Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore Book 5)

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Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore Book 5) Page 31

by Scarlett Dawn

  “Thanks,” I murmured, quickly turning and racing back to my bedroom. Digging through my dresser, I heard the phone ring again. I called loudly, “Can you get that?”

  The phone quit ringing, and I heard Fergus’s soft tone as he answered, the sound muffled. I grabbed a pad of paper and dug through another drawer for a pen, finding one relatively quickly. I made my way back to the kitchen. Fergus was resting with his back against the wall, giving me wide, crazy eyes, pointing at the phone. But he continued speaking calmly. “No, sir, I did not spend the night.” A pause, his eyes glancing toward me. He appeared put out, even if his words were exceptionally collected. “Yes, sir, I just came over a few minutes ago to make breakfast for her.” He fumbled over his words. “Yes, I was out with her last night. We went out to eat with the other Prodigies.”

  Snapping my mouth shut from its gaping state, I asked incredulously, “Who is that?”

  Fergus put his hand over the receiver, lifting his brows and staring. “Elder Farrar.”

  Yep, that look told me I had some explaining to do. Wonderful.

  I moved forward and held my free hand out.

  Fergus diplomatically said his goodbye, then he handed me the phone.

  I grumbled, “Hello?”

  He was chuckling over the line. “God, you should have heard his voice when I told him who I was.” A pause. “I probably had the same reaction when he told me who he was.”

  I ignored that. “Did you try to call a few minutes ago, too?”

  “Yep.” I could practically see him grinning through the phone. “I was actually trying to call you on my new,” throat clearing, “cell phone.”

  I blinked. “Well, your reception’s terrible. You should think about switching carriers.”

  There was a long pause. “I don’t think you heard me correctly, because you’re not reacting appropriately…and I didn’t understand half of what you just said. A cell phone, Sadie. As in, a small device that’s portable.”

  “Oh.” I nodded my head, then I stated with false cheer, “That’s unbelievable! You got a cell phone. Congratulations.”

  Instant reaction from Fergus. “He did?” He pointed a whisk at me. “Ask him where he got it. They’re sold out everywhere I’ve looked.”

  I asked into the receiver, “Did you get that?”

  “Now that was the proper response.” A cocky snort. “I got the last one.”

  “Sorry,” I told Fergus. “He picked up the last one.”

  He blinked. “Ask him how much he wants for it.”

  An instant reply came over the line. “It’s not for sale.”

  I blinked, motioning between the phone and Fergus. “Would you two prefer to talk again, instead of using me as a go-between?” I paused, then I told Fergus, “It’s not for sale.”

  He cursed quietly, scowling at the phone, but he kept his mouth shut.

  “Hello, Sadie? Are you there?”

  “Yep, I’m here.”

  “On to my second reason for calling. I wanted to know how you’re doing, but from the sounds of it, it’s not going too bad.”

  “I’m going to skip over the part where a cell phone took precedence over my wellbeing and tell you that, yes, things aren’t going too bad right now. In fact, I’d kind of like to get back to it, but…” I nibbled at my bottom lip, turning my back on Fergus. “You know, keep in touch.”

  “I will,” he stated calmly. “Take care.”

  “You too,” I murmured quietly. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  We hung up.

  There was silence all around.

  I turned, holding the pad of paper and pen poised to write. I smiled sweetly. Innocently. I motioned at the goods on the counter. “I think we’re probably free of any more phone calls, so we can start.”

  Fergus didn’t move except to cross his arms. “Elder Farrar.”

  The three other Prodigies standing in my living room watched. Quiet.

  The whisk tapped on Fergus’s bicep. “He’s been MIA for, like, twenty years. He’s one of the big guys of the war. He’s an utterly merciless, punishing individual.” His head tilted, staring at me thoroughly. “When you said you had experience with the Royals, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but he sure as hell wasn’t it.”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “He’s actually very kind.”

  He choked on a laugh, tipping the whisk in my direction. “You must be one of the few he does like.”

  “He’s said a few times he likes me.”

