Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Delilah Hunt

  Logan lifted an eyebrow. “Are you finished?”

  Owen bit back a sneer as Logan continued. “Frank Warren isn’t simple. Don’t you think he had copies made? Who’s going to take Lexie’s word over his when he’s doling out salaries? Not that it matters because we’re going to get it back for her.”

  “We are?”

  Logan glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes, irritating the heck out of Owen. “I believe I just stated that.”

  “What, are we going to break his neck or something to get it back?” Owen looked over at Connor to see if his brother was as clueless as he felt. Connor shrugged.

  Logan tapped his fingers on the armchair. “Nothing like that. We’ll simply buy it back for her.”

  Connor sprang from the edge of the couch. “Give money to that fuckhead? I’m with Owen. I vote for breaking his neck.”

  Logan leaned back into his chair, staring down the two of them. “Do you want her or not?”

  Logan’s words had a trigger effect. Owen felt his irritation ebb and watched as Connor sank back onto the edge of the sofa. All their planning had come down to this. His heart thumped inside his chest. How many days had they sat back discussing the feisty, little brown beauty, wondering how much sweetness was hidden behind her façade of stubbornness and bravery. It was all a show, had to be. One look into Lexie’s eyes and all three of them knew there was so much more to her than she was letting on. Case in point, her reluctance to give up a treasured token and the angry tears he’d seen in her eyes when he’d taken it from her small hand.

  “You know damn well we want her as much as you do.” Connor spoke up. “At this point, I’m aching for that girl so bad I don’t care if we have to pay the devil himself to get her inside the house with us.”

  Logan looked over at him in question. Swallowing, Owen nodded. “I want her, too.” He knew his voice had gone husky, but he didn’t care, couldn’t help it. Shit, he could even feel his prick getting hard imagining Lexie with those shapely legs bent at the knees, splayed wide, and ready to take their cocks.

  “What if we do all this and she doesn’t want us? I don’t know about you, but not too many girls are going to be willing to take on three men at once, much less if she doesn’t even like them.”

  Logan straightened in the seat. “We’ll just have to demonstrate to Lexie how much we want her. She won’t like it at first, what I’m planning, but in time, she’ll come to accept belonging to us.” Logan told them of his plans then lifted his eyebrows. “Does that mean we’re all in agreement?”

  Owen jerked his head. Logan didn’t need to ask him twice. Anything that brought them one step closer to having Lexie and he was on board. Owen glanced to the side at Connor, who was nodding his head like a fucking maniac.

  Owen shook his head. He still found it hard to believe that after so many years of being with other women, the three of them had somehow managed to fall for the same one. But what choice did they have? Neither of them wanted to back down from pursuing her. The only option was to share and try their hardest to make it work. Lexie was worth it because under all that sneakiness and fire was a girl who needed some taming and love…and the Kincaid brothers were more than up to the task.

  Chapter Two

  Lexie resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the two coworkers leaning against the row of shirts and dresses she’d stacked onto the hangers and arranged on the wall.

  Whatever, I did the job. Not my problem if those bitches mess it up.

  Anna-Sue and Marissa were trying to bait her into an argument, much like their friend had done last month. Lexie bit her cheek. She still regretted what happened between her and Cynthia. She’d never hit anyone before, much less almost knocking them out. It wasn’t an experience she wanted to repeat, regardless of the satisfaction she’d received from the look of terror on Cynthia’s face.

  But Cynthia wasn’t her problem now. No, she had to keep working while those two cackled and spoke loud enough, intending for her to hear every word.

  “Did I tell you that Connor invited me himself?” Anna-Sue boasted, arching her auburn brows when Lexie made the mistake of making eye contact with her.

  The wavy-haired one, Marissa, giggled and kicked aside a shirt brushing her leg. “Those guys are hot. I’m not sure which one I like more, but I could totally see you hooking up with Connor.”

  Shoving a sweater onto the rack, Lexie couldn’t help but perk up her ears. This wasn’t the first party being held by the brothers that she had heard about in an offhand manner. For all the eyeing she was getting from them whenever she was out and about, one would think at least one of them was interested in her, but not once had they ever invited her to any of their parties. Not like I care.

  “So, um, Alexa. Did you get an invitation?” The girl didn’t even try to hide the smirk on her flawless face.

  Lexie stood and brushed off her knees. “Yep. I turned them down. Got better things to do with my time.”

  “You’re such a fucking liar.” Anna-Sue sneered while folding her arms. “You don’t have anything better to do.” She turned to a snickering Marissa. “Correction, Alexa’s going to be all alone in her little shack, curled up with a brown paper bag, drinking just like her drunk of a father.”

  A muscle in her cheek ticked. “So why the hell did you ask me then, genius, since you already knew the answer?”

  “Because I know what a liar you are, and you just proved me right.”

  Lexie curled her fists and pretended to study her fingernails. Ignore it. “Okay, I’m a liar. Pat yourself on the head, Anna-Sue, or maybe Marissa here can do it for you.”

  Do not have time for this. Lexie walked behind the counter and grabbed her handbag. “I’m done for tonight.” It was Marissa’s turn to lock up the clothing store anyway.

