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Aurora Saga 2 Immortality for Life

Page 14

by Adrian Fulcher

  Energy field off: Section 42G.

  Kalrea knelt down and felt the man’s pulse.

  You’ll be all right.


  The mono-pod was now safely on the pavement.

  Zoren’s hearts were pounding as he was helped from the mono-pod by one of the guards, who asked,

  ‘I’ve never seen that happen before. Are you all right?’

  ‘It looks like you were very lucky,’ another one commented. ‘I don’t see a scratch on you.’

  Zoren gave out a forced cough, which considering the practice he had back on Xim’gu, sounded very convincing.

  ‘I’m fine... I’m fine, really!’

  ‘Shouldn’t you wait for the medics?’ the guard said.

  ‘Look, I’d rather not make a fuss. Thank you for your assistance.’

  Zoren quickly slipped away towards another raised green circle in the pavement.

  He glanced to the entrance to the Liyp building, where the guards were returning to.

  No sign of Kalrea. She must be inside.

  He noticed two of the guards talking. One pointed to the burnt mono-pod and then over at Zoren. He turned away from them and waiting impatiently for a mono-pod thought,

  Come on!

  A few seconds later a mono-pod descended in front of him. He quickly boarded it and said instantly, ‘The Yigot docking port.’

  The mono-pod started its ascent to the track.

  ‘Please state your destination?’ a female voice asked from a panel at the front of the pod.

  I’ve already told you, he thought and then repeated, ‘Yigot docking port!’

  ‘Thank you. Due to a failure of a unit ahead of us, we will be taking a diversion. Estimated time to Yigot docking port is seven minutes. For your safety, please ensure you are seated at all times.’

  The mono-pod moved away.

  Thank goodness that’s over, he thought, glancing back to the Liyp building. I hope Kalrea’s found them.


  Kalrea slowly pushed open a door and entered a long brightly lit room, which was similar to a hospital ward. Down the left-hand side of the ward were a number of beds on a slope of forty-five degrees, while on the opposite wall there were a line of portable tables. Each of the beds had a large up-side-down bowl-shaped device attached to their head, and some of them had screens to give privacy. Over the sound of a low-frequency humming noise, Kalrea heard some voices talking at the far end of the ward and began to walk towards them.

  Standing beside the furthest bed, in which a male Xangol was lying, were two female Gullin doctors dressed in drab grey robes and a Frindul minder in his green feathery coat. One of the doctors lifted the bowl-shaped device away from the head of the Xangol. To their left was another bed in which an Agonian male was strapped into restraints. He was lying motionless and his head was covered by another bowl. Cables stretched from it down to a glowing spherical telekinetic exchanger in-between the two beds. The Xangol was waking up.

  ‘… that’s it. Disconnecting the catuop,’ one of the woman doctors said.

  ‘Heart rate is steady,’ the other replied. ‘That’s another one done. Power down the telekinetic exchanger.’

  The hum decreased in pitch and volume.

  ‘What time is the next Xangol due to arrive?’

  ‘We have at least an hour, so why don’t we get something to eat.’ And looking to the Frindul added, ‘Get rid of the Agonians, will you-’ She stopped abruptly upon seeing Kalrea approaching and addressing her asked, ‘How did you get in here?’

  The Frindul minder pulled out his railgun and pointed it at Kalrea.

  Activate defence shield.

  Kalrea smiled at them, before saying, ‘Do you know who I am?’

  One of the doctors glanced to her colleague and then nudged her on the arm. ‘She looks different, but that could be the same woman who killed those Frinduls on Xim’gu.’

  They now both appeared nervous. The Frindul overheard them, and his hand, holding the railgun, was now shaking.

  Do I kill them?

  Kalrea changed her hair colour back to brunette and the tattoo of the claw appeared back on her face. She inched nearer to them.

  ‘It is her!’ one of the doctors said. ‘How can she change her hair and face like that?’

  The Frindul lowered his weapon and raised his hands in the air, signalling he did not want to shoot her anymore.