  A clearly incredulous expression passed over his features as he shook his head. “I wonder if anyone doesn’t like you.”

  “There are a few, I’m sure, since I’m not perfect.” I bounced my brows. “But more importantly, do you like me enough to start teaching me to cook?”

  Both sides of his lips tilted. “The Prodigy chef at your service, madam.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  I had no clue where the hell we were tonight—Venclaire had found the place. I only knew we were in New York City and I was having a blast. The music wasn’t God-awful as the beat was reminiscent of what I normally danced to in 2035. The drinks were never-ending as long as you paid a small fee, which was a special on Friday nights. The hotel we were in reminded me of a converted warehouse, and the place was darkened for the night’s masquerade party they were throwing in honor of a convention in town. I didn’t know which one, and I really didn’t care.

  The Prodigies had rented a suite in the hotel, and we were dressed funky as hell, even wearing the half-masks provided at the door. We moshed with the crowd while drinking.

  And drinking.

  And drinking.

  I twirled in my dark attire, having stylishly cut and ripped my only pair of black leather pants. My halter-neck top shimmered indigo, and my hair and eyebrows were spelled deep black—courtesy of Nelson. My eyes were lined heavily with silver and black liner, and my lips were glossed deep red. I grinned at the Prodigies and waved a finger at my glass, indicating I was going to get a refill. Breathless and content, I moved through the crowd as the only lights in the club twirled red, the air fogged with cigarette smoke.

  After two shots of vodka and a refilled glass of heavy-on-the-vodka screwdriver, I maneuvered back through the throng, merrily stumbling over people. But when I arrived to where I’d left the Prodigies, all four of them were grinding with multiple Mysticals. I winked at them and curved through the heated bodies, deciding to have a cigarette.

  At the fringes of the crowd, I bumped a rock-hard body dancing with a female.

  I couldn’t see very well in the dimness and with everyone’s powers undulating against me, but I felt the man stumble, grunting quietly and his drink sloshing worse than mine. When I helped steady him, his warm, enormous arms enveloped me, and he started dancing against me. I bopped my head to the beat, lifting my arms, and I started moving my hips with his. The woman next to us cursed before she turned and started dancing with someone else. At least I thought she did. It was hard to tell in the murkiness of the place. My eyes glowed to see as I moved, though I could hardly make out his blue eyes glowing down at me briefly through the eye-slits in his mask.

  I could scarcely hear him over the noise as he pulled me closer, guzzling a portion of his drink. “Are you here with someone?”

  Bumping into his hard-as-hell chest, I took a large drink, downing half of it.

  “Friends,” I shouted over the music. “You?” God, he felt wonderful against me, his size massive. I could recognize even through my drunken haze that he danced like sex and sin in his own drunken state.

  “A friend who’s working,” he grumbled. He dipped his head, banging his face against my neck briefly. “I wanted to leave, but he tried to get me drunk.”

  My body swayed, but he held on tight, stumbling with me. “You are drunk.”

  “So are you,” he mumbled, tilting his head back and grinning sloppily before downing the rest of his drink with one hand. His other warm palm was on my hip, keeping m
e close. Uncaring, he dropped his bottle on the ground when he finished it.

  In a rush, he bent and his mouth was on mine.

  I stilled for all of a heartbeat, my vision blurry as my head spun.

  Then it was spinning for a whole different, pleasant reason, rather than because of the splendid alcohol I had consumed. His lips were the softest I had ever felt, full and supple, yet dominating in attention. I pressed harder against them, groaning quietly. Vibrations tickled my lips as he moaned. His tongue darted out, slick and hot against my bottom lip. I swayed from drink and allure, and I opened for him, my own glass dropping to the floor. I fisted my hands in the softest curls imaginable, but oddly he didn’t dip his tongue inside my mouth. He merely continued to outline my lips, then he stroked my lips with his—with skill.

  It was heaven in an embrace.

