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Chasing Peace, Love & Fur [3xtasy Lake 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Corinne Davies

  “You are so beautiful.” Luc’s voice sounded like he was in an art gallery looking at a master’s work. Georges stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head. Luc wasted no time lifting Clara higher on the bed as he pressed kisses against her soft tummy. She boldly looked at him as Luc pulled her panties to the side and ran his tongue over her folds.

  Georges roughly pulled down the zipper of his jeans and drove his hand into his underwear, grabbing the base of his cock in a tight grip. The fear that he might not get his jeans off before coming over his hand was a distinct possibility for a moment. His balls pulled up tight against his body and he felt the telltale white hot tingle at the base of his spine.

  He’d always loved to watch a woman’s arousal, the delicate curve of her neck as she pushed her cheek against her pillow. The elegant curve to her back when arched and the soft gasps of air before she moaned. But having his Mate look at him while his brother pleasured her was almost more than he could handle.

  It didn’t take more than a moment for him to shuck his clothes and crawl up on the bed by her shoulder. She immediately turned toward him and reached out for his cock.

  “You don’t have to. I’m happy to watch for a bit.” The words sounded strained to even his ears but he didn’t want her to feel obligated.

  “No, I want to—” Her voice cut off as a shudder racked her frame and she gasped.

  “Whatever you did, do it again, Luc.” His brother’s low chuckle followed Georges’s comment and Clara shivered. Her nipples were like the tips of a pencil eraser.

  Georges let her lead his cock to her lips, clenching his jaw as she wrapped her hot wet lips around his cock. Her tongue flicked the tip before she sucked on him. “Fuck yea, Clara. Goddamn that feels good.” He reached out and tweaked one of her nipples between his fingers, rolling the hard tight nub against his palm.

  With her delicate hand wrapped around the base of his cock preventing him from choking her, Georges relaxed and gently shuttled his cock in and out of her mouth. The divine sensation of her hot little mouth sucking on him was tearing away his self-control faster than he ever could have imagined. His stomach muscles clenched and he curled his toes, fighting the urge to let go. His inner moose was head-butting against his senses, wanting to claim their Mate. Clara moaned and the vibration travelled up his cock and straight to his balls. It felt like she was caressing every nerve in his body at once. He curled over and slid his hand under her luxurious dark hair and wrapped around the back of her neck, supporting her, making her look up at him. “That’s right, Clara. You like what Luc is doing to you, don’t you?” Her eyes were half-closed and passion slacked her face. She looked like a goddess being ravished and loving every second of it. “Does he have his fingers up inside of you, finger fucking that pretty pink pussy of yours?”

  A sharp tearing noise rent the air and if Georges wasn’t so close to coming himself, he would have laughed at his brother’s impatience. Clara’s panties didn’t stand a chance against a very determined Luc Benoit. Her eyes widened slightly before she moaned deep in her throat. Georges glanced over to confirm what he thought was going on. Luc had one knee on the bed with Clara’s leg hiked high on his hip as he slowly rocked his large cock into her. With every stroke Clara moaned and a little more control was ripped from Georges’s tenuous grasp.

  “Oh, yeah, darlin’.” Luc supported her hip with one hand and reached down to manipulate Clara’s clit as he fucked her. Georges wanted to cheer them both on but was too busy balancing on a knife edge of pleasure.

  Their Mate shuddered and curled up, her hand wrapped around Georges’s thigh, and he felt her nails pressing against his skin. She sucked harder on him, hollowing out her cheeks as she scratched him. He felt his balls pulse and the heat of his orgasm burn a path down his spine. “God, let go, Clara. I can’t stop.”

  But she didn’t. The entire universe narrowed down to the two of them as he came, shouting out his release toward the ceiling. She swallowed every drop, running her tongue over his hypersensitive tip as he trembled, releasing his cock with a soft pop. Georges collapsed on the bed, his thoughts a hazy bundle of mush after experiencing the most incredible orgasm of his lifetime.

