Murder in the Vatican

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Murder in the Vatican Page 39

by Lucien Gregoire

  The Brigades had no motive to terrorize the general public. After all, the population was very much on its side as demonstrated in the elections and the polls. The mission of the Brigades was solely to terrorize the rich and powerful who were restraining the population’s movement toward communism as it was defined at the time in Italy—a society that affords every child an equal opportunity to make his or her contribution back to society.

  Major players in terrorism in Italy

  Operation Gladio: right wing covert military operation established by the CIA and Vice President Richard Nixon in Europe in 1958 with a primary presence in Italy and Spain with a mission to stamp out communism—revolution of the poor—in NATO countries.28

  In tried criminal cases, its members were convicted of more than half of the bombings and assassinations that terrorized Italy in the 1970s. Its members were primarily anti-communist fascist dissidents and former Nazis. It was financed principally by the CIA.29

  Ordine Nuovo: Italian right wing neo-fascist organization which carried out a series of bombings in the 1970s in protest of the communist movement in Italy. It financed itself by carrying out covert activities and providing expertise to Operation Gladio.30

  Avanguardia Nazionale: Italian right wing neo-fascist terrorist organization linked to Operation Condor and Operation Gladio. It financed itself by carrying out blackmailings and other undercover activities and providing expertise to both these organizations.31

  Operation Condor: Chilean based right wing covert operation organized by the secret service of the Condor Countries of South America including Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia Brazil, Ecuador and Peru in the mid-70s—all countries ruled by extreme right wing military dictators—countries which would fall to communism should Paul’s Liberation Theology and subsequently John Paul’s Liberation of the Poor take hold in Central America.

  In 1976, CIA Director George Bush annexed Condor into the CIA’s family of covert operations and extended its operations into Central America. Later he extended it to Italy when convictions of Operation Gladio’ members in connection with bombings had weakened its effectiveness. Bush stepped up operations of Operation Condor in Central America when the renegade priest Oscar Romero was made a bishop by Paul VI in El Salvador.32

  Propaganda Due commonly known as P2: right wing clandestine Masonic Lodge operating in Italy and inside the Vatican in the 1970s. It had an army of professional hit-men, some working as maintenance workers in the Vatican. Several of its members were brought to trial and convicted of assassinations and bombings in Italy in the 1970s. It financed itself by carrying out covert activities including capital crimes for anyone for cash which eventually made its leader, former Nazi Licio Gelli, one of the richest men in Europe. Much of its revenues came from the CIA. Actual court convictions establish P2 as the No. 2 killer organization in Italy in the 1970s.33

  Opus Dei: right wing cult founded by Jose Maria Escriva which together with the Franco regime terrorized the Spanish people for decades. Its mission is to control the moral pulse of the world through control of the papacy and judicial branches of nations.34

  CIA strategy exposed

  These right wing organizations and others like them shared the CIA-NATO-Gladio anti-communist strategy which had been set into motion immediately after Richard Nixon took office in 1969.

  The CIA-NATO-Gladio strategy was to carry out a wave of bombings and assassinations in Italy designed to turn the mindset of the Italian people against communism. An instrumental part of the plot was to plant incriminating evidence to frame the Red Brigades and turn the people against communism.

  There were other right wing terrorist groups operating in Italy at the time, but the CIA’s Operation Gladio allied itself with Ordine Nuovo and Avanguardia Nazionale because these organizations had recognized forensic and explosive experts who could be called upon to lock up convictions against the Red Brigades. Gladio allied itself with P2 insofar as covert executions were a part of the game.

  The scheme started out with a bang in December 1969 with the bombing of Piazza Fontana—a Milan bank—leaving 17 dead and 90 wounded, followed by a wave of terrorist activities thru the 1970s cumulating with the August 1980 bombing of the Bologna train station leaving 92 dead 300 wounded.35

  When the reign of American right wing terrorism in Italy came to an end, 491 innocent civilians were dead and over four thousand permanently maimed—the American government made the Italian people pay dearly for voicing their opinion in free elections.36

  This CIA strategy—to terrorize the Italian population and frame the Red Brigades and turn its mindset against the youth group and communism—was exposed in the courts many times.

