Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore Book 5)

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Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore Book 5) Page 17

by Scarlett Dawn

  I chuckled quietly, oddly feeling better.

  One minute the tiger was a menace. The next minute, he was my salvation.

  Go animals!

  Mrs Damon charmed with an easy cadence I had never heard from her Walker. “You’ve met Tristan before?”

  “Yes,” I stated clearly, my eyes only on her. “And not just his Walker. When I was here five years ago for that month, he and I met when he stole my chocolate bar right out of my hand. After that, every day I was here he found me somewhere, making my day a little brighter.” I rubbed his head affectionately. “He’s always been a sweetheart.”

  “You were only here for a month?” Mrs Damon asked, continuing in her soft tone and gesturing where I had been sitting before. “Please, Ms Jules, sit down.” Her brows lifted in a private challenge. “You were doing so well before.”

  My gaze ran over her face, her expression kind-hearted. “You’re hardly anything like your Walker.”

  A slight curve of her lips. “I wouldn’t imagine any of us are, with a complete psychopath running the actions.” Another gesture at the chair. “You were only here for the month before you decided you didn’t want to stay?”

  Running a hand over my face, I decided that a little more giving on my part would go a long way to getting that name. I moved back to my chair, tilting it a bit so I wasn’t facing the One straight on, and I grunted when Tristan lifted on his hind legs and sprawled his entire upper half over the top of the chair’s arms. His weight wasn’t really on me, but his flank shoved at my chest. Pretty much caging me in the chair. Knowing when I was fighting a losing battle, I placed my hands on his back and rubbed at his muscles. “Yes, I was only here for a month when I was eighteen. A few spirit Elementals found me on the streets one day, or I bumped into them, but anyway, they kidnapped me and brought me here when they realized I had never been to the Temple. Being young and freaked out, I wanted to go home. The One’s dictates wouldn’t let me, and I didn’t understand why at the time—I was young and dumb—so using a bit of ingenuity I left after a month.”

  “Hmm.” She nodded a few times. “And why weren’t you brought to the Temple as a baby, even if your parents did choose to live outside the Temple? Any spirit knows it’s for the safety of their own child, and others, to do so.”

  “I don’t know who my biological parents are. I assume they’re dead. Sin and I were brought up in foster families, none of them good.”

  She blinked. “Sin?”

  My lips curved. “A very good friend of mine.”

  White brows lifted. “Interesting name.”

  I chuckled quietly. “Many say that, but it doesn’t do him justice…or he doesn’t do the name justice. I never know which way to go with that.” Out of nowhere, or not so much out of nowhere, I felt the One’s power start to trickle from his mute position across the table, pouring over me. My smile instantly fell and I flicked a hand at him, not looking in his direction. “Please don’t do that. The sensation is very uncomfortable.”

  The power abruptly cut off without any questions.

  I flicked my eyes toward him, making it to Roselle before I looked back to Mrs Damon, but I stated, “You won’t be able to feel my power. I’m protected somehow from Mysticals testing me.”

  Mr Damon blinked. “That makes sense why you weren’t found earlier in life than eighteen, and even then it was only by accident.”

  “Yes, I know the One knows when baby spirits are born outside the Temple, and I know that the protection over me is why I wasn’t purposely found. The teachers here explained that.”

  Mr Damon’s head cocked. “Do you not think it odd that you are somehow protected from the One finding you to make sure you won’t become a Ruler, and you’re one of the few Mysticals who do become one?”

  “I think I’m exactly where I need to be, no matter how I got in the position.” I may never know what the hell happened. “I’m there for a reason, whatever it may be. And in the end, I am the next Queen Elemental.” I held his gaze. “I’m not sure if you know this information yet, but the Prodigies received Vizoacs. There’s another time of unrest coming, and whether it is internal or worldwide, I’ll be there fighting it. Just as I am trying to do now…” My brows lifted. “With a name, possibly?”

  I froze when the One spoke, his deep tenor…humbled. “You were very brave to come here to see me after what was done to you.”

