Compass (Valiant MC Book 1)

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Compass (Valiant MC Book 1) Page 10

by Mary B. Moore

  “He talks to me,” she said and I nodded as I played with her hair. This had been one of the shocks for all of us when we’d turned around to see him having a conversation with Piper one day. Elijah had been closest and had heard him saying about pressure in his head and problems sleeping. It had taken me over a year to get that much out of him, so there was no doubt in my mind that he viewed Piper as ‘different’.

  I’d spoken to my therapist about it, and she’d said that the first step to helping him and getting him to seek help was to gain his trust. Changes in his trust like including Piper were massive steps for him, so her knowing his story was important. “I’m going to find a way to help all of them,” Piper said decisively, bringing me out of my musings about Blake.

  “Sometimes people can’t be helped, baby, but I’m willing to do everything that I can for them all.”

  You already have,” she whispered so softly that I barely heard it, before putting her head back down on my chest.

  It was now or never. “I need to talk to you about something, Pipe,” I started, rubbing her back gently when I felt her tense up on me. “I had a visit from someone that I served with today called Kyle. There were two other people there called Preacher and Jagger too who are part of The Knights MC.” I knew that she’d know the name of the MC, few people in our area didn’t. I looked down and saw her looking back up at me, a look of innocence in her eyes that I wanted to stay there forever. The thought that the traffickers could ever take her from me hit me hard and I stopped to pull her up and kiss her. Licking softly into her mouth, the taste of her was like nothing else. Feeling myself getting harder, I needed to stop this from going any further so that I could tell her. She might feel differently once she knew what I was going to be involved in. Pulling away reluctantly, I tucked her head under my chin. “There’s an issue going on with a group of people running drugs and guns from South America up to here.”

  “Shit,” she tried to sit up, but I held on. “What’s going to happen?”

  This bit was hard because all I could picture since they told me, was Sam or Piper being snatched. Fucking irrationality. “They’re also taking kids and young women, Pipe.”

  She froze, going completely still. “What?” It came out no louder than a breath, but in the quietness of the room I could just make it out.

  “Little babies, slightly younger than Sam.” I could feel my hands trembling, so I started to comb my fingers through her soft hair. The movement was meant to soothe her as well as me and in seconds the trembling had stopped, but I could feel how tense she was. “They asked if we could help out.”

  This time she succeeded in pulling away from me and sat up. “You’re going to do it right? Help those babies.”

  I was shocked, but so fucking relieved that she was onboard with it. Nodding my head slowly against the pillow, I watched as her shoulders relaxed. “Is it dangerous?”

  Shrugging, I tried to act as nonchalantly as I could. I didn’t want her worrying about that. “We have a good team and more joining all the time. We’ll be fine. We also have one of the most kick ass helicopter pilots and snipers that the military ever had the honor of having the use of. Kai is a legend in and outside of the military.”

  She slowly lay down beside me, the distance worrying me until she took it upon herself to come closer to me again. “I’m not going to lie and say I’m not worried about you or one of the guys getting hurt, and I’m assuming that you’re going to be going away from time to time…” she trailed off letting me answer.

  “You assumed correctly, but it won’t be all the time. Only small pockets here and there as required.”

  Her face was somber, but she looked determined at the same time. “This is you, Hunt. Who you are. It’s not escaped me that you need a purpose, something to focus on and using your skills…” she looked close to tears which tore me apart, but she took a deep breath as she closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them again, my tough girl was back. “Stay safe, Hunter. We only just got you back.”

  Holding her close, I reveled in the reality that was now my life. The woman that had been my world since the day I’d met her was in my life. I’d fucked up so badly, but she’d forgiven me and I desperately wanted the life that I’d dreamed of every day even when I’d thought I’d never have it. I also had the most amazing miracle that we created together.

  Slowly, I was getting in control of my PTSD too, and with this new objective ahead of me, a way to gain back the security that the military had given me, I hoped to get more control over it. The medications helped, but I wanted the end goal to be medication free. My main end goal was to be lying here holding Piper in sixty years time with a football team of kids and grandkids, extensions of us.

  I was going to make that happen, and I was going to give back to the world what I’d lost the day that bomb had gone off. Reality hits you in stages, I was going to live for the men that I lost. I’d want them to do it for me and what better way to do it than saving the lives of innocent people and children.

  I felt like I’d made a pivotal decision in my life doing this. We never knew what way our decisions would go, what the outcome of them would be, but helping these people seemed the right thing to do. Piper’s reaction was the reason for that. I’d expected the worst, for her to throw me out or scream and cry. Piper wasn’t like that, never had been, but it was like I was holding myself back from taking that step forward by convincing myself that she was. My girl would support me through anything, that much hadn’t changed and I felt like shit for thinking otherwise.

  Rolling onto my side, I moved her so that I could face her while still holding her close. Rubbing my thumb down her face, I watched her as she did the same back.