  He moved closer to Clara, instinctually following what his animal demanded. Wrapping one hand over her breast, he manipulated her nipples, rolling them between his fingers as he pressed kisses against her neck and ear. Her natural scent was like a siren’s song he couldn’t resist. When she tipped over the edge, he was entranced with the ecstasy that crossed her features. Luc fucked her hard, extending her release as he followed her, roaring out his release much as Georges had.

  Luc collapsed on the other side of Clara, cuddling up to her left side as Georges claimed her right. The three of them lay there, gasping for breath. Georges felt a twinge of regret that Nouel hadn’t been there, but there would be time for that. Clara was their Mate and he was going to do anything he needed to in order to convince her to stay.

  Chapter Seven

  A loud smash woke Clara, jolting her out of her slumber. Having her sleep disturbed always put her in a bad mood, but waking to a cold empty bed when she’d fallen asleep cuddled against Georges’s chest made it worse. She peered at the window. It was much lighter out than she’d expected, but the sun had broken past the horizon when she’d fallen asleep last night. She and Nouel had plenty of time together during the day, so her nights had been devoted to Luc and Georges.

  Each day that passed made her question her plan to leave and live on her own. Her original plan was to be long gone by now but there was something about the Benoit brothers that made her hesitate. They were so different from the men she’d grown up knowing. Could I make a life here?

  She and Nouel were still working together organizing the shop’s taxes. What would have been a mind-numbingly boring job was so much fun sharing it with someone else. Nouel loved to tease her and distract her attentions when he thought she was working too hard. His light-hearted attitude towards life made her reconsider a lot of the decisions she had made.

  Luc and Georges were equally distracting in their intense attentions toward her. While they were more dominant than their younger brother, she never felt even a hint of concern with them. There were a few moments when she wondered if she was being lulled into a false sense of security. What would happen if they really lost their tempers? Would she find herself trapped in another abusive home? Also, she’d been there for three days and the trio still hadn’t taken her together, and she wasn’t entirely certain why.

  Perhaps because they know you’re holding back? It wasn’t the first time she’d had that thought. Luc hadn’t pressed her for information when she refused his offer to head out into the forest to stretch her bear’s legs but she knew he wanted to. The three of them were very comfortable with their animal side, and it bothered her that she couldn’t trust hers.

  Despite her concerns, the past couple days had passed like she was floating in a dream. The guys were attentive and incredibly demonstrative in how much they liked her. Luc and Georges had to go into their business garage to work as she and Nouel continued to work on the bookkeeping. But, she’d been able to spend time with each of them, getting to know them. The weather was still nasty but when the roads had reopened, they’d taken her to the cutest little diner in town. It was called the Shack. A terrible name in Clara’s opinion, but the pastries in there made up for it.

  A dark cloud hung over her seemingly perfect retreat. Every time she looked at her phone, there were multiple messages left from her father and Eddie. She hadn’t gotten up the courage to listen to any of them, uninterested in their warnings or threats. But she knew her time here was coming to an end. Sooner or later someone would show up, following her trail, and if they found her here…She wouldn’t allow any threat against Luc, Georges, or Nouel because of her. They continued to make comments about her being their Mate, but she didn’t feel it. The magical link she’d dreamed about since she was a child was missing, which m
eant she’d damaged her link to her animal instincts more than she ever imagined, or they were wrong.

  The sound of something splintering followed by a low grunt had her scrambling for her clothes. She was afraid of what she might find downstairs. As wonderful as the last couple days had been, she felt like each of them were competing for her attention. She’d been keeping a mental tally of everything she did with each of them to keep it even and not show favouritism, but it had gotten frustrating very quickly.

  “Motherfucker!” Nouel’s voice sounded animalistic and a second later Clara heard the distinct sound of a glass door being shattered. Her mind immediately thought of the large double garden doors that lead from the kitchen to the back deck.