  We started moving, my feet stumbling backward as he pushed us through the groping crowd. His mouth never left mine. Our lips meshed damn perfectly, a seamless, uncanny fit. His hands were running down to grip my ass hard, both of us moaning as we relocated. Panting against his mouth, I mumbled, “Where are we going?”

  “To the room I’m staying in with my friend,” he slurred, his right arm wrapping around my waist.

  Eyes closed, I managed to wobble my head in acceptance, stroking his lips greedily.

  Why the hell not?

  If I was stuck in this blasted time, I was going to have some fun.

  Real fun. Fucking finally.

  No consequences. No reasoning.

  And he, the man with the fucking body from paradise, was going to give it to me.

  Stumbling through the dark hallways of the club, we exited a back door into a brightly lit hallway. The abrupt, glaring light made me squint, and I kept my eyes shut against the heinous shine. He lifted me straight off my feet and we banged against a door across the hallway.

  He cursed quietly, releasing one of his arms that he had around my waist, and a second later the door against my back opened. We were inside a dark hotel room. He slammed the door closed behind us, setting me on my feet. Our motions became blurry again, fumbling with each other’s clothing as he walked me backward, each of us trying to undo buttons and zippers until we finally reached another door.

  Our hands were still busy tearing off each other’s clothes.

  Our masks disappeared in the blackness.

  Dizzy, and both of us blessedly naked, I grunted as we fell sideways against a wall, his weight heavy against my smaller frame. He turned us and lifted me, pressing my back against the wall. My legs automatically hooked around his lean waist. Vision was all but impossible in here, and I shouted when his hand went between my legs, two fingers instantly sliding between my folds.

  With complete dominance, he bit my neck roughly.

  My vision dimmed further, carnal pleasure evaporating the world around me.

  His talented fingers rubbed from my core to my clit, playing with me.

  I was suddenly on my hands and knees on the bed next to us, unsure how it happened. His heated body pressed against me from behind and his cock was shoving into me.

  His cock was…big.

  There was no other word for it as he stretched me completely full, past full. The feeling was not exactly one of pleasure. I shouted, dropping my head onto a pillow as he groaned long, the sound deep and purr-like. His fingers were digging into my hips while his own hips pulled back.

  Without mercy, he drove his hips forward.

  He passed my virginal barrier and buried himself deep inside me. He filled me painfully as his long, thick cock stretched my channel to its limits. With a choked scream caught in my throat, he stilled behind me. My muscles strained as my fingers dug into the soft mattress under me. Shallow, heavy panting was all I could hear for a few beats behind me.

  His voice was guttural. “Virgin.”

  “Not so much now.” I was trembling. “You’re fucking huge.”

  He grunted, his large palms running gently down my hips, petting me.

  With alcohol coursing through my system, time slowed. He started a relaxed rhythm behind me, a gentle coaxing as his cock pulled in and out of me, rubbing against my channel’s wet walls in a gentle glide. Slow and steady. Working my body to accommodate his size.

  When the pain finally subsided, I demanded, “More. Give me more.”

  “Fuck yes,” he murmured quietly on a moan, our breathing escalating as he pumped in and out of me. His rhythm increased until I was screaming under him, his hand fisting in my hair and yanking me up. My back slammed against his chest. One of his bulging arms gripped me around the waist, and his other hand slid down, his fingers delving to my clit. I jolted against him, but he held my hair tight. His teeth landed on my ear, nibbling softly. “You must be abnormally weak because you didn’t buck earlier, so I’m going to taste you.” I was confused, but his slick tongue pressed inside my mouth, stroking against mine sensually.

  I was lost in carnal bliss. I could kiss this man forever.

  His fingers stroked faster below and his cock pumped inside my tight channel.

  We groaned as we, indeed, tasted each other.

  A unique forest scent, like the scent before a rainfall and spiced with evergreen, wafted on the air. The scent was his, his smell of arousal, and it was a subtle scent that tickled my nose past the alcohol. I was confused for a second. In the club I had thought him a water Elemental, not an earth Elemental, but it must have been my glowing eyes that had reflected on his hair, making it appear blue instead of green. But it didn’t matter as our tongues slid against each other with insatiable hunger, perfectly in sync and making me quiver against him.