  On May 31, 1972, a car-bomb in Peteano killed three policemen. A circled five pointed star—the symbol of the Brigades—had been scrawled on the hood of the demolished car. Members of the Brigades were brought to trial.

  A casual film taken by a tourist introduced by the defense showed Vincenzo Vinciguerra of Avanguardia Nazionale scratching the Brigades symbol on the hood of the car. 37

  Court proceedings proved Marco Morin of Ordine Nuovo, an explosive expert in the Italian police, deliberately provided false expertise in testifying explosives used were the same as those used by the Red Brigades. Other expert testimony demonstrated the explosives were clearly C4, a NATO explosive. The bomb material had, in fact, come from a CIA-Gladio arms dump in Verona.37

  The court found that right wing organizations Ordine Nuovo and Avanguardia Nazionale had collaborated with Operation Gladio and Italian Counter-Intelligence in the attack. Together they engineered the Peteano terror and wrongly framed the Red Brigades.37

  Although members of the Red Brigades were brought to trial on incriminating evidence found at the scenes, always accompanied by a circled five pointed star, in every case, the evidence was proved to have been planted and no member of the Red Brigades was ever convicted of a bombing of a public facility in the 1970s in Italy.38

  On the other hand, many Brigades’ members were convicted of capital crimes in connection with kidnappings of the rich and powerful. In all, at the time of the Moro kidnapping, the Red Brigades’ assassination toll had reached twenty-two.38

  Those organizations convicted in tried criminal cases of the terrorist bombings of the 1970s in Italy: Operation Gladio 53%, Operation Condor 7%, Ordine Nuovo 13%, P2 Masonic Temple 19%, Avanguardia Nazionale 5%, others 3%.38

  Friends in terror

  How these right wing organizations operated in harmony is best demonstrated by the interrelationships of some of the players.

  Agostino Casaroli was a longtime friend of Licio Gelli, founder of the clandestine Masonic Lodge, Propaganda Due (P2), and Jose Maria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei. On August 6, 1966, Casaroli had been inducted as a Freemason in a Zurich branch of P2 Lodge No. 041/1. He was also believed to be a member of Opus Dei.

  As Foreign Minister with a focus on communism, Casaroli spent much time at the ‘front’ in Poland. It was he who served as the link between the Polish Cardinal of Krakow, Karol Wojtyla, and Opus Dei which eventually made possible Wojtyla’s rise to the papacy.

  He also introduced Karol Wojtyla to Licio Gelli. It was that Wojtyla and Gelli were avid skiers which molded their friendship. According to Wojtyla’s secretary, Stanislaw Dziwisz, John Paul II took more than a hundred ski vacations during his papacy, most of them to a ski lodge in the Abruzzo region owned by Gelli.39

  Among other convictions involving the Bologna bombing and other terrorist activities, in April 1998, Licio Gelli and Jose Mateos were brought to trial in connection with the Vatican bank scandal. The prosecution proved they had conspired with the Vatican, Opus Dei and Central America factions in creating the scandal. Sentenced to twelve years, Gelli disappeared on the eve of his imprisonment.40

  Opus Dei established a substantial treasury after the war when, in its alliance with Franco, it was paid handsomely for arranging the escape of Nazi war criminals through Madrid to
Argentina. By 1950, it had emerged as a major investment house in Europe.41

  The Opus Dei-P2 alliance went back to the 1940s when Escriva and Gelli were a part of the Franco regime. Many of their members were officers of both organizations. For example, Jose Mateos was treasurer of both organizations. Many of their business dealings were in unison dealing with the same commodities and the same banks.

  For this reason, it is logical to conclude Opus Dei was involved in the bank scandal and the murders surrounding it. Yet, unlike P2, which officers were convicted of the crime, Opus Dei officers were never brought to trial as they had been immunized from Italian courts by John Paul II’s authorization of the Prelature of Opus Dei effective the day before Banco Ambrosiano went under.42

  The CIA and the Pope

  In 1975, George Bush’s nomination for the CIA-Director position caused a furor in Congress. He was suspected of having been a subversive agent in the CIA in the early 1960s.