  The “shack,” as Anna-Sue called it, was a modest one-bedroom house she’d shared with a great aunt. After her mother’s death from stomach cancer, the shock of being handed off to a stranger had been nothing compared to witnessing the demise of her levelheaded father. Her father, Marcus Grey, had been an engineer working with one of the largest firms in the state of Wyoming. Unable to cope with losing the woman he loved, he’d turned to alcohol soon after they’d learned she wasn’t going to survive despite the chemotherapy. The day after her mother’s funeral, she was sent from Cheyenne to the small town of Oak Creek. They told her it was supposed to be temporary until her father straightened out his life.

  What a load of crap that was. Ten years had passed since that day, and the trusting twelve-year-old had to wise up and deal with living in a place where cattle seemed as if they were more important than most of the people, including her. God, just thinking about all the damn cows, she couldn’t help but think of Logan, Owen, and Connor and the sprawling ranch they owned. Bet Frank Warren never would have pulled a stunt like that on any of them. Then again, she wasn’t sure. The man was the proverbial snake in grass and even now she wanted to scream, cry thinking he was touching her mother’s necklace or gifting it to a lover.

  Before she learned that her daddy had taken her mother’s necklace and lost it in a bet with Frank Warren the last time he came to visit her during one of his bouts of sobriety, Lexie had made plans to move back to Cheyenne. That thousand dollars she’d scrimped and saved was supposed to go toward a deposit on a place to live. Instead, the pig-face bastard had it along with her momma’s necklace, and she was stuck in Oak Creek for God knew how much longer.

  To make matters worse, she was going to have to stop by Circle-K Ranch and speak with the Kincaid brothers, or rather Logan. She didn’t know much about their personal dealings, but she’d heard as much to know Logan was the one in charge of the sugar refinery. Last week when she had stopped by the factory inquiring about a job, the human resources manager had taken one look at her slight build and dubbed her incapable of the strenuous work.

  The man was sorely mistaken if he thought she was going to give up so easily. Supposedly, the salary w
as one of the most decent rates around, and well, she needed the money. With her hours at the store about to be reduced, it was time for a change. Logan and his brothers might be a lot of things, but she doubted they would refuse someone willing to work hard, even if that person was her.

  * * * *

  “You want what?” Logan repeated, taken off guard. Moments before, he had been inside his office, combing over their latest figures when the doorbell rang. Of all the people he had expected, it was not Lexie. It was, to say the least, a welcomed pleasure.

  “I wish to have a word with you inside your office.” She straightened her shoulders and added, “It’s a business matter…Mr. Kincaid.”

  His eyebrows shot up. He had to have heard it all by now. Keeping his features impassive, Logan opened his hand gesturing toward the hallway and up a flight of stairs. “By all means. Follow me.”

  She nodded, but not before he caught the flash of relief in her large brown eyes. She was wearing a simple white button-down shirt and a black skirt that fell to her knees.

  She must mean business.

  Logan had never seen her dressed like that before. Always shorts, miniskirts, or the tightest jeans she could fit her luscious round ass into. Still, he had to admit the plain outfit did nothing to distract from her slim, petite figure.

  “It’s in here.” He pulled open the door to one of the spare rooms he’d converted into an office. Logan seated himself behind the oak desk, observing the way she walked slowly toward the desk, perusing every inch of the office, and making no effort to hide it.

  “Have a seat,” Logan instructed, wishing to get to the bottom of whatever it was she wanted.

  She took the chair directly in front of him, and Logan waited in the terse silence for her to begin. Nothing.


  “I’m sorry I tried to take the five bucks off your table.”

  Logan stiffened. He hadn’t expected that, and frankly, he hadn’t wanted her to mention it again. He hadn’t been present at the time of the incident, but Owen had related the details to him and Connor of catching her red-handed attempting to sneak a five-dollar bill from the table. Owen had called her out on it; the right decision, which he knew, had left Owen feeling as if he was now in even worse favor with her than himself and Connor.

  Logan dropped the pen in his hand and questioned her in seriousness. “Are you a thief? We can’t discount the fact that you did break into the Warren house on top of everything.”

  Wavy curls that looked as if she had braided then unraveled the hair, bounced against her neck as she denied it. “I’ve never stolen anything before.” A pause. “I mean, I’ve never tried to steal anything before. I wanted to get that out of the way before the conversation took off. As for Frank, I call that taking what rightfully belongs to me. He’s the thief. I wish you guys could have seen that instead of handing over…” She heaved a sigh, and Logan couldn’t help but lower his gaze to where her breasts rose, oh so subtly, with that tiny intake of breath.

  A smile spread across her bow-shaped lips, though not quite reaching her eyes. “I’m getting off track,” she said quietly, straightening in the chair. “I didn’t come here to discuss Frank and my…necklace.”


  “I wanted to ask about a job.”

  Logan reclined in his chair. Interesting. “I assumed you had a job working inside that women’s store, Savvy Girls?”

  “I do, but my hours are being reduced to two days per week. It’s just not enough. I need to find something else.”

  “Understandable. However, I’m unsure how I factor into this dilemma of yours?”

