Raunchy 3

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Raunchy 3 Page 39

by T. Styles

  The party is going full swing until I get a call that causes me to breakout in hives. “The cops are going to be there in fifteen minutes. They have pictures of men running in and out of your house tonight. I guess for some party. Be careful and be ready.” He hangs up. It’s great to have a policeman as a client.

  I quickly run through the house on full alert. “Code THIRTEEN! Code THIRTEEN!”

  Olive is on it and she quickly searches the house for the list while I put out everybody who didn’t live there. I’m positive that Gucci had something to do with this and she’ll regret it sooner than later. Olive was right, I should’ve taken her face and her life together. Fifteen minutes later my girls are changed and the men are gone but part two of my plan isn’t in effect yet.

  “Jayden, what’s going on?” My mother asks walking up on me. “I’m not trying to be involved with no police. I’m already on paper.”

  I look over her head like she’s an animal. “Sebastian and Luh Rod, take my mother downstairs and keep her there until shit cools down. However you gotta do it works for me. Draw blood if you need too.” They grip her by her arms and pull her down the stairs fussing and screaming. She’s not going to ruin this shit for me. When they are in the basement, I lock them in with the key, so the cops won’t be able to go downstairs and slide it into my pocket.

  I approach Olive and she says, “I reached some of the people on the list but the others wouldn’t answer the phone. Probably because school is tomorrow.”

  “Fuck!” I rub my throbbing temples. “Did you tell them that they need to come over soon as possible? And that it was our agreement?”

  “Some of them said they would try but it doesn’t sound too good.”

  I feel faint and look around. “Where is Hadiya?”

  “She’s dressed already so she’s bringing the baby down in a second.” She touches my hand. “I think we’re going to be okay no matter what happens. Try not to worry.”

  Nervous out of mind anyway, I go to deal with the police. The moment I step outside, I see the cops pulling up in front of the house. One of them is black and his body is built like a sack of rocks. He moves quickly toward me, flashes his badge and asks, “Are you Jayden Phillips?”

  “Yes.” I say softly. “What do you officers want?” I focus on his lips.

  He smirks. “I’m sure you already know but I’ll entertain you. For the moment anyway.” He laughs. “We received a report that you are running a prostitution ring out of your house. With underage girls. Is this correct?”

  I laugh even though I want to cry. “No, sir. I think you are mistaken, I’m running a babysitting service out of my house.”

  He looks at other officers with him before focusing back on me. “We were told you would say that. However, we received these pictures of men coming in and out of your home.” He shows me the photos and I feel my temperature rise. “So who are these people?”

  I take a photo from him. “Friends of my mother’s.” I give it back. “We are allowed to entertain aren’t we?”

  “You’re trying to be smart?”

  “No, sir I’m not trying to be anything. I’m very intelligent. Now my mother and her friends are gone so if there isn’t anything else, I’m busy.”

  He frowns and says, “Not so fast, this is a warrant,” he flashes a piece of paper at me which I scan quickly, “this way officers.” They push past me and rush into the house. I know I’m done. I wait outside and contemplate running away but where will I go? When I didn’t hear as much drama as I thought I would, I walk inside. What I see makes me want to drop to my knees.

  Sitting in the living room was my girls in cute colorful pajama pants and some of the kids on the list. Teddy bears and other toys we had stashed for this day are thrown around the floor and Hadiya is rocking my nephew. I realized a long time ago that there was a possibility that one of my bitches would hate and tell the police, so I greased the palm of all of the parents on the list I created a while back. Gucci didn’t know about this part of the plan. They live in the neighborhood and every month they get a few bucks to give me access to their children in the event the police raided my home. I call it insurance and I hoped I didn’t need to use it but I clearly did.

  Officer Sack of Rocks walks up to me with his peers behind him. I read his lips. “You’re real cute aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrug and try to look innocent.

  “I’m sure you do. Where is your mother?”

  “I told you officer, she isn’t here. But we are all over the age of 16 and therefore able to watch ourselves. And Olive here is an adult so we’re even better.”