  In 1966, District Attorney Jim Garrison presented vast credible evidence linking Oswald—the man who pulled the trigger in the Kennedy assassination to the CIA. Among other things, he proved the CIA paid for a trip Oswald had made to the Soviet Union.43

  In Bush’s CIA-Director confirmation process, Senator Byrd of Virginia asked him, “Where were you on November 22, 1963?”

  “I don’t remember,” replied Bush. To this day, Bush holds to his story, he doesn’t remember where he was. Today, we know George Bush was in Dallas on the day Kennedy was killed.44

  Whether or not the future president had been in Dallas that fateful day is immaterial. After all, he lived in Texas a few hundred miles away. What caused a problem was he couldn’t recall being there.

  Father of George Bush, Prescott Bush, is shown here with his protégé, Richard Nixon. George Bush, in turn, became Nixon’s protégé. John and Robert Kennedy’s murders made possible Nixon’s return to the political arena. Neither he nor Bush would have ever risen to the top had the Kennedy brothers lived as the nation was looking at a quarter-century of Kennedys.

  Nevertheless, today, the CIA is positioned to assassinate many heads of state and others who might surface at any time as a threat to the security of the United States on a moment’s notice. This includes a sitting president. It also includes a sitting pope.

  The CIA agent-unit commissioned to take out a pope should a pope threaten the security of the United States was established by George Bush in 1976 when Paul’s pro-communist principles were influencing the rise of communism in Europe and Central America.

  Through Agostino Casaroli, Bush engaged Licio Gelli’s Masonic Lodge P2 which members were working in the Vatican. This could have only intended to add the papacy to the CIA hit-list as CIA’s Operations Gladio and Condor already had Italy and all of Western Europe covered. Gladio and Condor had no presence in the Vatican.

  Illuminati News reports the Bush-Gelli deal involved a CIA payment of $10 million/month to P2 by the CIA from mid-1976 until the pro-American anti-communist Pope Wojtyla took office in October 1978. Regardless of the Illuminati reporting, subsequent events are clear testimony such a deal was made. 45

  Bush would eventually get some of the money back.

  Gelli was the largest contributor to Bush’s campaign for president in 1988. Gelli, when questioned concerning his trips to the Bush Kennebunkport compound, denied having a personal relationship with Bush. He explained his visits as being a matter of business.

  Licio Gelli, Grandmaster of the Masonic Lodge killer organization Propaganda Due (P2) and major contributor to the Bush campaign, stands with Bush as he is sworn in as President of the United States in 1989. There are also pictures of Gelli standing with Reagan-Bush as they were sworn in as President-Vice President in 1981

  The Bush family and the Vatican

  It was probably because of the coincidental relationships of their fathers with Adolf Hitler—Prescott Bush as his financier and the senior Ratzinger as his bodyguard at Eagle’s Nest—George Bush and Joseph Ratzinger struck up an endearing relationship.

  In 1999, Bush’s son Neil and Joseph Ratzinger co-founded the Foundation to Promote Ecumenical Understanding.”46 The president’s other son Jeb Bush was the official representative of the United States at the ‘coronation’ of Benedict XVI in 2005.

  Casaroli and Caprio retired to a villa outside Naples on the same day in 1990. In his last act as Vatican Secretary of State, Casaroli visited Bush in the Oval Office in October 1990 and had dinner with Bush and Gelli the following evening at the Vatican Embassy.

  The Holy Alliance

  The Holy Alliance is believed to have had its origin in a meeting between CIA Director George Bush and Cardinal Wojtyla during the latter’s July through September 1976 tour of the United States. 47

  No one knows what the future president and future pope talked about during the time they spent together, yet, history tells us they most likely strategized their rise to the pinnacles of their respective worlds. CIA Director Bush would do everything in his power to move Wojtyla into the Papal Apartment. Wojtyla, in turn, would openly endorse Bush’s rise to the Oval Office. As a sweetener, Bush would stack the U.S. Supreme Court with devout Catholics.

  At the time not a single Catholic was on the Supreme Court as less than one-fifth of the American population was Catholic.

