by Alanna Nash
pagelink “Music was [Elvis’s] most interesting side”: Bones Howe, quoted in Cronin, Isler, and Rowland, “An Oral Biography.”
pagelink “I wanted to capture”: Steve Binder to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “I’m not sure it’s . . . a good idea”: Elvis Presley quoted in Jorgensen, Elvis Presley.
pagelink “but who was really above all that”: Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “That’s a hit song”: Bones Howe to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “That was all he was interested in”: Steve Binder to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “In my last meeting with the Colonel”: Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993.
pagelink “They said, ‘The Colonel’s telling us’ ”: Steve Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “The Colonel just sat there staring at me”: Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993.
pagelink “The string players”: Bones Howe quoted in booklet accompanying Elvis: From Nashville to Memphis: The Essential ’60s Masters (RCA Records, 1994).
pagelink “On the outside”: Steve Binder to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “The only way he could set it up”: Lamar Fike to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “old hat in this day of the post-Beatle”: Material on NBC press conference from TV Guide, November 30, 1968.
pagelink “I have no proof to back it up”: Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993, supplemented with quotes from Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “Every time I walked by”: Billy Goldenberg to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “You want the blond bouffant hairdo”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted by Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993.
pagelink “Do you think my hair’s too black?”: Elvis Presley quoted by Steve Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “he sat in that makeup chair”: Bones Howe to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink forced him to make the effort: “Forced him to go out there as a favor to me.” Steve Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “nobody had thought that he’d be so soaking wet”: Bones Howe quoted in Cronin, Isler, and Rowland, “An Oral Biography.”
pagelink “when I really believed”: Steve Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “There is something magical”: Jon Landau, Eye, date unknown.
pagelink “Diskin started a whole tirade”: Bones Howe to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “You guys are going to have a million-dollar experience”: Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “He watched it three more times”: Steve Binder to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “I hear you, Elvis”: Steve Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “sense of loyalty was confused”: Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993.
pagelink “the look on Elvis’s face”: Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993.
pagelink “they were always intercepted”: Steve Binder to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1993.
pagelink “There’s no limit”: Steve Binder to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “I made up my mind”: Bill Miller quoted in Desert Sun, May 3, 1998.
pagelink “Elvis was a question mark”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “Prell got money”: Anonymous source, 2001.
pagelink “Actually, I think I was about the third one”: Bruce Banke to Karen Schoemer, raw interview transcript, 1997.
pagelink “There were a lot of bad songs”: All quotes from Chips Moman come from the author’s interview, 2001.
pagelink “I wasn’t angry about it”: Freddy Bienstock to author, 1997.
pagelink “In all the years”: Harry Jenkins quoted by Chips Moman to author, 2001.
pagelink “The campaign that he produced was unbelievable”: Alex Shoofey in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “I did the commercials”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “He insisted only the word Elvis”: Nick Naff in the documentary film Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “schlocky as all hell”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “We got calls from all over the world”: Alex Shoofey in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “The closing night of Barbra”: Bill Miller quoted in Desert Sun, May 3, 1998.
pagelink “just all over the goddammed place”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “There were banners and flags”: Joe Moscheo to Beverly Keel for author, 1998.
pagelink “I don’t have to tell you”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “a very likable guy”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “I’ve wanted to perform on the stage again”: Elvis Presley quoted by Ray Connolly in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “helluva big stage to fill”: Elvis Presley quoted by Charlie Hodge in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “I said, ‘Would you please tell”: Steve Binder to author, 2001.
pagelink “We went up there”: Bob Finkel to author, 1999.
pagelink “He says, ‘Now tell me again’ ”: Alex Shoofey in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “I heard”: Gordon Stoker in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “Just look at the figures”: Marty Lacker to author, 1994.
pagelink “Was he trying to protect”: Joe Delaney to author, 1997.
pagelink “He had an open tab”: Joe Shane to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “He had the boy”: Joe Shane to author, 1998.
pagelink “[The] Colonel was one of the best customers we had”: Alex Shoofey in Amended Report of Guardian ad litem, July 31, 1981.
pagelink “I never saw anybody”: Lamar Fike to author, 2001.
pagelink “He’d stack ’em up all over”: Gabe Tucker to author, 1997.
pagelink “everything went haywire”: Julian Aberbach to author, 1997.
pagelink “He just wouldn’t see me”: Joe Moscheo to Beverly Keel for author, 1998.
pagelink “Man, I’ll put on a disguise”: Elvis Presley quoted by Larry Geller to author, 1999.