  They’re no threat. Maybe I should let them leave.

  Kalrea was about to speak, when behind the bed in the corner of the room she noticed two discarded Agonian bodies. She carefully looked at their faces.

  ‘No! That’s Doc Korye and Zuki. They’ve been dumped there.’

  She felt angry at herself.

  I didn’t save them. How many are left?

  With hate in her eyes, Kalrea glared at the doctors.

  ‘You’re doctors! You’re meant to save lives. Look what you’ve done!’ she said, pointing to the bodies, and then without hesitation moved her hand and pointed to the nearest doctor. ‘You don’t deserve a life.’

  In an instant the doctor was dead and before the Frindul knew what had happened, he too was hit by a bolt of light.

  The other doctor looked shocked and froze for a moment. She then reached for a railgun resting on a nearby table. Before she could even touch it, she hit the floor.

  Kalrea rushed over to the beds and looked at the male Xangol, who was now feeling his head. He glanced up at her with an arrogant smile on his face.

  ‘I’ll take that disgusting look off your face.’

  Kalrea pointed at him and his head fell backwards onto the pillow. She then looked down at the lifeless Agonian male in the next bed and carefully removed the bowl from his head.

  That’s Valon!

  Kalrea focused on a locked door nearby where she could hear crying. She opened the door. Within the dark room, she could just make out some movement.


  Zoren exited the mono-pod.

  Where am I? It’s dropped me off in a different place. I’m not even at the landing zone.

  The sound of loud engines in the distance indicated where he needed to head for, so he proceeded down a narrow street between two tall white buildings. At the end, he entered the landing area. A mass of stationary ships stood before him, which stretched into the distance to the left and right of him, while others were coming in to land and taking off.

  I don’t recognise anything. Where the hell’s the shuttle?

  There were brightly lit signs indicating the start of the rows of ships.

  Kalrea said a number. Now what was the number? 36, no 63, that’s it. But there are only letters, he thought, reading an “MEV” and “MEH”.

  He wandered slowly along the end of the rows, peering far into the distance for any sign of the shuttle.

  This is no good. I’m never going to find it like this.

  He turned to a man who was passing and said, ‘Excuse me... Sir!’

  The middle-aged man stopped.

  ‘I’m… Er… looking for my ship. I… Er… have a number… 63. Do you know where that would be?’

  The man laughed. ‘It’s everywhere. All the rows have a number 63. If you’ve forgotten the row code, good luck! You’ll still be here in the morning.’

  ‘Oh,’ Zoren replied.

  The man strode away, chuckling to himself.

  ‘Thank… Er… Thank you,’ Zoren said quietly. He put his hand to his forehead.

  Think! What were the damn letters? I think she said, MX... V.


  Kalrea peered in through the doorway. Huddled together in a corner of the room were seven Agonians. As she entered they stared straight at her with frightened eyes.

  Kalrea felt a deep sadness and looked at them with pity.

  What do I say? Lex, what would you say?

  ‘I…’ Kalrea was finding it hard to find the right words. ‘I’m here to help you.’

  ‘Get away fro
m us!’ one of the Agonian men shouted at her.

  ‘No, you don’t understand, I’m here to help you.’

  Kalrea approached them.

  Deactivate defence shield.

  She held out her hand to one of the woman and said, ‘Please, let me help you up.’

  Seeing Kalrea was unarmed one of the Agonian men grabbed hold of her. Another then tried to put his hands around her neck. Kalrea pushed them both away and took a step backwards. Suddenly she felt a whack on the back of her head.

  Damn, that hurts!

  Kalrea touched the back of her head and then checked her hand. It was cover in a blue liquid.

  The person took another swipe, but this time Kalrea stopped a large bar with her other hand, taking hold of it.

  She turned to the person, who looked terrified.

  ‘I try to free you, and all you want to do is keep hitting me. Please calm down, Pilco!’

  ‘How do you know my name?’

  ‘I know all your names,’ she said, but then her vision blurred.

