was afraid of this. He rolled his eyes and stood up. “Okay, so you don’t press charges. What would you like us to do about his job? Would you like him to keep it? Maybe we can give him a raise while we’re at it.” He was beginning to get angry.

  “You’re angry with me, aren’t you?” she asked, disappointed.

  Gavin clinched his fists and turned around to face her. “I can’t stop imagining what he would have done to you had I not had to come back and get my phone. I’m sorry, Faith. I’m not as forgiving as you. He was unsuccessful this time, but who’s to say he won’t try again. I will not allow that. That’s unacceptable.”

  “That’s exactly why he needs to get help. If he refuses, he loses his job, and I’ll press charges,” she said, standing up pleading with him to hear her.

  Gavin took a deep breath. “Carter has had help before, Faith. We’ve had to send him away for his gambling habits. How much longer should we, as a company, have to deal with his issues? We’re enabling him. Hurting the woman that I care about is where I draw the line.”

  Faith approached him and gently touched his face. She looked into his beautiful green eyes and said, “I know this doesn’t make sense to you. I don’t think Carter meant to hurt me. I think he’s sick.”

  “Oh, he’s sick alright. Faith, I could have killed him. This is not just about you. What if he gets fixated on someone else in the office? He could potentially hurt another woman. Do you want that?”

  “Of course not. I just want to give him an option. He can take it or leave it. He can either accept that he needs help, or go to jail,” she said.

  Gavin put his arms around her and sighed. “I don’t want him to hurt you again.” He hugged her close.

  “I know.” She held him as tightly as he held her.

  Keeping his arms around her, he pulled away slightly to look at her. “What am I going to do with you, Faith Scott?”

  She just smiled as they stood, leaning their heads together.

  “I should get going. I want to get this over with. Are you sure you don’t want to come?” he asked.

  “Positive. I can’t face him right now.”

  Gavin kissed her tenderly on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a little while. Maybe you can get some packing done. You know how early we have to leave for the airport.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she called out as he left.

  Gavin arrived at the police station where they were holding Carter until his arraignment. He had already admitted to the offense. One of the officers took Gavin back to the room that he had been questioned in. Gavin opened the door and walked in.

  Carter looked up, “Gavin. I never thought I’d see you here. I figured Adrian would come and deal with me.”

  “For whatever reason, both Adrian and Faith thought it best that I come and talk to you. I’m not quite sure what they were thinking.”

  “How is Faith?” Carter asked, looking down at the table. He was remorseful for what he had done.

  “She’s as good as she can be. She seems to think you didn’t mean to hurt her. That’s where we disagree. I knew something was awry the instant you showed an interest in her.”

  “Please tell her that I’m sorry. I deserve whatever punishment I’m given,” Carter lamented.

  “I agree. If it were me, you’d be as far beneath the surface of the earth as they could put you,” Gavin snapped.

  “I gathered that given the condition that my face is in. You must really love her.”

  “My feelings are very strong. I care for her deeply,” Gavin said. He was walking back and forth in the room, refusing to sit down.

  “No, it’s more than that. When Aubrey and I were sleeping together, you didn’t lift a finger at me. You told me to leave and that was that. However with Faith, I didn’t think you were going to stop hitting me.”

  “I wasn’t,” Gavin said flatly.

  “That’s why I believe you love her. More than you ever loved Aubrey.”

  “You slept together for an entire year without saying a word. I didn’t think I’d ever recover from that. I almost didn’t.” Gavin paused for a second before continuing. “I know I shouldn’t ask, but why did you do it? Why did you sleep with Aubrey?”

  “It just happened. Maybe she planned it, I don’t know. When you were still in class, Aubrey would come over and just wait for you. One day when we were talking, we just gave in to our temptation. The day you found us was supposed to be the last time. My suspicions were that she wasn’t telling the truth about that.

  “Gavin, I’ve had some time to think about all of the things that I’ve done over the years. I wasn’t a very good friend to you. You’ve been right not to trust me. I am so sorry for what I did to you almost seventeen years ago, and I’m sorry for what I did last week. Even if you don’t forgive me, I needed to tell you that.”

  Gavin stopped pacing around and faced Carter. He almost felt sorry for him, but couldn’t bring himself to do so.

  “Why Faith?” asked Gavin.

  “I got jealous when I saw the two of you hugging at the airport. I’m sure she told you.”

  “Yes, she did,” Gavin nodded. He was leaning against the wall as he listened to Carter explain.

  “I was a real ass to her on the plane. She probably told you that, too.”

  Gavin perched his lips and said, “No, she left that part out. Probably because she knew it would make me angry. I assume she had no issues dealing with you?”