  She let out a breath and drew up her slender shoulders. Dear God, is she trying to appear taller? Logan held back a smile. If Lexie wanted a job, he and his brothers did have the perfect one in mind for her. One that wouldn’t require anything apart from being available to them all throughout the day and night with that exquisite body.

  “I was wondering if I could get a position in the sugar beet factory.”

  Logan opened his mouth to categorically deny her request when she rushed on. “I’m a diligent worker, I learn fast, and you wouldn’t believe how skilled I am at following directions. I’ll even work on the weekends, nights, too.”

  “My answer is no. There’s no place for you in that factory. I’m sorry if you came here with expectations that I’d agree to this.”

  “Why not?”

  “For one, we’re not hiring new workers, and two, even if we were, I wouldn’t allow you to work there. That’s my final word.”

  She blinked and pushed out of the chair. “That’s some honesty right there, Logan. I’m not sure what the heck I ever did to you and your brothers. I thought I’d at least have a fair shot at the job after I apologized.” Shrugging, she strode to the doorway and turned the handle. “Guess there goes my invitation to your blowout. Oh wait, I’m about the only person in town who isn’t on the list.” She laughed softly, mocking him with the hurt she was trying to hide.

  “It’s a small get-together.” He knew it sounded contrite even to his own ears.

  “I don’t care,” she stated flatly, stepping through the doorway.

  Logan felt like an ass after the door clicked, but he had to let her go, however much it pained him. Her mother’s necklace was sitting in his desk drawer this very moment, and he wanted more than anything to hand it to her. Not just that, but to let her know how much he and his brothers cared about her and wanted to be with her. He couldn’t. The timing was off. It wasn’t just about his feelings for Lexie. Owen and Connor had as much right to voice their feelings to her as he did, and he wasn’t going to make a move on her unless everyone involved was present.

  Less than two minutes later, Logan heard the distinct rattle of the door shaking on its hinges, followed by a furious yell.

  Owen burst through his door first. However, it was Connor who raged. “What the fuck happened between you and Lexie? We saw her storming off the ranch. It looked like she was about to start crying. What did you say to her?”

  “I didn’t mention our plans if that’s what you’re so fired up about. She’s clueless about our intentions toward her.”

  Owen crossed his arms. “All right. So she doesn’t know we want her to belong to us, fair enough. Just tell me why the hell Lexie was so upset? You had to have said something to her. Out with it, bro.”

  Logan held out his hands on the desk. “She asked me for a job inside the factory.”

  His brothers frowned in unison. Of course they understood. “Exactly. We want her here with us. The factory is no place for her.” He lowered his voice, unable to suppress the emotion he felt from being around her those few minutes. “God, she’s such a little thing. I can’t help but wonder if she can take on all three of us. It’s not like we’ve ever done this before, sharing a woman.”

  “This is definitely new territory for us. I don’t know about you two,” Connor pointed out, “but I haven’t fucked for a good four months since I realized it was Lexie I kept picturing with those other chicks.”

  “Same here,” Owen admitted.

  Logan knew it was true for him also. The only release he’d been getting for months was his fist wrapped tight around his cock, pumping to the image of Lexie with her pussy soaking and covered with his sperm.

  Those visions of her had only evolved once he’d become aware his brothers were hard up for her. As soon as he’d become comfortable with the thought of her being sexually active, taking another man’s dick inside her cunt while still belonging to him, he’d known it was time to broach the topic with his brothers. When the three of them had sat down and discussed it, they’d come to the conclusion that the adorable, outspoken girl was officially Kincaid property, and it was only a matter of time before they let it be known.

  “We have to tell her soon. She was upset about not being invited to the party tomorrow night.”

  Owen made a hissing sound and curled his fist.

�It gets worse,” Logan continued. “She’s having a harder time, that’s why she came to ask about the job. I don’t want her to keep worrying about her future. There’s no reason for it. Not if we can help it.”

  A flash of dismay skidded across Owen’s face. “You didn’t tell her that we invited those assholes to try and get information about Warren and the deputy, did you?”

  Before he could answer, a voice blurted out, “The day after the party.”

  Logan gave a puzzled glance over at Connor, who had spoken. Normally the one who went with the flow, Connor looked determined as ever. “I can’t wait any long to have her. We’ll lay it all out for her on Sunday and see how she reacts. If it’s too much for her to handle, we keep at it until we can convince her to be with us. All three of us. All or nothing.”

  Logan shifted his gaze to Owen who jerked his head. “I’m in.”

  For a second, intelligent speech evaded him. This is really happening. In a few days time, they might have their girl living on the ranch with them. Taking a deep breath, Logan confirmed, “Sunday it is.”

  Chapter Three

  Lexie peered into the refrigerator. Half carton of milk. Baking soda. Cream cheese. Nothing to work with. The two slices of toast she’d eaten yesterday morning had served its purpose for all of an hour. A rumble rippled through her stomach, and Lexie clamped a hand over the offending sound. Damn, this was pathetic and all because she’d given every last cent to Frank. At the time, all she’d cared about was getting back the necklace. And now she was stuck without a paycheck for another week and nothing to show for the money lost.


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