  He pinched my clit.

  My world crashed as I screamed into his mouth, my body convulsing and sending me over the edge. I drifted in a breeze of warm tranquilness as fire rocketed through my system, my core squeezing his cock. My entire body shook against him. His arm around me tightened as I bowed, my head arching back against his chest. He growled quietly, an odd noise in my haze. His own shout soon followed mine as he pumped his hips against mine chaotically before slamming into me so deeply I screamed again. His body trembled against mine, his cock pumping deep inside me, and warmth flooded my intimate channel as I went limp inside his strong embrace.

  We were falling.

  Falling forward.

  He barely caught us with a quick jerk of his arm.

  We landed in a smooth motion against the mattress.

  My eyelids closed in a fever of satisfaction, my head spinning from alcohol.

  I passed out.

  Moaning, my head killing me, I barely remembered whose hard body was pressed against my back. I swatted at the hand running across my bare hip. “Mu sleepz.”

  A quiet chuckle sounded against my ear, gravelly and deep. The hand stopped its wandering to hold me in the semi-darkness, predawn light filtering through the shuttered windows. He grumbled on a yawn, “Fine, I could use more sleep.”

  I went back under.

  Flickering my eyes open, my head didn’t hurt so badly. However, the bright light shining through the window wasn’t helping much. If I hadn’t been using my powers at low level recently, ramping up my immunity, I would have been in a lot more pain. Instead I just had a slight hangover.

  “What time’s it?” I muttered, rubbing my face and staring at a generic hotel wall.

  The answer I received was a light snore against the back of my head.

  I stretched, arching and groaning with the motion.

  The man behind me stirred slightly. He rumbled an incoherent word, his voice heavy with sleep as his head fell off mine onto the pillow beneath us.

  I rolled under the thin blanket, his warmth more than enough to keep me toasty through the night. He grumbled and stretched his naked body against my equally bare flesh. When I stopped turning, I came nose to nose with him.

  And froze.

  My breath caught inside my chest. Horror filled me in an instant, my stomach clut
ching. I squealed as I peered into striking, navy blue eyes.

  Black—black!—fucking curls dangled in sexy disarray around his face.

  A very recognizable face.

  Another damn face I had known in 2035.

  This was bad.

  One thought. My only thought.

  He’s going to kill me.

  I stared into the eyes of Elder Merrick.

  Thanks for reading CHOSEN FOOL. I hope you enjoyed it.

  If you’d like to know more about me, my books, or to connect with me online, you can visit my webpage, follow me on Twitter @ScarlettDawnUSA, or like my Facebook page Scarlet Dawn Author.

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  Reviews can help readers find books, and I am grateful for all honest reviews. Thank you for taking the time to let others know what you’ve read, and what you thought.

  You’ve just read a book in my FOREVER EVERMORE series. The other books in this series are KING HALL, KING CAVE, KING TOMB, and CHOSEN THIEF.

  This book was published by Escape Publishing. If you’d like to sample some more great books from my fellow Escape Artists, please turn the page.

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  King Hall

  Scarlett Dawn

  A fresh, meaty, sink-your-teeth-in-and-hold-on-tight new adult fantasy series kicks off with King Hall…

  King Hall — where the Mysticals go to learn their craft, get their degrees, and transition into adulthood. And where four new Rulers will rise and meet their destinies.

  Lily Ruckler is adept at one thing: survival. Born a Mystical hybrid, her mere existence is forbidden, but her nightmare is only about to start. Fluke, happenstance, and a deep personal loss finds Lily deeply entrenched with those who would destroy her simply for existing — The Mystical Kings. Being named future Queen of the Shifters shoves Lily into the spotlight, making her one of the most visible Mysticals in the world. But with risk comes a certain solace — her burgeoning friendships with the other three Rulers: a wicked Vampire, a wild-child Mage, and a playboy Elemental. Backed by their faith and trust, Lily begins to relax into her new life.


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