  Woe! I feel a bit dizzy. Why did he do that? Activate emergency balance dampers. That’s better, she thought and then focusing again on the Agonians said,

  ‘Please, I’m here with Zoren.’

  ‘Who are you?’ a young woman asked.

  ‘My name’s Kalrea.’

  ‘She’s one of them! Don’t let her take you!’ a man cried out.

  ‘Why are you doing this to us?’ another woman asked.

  They’re going to need convincing. How do I convince them?

  Kalrea noticed a terminal set into the wall.

  I need Zoren, but where is he? He should have got back to the shuttle by now. Kalrea viewed the inside of the shuttle. Where are you, Zoren?

  Kalrea had no option but to try and reason with them herself.

  ‘Look, I’m not one of them. Do you want to live because if you do, then we need to get out of here, fast!’

  ‘How do you know Zoren?’ a man asked.

  ‘Look, you have to-’ Kalrea stopped.

  Zoren! Where the hell have you been? she thought, and her words sounded within the shuttle.


  ‘Hi, Kalrea,’ Zoren replied, hearing Kalrea’s voice within the shuttle. ‘I had a bit of a problem finding the ship, but I’m back now.’

  ‘Well that’s great! Look, I need your help. Please talk to your people. They don’t believe I’m here to help them.’

  Kalrea opened an audio-visual link between the terminal on Onliv and the console within the cockpit of the shuttle. Zoren’s mouth fell open as he watched his people in the background behind her. Kalrea moved to one side, so they could see him.

  ‘Zoren! Is that you? You look different!’

  ‘Oh! Must be the hair.’ He quickly removed the wig from his head. ‘Mum! Are you ok?’

  ‘No, I feel I’m in a living nightmare.’

  Kalrea was standing next to his mum, and added,

  ‘Zoren, you need to know three of your people are dead.’

  ‘But, you said you could save them,’ and then realising he was asking too much of Kalrea, said, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I know you’re doing everything in your power to help us.’

  ‘That’s ok, Zoren,’ Kalrea replied.

  Then Zoren addressed his mum. ‘Kalrea’s there to protect you. She has a ship. Please you have to trust her. She will save your lives.’


  Kalrea linked into the security system and using the cameras checked the entrance lobby. A number of armed men rushed into the building.

  Transit maintenance override. Disable all transits.

  ‘We have to go,’ Kalrea said urgently. ‘Please!’ She helped one of the women to her feet. ‘Everyone, follow me.’

  Kalrea entered the ward, with the others following close behind her.

  Some of the Agonians gasped when they recognised the dead bodies of their loved ones. Zuki’s mother shouted out in despair when she saw her daughter’s body.

  ‘We can’t leave them here like discarded rubbish,’ Pilco said.

  ‘We have very little time. I’m sorry, but if you want to live, then we can’t afford to take them.’

  ‘No... No… Valon, my love. Why! Why!’ Supora rushed over to her dead husband lying on the bed.

  Kalrea froze when she glanced to the empty bed where the Xangol male had been.

  Where is he?

  The click of a railgun drew her attention to the open door leading into the corridor. Standing in front of it was the Xangol.

  Activate defence shield!

  There was a burst of plasma fire.

  A number of rounds struck Kalrea, but there was also a scream of pain from behind her. She pointed at the Xangol male and struck him with a bolt of light. He was thrown through the doorway against a lift door. He slumped to the floor.

  Kalrea turned around, and then with concern said, ‘Supora, are you all right?’

  ‘I don’t feel too… good,’ Supora replied, before collapsing to the floor.

  ‘He’s getting up!’ Pilco said, pointing towards the doorway.

  Kalrea glanced over her shoulder.

  That’s not possible, unless!

  The Xangol got to his feet. He reached down to the floor for the gun.

  Kalrea ran straight at him as he picked up the railgun. She slammed into him, snatching the gun from his hand. She gripped him firmly on the shoulder. He screamed in pain as his skin turned black, but to Kalrea’s surprise he started to regenerate.

  ‘You can’t kill me,’ he said angrily. ‘Didn’t you know, I’m immortal! I’ll be forever young.’