  “I’m sorry.” Her eyes, which had started to travel down to my mouth when I’d spoken, snapped back up to mine as she looked at me in confusion.

  “What for?”

  Explaining it to her, she burst out laughing. “Hunter, there’s no need to apologize. That’s natural. We might know each other, but we have four years of not knowing each other too.” She sobered and looked at me seriously. “I always felt like you were a part of me, even when you were away. I’d worry about you being hurt or killed, but then I’d think that I’d know, because there’s no way that my body wouldn’t know if part of it wasn’t alive anymore.” She ran her finger over some of my scars, including the big one down my side. “I’m pretty certain that I did know when you were hurt, I had moments when I’d panic for no reason. I couldn’t sleep properly. I had nightmares where you’d be screaming for me and I’d waking up crying. When I spoke to your mom the other day, I realized that it looked like these moments coincided with you being hurt.”

  Confused over why she was telling me this, and hurting that she’d gone through that, especially because of me, I rolled into her, taking her to her back so that I was lying on top of her, looking down into her eyes. “Pipe,” it came out as a strained whisper.

  “The reason I’m telling you this,” she whispered back now, “is because I want to point something out. The mind is the most powerful part of our body. It can help us sink or swim emotionally. It can also help us face our worst nightmares, or give into them. Small fears become big fears…” She trailed off and I suddenly got what she was talking about.

  “I fucking love you, Piper Hill,” I growled.

  “And I fucking love you back, Hunter Black,” she said with a grin. “In future, never be afraid to come to me with anything. Doubts will happen, worries too, but just like back when we were teenagers, I’m pretty certain that you’re an extension of me. We might have those four years where we grew without the other one in our life, but…” she pointed at her own head, and then moved her index finger so that it was pressing against mine. Trust in her, not in the what if’s was what she was saying, and she would do it too.

  Unable to stop myself, I leaned down and kissed her hard, my tongue slipping past her teeth and into her mouth to stroke against hers. She let o
ut a low groan and I answered it with one of my own.

  Kissing across her cheek and over her jaw, I started a trail down toward where the t-shirt that she was sleeping in fell off her shoulder. Lifting myself up, I straddled her, being careful to keep my weight off her body, and gently ran my hands down her squirming body until I hit where the ugly thing ended. Not breaking eye contact with her once, I started to lift it up her body, not even looking away to see what skin became visible. It took everything in me not to, but watching her pupil’s dilate and the flush that always took over her face when she was turned on, was just as erotic.

  Every man has a breaking point though, and for me that point had always been Piper’s breasts. They were a full handful and absolutely perfect. If I wouldn’t kill someone for doing it, I’d swear men would write poetry about them. As soon as the bottoms of them started to come into view, I saw the smile breaking on her face because she knew that there was never a time when I could ignore them, before my eyes snapped down to watch as more came into sight. I had my limits though, and just as I got to her nipples, I fisted my hands in the t-shirt and yanked up so quickly that she let out a squeak followed by a laugh as it went over her head.

  Leaning down while she was trying to untangle her hands from the bunched garment, I quickly took a nipple between my lips, licking over it before sucking it into my mouth. I could feel her lower half moving slightly beneath me, each shift brushing her against me and making me impossibly harder.

  Adjusting my position, I ground back down into her as I laved across to her other nipple and gave it the same attention as I’d given the first one.

  “Please,” she mumbled as she started to grind back up against me. The pressure in the most perfect areas of the body as you grind down into someone as they grind back up against you can change things in an instant, which is what happened.

  I had raised the lower half of my body away from hers and my hand was down between her legs in the blink of an eye followed by the sound of fabric tearing as I ripped her panties away from her. Lifting up so that I was kneeling between her legs, I looked down at her as I shoved both hands underneath her and lifted her up toward my face. There wasn’t one thing that I could think of to say as I quickly leaned down to meet her pussy as it came up toward me.

  The first swipe of my tongue had a loud gasp coming from her. The second made her shift positions, like she was trying to get closer to me. The third had me realizing that there literally was no taste better than Piper, something that I had known since the first time we’d ever done this and knowledge that I’d carried across the world with me, had tortured myself with periodically.

  Unfortunately, this position had its limitations. I couldn’t support her at the angle that she was at with just one hand and I couldn’t do what I wanted to do without one free hand, so I lowered her back down to the bed not breaking away from her once.

  Pulling each leg over my shoulders, I pushed with them, opening her up further, and used the thumb on my left hand to circle her clit as I licked into her. I could hear her panting and feel tremors every time I hit a sensitive part of her, but I wasn’t going to let her come yet. With my other hand, I pushed two fingers into her and swapped out the thumb for my tongue on her clit as I crooked my fingers, hitting that rough patch inside her that drove her crazy.

  “Hunter, please!”