  In retrospect today, this is what happened. In the following election, for the first time in history, a pope endorsed a presidential ticket by attacking the Reagan/Bush opponent Jimmy Carter.

  The Reagan-Bush-Bush presidencies have appointed a wave of Catholics to the Court. In a nation overwhelmingly protestant and non-denominational, today, six Roman Catholics control the nine-judge court. Even those nominated by Reagan-Bush who failed to be endorsed by the Senate—e.g. the controversial nominee Robert Bork—were staunch Roman Catholics. The court is today entirely a Judeo-Catholic body which had its upbringing in Mosaic Law.

  Scalia and Thomas are openly members of Opus Dei. Roberts and Alito are believed to be members of the clandestine cult.48

  More importantly, in that Bush and Wojtyla emerged as the key principals in the Iran-Contra Affair and the Vatican-Contra Affair of the 80s, it is reasonable the ideology involved in the Vatican bank scandal was conceived in this covert meeting. The following year—1977—Bush would chair the First International Bank of Houston which had branches in Panama where the money disappeared.

  Nevertheless, the Moses/Hitler/Franco/Escriva/Opus Dei/Fascist ideology that terrorized the world in the 1940s continues to live on. Joseph Ratzinger, whose father moved his family from their ancestral home in Western Bavaria to the Province of Traunstein to gain employment in Hitler’s regime which caused Joseph to serve in Hitler’s personal scout troop, controls the moral pulse of the most powerful nation on earth. Mostly made possible by another man—George Bush—whose father financed Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.

  So we have connected a few dots for you. Dots which make the world go round. We will connect many more as we go along.

  Preamble to the Moro murder

  That the CIA strategy to terrorize the Italian people and turn them against communism had failed was demonstrated by the results of the 1976 election: Christian Democrats 38.8%, Communists 34.4%, Socialists 15.8%, Proletarians (blue collar) 8.0%, Republicans 3.0%. Except for the tiny fraction garnished by the Republican Party, the vote was entirely on the left. Although each party had individual opinions as to how it would go about achieving its objectives, they all had one goal in common: a redistribution of wealth society—communism—a society that affords each and every child an equal opportunity to make his or her contribution to society.49

  A change in strategy

  When Aldo Moro enacted his Historic Compromise which united his Christian Democratic Party and the Communist Party giving the coalition an overwhelming plurality in Parliament, the CIA strategy shifted from terrorizing the rank-and-file population, to eliminating the leaders of the pro-communist movement in Europe.50

  The period 1976-78 witnessed a growing alliance of Moro’s Christian Democratic Party and Berlinguer’s Communist Party. It also witnessed a growing personal relationship between Moro and Berlinguer—their families pestered by reporters while vacationing together on the Aegean coast and the Island of Corfu. 51

  Aldo Moro’s intent to bring communism into Europe was not a secret he shared only with Enrico Berlinguer. It was widely known throughout the world. This has been widely recorded in the world press in criticism levied at Moro from his right wing enemies.

  George Bush, a steadfast republican who spent a lifetime making the rich richer and the poor poorer, called the union “…a greater threat to the free world than is the Soviet Union. “52

  George Bush had been “born with a silver foot in his mouth.” He had been born into immense wealth. He knew what wealth could bring. He had been brought up in the lap of luxury, gone to the best schools and had used his family’s industrial and political power to rise to the top. Communism—a redistribution of wealth society—was his most bitter enemy.

  Secretary of State Henry Kissinger reacted even more fiercely to Moro’s action, “I believe the advent of communism in these (Italy and Spain) European countries is likely to result in a sequence of events in which other European countries will move in the same direction… the Communist Party has emerged as an effective vehicle for developing jobs and providing education for the common people and this endangers our free capitalistic society… If communism takes hold in Italy, NATO would collapse and the United States would be dangerously isolated…”53

  In a follow-up, Kissinger pinpointed his position, “Domination by Moscow is not the issue. Communist control of Italy and Central America is the issue… It would have terrible consequences for the United States and it is today the number one threat to its national security and must be dealt with accordingly.”54


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