  He is so mad at me his eyes redden. He checks Olive’s ID and calls it in. Everything checks out. “Why is that door over there locked?” He points at the basement.

  “Because we keep it locked.”

  “But we have a warrant.”

  “Sir, the warrant you flashed was for the living areas and the rooms. Did you and your officers check those areas?” He’s silent. “Sir…did you?” I already know he did. “The basement is rented out and is not ours to let you in.”

  “You may have won this round, but you better hope I never have to come back here again. I’m not sure if you have somebody in the police department working on your side but I always get my man,” he eyes me, “or bitch. Remember that.”

  Present Day

  Green Door – Adult Mental Health Care Clinic

  Northwest, Washington DC

  Christina sat back in her chair and exhaled. Harmony led a life fit for a movie. “So when did she have you sign over guardianship? To her friend?”

  Harmony leans back in her chair. “Last week.”

  “Wow, I’m so taken back by you.” She sighs. “Just when I think I’ve heard it all, you tell me a little more.”

  “It’s my world, I don’t make it rotate.”

  “I know…but of course you told me some things that I might have to share with the authorities. Like the murders your children committed and those types of things like that.” She makes notes on her chart. “Our client confidentiality agreement goes but so far you know.”

  Harmony grins. “You won’t do that.”

  She giggles. “Why not?”

  “Because I came in here drunk and your employees saw me. Remember, she asked was I okay before I even walked in. And if you needed her to call the cops,” Harmony responds. “If I have to, I could always say that I have no idea what you’re talking about. Besides, without bodies you can’t prove a thing.”

  Her forehead creases. “You came in here drunk on purpose. Didn’t you? Just to fuck with my mind”


  “I really had hopes for you Harmony but its obvious that you will always be what you are, a sad woman who abused her children and herself. I feel sorry for you.”

  Harmony stands up. “Don’t feel sorry for me. I finally know what I have to do and I owe it all to you.” She walks to the door. “Christina, if there’s any consolation, you did make me realize a lot about myself. I should never have had any children. I didn’t have the right to bring them into my fucked up world. If I knew back then what I know now, I would’ve taken that gun out of Constance hands and killed myself instead.” She sighed. “Have a nice life. You not too bad after all.”



  The music sounds so good driving in my new white Benz even though I’m still impacted by the surgery. And for some reason the night sky looks sexy. I bought my car when I turned sixteen. At first I was angry that nobody came to pick me up from the hospital after my ear surgery. I got over it when I realized life for me can’t get shit but better. Plus Olive went to visit her family in Virginia and most of Thirteen Flavors were too busy enjoying their one day off.

  They told me Metha quit when I was in the hospital, a punk move since she could’ve told me to my face but fuck that bitch. She told Olive that her conscious wouldn’t allow her to work for s
omeone who sold sex. This after you took my money? Really? Fucking slut! I’d given her so much cash over the course of our relationship; you’d think she’d be more grateful. She better keep her mouth closed, or I’m coming for her too. The messed up part was that she was the one person who kept it real with me, with the exception of Olive. I gotta take care of my nephew and run my bitches with an iron fist. I have no time to think about my driver.

  I’m driving down the street until I pull up at a light and a cutie in a red Suburban smiles at me from my left. He isn’t as sexy as Sebastian, or even Kreshon for that matter, but he’s cute enough to make me notice. “Pull over for a second, baby. Let me talk to you.”

  “I got something to do tonight, maybe next life time.” He grins and I speed off.

  I don’t entertain him because I have to check on my house. There will be plenty time for playing. When I pull up in front of Concord, before I even open the door, I hear yelling from the inside. “You not the boss of me, bitch! Jayden may have said you are in charge tomorrow, but it’s my day off tonight!” Tywanda yells. “I’m sick of all this fake shit around here anyway.” She’s probably talking to Jay-O who I put in charge since Hadiya is out of town, either way right now I don’t want to be bothered.

