Her Breeding Bull Billionaire (billionaire cuckoldry, impregnation and domination erotica)

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Her Breeding Bull Billionaire (billionaire cuckoldry, impregnation and domination erotica) Page 3

by Francis Ashe

  I heard Jeff let out a little sigh and caught a glimpse of him pulling on himself as Mr. Richards reached around my hips and pulled the head of his cock upward. Already I felt myself begin to go weak in the knees as he grinded against my swollen lips. Is he – is he going to make me cum again? So soon? Holy shit!

  And then he stopped.

  “Wh-why’d you stop?” I asked, whinier than I meant to be.

  “I’m not here to please you,” he replied, “You brought me here to fuck you. That was a reward for how well you sucked my dick. I’ll let you cum again if you keep pleasing me.”

  That was all he needed to say.

  “Please, sir,” I said in my best little girl voice, “please fuck this pussy. He,” I nodded toward Jeff, “he never does it right. Please, please show me what a real man can do. I’ve never - never had one before just now.” Jeff gave a little grunt. I passively wondered if he’d made himself cum already.

  “That’s what I like to hear.” He tugged on his makeshift reins, forcing my ass against his muscled pubis and once again, the heat of his cock permeated my body, warming me inside and out. Mr. Richards gave me two simulated fuck strokes, back and forth between my legs, before he loosened the belt around my throat for a moment.

  He slid his tip up and down the opening of my slit. On the second pass, I let out a shudder as I felt him wrestle inside my hole. Tight, still pulsing and tingly from the orgasm a few seconds past, my pussy was ready to be filled.

  The pain of Mr. Richards’ cock sliding inside me was only partially mitigated by how incredible it felt to stretch around his incredible girth. I knew he was going to be bigger than Jeff, but he’s bigger than anyone I’ve ever had. With his cock buried halfway, he paused to give me a swat on the ass, and then pulled out until his tip almost left me.

  The forceful, insistent way that he shoved back in surprised me. I was able to yelp out an “Aah!” before he tugged on the reins, sticking my voice in my throat. He pulled out again and rammed forward just a little deeper than he had been. Again, again – harder and rougher he crammed himself inside me. Each time he stretched my wonderfully sore, tired pussy, electricity shot up my spine that tickled my scalp. His hold on the belt rein eased a little, and one of his hands moved to my waist as he pumped out and in, faster and stronger, cramming almost his full length inside my sweetly aching sex.

  “Ah! Mister – mmm... Mister Richards, is this how a real man fucks a woman? You’re so strong, so big... oh my God, I’ve never felt anything like your cock.” I looked back to see his reaction. His face was grim, but he had a pleased look. “Is – is my little pussy good to you? Is it... ung!” He rammed home again and I grunted my pleasure. “Is it good enough for you?”

  His answer was another smart thwack! and another hard thrust. The ferocity he showed was almost too much. That swat made all the skin on my back prickle as the sting radiated up me, and I felt yet another round of tension start to build. My muscles tensed, and I knew that soon he’d feel my pussy squeeze him.

  “You’re – you’re making me cum again! Oh please don’t stop, Mister Richards! Pl-please don’t stop! Fuck me harder!”

  He pushed forward, slow and hard. Dropping the belt around my throat altogether, he moved his hand to the crook of my neck. As though warning me, Mr. Richards squeezed until it hurt. Then, I felt the smooth, heavy heat of his ballsack touch my snatch, and was immediately wracked with another sputter of pleasure. So full, so full, oh my God such good pain.

  “Don’t cum.” He said in a low, raspy, baritone. “If you do, I won’t. You can cum after I do.”

  I took a deep breath.

  And let it out.

  Another one.

  Every ounce of my concentration went to calming my quivers. Breathe Ashleigh. Breathe.

  He pushed forward again, making sure there was no cock at all left unsheathed. Those wonderful, smooth, heavy balls rested against my lips, and he gave me about a half-second to collect myself before he started tilting his hips, working his prick in a slight rotation.

  “Oh,” I gulped, “o-okay, yes sir.” Off behind me, Jeff groaned. I wonder if that was round two for him.

