Raunchy 3

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Raunchy 3 Page 36

by T. Styles

With Queen and Foxie holding her steady, Jayden presses her face down and into the broken glass. Blood shoots from her skin as glass slivers wedge into the sockets of her eyes. She screams for relief from her friends but they are loyal to Jayden’s plan. Besides, Jayden told her time and time again not to fuck with her and Gucci wouldn’t listen. Now she was paying with her looks, the only thing she had left in life.

  When Jayden is done, the skin on her face hangs off like shreds of ground beef. The pain is so excruciating, she’s on the verge of passing out. Sebastian and Luh Rod step over to Gucci and throw her to the floor. Jayden stands over her and wipes the blood off of her hands and onto Gucci’s shirt.

  “I told you not to fuck with me, and you thought it was a joke. Now this shit is on you.” She looks at everyone else. “This is going to be a common fucking thing around here if my money is fucked with. If you feel like you can’t deal with my playbook, leave now. While you still can because after this, the door in and out is locked.” Gucci’s sniffling from the floor does not solicit walkers. “That’s what the fuck I thought.”

  Olive pulls Jayden to the side and whispers directly into her ear. Jayden can hear her clearly. “‘Bout time you put shit on the map, but if you ask me, you gonna have to do that a few more times.” She looks at Gucci’s crew.

  “At this point I don’t give a fuck anymore. That shit been long overdue.”

  “Can I give you a suggestion?”

  As much as Jayden hates somebody telling her what to do, she would be lying if she didn’t say Olive wasn’t on point with her advice. It was like she was her council. She also knew that at some point she would have to tighten the purse strings on her girls, but not until she collected the two hundred fifty thousand dollars which she almost raised. She would not have done Gucci so bad had her mother not gone and got herself locked up. Now she was going to have to pay to get her out, since Mrs. Sheers called everyday asking where Harmony was. She couldn’t risk her clients going astray. She was in deep shit. Two of her most frequent clients called earlier in the week and wanted to make appointments. Neither could meet up with Olive to give the money first, which was required, but she decided to let Spikes and Clay pay when they met up with her girls since she trusted them.

  “What do you want to tell me, Olive?”

  Olive is so close to Jayden their breasts touch. “You sure you don’t want to kill this bitch?” She looks down at her. “I have a feeling leaving her alive, will be a mistake.”

  Jayden considers what she said, but the thought of her walking around with a fucked up face was too juicy for her to pass up. “Naw, I think I’m good.” She looks at the Young Guns. “Sebastian, take this bitch anywhere but here.” She looks at everyone else. “The rest of you ready for work.”

  As her homegirl is getting thrown out on her ass like recycled plastic, Foxie feels like a traitor for not warning Gucci that Tywanda was on to their plan. But she feared had she said something, all of them would’ve been implanted in the crime. If anything Gucci deserves a medal for taking one for the team. And to prove her loyalty, she would make Jayden pay by taking control of the girls herself.



  Tonio Strong couldn’t wait to shut his friend Alexander down today. He’d been cool with him for most of high school and Alexander was always bragging about how many women he’d fucked and how irresistible he was to most chicks. With his sculpted muscles and model good looks, he wasn’t lying. Tonio’s puny body and pimple face was always an obstacle but today, as he walked into the gym, everything would change.

  “Damn, this bitch is crowded.” Alexander says. “I hope we can get a treadmill.”

  “I see two over there,” Tonio responds, scanning the gym for the girls he paid for. The moment he sees them jogging wearing tiny blue shorts and white t-shirts with no bras, he almost cums in his pants. He isn’t concerned with the two men on the stationary bike right behind them because he doesn’t know they’re threats. Sebastian and Luh Rod are always on point ready to protect the girls if need be.

  “Nigga, please tell me you see them bitches over there,” Alexander says geeking at the way their bodies jiggle in their outfits. “Let me go lay down my game on these whores and show you how its done.”

  Alexander flexes his muscles and walks over to the women. “Ladies, I don’t even know why you’re in here because both of you are already in perfect condition.” When they stop running on the treadmills they hop down and he can see the browns of Passion and Foxie’s nipples. “I feel like I’m in love. My only question is which one of you…”

  “We’re not interested.” Passion says wiping her face with a towel, as she makes her way to Tonio. Foxie follows her lead. “But you on the other hand, I’d love to get to know.” They grope him.