  “Thank you.” I stared down at Tristan’s body, picking absently through one of his black streaks. “Are you going to help me?”

  “Yes.” Simple, quiet words. “It may not be how you want it though.”

  My chuckle could have rivaled an old Com’s. “There’s always a catch.” More picking of Tristan’s fur. “Your deal would be?”

  His words were unpretentious and without fanfare. “Quite simply, that mother-fucking bastard—who is going to die—actually managed to pull one over on the most powerful Mysticals both inside the Temple and outside it. In fact, he beat us to the punch. Roselle, Reese and I were speaking on leaving the Temple for a few days to meet the current Prodigy Elemental—you—to try to figure out how you were missed for my protection and also to get to know you better. We considered possibly working on political ties, since you’re one of us and we can actually have a normal conversation with you. We also wanted to speak with the current Rulers and the other Prodigies to get to know the people who were going to be around the spirit I wasn’t able to protect, and make sure they understand the restraints you’re under for silence.”

  Through all his pretty words, I understood the truth. I chuckled anxiously, staring blindly at Tristan’s fur. “You want to go there in exchange for the name.” Here we go all over again.

  “Somewhat…yes.” He was quiet, until he drawled, “And I plan to help you find and kill the bastard who did this.” He sniffed—entirely arrogant. “You do know that a Walker holds only a bit of the power from whom it was stolen, correct?”

  “Yes.” I waved a hand. “You’re much more all-powerful than the Walker Leric.”

  Dry words in a lazy tone. “I can be of help to you.”

  I licked my lips. “I’m not sure anyone will want you there. It’s not my choice to make, and your Walker wasn’t exactly liked even before the truth came out.”

  I heard his thumbs tapping. “That bad?”

  My lips pinched. “Worse.”

  More drumming. “I understand your hesitancy, Ms Jules, but I think this is a relationship that could prosper in the long run, if you don’t stifle it in the beginning because of prejudice provoked from a Walker who wasn’t really me.”

  I chuckled wryly, the laugh of the cynical, while running a hand over my face. “Nicely done.”

  A slow response. “I do try.”

  “Fuck.” I rested my head on my hand. “Who and when?”

  “Reese, Roselle, and myself,” he stated instantly. His mom cleared her throat and he ground out, “No, you’re not coming.” A pause. “Mom…no way.” Another pause. “Don’t give me that look.”

  I chuckled. “The Walkers had that right.”

  There was a beat of silence, then the One asked, “Do I want to know?”

  “The Walker Mrs Damon showed up in the middle of the night and proceeded to dig through my purse looking for my driver’s license so she could have my name.” I twirled an absent-minded finger, picking at Tristan’s fur with my other hand. “I believe she called it tenacious, instead of overbearing.”

  He muttered, “That’s just weird.” Humming quiet. “No way in hell are you coming, so you can stop looking at me like that.” Then he spoke directly at me. “So, Ms Jules, the three of us. And as soon as possible.”

  “Wonderful,” I grumbled under my breath. I unlocked my Core, sighing heavily as my eyes glowed faintly. I looked up and waved a glowing hand in front of my face, opening a small section of the air in front of me—the rectangular space was like a miniature wide-screen television. This was the method of speaking to those outside th
e Temple. The ether was inside the screen, and I inhaled, breathing out slowly into the cosmos and calling on King Collins. The heavens disappeared, replaced by the interior of my home.

  My brows puckered in confusion at the blue and gold I saw on screen. “King Collins?”

  Unexpectedly, I heard what sounded like a banshee scream.

  Over the shout, I barely heard the masculine bellow, “Get the fuck out!”

  My eyes popped wide, grasping exactly what I was seeing. I mumbled quickly, “Shit…I’m so sorry!” I started to wave my hand in front of the screen to end the call, and I couldn’t help but see a rustling of covers over body parts. I was instantly blushing, the intimate forms of both King Collins and Queen Cooper now ingrained in my mind.

  King Collins shouted, “Wait, wait!” A slow word. “Caro?”