  Then, all of a sudden, Mr. Richards just pulled out, leaving a void.

  “Did I do something wrong?” My breathing was still hard, still heavy. Slowly, the quickening pulses in my sex began to subside.

  “Were there two silks in my pocket earlier?”

  I thought back. “Two... yes, sir. The other is over there, on the floor, I think.”

  He searched the floor. In the dimmed light, it was hard to see much, but he spotted something, and stooped over.

  “Feet together.”

  Just like he did with my wrists, he lashed an expert knot and cinched it into place. “Hmm... Alright. Now bend down. Put your wrists near your ankles.”

  I wondered why, but only briefly. Mr. Richards snatched the belt from where it lay on the back of the couch and secured my hands to my feet. I had a little room to move, but not much. Something about being bound like this – about being completely helpless – sent a shiver up my spine. He could do absolutely anything he wants. Neither of us would have a hope of stopping him. I felt a little trickle of pussy juice run down the inside of my leg. Oh my God I hope this is all he wants before he gets back to ramming me.

  “You look beautiful like this, Ashleigh. How does it feel? Nice and tight?” On the last word, he stuck three fingers back inside me, rotating them and dragging them sweetly across that spot on my front wall that makes me shiver. Already I felt my heat rise.

  “Tsk, tsk. I feel these little pussy muscles gripping me. Remember what I said. You cum again, and that’s it. We’re done. Don’t go this far and then disappoint me.”

  “Yes... yes, sir,” I whimpered, gritting my teeth against the orgasm.

  “None of this works without me. I am the most important part of the whole thing. Don’t you agree, Jeff?” He turned his eyes to my husband, who was still furiously tugging at himself. Jeff nodded.

  “Beg me to fuck you,” he turned back to me. “Beg me to fill you up.”

  Mr. Richards withdrew his fingers and waited.

  “Please, Mister Richards. Please fuck me again. I promise I won’t cum.” I looked back and up at him, “Not until you do. Please...”

  “That’s a girl.”

  He slid his cock up and down my slit, dipped his head into my hole, and the back out for another stroke. I was, by then, leaking juice all over him, and down my legs.

  “So wet. So nice and wet.”

  In one instant, he leveled himself against me, took hold of my hips in his iron grip, and rammed in so hard that I let out a pleasured scream.

  Out, then in. Mr. Richards jammed his cock harder and harder inside me. He pistoned himself faster, letting his balls slap against my sore, inflamed lips. Each stroke brought me one step closer to that precipice that I was straining and fighting to avoid.

  The friction in my pussy was white hot. As he slammed into me, I felt heat rise from my loins and spread over my belly and up my back. A tiny jet of sex juice leaked out of me. I knew there was nothing I could do about the orgasm. I just hoped he somehow came first.

  “Not... not long now,” he said behind me, his voice strained. “Not long.”

  A hiss of air between his teeth preceded a burst of harder, fiercer strokes – desperate, hungry ones. My knees became weaker, and I found myself bending them despite trying to stay upright. He said nothing, but bent his to accommodate. Finally, it felt like he was almost holding me up by my hips, driving that huge cock brutally inside me, ravaging and ravishing my body.

  Never, not once in my entire life, had I ever felt that amount of urgency and sweet, deep-seated pleasure.

  Seconds later, another trickle – not mine this time – dribbled out of my pussy and down my leg. He grunted and thrust forward again.

  The single trickle turned into two, and then I felt his cock surge, tighten, and jump inside me. Mr. Richards s
ucked in a breath, and his already huge dick seemed to grow bigger for a second before the first burst of his cum erupted.

  Warm and deliciously sticky, his explosion overfilled me and ran out in tiny streams.

  The second gush of fluid came with a loud, rumbling, groan that shook Mr. Richards’ body and let me know that it was time for me, also, to let go.

  “F-fuck!” was all I could managed to say as my pussy walls first fluttered, and then clenched, along with the rest of my muscles. From the back of my scalp to my calves, everywhere on my body that could tense up, did. For the space of two breaths, I felt my whole being fight against cumming. The cords on my neck tightened, my crooked knees almost buckled, and then in a brilliant, uncontrollable flash, it all released.