  “Not at all. She shut me down pretty quick, and then shut me out by plugging in and listening to her iPod the entire trip. When we got to Denver though, I got myself worked up by following her around if we weren’t in meetings. I pretty much stalked her, and tricked my mind into believing that she was inviting me to be with her. She managed to keep to herself, though. Outside of running, and some shopping here and there, I couldn’t get to her. That’s when things started going crazy. I would have visions of her and I couldn’t sleep. She was always in my head. Finally, I had to have her. I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. That’s when I attacked her.”

  Gavin tried to hold his composure. He was ready to start punching again.

  “My head isn’t on straight, Gavin. Even now, I think about Faith. She’s like a drug or something.”

  “Have you been taking any drugs, Carter? What you just told me is really sick and twisted.”

  “No. She’s just different. I’ve never met anyone like her. I can’t say what it is, but I know she’s yours. I can see that, though I’m surprised. I thought this was just about sex for you.”

  Gavin looked off into space for a few moments, ignoring what Carter had just stated. He wondered if Faith had told him what Carter had said and done, maybe this whole incident would never have happened.

  “Unless it never was,” Carter continued, looking for an answer.

  “I really don’t have to discuss this with you, nor do I want to.”

  “You’re out of character, Gavin. I’ve never seen yo
u this way before. We may not be friends any longer, but I know you like the back of my hand. You should have given up on Faith some time ago, unless your intent has always been to win her heart.”

  “Like I said, it’s not up for discussion and it’s none of your business,” Gavin said rolling his eyes.

  “Fine. You know I’m right, though.”

  The two men stared at each other in silence for a moment before Gavin spoke again.

  “Faith doesn’t want to press charges against you.”

  “What? Why not?” Carter asked, puzzled.

  “She thinks you need help, which I’m starting to agree. If you consent to some kind of therapy, she won’t press, and you get to keep your job.” Gavin shook his head. “I can’t believe that woman,” he said under his breath.

  “And if I don’t agree?”

  “She’ll press charges and you’re fired,” Gavin said as he glared at Carter who looked pathetic sitting there at the table.

  Carter sat thinking for a moment about everything that Gavin had just said. He buried his face in his hands and concluded that therapy would be the best option.

  “I do need help. I don’t have the best view of women. I envy you, Gavin. I’m sure you already know what a special woman you have in Faith. I’m sorry for all of this. For everything.”

  Gavin just looked at him. He wasn’t sure how to handle the apologies because he was so used to being angry with Carter. “I’ll let the officers know what you’ve chosen. I’m not sure what the process is from this point.”

  As he turned to leave, Gavin stopped and continued, “Carter, I forgive you for what happened years ago with Aubrey. I need to move on from that. However, I don’t share the same compassion as Faith when it comes to what you did to her. When you hurt her, you hurt me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive you for it. I definitely won’t forget.” He opened the door and left.

  Carter sat in silence, left to reflect on everything that had occurred over the past few weeks.

  When Gavin got home, Faith was in her room packing her suitcase.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he called out, chuckling to himself. He dropped his keys on the table in the entryway.

  “Cute. You’re a comedian, too? You’re just a jack of all trades,” she said from the room.

  “I am multi-talented,” he smiled as he leaned in the doorway. “Hi, beautiful.”

  “Hey,” she chimed. She smiled as she glanced over at him and said, “How did it go?” continuing to fold clothes into the suitcase.

  “Better than I expected.” Gavin walked in to help her fold. “Carter told me to tell you that he’s sorry. He agrees that he needs help. The police will fill out all of the necessary paperwork from this point. You may have to sign something, but you can do that when we get back.”

  “And you? Are you okay?”

  “I am. He apologized for everything that happened years ago, and said that he had not been a very good friend. I forgave him. I can finally move on from that part of my life.”

  Faith stopped what she was doing and moved closer to Gavin, who was sitting on the bed. She leaned into him and said, “I’m glad. Do you feel better?”

  “Yes. It feels like a fifty pound weight has been lifted away from me. I didn’t, however, forgive him for what he did to you. I’m just not ready to do that.”

  “I understand,” Faith sighed.

  “Enough about Carter. I only want to focus on one thing right now.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You,” he said as he kissed her cheek.

  Faith beamed like a school girl as she stood up to get more items from a drawer and continued to pack.

  “There’s one thing we haven’t discussed,” said Gavin.

  “What’s that?”

  “One room or two?” he said, giving her a sultry look as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  Faith stopped what she was doing and walked over to him. She cupped his face with her hands as she stood over him, leaning in close. Gavin placed his hands on her waist.

  “One,” she whispered, almost kissing him.

  Prior to leaving on their trip, Faith called Adrian to discuss what to do for Gavin’s birthday.

  “Hello?” answered Adrian.

  “Hi Adrian, it’s Faith.”

  “Faith, how are you?” he asked.

  “I’m doing good.”

