Conquest of the Heart

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Conquest of the Heart Page 30

by R. J. Dillon

  “No. Just numb. I wanted to tell you myself. Why does that woman have to stick her nose in everything?”

  “Chandler was hoping this would break us up. What she doesn’t know is that I love you, and I don’t want to be without you.”

  Faith pulled away slightly from Gavin’s hold, gazing into his eyes. She touched his face, leaned in and kissed him passionately. Gavin tugged on her clothes a little.

  “You won’t say it, will you?” he asked. “Because of your husband, you won’t say it.”

  “It’s not because I don’t. You know I feel the same way.”

  “I do.” Gavin thought briefly about what Adrian had told him and asked, “Why can’t you resist my touch?”

  Surprised by the question, Faith said, “I’m not sure I understand where you’re going with this.”

  Gavin tipped his head slightly and said, “You understand completely, Faith Scott. Are you going to explain why you’re so sensitive to everything I do? You said it yourself. You can’t resist my touch and my kiss. Want to tell me what that’s all about?”

  “No. Just know that I am. It’s complicated and I don’t like to talk about it.” She didn’t like that he was asking, and still wasn’t sure she believed it herself.

  Gavin let it go, for now. They cuddled together for the rest of the day, randomly kissing and caressing each other. He wanted her to stay the night, but Faith thought it was best for her to go home.

  “Should I come to work tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Stay home another day,” he smiled. “I had to be fair. It wouldn’t have been right for me to send one home and not the other, yes?”

  Faith nodded.

  “We’ll call you for our meeting with Adrian tomorrow about San Francisco. My guess is we’ll know where our new offices will be within a few weeks.”

  “I really hope it’s Denver,” she smiled.

  “Well, even if it’s not, that doesn’t mean we can’t visit whenever we like.” He gently stroked her cheek.

  “You’re right.” Faith enjoyed his gentle touch, closing her eyes and taking a deep sigh. “I should get going,” she said as she stood up.

  “Are you sure you won’t stay? I really want you to.”

  Faith shook her head. “Not tonight, Gavin.” She walked to the counter, grabbed her purse, and walked down the hallway to the door. Gavin followed closely behind her. They stopped and hugged each other, gently kissing.

  “I’m sorry I hit Chandler. I was upset.”

  “I know,” whispered Gavin. “Don’t worry about it. Adrian and I will take care of it, okay?”

  Faith nodded and rested her head on his chest. She pulled away, looked into his eyes and said, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Yes.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Drive carefully, okay?”

  “I will.”

  Faith put on her shoes and coat, gave Gavin another kiss, opened the door, and left.

  The next day, Gavin and Adrian discussed how to handle Chandler’s actions, as well as Faith’s.

  “Let them cool off. Have them both stay home for a week. When they return, we’ll deal with Chandler, and give her some boundaries if she’s to stay employed here,” said Adrian.

  “I agree with that. I told Faith we’d call her for the meeting this morning. We can tell her then what we’ve decided.”

  Adrian nodded. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

  An hour later, Adrian, Gavin and Faith met to discuss the trip in San Francisco. They informed Faith she would be staying home for the week. She was very understanding, and felt relieved. This would give her some time to spend with Emile. He was getting weaker, and Mara could take some much needed time off.

  When the meeting ended, Gavin sat in silence for a moment. Adrian could sense something else was bothering him.

  “What’s bothering you?”

  “I’m worried about Faith. She won’t talk to me about anything. We were together last night and she didn’t say anything about what happened. She hasn’t talked about Carter or Chandler. She didn’t even mention Emile. It may seem strange, but I can feel the pain she’s going through, yet she won’t discuss any of it with me.”

  “Faith is a very strong-willed, strong-minded woman. She’s always dealt with her problems on her own.”

  “She doesn’t have to. I’m here to help her through all of this.”