  My vision flickered as my sex tightened around the cock inside it, massaging from base to tip, milking out every last ounce of Mr. Richards’ liquid.

  A whoosh came from deep inside my body and when the muscles released their pent-up tension, a surge of my own juice pushed out of my body, soaking the close-cropped hair around Mr. Richards’ prick as he slowly slid it back and forth inside me, almost like he was teasing out every ounce of my orgasm as I’d done his.

  Supporting me with one of his thick, powerful forearms, he gave me permission to give in and let my body be taken by rapture. My pulses slowed and then stopped, my body resting in his arms.

  “Get on the ground,” he whispered, easing me to the floor and lifting my legs in the air. Easily the knots on my wrists and ankles slipped off, and the feeling of blood rushing to my extremities sent pins and needles up my arms and calves. “Stay just like that.”

  He went to Jeff, and slipped the rope off his feet.

  “Go over there to your wife. Lick my cum off her legs. I want you to taste the man whose child your wife is going to carry. Go.”

  Jeff shuffled over to me, and tentatively touched his lips to my leg, near my pussy. I could tell he was nervous, but as soon as he had the first taste, he started getting excited. He kissed away an errant droplet and then licked up my thigh, licking up all the mess. Slowly, he collected everything that dripped out, and finished with a careful taste of my slit. His lips trembled when he climbed my body to give me a kiss.

  “Th-thank you, sir.” He said standing and pulling his trousers up. “Thank you.”

  Mr. Richards nodded.

  “Thank me by dressing me. Get it right. I keep a square pocket silk.”

  I watched Jeff do his best to dress the billionaire whose cum he just tasted. His hands shook a bit as he did, but shortly, the job was done.

  Straightening his beautiful tie, Mr. Richards’ gaze passed over Jeff and fixed on me.

  “If, somehow, this didn’t work, get in touch with my secretary. I expect everything went according to plan, though.”

  I nodded, at a loss for words.

  He turned and left, looking back one last time as he closed the door.

  For an hour, maybe more, Jeff cradled my neck in the crook of his arm and we just lay there, both thinking about what had just happened, relishing the feelings and sensations that washed over us. And both, I’m sure, hoping for the same thing.


  Three weeks had passed since our visit from the billionaire bull. Jeff, as he usually did, had bought about fifteen pregnancy tests and stayed home from work. His nervousness was cute, in a way, but I also longed for him to take just a few of the traits Mr. Richards had. A little more self-confidence would be nice. A little less anxiety.

  Still, he was my husband, and I loved him.

  The tender way he held out a couple of those little sticks like I was drawing straws reminded me of his kindness. I took one, and headed off.

  “How’s it going?” Jeff called as he tromped up the stairs and stood outside the door.

  “Alright,” I had to giggle a little at his eagerness. “Come on in. All we have to do is sit here and watch this thing. Package says a pink plus sign will usually show up within a minute. Says sometimes it takes five.”

  He nodded.

  The clock on the wall tick-tocked sixty times. Nothing.

  “Well... we might have to...” Jeff started to say.

  I shushed him.

  “Look!” I said, as the vaguest of lines began to appear. “Look at that! Holy shit!”

  Jeff grabbed me, lifted me off the ground and gave me a huge squeeze. “You did it! You did it!”

  As he sat me down on my feet and kissed me, I saw a tear well up in the corner of his eye and run down his cheek. He kissed me again, and I brushed a hand across his face.

  “We did it,” I said. “We.”


  Thank you so much for your support!

  If you’re hungry for more breeding fantasy, check out my best-selling Bred by My Daddy – Parts 1 and 2 out now! Excerpt follows. Happy reading!

  Check out my erotic catalog at my Smashwords Author Page

  Connect with me online:

  Twitter: @francisashe

  Blog: francisashe.wordpress.com

  Email: [email protected]


  Bonus Material: Bred by My Daddy (taboo breeding erotica)

  Liz, a shy, late-blooming early-20s virgin, is quite a daddy's girl. Well, step-daddy's girl would be more accurate. As she prepares to move off to college, she's surprised when her step-daddy Peter finally returns some of the teasing affection she's tormented him with over the years. What will happen when they unleash years of raw, pent-up sexual tension? Lizzy's about to find out!