  My hand paused. “Yes.” I cleared my throat. “Behind you.”

  My King moved.

  Rapid, rapid words. “Blanket, blanket, blanket!”

  He fumbled for it, but it was too late.

  I saw more of my King than I had ever planned to.

  I rubbed at my forehead, my cheeks flaming brightly. I was very happy no one else in the room could see this picture from the way my chair was angled. I flicked a finger, pointing behind his kneeling position. “I really don’t care to see that, either.”

  Eyes huge on his face, he glanced behind him where Queen Cooper—sans her necklace and very pregnant—was trying to cover herself. He hurriedly yanked the blanket over her upper section before turning back to me. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” I said honestly. “I think I’m scarred for life seeing that.” A shudder ran down my spine. “I think this is probably what it feels like when normal kids catch their parents having sex.”

  Another shudder—the full-body type.

  He waved an absent-minded hand. “Forget what you saw.” He leaned forward, closer to the screen. His eyes were serious, even if his cheeks were still flushed from his sexual bout. “Really, are you all right?” His brown gaze roamed my face, and before I could say anything he muttered a curse. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go. Is he just as bad as the last?” He blinked then he growled, “If that asshole has touched you, I will personally—”

  “Wait.” I held up a hand, cutting him off. “You’ve totally got the wrong impression, not to mention I’m in a room with a group that can overhear you. I’m fine. Really. Absolutely fine.” My white brows creased. “And I’m thinking I should probably call you back, so you can do…what you’re…doing …” I waved a hand. “You know, I’ll talk to you when you’re done.” I tapped my fingers on my lips. “Um…when do you think that might be?” It had looked to be getting near the end, but I wasn’t about to comment on that.

  “Just do this again in a few hours. I should be free.” He scowled. “You really are fine?”

  I inhaled heavily, rubbing my forehead. Having him ask so many times was seriously not good for the tough image I was barely hanging on to. “Yes. I’m fine. And I’ll talk to you in a few hours. But you might want to have the other Rulers and Elders nearby, because I need to ask you all something.”

  He nodded once. “Okay, I’ll make that happen.” He blinked. “By the way, Isolde is going batshit crazy.” Another blink. “Like, seriously batshit crazy.” A zoning blink. “Is there any way you can pull her through to the Temple?”

  “Shit,” I muttered, nibbling at my bottom lip. “I’ll work it out.”

  “Thank you.” He flicked his fingers. “Now close the display, or whatever it is.”

  “Yep.” I lifted my glowing hand. “Have…uh…fun.”

  “Smart-ass,” he muttered. But he was wearing a grin.

  And he started to turn back to Queen Cooper.

  I quickly swiped my hand across the screen and shut my power down. I cleared my throat in the silence of the room, and I pointed absent-mindedly where the screen used to be. “He was busy.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Reese’s lips were actually trembling. He choked, “We got that.” A cut-off snort. “You do know there’s a way to knock before viewing?”

  I stared. My cheeks were still flushed from a moment ago. “How?”

  He laughed, a real smile on his handsome face. “You ask instead of call, then you can hear whomever you’re trying to reach. Instead of seeing them.”

  My brows lifted, a small smile gracing my lips. “That would have been nice to know before I saw that.” My head tilted, evaluating him. “I need to pull my Vizoac through. Any clue how to do that?”

  His brows lifted as he caught on quickly. “Isolde is your Vizoac?”

  I nodded once. “Sin and I have used that name since we were little, and the meaning behind it fit perfectly when we found out I had a Vizoac.”

  “She should be connected to you,” the One drawled languidly, cutting into our conversation. “Find your tether, and you’ll find hers.”

  “Ah.” I nodded, staring back down to Tristan’s fur. “Thank you.”

  He hummed quietly.

  I closed my eyes, ignoring everyone around me. I opened my Core.

  When I floated through the cosmos, through the deep abyss of the galaxies, instead of looking outward as I normally did, I peered inward. I found my shimmery white tether, brighter now that I had the Prodigy power. I found a tiny white sliver circling my tether. I pulled it to my lips, whispering, “Come to me.”