pagelink “damn near gorgeous”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “Elvis loved downers”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “I don’t want any son of a bitch”: Elvis Presley quoted by Jerry Schilling to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “not only my manager”: Elvis Presley quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “One of the things Jerry said”: John Denver to author, 1991.
pagelink “He wanted us to pay”: Steve Wolf to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “Jerry was very well connected”: Joe Delaney to author, 1997.
pagelink “Jerry had to go out and bust his butt”: Joe Shane to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “who made Elvis what he is today”: Colonel Tom Parker in telegram to Jerry Weintraub, October 12, 1970 quoted in Guernsey’s Official Auction Catalogue.
pagelink “He would have it all mapped out”: Gaylen Adams to author, 1998.
pagelink “the rest of the auditorium”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted in Jerry Hopkins, unpublished magazine article, JHC/UM.
pagelink “He made life rough”: Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.
nk “Remember,” he concluded: Colonel Tom Parker in letter to Elvis Presley, quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “you especially had to be careful”: Billy Smith to author, 1993.
pagelink “I would love to meet you”: Elvis Presley in letter to Richard M. Nixon, reproduced in Worth and Tamerius, Elvis.
pagelink “his most prized physical possession”: Jerry Schilling to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “The Colonel said”: Henri Lewin to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “it was great”: Jerry Schilling in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “Elvis was mad”: Lamar Fike in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “drawn, tired, and noticeably heavier”: The Hollywood Reporter quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “He didn’t have breathing room”: Alex Shoofey in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “Nobody goes to Vegas”: Lamar Fike to author, 1993.
pagelink “I was there”: Henri Lewin quoted in Las Vegas Style, 1994.
pagelink “[Elvis] wanted to take all of his troupe with him”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted in Woody Baird, “Couldn’t Have Saved Elvis, Manager Says,” Tennessean, December 7, 1990.
pagelink lately hearing rumors of cocaine use: Informant report, FBI file, January 31, 1974.
pagelink “Clearances needed on songs”: Colonel Tom Parker’s private notes, pictured in Elvis: The Official Auction Catalogue on Guernsey’s Web site (www.guernsey’ [no longer available].
pagelink “RCA makes contracts with talent or do we?”: Colonel Tom Parker in private notes, quoted in Guernsey’s Official Auction Catalogue.
pagelink “He was a big friend of mine”: Mel Ilberman to author, 1998.
pagelink “a brilliant move”: Joe Galante to author, 1998.
pagelink “We finally demanded”: Tony Brown to author, 1998.
pagelink “There were a lot of things”: Lamar Fike to author, 1993.
pagelink “People talk about the fifty percent”: Joe Shane to author, 1998.
pagelink “Ah, I don’t know what makes ’em say that”: Elvis Presley, press conference, New York City, June 9, 1972.
pagelink “He said, ‘Mr. Kahane, they’re animals out there’ ”: Elvis Presley quoted by Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “so many flashbulbs”: Joe Guercio to Karen Schoemer, raw interview transcript, 1997.
pagelink “A Prince from Another Planet”: Chris Chase, New York Times, June 18, 1972.
pagelink “His usual protocol”: Lamar Fike to author, 1993.
pagelink “in the history of the record business”: RCA press release quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “It’s very hard to comprehend”: Elvis Presley quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “The next morning”: Marty Lacker to author, 1993.
pagelink “from seeing each other on stage”: Colonel Tom Parker in letter to Elvis Presley quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “as the disease progressed”: Sandra Polk Ross to author, 1997.
pagelink “The Colonel always felt”: Freddy Bienstock to author, 1997.
pagelink “she presented me”: Nick Naff to Art Nadler for author, 1997.
pagelink “Most people have no idea”: Loanne Miller Parker to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “really pay attention”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted by Joe Esposito at Colonel Tom Parker’s Memorial Service, Las Vegas, January 25, 1997.
pagelink “compromising circumstances”: John Mott in e-mail to author, 2002.
pagelink “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen”: Elvis Presley quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “I figured it would take a big check”: Mel Ilberman to author, 1998.
pagelink “He wasn’t sick”: Marty Lacker to author, 1994.
pagelink “One night when I was about five or six”: Lisa Marie Presley quoted in Life, December 1988.
pagelink “hard addict”: Dr. George Nichopoulos quoted by Marty Lacker to author, 1994.
pagelink “There was more dope in that outfit”: Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “Organized crime”: Informant report, FBI file, January 31, 1974.