  I decide at that moment that I’m not going inside. Instead I park my Benz and grab my truck. I want to be in my father’s energy and since this was once his car, it makes me feel safe. I put Hadiya and Cassius up in a hotel in Atlanta so she could visit her family. Since the baby is not here, I might as well take advantage of this time off. I drive up the street not sure where I’m going. When I see Strawberry Lounge, I decide to pull over and have some wine. To my surprise when I walk inside with my fake ID, the place is packed. I’m kicking it at the bar until a nigga with a fitted blue New York Yankee cap pulls up on me. His expression is straight but his eyes tell me exactly what he wants…pussy.

  “Sexy.” Is all he says to me at first and then he licks his lips.

  “Thanks.” I play with the rim of my wine glass. “I appreciate it.”

  “You with somebody?” He looks around the dark club. “Because I don’t want to get myself all excited about you, only for a nigga to claim you later. I’m jealous that way.”

  “I’m single when I want to be, which is most of the time.”

  “Fucking with me you not going to be single for long.”

  I blush and whip my hair around my shoulder. One of my curls drops into my glass. He grabs a napkin, takes it out and wipes it off. “That’s all your hair ain’t it?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  He steps up to me, runs his fingers through my hair and smiles. “Sexy ass, bitch.” He shakes his head. “I know for a fact somebody claiming you.”

  “Let’s just say I’ve had a tough couple of weeks, and right now I’m here with you, so lets enjoy the moment. Who cares about anybody else? Fair enough?”

  He smiles. “I feel you, so how about we get out of here and get some breakfast.” He tugs his cap and it reminds me of my sister. That’s when I see it. Something about him is off. “I just want to get you alone in a place not so loud.”

  I know what this is about and for real, I don’t have time for the long version. I like to fuck and he’s cute enough for me to let him hit, and since I like to have sex in my bed I decide to take him home. “If you want a little quiet, how ‘bout we leave this spot and go to my place.”

  He grins. “Hold up, shawty. It ain’t about all that with me. Let’s grab something to eat, have some conversation and if you still wanna dip back to your crib, I’m with that all the way.”


  We eat a nice breakfast and an hour later, the only thing on my mind is sex. I like how he carries himself and he appears low key. When we make it back to my house, the moment I place my key into the door, I know something is off. He steps up close to me and I can’t move. It’s completely dark inside and when I turn around to look at him, there’s a frown on his face. He pushes me inside and my body slides on the floor and into someone’s legs. There is a lot of whimpering and the feeling of fear is so strong, it gives me chill bumps. When I smell strong alcohol and a Frito scent, I know its Tywanda. The door slams and the light flips on. I see Tywanda and Jay-O tied back to back on the floor, and their mouths are covered with duct tape.

  I look at the nigga I brought home. “What’s going on?” He’s been with me the entire time, so I try to figure out when he planned this robbery. I’m about to reach for the knife in my pocket but he’s watching me now. It’s not the right time.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch. I’m running this shit…now where is the fucking money?” His voice is flat and emotionless.

  “What is this about?” I’m confused and the sound of my girls whimpering puts me on edge. “I don’t have shit in here you would want. I promise!”

  “Stop fucking playing games! I know you wouldn’t be in this big ass house without holding paper.” He looks around. “Give me the money or I’ma shoot so many holes in you, you’ll need a blood transfusion!”

  “I wouldn’t fuck around with you.” I cry. “I don’t have anything in here!”

  “Is that why you switched from a Benz to an Escalade? Because you don’t have no paper?” How does he know that? I met him at the bar, not here.

  While I’m trying to sort it all out, another man whose face I do recognize appears from the back. He’s eating a crab leg. “What took you so fucking long? I was about to kill these bitches and bounce.” He throws the shells on the floor.

  “I wanted to give you enough time to find the paper. And when you texted me that you didn’t, I came here.”

  I finally remember where I saw the other dude. He was smiling at me at the light on my way to the house in a Suburban. It all makes sense now. They must’ve followed me home and when I didn’t come inside they split up. One came with me and the other to my house.