  Still wanting to feel her reactions for a while longer though, I decided to prolong it by kissing back up her body as my fingers continued to rub. Once I got back to her breasts, I went back to laving and sucking as my fingers moved inside her and my thumb on the same hand rubbed gentle circles around her clit, putting only enough pressure on it to drive her crazy. I knew that she had to be sore from the night before, and I’d always prided myself in taking my time with Piper, even when it was our first which I had studied for for weeks watching porn and going on Google to look up the best techniques I could. Some might not call that studying, but I wasn’t doing it for me, I’d done it because I’d wanted to be perfect for her.

  I focused back onto Piper as her body gave a huge shudder and her breath was becoming choppy, knowing that she was as close as she could get without actually going over the edge. I loved getting her to this stage, had lived for it, so I trailed my tongue back down her body until I got to my hand and my tongue took over from my thumb. Giving her clit a quick, light circle, I enjoyed her groan before I pounced, sucking it as hard as I could.

  I had the presence of mind to put my hand over her mouth just as her body went tense from head to toe to stop her scream scaring Sam, I didn’t expect her sharp teeth to bite me though, which ratcheted up the pressure in my balls.

  I never stopped the rubbing against the rough patch on the front of her walls, and I didn’t stop alternating between hard sucks and gentle flicks of my tongue on her clit. Each time with Piper became a mission to ensure that she had a better orgasm than the last; it was something that I’d sworn to her that I’d do until my last breath after our first time.

  I felt and heard her groan against my hand, and from the slight jerks of her body I knew that she was at the end of it and started to pull away. At some point, she’d grabbed hold of my hair with a death grip though, so I had to reach up to help her unlock her fingers, taking the time to gently rub her poor abused injured hand.

  “You need to be more careful with that, baby.” I held it above her head with one hand as I gripped my cock with the other and started to run it up and down her. I don’t think she gave a shit about it at that moment though, because she lifted her pussy against me on the downward stroke so that I entered her slightly.

  Dropping my head onto her collar bone, I breathed in the scent that was only hers, and pushed further into her. I was determined to take my time and not to slam into her after last night. I also needed to take it slowly, to savor every centimeter of her tight wet walls around me.

  Piper must have needed for me to take my time too, because she didn’t try to force me to go further like she had the night before. Instead, she wrapped her arms and legs tightly around me and held on while I gained ground. There were moments when she’d spasm or arch slightly, but none of them forced me to take it faster.

  Once all of me was inside of her though, and we’d groaned as my balls had pressed against her ass, things changed. She bit down on my shoulder which made my hips jerk away from her, and then when she bit harder, I’d pushed my hips forward. The force that I’d used had raised her lower half slightly off the bed, changing the angle all together and spurring us on.

  “Hunter, please,” she begged as she briefly let go of the skin that she’d been holding onto with her teeth. I knew that I’d have a bruise there for a while, and that gave me ideas. I wanted to mark Piper too, so I leaned down as I thrust in and out of her and latched onto the skin at the top of her breast, sucking as hard as I could. When we were kids, Piper hated hickeys and on the rare occasion that I gave her one she’d always gone in a snit with me for it. I was looking forward to seeing how she reacted this time.

  Not giving me words to show her displeasure, she decided to play dirty and tightened her pussy around me as tight as she could. There was a lot to be said for the exercises that they made women do because she became so tight around me that I literally struggled to move in or out of her as my eyes crossed from the overwhelming pleasure.

  “Piper…I can’t…” the tables had turned and I was the one begging her, what for I didn’t know, but I’d beg until I didn’t have a voice anymore if that’s what it took.

  Not letting up, she gyrated slightly under me as I gave tiny little jabs; the only movements that I could make. On one circle of her hips though, she must have hit that spot inside her because she fluttered slightly around me. The feeling was so intense and so spectacular that I let go.

  Quickly balancing on one hand, I lifted my other and rubbed as hard as I could on the bundle of nerves at her center, knowing that it would break the stranglehold that she had on me. Just as that happene
d, I thrust hard into her and pressed down at the same time. This time she was responsible for muffling her own scream because I was too focused on my thrusts and retreats and the feeling of her tightening around me to the point of strangling my dick, and then releasing it suddenly. These happened is such quick repetitions that it brought my orgasm to the surface quickly, and it took everything in me to drop my head and muffle my own shout in the pillow beside Piper’s head as she continued to spasm around me.

  I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but I knew that I was sensitive, and Piper still spasming around my cock periodically was making my hips jerk into her again, whether to get away from her or get closer I didn’t know. The whole thing set off a smaller orgasm for both of us.

  Panting into each other’s mouths after giving her a life altering, God fearing kiss , I realized that it would be a good move to roll to the side to take some of my weight off of her. I wasn’t sure if I’d managed to keep a majority of it off her with my arms, and I didn’t want that to be the reason that she was short of breath. I wasn’t ready to lose her yet though and she must have felt the same way, because we both rolled at the same time which kept me inside of her for a little bit longer.


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