  “Damn, Passion, I was going after him too.” Foxie says pulling his hand toward her.

  Alexander’s ego is receiving blow after blow so a dark look takes over and he wants to do them harm. “You bitches can’t be serious!” He yells so loud he’s spitting. “You choosing this nigga over me?”

  “Who the fuck are you that we would even be interested?” Passion asks him. “If I say we ain’t with it we ain’t with it.” She drapes her arm over Tonio’s shoulder and it falls to his back. Her wet breasts press against his chest. “Because I’m all about your friend right now.”

  “Well I guess we’ll have to share him then won’t we?” Foxie says, grabbing the rim of his gym shorts and pulling him closer to her.

  Insanely jealous, Alexander grabs Passion’s arm forcefully, “I don’t know what you two bitches are up to but this shit ain’t funny.” He acts as if his friend is stealing his wife. “Ain’t nobody ever…” His words stop when he receives a ten-pound dumbbell to the top of the head courtesy of Sebastian. At first Tonio is worried for him until Passion and Foxie grab his hand and leads him to the back of the locker room. They leave Sebastian and Luh Rod to clean up his messy friend.

  Once in the men’s locker room, they go into a bathroom stall. Passion pushes him on the toilet and slides his shorts down to his ankles before dropping to her knees. Foxie, always the lazy slut, massages his shoulders and suck on his earlobes while she does all the major work. The moment Passion grabs a firm hold of his bat and slides him into her mouth, he wants to explode. But he paid top dollar for this experience and tries to occupy himself with other thoughts to delay his orgasm.

  I gotta get an oil change. Passion sucks his tip. I…I gotta…I gotta get a haircut. Passion spits on his dick two times, jerks him hard and stuffs him into her mouth again, no gag. I gotta take my mother to church in the morning. Passion slides two fingers under his nut sack and jiggles them slightly. I…gotta. I gotta. Fuck it! It’s too late; he feels a warm sensation take over. Going with the flow he stands up and pushes his dick into her face. The back of her head slams against the stall as his entire body presses against her. He doesn’t let her breathe until cream shoots into her mouth and he exhales. She accepts every drop.

  “Fuck!” he says looking down at her. “How the fuck you do that shit so good?”

  Passion holds her hand out and says, “Don’t tell me how you like it, show me.” He reaches into his shoe, takes out a wet twenty-dollar bill and slaps it into the palm of her hand. Since she hears all the time how much Tywanda makes in tips, she feels slighted.

  When Passion gets blessed, Foxie holds her hand out too. “You wanna do something to show me love?”

  Both he and Passion look at her crazy. “Not for nothing, baby, but I wasn’t looking for a massage. Your girl put it down; you were just her hype man. Thanks anyway.” He walks out leaving them to it.


  Passion and Foxie walk into the girl’s locker room to clean up. Foxie uses the opportunity to get into her ear. “Ain’t it fucked up what Jayden did to Gucci? She was in the hospital for one week and they still didn’t fix her face right. The only good thing is she’s going back to school.”
/>   Passion splashes some water on her shoulders. “I don’t want to talk about Gucci, and you shouldn’t either.”

  “Do you even care that Jayden has changed for the worst? She ruined her life. Gucci lost her boyfriend behind her ugly mug and everything. It’s sad, Passion. I mean, we grew up together, what are we gonna do to help?”

  “Gucci wasn’t fucking with me before she got her face chopped. As a matter of fact it’s because of her I started back getting high. You know it and so do I.” She throws some water in her mouth to wash off her tongue. The niggas spunk tastes like onions. “So I don’t see why I should be coming to the rescue for her. If you ask me, she almost got what she deserved.”

  “Did you know Jayden had something to do with Madjesty dumping you?” She lies.

  Passion turns the water off and now Foxie has her attention. “That don’t make sense, Jayden don’t even talk to Madjesty no more. Plus she got her baby and she won’t let Madjesty see him.”