  “Hey, beautiful, remember me?” he asks. “I wish we could’ve met under different circumstances. But that’s how life goes.”

  “Look, I don’t have anything here. Please don’t hurt me or my girls.”

  The dude who smiled at me on the road, grabs me by the hair and forces me up the stairs. Then he moves me toward my mother’s room. My heart rate kicks up. I don’t want them to harm her. “Look…my room is over there.” I point, wanting them to stay away from her. “I got a little money there. Let me give you what you need and you can go about your business.”

  “Bitch, we already know your peoples is in there.” When they open my mother’s door, her face is beaten so badly she looks disguised. It’s a crime scene. Something from CSI. Blood is everywhere. On the walls, the carpet and even the curtains. They beat her like they hated her. This shit is personal.

  He releases my hair and I try to run over toward her but they stop me by pulling me back. “Mommy…say something to me!”

  She isn’t moving and I can’t breathe. I can’t see straight. Both of them are now in the room with me. “Your mother took a bullet to the stomach. She’ll probably live if you tell us where the dough is because you can call the cops. We brought you in here to know how serious we are. Now we gonna ask you again, where is the paper?”

  “In my room. Oh my, God its in my room. Please don’t hurt my mother anymore. She’s sick.”

  “Then take us to the stacks!”

  “I will.” I try to stop crying. “Just let me talk to her first. To tell her I love her in case she dies. Please.”

  “We don’t have time for that shit.”

  “If I don’t check on my mother I won’t remember the code to the safe.” I look at them seriously. “And then you can just kill me anyway. If you could’ve found the money you would be gone already. You need me.” I cry again. “Matter of fact, kill me now.” I call their bluff.

  They look at each other and my date says, “Hurry up, bitch. If I see you being slick, I’ma flatten you and her together.”

  I rush toward her and drop to
my knees. I can barely see her facial features and I wipe some of the blood out of her eyes. “Mommy, are you okay?” I ask lifting her head. “I’m so sorry about this, please forgive me.”

  “Make it quick, slut.” Mr. Smiles says. “We ain’t got time for all of this shit.”

  “One more second. Please.” When she opens her eyes I smile. “Hi, mommy. I never wanted you to be hurt like this. I only wanted you to do better and now this is all my fault.” I know she has HIV but I don’t care at the moment. I just want her to survive.

  “Jayden, be careful with my blood.” She says in a low voice. “D-do you remember that time…when you were gone for three days?” I nod. “I looked….everywhere for you.” I’m on pause. I never knew this until now. “I went to the cops and everything,” she moans in pain, “I even tried to stop drinking for a whole day. It didn’t work and I felt like a failure when I couldn’t find you and I hated myself even more for letting you down. So I took it out on you and that made me a coward. I pit you and your sister against each other, repair the relationship if you can,” She cries out in pain again and clenches her stomach. “Please forgive me, Jayden. And take care of yourself and Mad…” Her eyes close.

  “Mommy,” I wipe the tears off of my face and her blood smears everywhere. “Talk to me. You always pull through, mommy. Do it again now, when I need you. Please.”

  “Hurry up, bitch.” My date says.

  I feel so much hate toward them and it’s hard to control. On the sly I take the knife out of my pocket, flick it open and coat it with her blood. When I see them moving toward me, I cut one of them on the thigh and the other on the knee. They’re so angry they beat me until I forget who I am. Forget where I’m at. When they’re done, they pull me toward my room by my hair. Both of them are hobbling. Good!

  “Where the fuck is the money?” Mr. Smiles asks holding his thigh.

  “In the bathroom.” He grabs me by the hair again and pulls me in the bathroom. Once there, he throws me on the tub. My tooth hits the edge and falls down my mouth. I swallow it. “Get the money, bitch.” He says, breathing hard. “Now! I’m tired of fucking around with you and your drunk ass mother.” Wait…how did he know my mother is a drunk?


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