  Pulling on her clothes, she rushed downstairs only to have her fears confirmed. Sheets of paper blew in scattered directions across the floor. There was a bitter wind blowing through the now broken doors. Beyond that she could see the three of them trading punches and wrestling with each other. This is my fault.

  “There are two of us, we should have more time.”

  “You two are going at her at the same time like a two for one sale.”

  The three of them continued to yell at each other until it dissolved into nothing but insults. Clara knew that moose were possessive but this was ridiculous. She’d left her community to get away from displays of violence and wasn’t about to stand here and be the cause of it. This is exactly why I should have waited and found myself a nice rational human. They were kind and considerate and not a couple of head-bashing alpha shape-shifters.

  She picked up a sheet of paper that blew onto one of her feet. Her name at the top of it and it looked suspiciously like a calendar or schedule. Are they planning who gets me when? The animal buried deep inside rebelled at the thought and forced her temper past her shields.

  She grabbed one of the kitchen chairs, stomped out onto the deck, and tossed it over the deck railing. “Stop it! I’m not a bone to be fought over by three headstrong, horny dogs.”

  Luc was staring at her as if she’d lost her mind and Georges was looking in the direction the chair had flown. Nouel was the first one to speak. “I thought bears had better noses than that? We’re moose, not dogs.”

  She took a deep breath as she tried to pull her frayed control back together and push back against that damn animal inside of her. “Right now I don’t see much of a difference.” Turning on her heel, she marched toward the stairs. “I’m leaving. The three of you can go hump a tree.”

  “Your car isn’t working yet, Clara. You can’t walk to Toronto in the snow.”

  “Yeah, well I’m not stupid, Georges. Don’t think I hadn’t figured out that you or Luc fucked with it. River will come and pick me up. I want the three of you to stay the hell away from me.” Her hands shook as the darkness strained against the ever-thinning barrier of control she’d worked so hard to maintain. “Fix whatever you did and I’ll ask someone to come by and pick it up.”

  “You can walk away just like this?”

  The pain she heard in Nouel’s tone stopped her at the patio door. He might not have been the one to force her to stay but she knew he’d been part of the lie through omission. “There is nothing to walk away from, Nouel.” She glanced at the reflection in the glass and saw that both Luc and Georges had Nouel by an arm. He must have rushed toward her and they held him back. That hurts, but they’re right. Better to sever it all now and they’ll get over me.

  “We had fun but you three are under a delusion that I’m the woman for you. You’re so desperate to share one woman that you were willing to grab the first piece of ass that falls into your lap. I’m not so disconnected from my inner animal that I can’t tell I’m not the one for you.”

  She felt a vicious slam against her inner barrier at the lie, making her fear that she really would lose control this time. But it was followed by a dejected silence. Maybe that evil animal has finally gotten the hint? They didn’t stop her as she entered the house. She called River and asked if she would mind coming to get her and then quickly gathered up her things and shoved them into her carpet bag. When she descended the stairs, the guys weren’t anywhere to be seen. Sure it would have been unrealistic for her to think they would fight for her, but that was her own selfish needs talking. She wanted them to make her believe they were different.

  She pulled on her coat, scarf, hat, and mitts, all the while remembering the days when she could have left the house in a sundress in the middle of winter and not felt the cold. The ache in her heart left her wondering if she would ever feel warm again. When she opened the door she discovered they weren’t hiding after all. Her heart kicked heavily in her chest at the sight of them standing on the porch together. Luc looked pissed off, Georges’s expression was completely blank, and Nouel looked like someone had just broken his favourite toy.

  Steeling her resolve, she passed by each of them without giving them a second look and kept her gaze on River McNamara, who was sitting in the driver’s seat of a large SUV in the driveway. She was gnawing at her lower lip and looked like she was tempted to pull away. Clara picked up her pace in case River decided to leave without her.

  “Are you sure you’re making the right decision, Clara?” she asked as soon as Clara was seated in the passenger seat.