  “She stopped ya’ll from being together before the baby shit. I’m telling you they were cool and that’s why Madjesty came by the house that day she broke up with you. Jayden told her if she loved her she wouldn’t fuck with you no more.” She continues to lie. “If you don’t have a problem with Jayden getting over on your relationship, I won’t either.”

  The recent episodes Passion is having with drugs fuck up her mind. “You know this for a fact?”

  “I swear to Jesus Christ our savior. When you were fucked up all that time, and wasn’t getting out of bed, Jayden told Madjesty not to fuck with you when she was calling the house. She wasn’t even concerned about the baby. It was all about keeping you away from Madjesty.”

  Passion begins to cry and she couldn’t lie, in her lovesick haze, Foxie was making a lot of sense. Whenever she wanted to talk about Madjesty, Jayden had a problem. She knew she shouldn’t have trusted that snake. “So what we gonna do?”

  “I say we go on strike. Make her remember that she needs us…not the other way around.” She says with a smile. “How many girls do you think you can get on your side in the house?”

  “If I try real hard, at least four of them.”

  “That’s cool because Jayden is saving up for something and we about to put that shit on pause right now.” She grins. “Once we put the bitch in her place, we’ll remind her who’s really in charge.”



  “I hear what you’re saying, baby.” Tywanda says standing naked in front of Spikes, one of Jayden’s frequent customers. The small motel room smells stale and feels hot and she and the others want to leave. “But our mommy said once you bust, you gotta pay. Normally Jay makes customers pay up front but you are a favorite so she sent us out anyway. So what’s up with our money? You were satisfied right?”

  “Of course.” He says rubbing his baldhead before licking his lips. His hairy toes stick out of the covers on the edge of the bed. “I’m gonna be dreaming about that shit for days.”

  She grins although she hates him. “Then pay us. Be fair.”

  Spikes wipes the sweat off of his face with the edge of the sheet. He just experienced an hour of great sex from Tywanda, Johnna and Jay-O and now he was faking on the payout. Had Jayden not been hard pressed to get her mother out of jail, she would not have allowed her heart to get in the way of business. Her policy was to always have Olive pick up the cash the day the appointment was scheduled before the girls went out. But Spikes couldn’t make the meet up time because he claimed he was coming from out of town and that he would give the money to the girls. He lied.

  “Why don’t the three of us get in bed and do our thing again.” He says. “And when I’m done, ya’ll can ride with me to the ATM and I’ll pull out $600.00. That’s $200.00 a piece you can pocket for yourselves.”

  The shit is laughable to them because with Jayden’s price of $600 per girl, each of them stood to make $300.00 anyway. “Let me get this straight before I crack off on you. We asking for our money and you saying you don’t got it or don’t want to give it to us? Which one is it?”


  Since he failed to answer, the girls begin to get dressed. “So I take it you’re not willing to accept my offer.” When they don’t answer he gets angry. “Jayden doesn’t own your pussies, you do.” He pats the bed. “Come on, get back in the bed and let’s finish it off.” The girls frown.

  “What happens next is on you.” Tywanda grabs her cell phone and goes into the bathroom. The girls shake their heads at his upcoming fate. Jayden’s pimp game is solid these days and nobody is fucking with her. When Tywanda returns she says, “You ‘bout to be a dead nigga. My mommy is on the way.”

  He jumps out of bed, gets dressed. “I’m not fucking with you bitches.” He grabs his wallet and moves to the door. The moment it opens he’s met with a thump to his eye socket courtesy of the handle of Sebastian’s .45. His body plummets to the thin carpet and his head knocks against the bed railing. “What’s going on?” Spikes yells rubbing his head. “What’s happening?”

  Sebastian and Luh Rod rush into the room and lock the door. No one says anything and when he tries to leave again Sebastian smacks him back down. “Don’t get up again.” He warns. “Stay right where you are. And wait.”

  After thirty minutes of suffering silence there is a knock at the door. Jayden walks in with a blank expression on her face. Her fashionably holey jeans wrap over her voluptuous thighs. When she snaps her fingers, Sebastian and Luh Rod grab Spikes and throw him on the bed. They maintain their hold on him although he struggles to get away. Jayden doesn’t say a word and the silence is killing him. He continues to buck the Young Guns until she eases out of her jeans. The room is so silent you can hear eyes wink. Standing in front of him with her white jacket, orange lace thongs and black stilettos, he can’t stop his dick from hardening. He’d been wanting to fuck the boss for a minute so this was a welcoming treat. But when he focuses on her eyes, he sees the evil.