  Warning: This 7500+ word erotic story is dripping with steamy sex, taboo situations, and a promise of things to come. Liz and Peter enjoy explicit oral sex (both ways), multiple orgasms, a hand job that belies Liz’s inexperience, a virgin deflowering, and impregnation. This story is not for the faint of heart, but it just might be for you!


  My little game went on for years. The poor guy had no way out. My mom got a promotion in the hospital to some sort of administrative position early last year, and so she was forever going on these long business trips for weeks, sometimes months on end. At that point, I was getting ready to leave for college, and taunting Peter had become almost a strip-tease exhibition.

  I heard him sometimes in the bathroom or in his room late at night tugging on that dick of his, sometimes saying my mom’s name, and sometimes calling out “Liz” instead. I couldn’t believe it the first time I stumbled across him, but I understood. I was a little over twenty at that time, and one of the horniest girls you’ve ever known. Problem is though, I was so shy and so lacking in self-confidence that I’d never let a boy give me a good hard fucking. I’d done oral a few times, and one guy had gone down on me badly twice, stuck a finger or two in me and fumbled around a little, but nothing serious. I wanted it so, so bad, but I just could never go that one last step. I guess part of it is that of the boys I brought home or met out somewhere, none of them ever stacked up to my daddy, Peter.

  I’d listen to him in the bathroom. Close my eyes. Imagine what his cock looked like, what he looked like without any clothes on, and what having him split my pussy open would feel like. If I really concentrated, I heard his hand moving up and down his dick – that smooth rubbing sound. When he came, he always sucked air in through his teeth in a hiss. Then he’d grunt and sigh. I liked to pretend that while I was out in the hall with my fingers buried in my soaking wet, aching-for-him slit, that he imagined me underneath him, my legs pushed back so my knees were near my head, and he was so deep inside me that his balls slapped against my asshole every time he pumped.

  When I listened to him grunt out those orgasms and sigh, I grinded the palm of my hand hard on my clit, made myself cum just when he did. I’d drive my fingers deep and try to envision him spurting inside me, his jizz dripping down the walls of my cunt and out on to the sheets.

  Sometimes he went for a second round immediately after the first. When he did that, I’d keep going too. My thoughts made it so that
he used his own cum to lube me up again and fuck me so hard, and so fast that when he grinded into me again, his balls sticky and hot from a mix of his cum and my pussy juice, he wouldn’t be able to take it for more than a second before he had to flip me over and take me from behind so he could get as deep as possible and fill me up with another gush.


  Bonus Material: Daddy’s Baby – Bred by My Daddy 2 (taboo pregnant sex erotica)

  Liz loves her step-daddy, Peter, more than anything in the world. As her due-date approaches, she looks forward to his weekend visits more and more. No matter how sore her back or swollen her belly gets, Peter always takes her pain and turns it to pleasure.

  When she hears him come inside her apartment, she falls into a fitful sleep and dreams of a time when he came inside her instead!

  Warning: This 7000+ word steamy erotic sizzler features a taboo pregnancy fetish, sex with a beautiful pregnant lady, a caring, worshipful step-dad who knows all the right moves, heart-felt, urgent sexual intercourse, explicit sexual situations, multiple squirting female orgasms, and two cumshots - inside and out!


  I wriggled around so that we were face to face, him on top of me, our eyes only inches apart.

  We stared into one another for a sparse few moments. The way he looked at me, the way he held me in his gaze and in his arms, well, I know I keep saying this, but it all felt so right.

  When I felt him shift his weight and push his dick between my thighs, the remnants of massage-stupor immediately turned to raw desire. He kissed either side of my face, and then traced my jawline to that place behind my ear that makes me prickle. Peter sucked my earlobe between his lips, his tongue flicking back and forth, fondling me. He nibbled, first on my ear, then on the back of my neck near where my hair started.


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