  “When she’s ready to talk about these things, she will. You have to let her deal with it in her own way. Right now you’re the most stable part of her life. If things get to be too much for her, she’ll open up.”

  “I hope you’re right. I don’t like her trying to do this by herself.”

  “It’s what she’s used to. You just keep reassuring her you’ll be there and all will be well.”

  “I will. I’ve got some paperwork to complete, so I should go,” sighed Gavin.

  “Okay,” Adrian said. “Have a good day.”

  Gavin stood and went back to his office. He made a few phone calls and worked to get caught up on all the work that had been piling up while he had been out of town.

  Faith was home working on presentations when she got a phone call later that morning.

  “Hey girl,” Lauren said.

  “Girl Scout, how are you?”

  “I’m doing fine. How are you doing? I’m sorry to hear about what happened, though it’s about time someone slapped the shit out of Chandler. That’s been a long time coming. I wish I could have seen it.”

  Faith chuckled. “Yeah well, I get to spend a whole week at home for my actions. It’s my first suspension.”

  “It’s probably worth it. I’d spend a month at home for slapping her.” Lauren paused before she asked her next question. “Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”

  “You didn’t ask. No one did. I was grateful for that. Not because I was trying to be deceptive. I just didn’t want to hear the questions every day. ‘How are you holding up, Faith?’ ‘How is your husband doing?’ I would have gotten those questions every single day. Work was meant to be a distraction from what was going on here at home.”

  “I understand. I wasn’t trying to make you feel guilty. How are you and Gavin?”

  “What about me and Gavin?”

  “Faith, I know the two of you are close. You can’t fool me anymore.”

  Lauren heard a sigh through the phone. “Gavin and I are working through this.”

  “If your feelings are the same as his, the two of you will make it. I can tell he really loves you.”

  Just then, there was a knock at the front door.

  “Lauren, can you hold on a moment? Someone’s at the door,” said Faith.


  Faith sat her phone down and went to answer the door. A delivery van had just dropped off a dozen red roses in a beautiful crystal vase. Faith brought the flowers inside, sat them on her dining room table, then picked up her phone again.

  “You still there?” she asked.

  “Yes,” said Lauren.

  “Gavin sent a dozen roses. He always does this.”

  “What do you mean always? How many times has he sent you flowers?”

  “I don’t know. Quite a bit.”

  “What did the card say?” asked Lauren, curious.

  “I haven’t read it yet. I’ll read it later. Is there anything else you’d like to know, Girl Scout?”

  “Do you have to keep calling me that?” laughed Lauren.

  “Yes,” giggled Faith. “It suits you. I like having a nickname for you. It reminds me of one of the first times we went out together.”

  “Okay, you can keep it. No one else can call me that, though.”

  Faith could hear her smiling through the phone.

  “Faith, there are quite a few people in the office who are happy for you and Gavin. We’ve waited a long time for him to find someone special. I’m really glad it was you.”

  Faith frowned, “How many people know about us?”

re’s a small group of us. No one is gossiping or anything. You two are good for each other.”

  “Thanks, Girl Scout. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. We were trying to keep our relationship private.”

  “No apologies necessary. I completely understand. Do you need anything? I can stop by on the way home?”

  “Oh no. We’re fine. Thanks for offering. I’ll see you next week.”

  “Alright, take care. Call if you need me,” said Lauren.

  “I will.”

  “Liar,” teased Lauren.

  “I promise I will call if I need something.”

  “You’ll call Gavin first.”

  “Well, yes, but if he’s not available, you’re next on the list,” smiled Faith.

  “Good enough. Talk to you soon.”

  “Bye, Lauren.”

  Faith hung up her phone, and went to find the card that was sent with the roses. She searched in and out and through the huge bouquet, but couldn’t find the card. Then it hit her. Gavin told her she would have to start understanding what he was saying to her without help. As she stood there, her phone rang.

  “I was just about to call you. Thank you for the roses. They’re beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you,” said Gavin.