  She reads his lips. “Jayden, he laughs, “You know me and you go way back. I’m not trying to knock your game. I patronize your business before you got the new girls. Remember how much money I use to spend with you for Passion alone?”

  She places a finger over his lips and eases out of her thong. Luh Rod is glued to her hairless pussy, which seems to be whispering his name. Shit is beyond sexy until everyone sees the seat of her panties is carrying a blood soaked pad. She balls it up in her hand and says, “Open your mouth, Spikes.”

  He looks at the underwear. “Jayden, what are you doing?”

  Sebastian hits him in the eye with the telephone. Blood spurts from his skin and wets up the hairs on his chest. “Fuck!” He screams wiping his eyebrows.

  “Open your mouth.” Jayden says calmly. It was either going to be her way or his. Although one led to death.

  With a strong desire to live and see his mother’s eyes again, he opens his jaws. Jayden stuffs the mess in his mouth and pushes his lips closed. The metal taste from her blood and the cotton from the pad dry his tongue out.

  “Spikes, I’m having a bad week.” She rubs his hairy, bloody chest. “A real bad one.” She leans over him naked from the waist down. “Now you’re going to give me my money and let me go on my way. If you don’t I will take out everything I’m going through on you. And I can promise you this, you’ll cry for death but it will never come.”

  He mouths as much as possible with the obstruction in his mouth. “Can I talk?” She nods yes and he uses his tongue to push the panties out. He swallows to clear his tongue. “Jayden, I only can take out $600.00 a day. That’s what I was trying to tell your girls.” He lies. “I wasn’t trying to get over on you.”

  She stands up straight, looks down at him and frowns. “Well you’re going to stay in this hotel for four days and each day you’ll withdraw $600.00. Starting today.”

  His eyebrows rise. “That’s $2,400.00 I only owe you $1,800.00.”

  “No…that’s the new pr
ice for fucking with my money and tasting my bloody pussy. And to make sure it goes down as planned, my boys over here will be watching after you. Understood?”

  A lone tear fell from his eyes. “Yes.”


  The Next Day

  Jayden is riding in the van on the way to confront her next broke client. It’s the second time in a week she was stiffed by a regular. After she got her money, she was done giving pussy away on tick. She would have never done it in the past, except her mother’s problems caused her not to think straight. When they were pulling up to the destination Jayden turns around to Tywanda, Passion and Tabitha and says, “Take off everything but your shoes.” They waste no time getting naked. “Park in the front of that real estate building, Metha. Over there.”

  She looks at her through the rearview mirror. “Jayden, can you tell me what’s going on?” She looks at the girls stripping. “Why are they getting naked?”

  Jayden twists in her seat. “For once in your life can you do something I ask you to do? Just park in the front.”

  “But it’s next to a fire hydrant.” She points to the red chipped mess.

  “That’s why you’re driving, if the cops come, move this bitch.”

  Metha shakes her head because Jayden was becoming worse by the day. She was all about money and often didn’t think about what her actions meant for other people. When she parks Jayden and the girls glide out. People’s jaws drops when they see the sexy spectacle outside. She struts through the real estate building’s double doors and past the receptionist.

  “Mam, what’s going on?” Jayden ignores the four-eyed bitch. “You can’t be in here! I’m calling the police.”

  “Help yourself.” Jayden says.

  She could care less as she heads for Clay’s elaborate office. It was obvious that they treated the boss well. Through the glass office, his eyes pop open when he sees the performance Jayden is putting on for his employees. Although he wants them to go away, they walk though his office door and close it behind him. Passion sits her naked ass on a stack of papers on his desk and crosses her legs. Her pussy juice smears a client’s mortgage papers. Tywanda stands in front of the window and waves at some passerby’s and Tabitha sits at a chair across from him with her legs wide open. Jayden remains standing by the door. Her eyes never leave his. She focuses on his lips.


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