pagelink “one of the most ill-prepared”: The Hollywood Reporter quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “Elvis was worse”: Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.
pagelink “nervous as a chicken”: Duke Bardwell to author, 2002.
pagelink “He said to me one time”: Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “every performer has good days and bad days”: Colonel Tom Parker to Larry Hutchinson, chief investigator to the district attorney general for Memphis, 1980.
pagelink “lack of humanity”: Duke Bardwell to author, 1999.
pagelink Boxcar would become: Corporate reports, Boxcar Enterprises, Report to Guardian ad litem, September 30, 1980.
pagelink “actually almost lived”: Bruce Banke to Karen Schoemer, raw interview transcript, 1997.
pagelink “he knew he had to have other irons”: Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.
pagelink “He knew talent”: Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.
pagelink “He played stupid”: Bitsy Mott to Dirk Vellenga, raw interview transcript, 1983.
pagelink “I’ll pull your goddamned tongue”: Bootleg tape, Elvis Presley live in Vegas, 1974.
pagelink “And my manager, Colonel Tom Parker”: Bootleg tape, Elvis Presley live in Vegas, 1974.
pagelink “It never got better”: Billy Smith to author, 1994.
pagelink “He would be so damn drugged”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “they’d kill any type of body odor”: Billy Smith to author, 1994.
pagelink “We used to con him into the bathtub”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “went for it, definitely”: Jerry Schilling to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “Mr. Presley has indicated”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “There was never no plan”: Colonel Tom Parker to Craig Rivera, Inside Edition, January 1993.
pagelink “but he knew if negotiations broke down”: Jerry Schilling to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “deep down”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “People aren’t going to remember me”: Elvis Presley quoted by Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.
pagelink “Elvis came out to the bus”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “you could almost”: Billy Smith to author, 1993.
pagelink “I was with the Colonel”: Gaylen Adams to author, 1998.
pagelink “we all thought it was going to happen”: David Briggs to author, 1998.
pagelink “Colonel was adamant”: Loanne Miller Parker to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “To deny him that”: Duke Bardwell to author, 1999.
pagelink “I was there”: Mike Crowley to author, 1997.
pagelink “I hate that old man”: Elvis Presley quoted by Billy Smith to author, 1993.
pagelink “He’s really screwed up”: Joe Guercio quoted by Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “scared shitless”: Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “He didn’t do twenty minutes”: Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “It is hereby understood”: Agreement between Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis Presley quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen,
Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “Felton would come back”: Joe Galante to author, 1998.
pagelink “The Colonel almost shit”: David Briggs to author, 1998.
pagelink “We’d come to the house”: Tony Brown quoted in Cronin, Isler, and Rowland, “An Oral Biography.”
pagelink “Why are you sitting out here, Elvis?”: Felton Jarvis quoted by Ray Walker to author, 1977.
pagelink “There was a lot of dissension”: Tony Brown to author, 1998.
pagelink “he had locomotive attacks”: John O’Grady quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day By Day
pagelink “Hookstratten, Priscilla, and I”: John O’Grady to Jerry Hopkins, JHC/UM.
pagelink “I don’t want anybody to know”: Elvis Presley quoted by Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.
pagelink “As I told Vernon today”: Colonel Tom Parker in letter to Elvis Presley, June 16, 1976, quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “I was gambling”: Mike Growney in the documentary Mr. Rock & Roll, 1999.
pagelink “I understand you’re trying to sell”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted by Joe Shane to author, 1998.
pagelink “We had a nice camaraderie”: Joe Shane to Constant Meijers, raw interview transcript from the documentary Looking for Colonel Parker, 1999.
pagelink “You are the biggest entertainer”: Tom Hulett quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “depressingly incoherent”: Bob Claypool, quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “It was really bad”: Lamar Fike to author, 1994.
pagelink “What would the point be?”: Joe Guercio quoted by Jackie Kahane to Peter Whitmer, raw interview transcript, 1994.
pagelink “I said, ‘He’s putting us on’ ”: Bruce Banke to Karen Schoemer, raw interview transcript, 1997.
pagelink “One walks away”: Bill Burk quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “feeling that I wasn’t worth anything”: Linda Thompson to author, 1977.
pagelink “Get off your tail”: Colonel Tom Parker quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “contend the singer’s new girlfriend”: Quoted in Guralnick and Jorgensen, Elvis Day by Day.
pagelink “He had us go on stage”: Kathy Westmoreland to author, 1997.