  “There’s no card - ”

  “You know what I’m saying,” Gavin interrupted. “I love you. I just wanted to call and tell you.”


  It was quiet for a moment. “Are you still there?” asked Faith.

  “Yes,” Gavin almost whispered, disappointed that Faith wouldn’t tell him that she loved him, too. “I’m here, beautiful.”

  “How is your day going? I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too. I’m just catching up on things. Are you doing okay?”

  “I’m doing fine. I’m getting some work done myself.”

  “Do you want to have dinner with me tonight? I can make your favorite,” he said smiling.

  “Mm, gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches sound great, but I gave Mara the week off. I need to stay with Emile.”

  “Oh, okay,” said Gavin, again disappointed. “I should let you go then. I’ll call and check on you later.”

  Faith heard it in his voice. “Are you alright?”

  “I just miss you, Faith. Have a good day.”

  “You too.” She wanted to tell him she loved him, but couldn’t.

  The call ended. The week would prove to be a long and hard one for both of them.

  Faith spent her Saturday morning cleaning, then took advantage of her time alone to read a book. She checked on Emile to make sure he was doing alright. He was sleeping. She gently touched his cheek, kissed his head, then went to grab her book. It was a little chilly, so she snuggled underneath a thick, soft throw, situated herself comfortably on the couch, and started on the first page of the book. After reading the first paragraph four times, she sat the book down in frustration. She huffed, propped her head on her hand and stared off into space. After sitting there in silence for what seemed like an eternity, she heard Emile moving around so she went and checked on him.

  Emile Rousseau was a tall, handsome man with short wavy dark brown hair, and crystal blue eyes. He was independently wealthy, and had relational ties to French nobility. Before he got sick, he had an athletically built body and naturally tan skin. Now, his skin was pale, his body thin and weak.

  “What are you doing here?” he groggily asked. “You’ve been cooped up in this house all week.”

  “I was trying to read a book, but couldn’t get into it,” she frowned.

  Emile heard the edginess in her voice. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine,” she snapped.

  Looking at her suspiciously, he asked, “Have you seen Gavin this week?”

  “Not since Monday. Why?”

  Emile nodded and sat up in bed. Faith was standing by the window, staring out. She was playing with her necklace. Seeing her this way made him think about the conversation he had with Mara. He knew what he had to do. “You need to go see him. Today. You’re cranky.”

  “I am not cranky. I need to be here with you,” she snapped again.

  “Don’t get snippy with me. I know when you’re cranky. I can hear it in your voice, and you’re fidgety,” he said, watching her agitation grow. It irritated her more that he was right.

  “I am not fidgety. Are you hungry?”

  “No. You need to go see Gavin.”


  “Don’t make me get up out of this bed. I can do it, woman.”

  “This I gotta see.” Faith sat down in a chair, challenging him, even daring him, to get out of bed.

  “Did you just challenge me? I’ve done a lot of things on my own lately. Trust me, if I get out of this bed, you’re in trouble.”

  “I’m waiting,” she said sarcastically.

  “Woman, if you don’t get your stubborn ass out of this house and over to Gavin’s, I will get out of this bed and take you myself. I don’t feel like dealing with your attitude for two days because you miss him.”

  Faith stared at him angrily. She didn’t move, but Emile did. He slowly moved his legs around the side of the bed and was getting ready to stand. Faith’s eyes got big, surprised and shocked at what she was seeing.

  “Alright,” she said firmly. “Alright. I’ll go. I won’t stay gone long.”

  Emile sat back down, relieved. That had taken a lot energy out of him. Faith helped him back into bed. He gazed into her eyes, smiling victoriously.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked shaking her head.

  “You need each other, Faith. He’s probably just as miserable as you are. I’ll be fine.” He took a deep breath. “Phew! That little stunt took a lot out of me.”

  “You’re the stubborn one. Can I make you some soup?”