  He tried to strike Kalrea, but she stopped his hand with hers. She grabbed him by the neck, lifting him into the air.

  ‘If I can’t kill you, then I’ll have to make sure you cannot harm us.’

  Open transit fifteen, level 105.

  The transit door in front of her opened. She moved to the edge of the shaft.

  ‘I may not be able to kill you, but this will keep you out of our way for a while.’

  She released her grip and he disappeared down the lift shaft.

  Kalrea turned to see the Agonians at the ward doorway.

  Close transit fifteen, level 105, she thought and then said, ‘We need to get to the roof.’

  She rushed over to Supora, who was being supported by two men.

  She’s bleeding a lot. Disable defence shield.

  ‘Here, I’ll take her,’ Kalrea said and then lifted her in her arms.

  ‘Are you sure you can manage on your own,’ one of the men asked. He looked amazed by her strength.

  ‘I can manage. Now, get moving!’

  ‘Wait! What about the children?’ a woman said.

  ‘The children! We can’t leave without the children,’ another added.

  Kalrea quickly checked the building using the cameras.

  ‘They’re not in the building,’ she said. ‘Do you have any idea where they are?’

  ‘That man... Do you remember that man, Pilco? What was his name?’

  ‘H... furn… Raxom, it was something like H…furni Raxom,’ Pilco replied.

  ‘That’s the name,’ a woman replied. ‘He mentioned that they were going to be taken to his home.’ And then addressing Kalrea said, ‘Does that mean anything to you?’

  ‘Yes, it does. First I need to make sure you’re safe, and then I’ll find them, all right? We must get to the roof.’


  Back at the shuttle Zoren was getting some unwanted attention.

  ‘Kalrea, I may have a problem,’ Zoren said, from inside the shuttle. ‘There are three official-looking men outside. Wait… now they’re pointing at me. I think… yes, they want me to go outside.’

  ‘Zoren, do not leave the shuttle, is that clear?’ Kalrea said sternly, from within the shuttle.

  ‘I wasn’t going to. What do I do?’

  ‘Damn, you have company,’ Kalrea said. ‘You need to get the shutt
le out of there. Head into space. I’ll find you.’

  Zoren moved hesitantly into the cockpit. He activated the console.

  What did she mean, I have company?

  Three small Gullin fighters, in formation, flew over of top of the shuttle.

  ‘What were they, Kalrea?’

  ‘You need to get out of there, now!’

  The shuttle’s drive started and Zoren quickly lifted it from the landing pad, but in doing so slammed against one of the large ships next to it. He was almost thrown from the seat.

  Shit, come on! Be more careful.

  He grimaced, hearing a loud sound of scrapping metal as the shuttle continued upwards.


  He tried desperately to keep the shuttle steady.

  What are you trying to do? Wreak everything!

  The shuttle cleared the other ship and rapidly climbed into the sky.

  Wait! Now what’s that noise? An alarm?

  There were two loud thuds on the side of the shuttle.

  ‘What was that?’

  Suddenly, there were three more deafening knocks, in quick succession, behind him, followed by the sound of an explosion. He felt the movement of air against his back.

  ‘What happened? Kalrea!’

  ‘The shuttle’s taken a number of hits from mechanical missiles. I’ll try to help you.’

  The symbols on the console flickered and then went blank.

  ‘Kalrea, I’ve got no means of controlling it,’ Zoren said, lifting his hands away from the console. ‘What do I do?’

  There were two more bangs adjacent to the front window. A ball of fire obscured his view for a moment as the missiles exploded, but they did not penetrate the hull of the shuttle.

  ‘Get into the back. Quickly!’

  Zoren did not ask any questions. He rushed into the rear of the shuttle.

  ‘Sit down!’ Kalrea said.

  Zoren did as she said.

  He felt himself being sucked into seat and could not move anymore. He saw the telementor on his wrist turn white ready to protect him. A moment later the shuttle struck the ground.


  Kalrea sneaked out onto the roof of the Liyp building. She glanced around and then said,


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