  “I mean really, how are you?”

  “I’m okay, Adrian. It was good to have the week off. I’m not calling about me,” she said.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Are you planning anything for Gavin’s birthday?”

  “Oh, Faith. Gavin doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday.”

  “All the more reason to invite everyone. It should be a surprise, so let’s pretend it’s a company affair or something. His birthday falls on a weekend, so we can have the party on a Saturday afternoon. What do you think?” she asked.

  “I think that Gavin will not enjoy this one bit.”

  “I’m not afraid of him. Let’s do it.”

  Adrian laughed as he said, “Alright. I’ll have Agnes and Juliet start planning. We’ll call you to get more details.”

  “Thanks, Adrian.”

  “Sure sweetie. Talk to you soon.” Adrian smiled as he hung up.

  The two of them left for Los Angeles the next morning. As was custom with the other trips, they attended meetings and conferences for two weeks, exploring the city in the evening and on weekends. Faith was able to experience Gavin’s protective side almost immediately, especially in the very busy city of LA. On occasion, she would stray from his side, stopping to look in windows or at items in kiosks.

  Gavin looked back and swiftly went over to where she stood, “Don’t do that to me. Please stay next to me.”

  “I’m not four. Geez,” she teased.

  “I told you I’d be this way. It’ll take me a couple of weeks to get out of this funk. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, taking his hand. He kissed her knuckles as they continued on together.

  Gavin was having a harder time getting through the assault on Faith than she was. She had declined any counseling, and had barely spoken about it with him. She appeared to be fine, and that’s what concerned him the most. The last thing he wanted was for her to have a flashback of that awful night if he tried to kiss or touch her sensuously. He was going to wait as long as he needed to in order for her to heal.

  Faith on the other hand, was doing better than expected. She declined counseling after her initial consultation based on the recommendations of the therapist. The therapist saw no reason why Faith would have any problems moving forward from her incident on her own being that she had the love of her family, friends, and most importantly, Gavin as support. Most women have to deal with their encounters alone. The therapist also recognized how strong Faith was. Her confidence in who she was, and the fact that she was unwilling to let that part of her be compromised by this event, would go a long way in her recovery. She was told to keep her loved ones around her, not to shut them out, and allow their love to surround her and act as an anchor to help in the healing process. Faith was advised to attend a session if she ever felt fearful or depressed. However, she used forgiveness to her advantage, and was able to see the weakness of the person who hurt her. Love, support, inner strength and maturity was helping Faith heal and move forward more quickly than normal.

  Faith received a few texts in regards to Gavin’s party, and she managed to order his gifts while he was taking a shower one evening. They were scheduled to be delivered to her home by the time they returned. Sharing a room had its perks, not to mention, they were saving money. Gavin didn’t have to worry about knocking on Faith’s door at obscene hours to be with her. Faith was able to sleep in, this time. While they enjoyed Los Angeles, it seemed a little more harried than they would have liked. Both of them were anxious to get back. Faith’s partners in crime had completed their tasks for Gavin’s su
rprise and she was looking forward to seeing his reaction.

  The week before the party was quiet and calm. Faith was getting used to the new colors and carpet in her office, thankful she didn’t have to relive that awful evening every day. She hadn’t had many interruptions, so getting caught up on her work was easy. Just as she was finishing a presentation, Gavin stopped by.

  “Hi, beautiful,” he said, walking in with a big smile.

  “Hi,” she said, continuing to work. “How’s your day going?”

  “Better now that I’m with you. I missed you. Three weeks with you spoiled me.” He sat down to talk for a while.

  “Any news on Carter?” she asked, glancing up.

  “I haven’t heard. I’ll check with Adrian. Your office looks nice. Do you like it?” he asked looking around. Glancing back at her he said, “Are you doing okay? I haven’t really asked you since we’ve been back.”

  “I’m doing fine. Work has kept my mind focused. I don’t even really think about it. And yes, I like the new look.” She plinked around on her keyboard and continued, “You haven’t mentioned the party on Saturday. We are going, right?”

  “I’m wondering why we’re having a company party all of a sudden. The timing seems rather odd to me,” Gavin said suspiciously.

  “What do you mean?” ‘Uh oh,’ Faith thought.

  “We normally only have two parties a year. With the holidays coming, I really didn’t expect anything in between.”

  “You know how much your mother loves to see everyone. Maybe it’s like an end of summer party or something. Ask Adrian what it’s all about. I’m not sure I understand what the big deal is.”

  “I just thought we could spend a quiet weekend alone together,” he mused.

  “We just spent three weeks together. It’ll do us some good to be around other people. I’m sorry, what is it you’re concerned about again?” she squinted.

  “It’s nothing. We’ll go.” Gavin, clearly agitated, stood up and walked around her desk to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”


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