  “That’ll be fine. As soon as you’ve done that, I want you to go see Gavin.”


  Faith went to the kitchen and warmed up some soup for Emile. She placed it in a bowl on a tray with some water. As she carried the tray to the room, she was still shocked by what Emile had tried to do.

  Emile was watching television when she entered. She gently sat the tray across his legs.

  “Here you go. It’s still a little hot. Are you doing okay?”

  “I’m fine. My body has calmed down. Now go. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the day.”

  Faith cupped his face, “Why do you push me out so much?”

  “Because you need it. I will not watch you wither away like you did the last time I was sick. Get out of here,” he said, shooing her with his hands.

  She kissed him gently on his lips and said, “I’ll see you later.”

  About forty minutes later, Faith arrived at Gavin’s house. She didn’t even know if he was home, but it didn’t matter. Just being in his house would help her feel as if she was near him. She pulled her key out to unlock the door, but it was already unlocked. When she walked in, Gavin met her in the hallway.

  He grabbed her and kissed her deeply on the lips. “I heard your car pull up. I’ve missed you so much. I hate being unable to see you.” He kissed her again as Faith dropped her keys.

  “I missed you, too. Emile kicked me out because I was irritated from being away from you too long.” She pulled away from his arms long enough to remove her shoes and pick up her keys.

  They walked into the living room. The warmth from the fireplace felt good on Faith’s skin. Now November, the weather was getting quite cold.

  “Have you had dinner? I can make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup.”

  “That sounds wonderful. How long will the soup take?”

  “I already have some made. I’ll just need to warm it up.” Gavin opened the refrigerator and pulled out the ingredients he needed to prepare their meal.

  “You said Emile kicked you out?” asked Gavin as he picked out a skillet to cook in.

  “Yes,” said Faith, now resting comfort
ably on the couch. She was looking toward him as she sat with her legs crossed Indian-style. “I snapped at him. He knew exactly why. He asked me when the last time was that I saw you. Then he threatened to bring me himself if I didn’t leave.”

  “Sounds like he’s kept his sense of humor.”

  “Ornery is more like it,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “How’s he doing?” Gavin was grilling the first sandwich, while the soup was simmering.

  “He’s doing okay. He’s getting weaker, sleeping more.” She paused, sighed deeply and wiped a few tears away from her eyes. Gavin saw her, but didn’t say anything. “How was your week?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Miserable. Productive, but miserable. It’s not the same when you’re not there.”

  “Any news on which city we’re going to expand to?”

  “Nothing yet. We’ll have an employee meeting to make the announcement.”

  “Adrian hasn’t given you any hints?”

  “Nope. He knows I’ll tell you,” he winked.

  “That stinks,” she pouted.

  Gavin placed their sandwiches and soup on a tray, along with homemade hot chocolate, and carried it into the living room. He opted to clean up later, wanting to spend every second he had with her.

  “Here you are, beautiful. Gavin’s specialty. Just for you.”

  “You’re so good to me,” she smiled, gently kissing his cheek.

  Faith took a bite of her sandwich, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the flavor. Then she tasted the soup, which was even better.

  “This soup is delicious. When did you make it?”

  “Earlier in the week. I was hoping that you would’ve come over, so in my anticipation, made the soup to go with the sandwiches.”

  “You have to show me how to make this next. This is awesome. I’m going to have to get new clothes if you keep cooking like this.”

  “Ahh, you won’t. You’ll spend a week eating salad and drinking water to offset this.”

  “Whatever,” she giggled.

  They finished their dinner, then laid on some pillows in front of the fireplace. Resting on his side, Gavin reached over and moved hair from Faith’s face, and kissed her sensuously on the lips. Faith slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing one arm to fall and caress his face. Gavin moved down a little bit, kissing and licking her neck. He slipped his hand underneath her sweater, rubbing her stomach and her side. She reached underneath his shirt as well, softly stroking his skin.


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