  I cut off my power abruptly.

  The One was lunging over the table, grabbing onto Tristan’s collar as the tiger snarled. Tristan tried to raise up, damn near crushing me painfully as Isolde ran in circles on top of his back. She was altering between howling and growling, literally racing up to his head then down. And moving to do it all over again.

  With my arms pinned and crushed against the seat, I ordered on a pant, “Isolde stop.”

  She jerked to a halt, her head flying toward me. She instantly started yapping.

  But the One was barking, “Tristan, get down.” He jerked on the diamond collar. “You’re hurting her, you big oaf.” When Tristan readjusted, I could take a large breath.

  Although he didn’t get down.

  Knowing stubbornness when I saw it, I grabbed Isolde with my freed hands and set her on the table. She continued yapping at me, clearly pissed I had left without her. “I’m sorry, all right?” I petted her tiny furry head. “It won’t happen again.”

  She growled once at me, then sat primly. Her head cocked at the tiger.

  The One ordered, “Tristan, try not to hurt the bitty furball.” A shake of his collar. “Understand?”

  “She’s not completely bitty, anymore,” I stated defensively. “She’s grown.”

  The One waited for Tristan to huff at him before he released his collar. He flopped back onto his chair, running a hand through his hair before flicking a finger at Isolde. “That is most definitely a bitty furball. Anything smaller would be considered a cotton ball.”

  Isolde flicked him an irritated glance, but she completely surprised me by standing and walking back and forth a few times in front of Tristan’s head where it now rested on the table. She eyed him from every angle, then she bent to a crouch and started crawling toward him from the side…and an inch away from him, she lifted her nose and sniffed him. Her head cocked, and she sniffed a few more times before she slowly rose. Tristan’s eyes covertly flicked to her the whole time, watching her carefully. Isolde rounded his face…and whacked him straight on his nose with her tail—a deliberate provocation to play—before she strutted down the table, eyeing the group.

  “What it the world,” I muttered in awe, shaking my head. “She hated the Walker Tristan. Not to mention, she hates just about everyone.”

  Yep, she almost bit Mr Damon who tried to pet her.

  The One chuckled quietly, the sound laid-back. “The bitty furball is your animal of protection. While that’s ironic in itself from her size, she was still spot-on with the Walker Tristan—if she hated him a
nd likes the real one.”

  She paused in front of the One.

  My brows practically lifted to my hairline as she started the same routine with him as she had Tristan, moving back and forth in front of him. Her teeny eyes slowly evaluated him as he stared back at her—just as quietly—and then she crouched down again. She crept toward his side that was farthest from the table. Isolde ducked at the very edge and sniffed the air, paused, sniffed again…and yapped at him once before placing her tiny head on her paws, watching him.

  I blinked, staring wide-eyed as the One slowly lowered his fingers from his mouth while she watched the action carefully. He placed the back of his hand directly in front of her face. Instead of biting him like I thought she would instantly do, she lifted her head a smidgen, the barest bit, and placed the tip of her nose to his pinkie—sniffing him—before she rested her head back on her paws. She acted more like herself, though, when he lifted his hand and purposefully lowered it over her in an obvious attempt to pet her. She showed him her teeth, growling a tad, and he quickly pulled his hand away, two fingers back over his mouth.

  She stared at him from her still position.

  “Huh,” I breathed. “That’s curious. I wonder if she’s confused.”

  Not moving her attention, she growled softly under her breath.

  “Guess not,” I murmured, my brows coming together. But my stomach reminded me of something. I again ran my right hand over Tristan’s back, petting him softly, and glanced to Mrs Damon. This Mrs Damon I actually kind of liked. “Since I’m going to be here for a while, and since I stepped out on breakfast this morning…” My eyebrows rose. “I would love something to eat. If I remember correctly, this place has the best French silk pie.”

  Her brown eyes twinkled. “That’s one of my favorites, too. I know just the place.” But her lips pinched as she glanced at my clothing. “Before we go out, may I suggest—”


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