  “Honestly, no, but I will not have my choices taken away from me like that ever again.”

  “So if they had asked you to stay?”

  “I probably would have.” Clara wouldn’t lie to herself about that. There had been something special about the three Benoit brothers she’d felt right away. They made her feel special and almost normal for a while but nothing that perfect could last. “I don’t know for how long, but it doesn’t matter now.”

  “Fair enough.” River gave the boys a small wave and pulled away from their house.

  Clara dared a quick peek in the rearview mirror and saw the three of them standing there, staring at the vehicle until they turned a corner. Her heart felt like a ten-pound weight in her chest and the darkness she’d often battled internally was strangely silent.

  “Thank you for coming to pick me up, River.”

  “No problem. We’re friends and I know how overwhelming it can be to be Mated to three men. Sometimes a girl needs her space so she can think clearly.”

  “I don’t know if I’m really meant to be their Mate.” Just speaking the words out loud made her chest clench painfully. How could she trust them to be right about this? Shouldn’t she instinctively know, regardless of the stranglehold she kept on her inner self?

  “Whatever did they do to make you question that?

  “It’s not them, it’s me. I’m really messed up, River.” I’m broken. She didn’t know if she’d ever be able to be a proper Mate to them. Perhaps Fate was making her pay the ultimate price for denying her heritage, but then how could she embrace something so dangerous and evil and still think of herself as a good person?

  “Clara, when was the last time you shifted and let your bear out to play?”

  “Bears don’t play. They slaughter and kill and I will never put anyone in that kind of danger.” Even she was surprised at the venom in her own tone. It was the first time she’d acknowledged her self-loathing out loud and it sounded so wrong.

  “Yeah, I know all about hating yourself. I hid what I am for years and tried to pretend I was something I wasn’t. In the end, what I hated is what saved my life. My bears loved me for me and that meant embracing that part of myself I’d always tried to hide.”

  Clara didn’t know how to respond. River’s Mates were completely different from any bear that Clara had ever met before. How did she explain to River that the mad dangerous creature inside of her wasn’t worth embracing and certainly not worth the love the Benoit brothers?

  * * * *

  “Thor? Are you kidding me?” Clara sat in the corner of a large sofa, drinking hot chocolate out of a large mug displaying the logo of the Big Bear Brewery. River’s friend Tara was curled up in a
large chair on the other side of the coffee table holding her own mug. River had brought Clara straight to her house after picking her up from the Benoits. Thankfully her Mates, Hugh, Boyd, and Gavin hadn’t asked her any questions about what was going on so she had to assume that River had filled them in.

  Tara had called a short time later and invited them all over to her place for lunch. Clara was a little nervous meeting new people but Tara turned out to be every bit as friendly as River. “I would have thought you’d be team Loki for sure. A gothic bad boy with such a panty-melting accent…”

  River McNamara sat on the other side of the sofa, drinking her hot chocolate out of a large black mug decorated with different coloured sparkly skulls. “I’ll grant you the panty-melting accent and lovely contrast between his pale skin and black hair, but Thor has all that hair and scruffy beard. A burly chest covered in hair that tickles in all the right places. No contest.”

  Clara laughed. “I’ve never seen a topless picture of Thor. That’s a sight I’m sure I’d remember, but since your description sounds so very bearish I can see your point of view.”

  “He’s very bearish, isn’t he?” River grinned and stretched her long legs out in front of her.

  For someone Mated to bears, Clara was surprised that the gothic woman was as happy as she was. Being mated to one of her own kind felt like it would be a fate worse than death. River didn’t strike her as the kind of woman to stay on her knees because she’d been ordered to by a male.

  “River, may I ask you a very personal question?” Clara didn’t want to destroy this woman’s happiness but she couldn’t let her blindly stay with bears who’d hurt her.

  “Sure, fire away. I would imagine you have a lot of questions. Hugh has told me a bit about the culture you came from. I’d imagine this is all very different for you.”


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