She placed the heavy box on her bed and slowly opened the hinged lid. A young woman stared back at her from the cover of a photo album, but she wasn't just any woman, she was a naked woman. Holly's heart sped up and her stomach fluttered with anticipation.
In the first thick album the pictures were amateurish and varied somewhat in quality, but the young ladies and young men were most defiantly naked. Some were in obvious posed situations while other shots were taken while the subjects were playing at the beach or in a backyard swimming pool or bedroom. Holly flipped through page after page of happy naked women and men, all looking to be right around her age or older. There were probably a least a couple of hundred pictures and after thoroughly examining each one she excitedly stacked the thick album next to the box and took out the next one.
Then things got even more amazing. The other photo album was about as big as the first, but it went even further. The naked teens were now actively touching each other, licking, sucking, and having sex with one another. Holly was breathing heavy now and felt a strong tingling between her legs that she had begun to feel more and more of recently. She opened up a page to a cute girl with short brown hair, blue eyes; with her legs spread exposing her smoothly shaved pussy to a young man who had his hard penis buried halfway inside it. They both looked to be about her age and she could tell that they were both enjoying themselves immensely.
As she examined the photos closely she absentmindedly scratched her tingling vagina and felt a surge of pleasure shudder through her body. She quickly pulled down her pajama bottoms and white cotton panties to better explore the sensations emanating from her very wet pussy. She rubbed lightly across her slit and felt the wetness between her fingers. It was slippery and warm and made her fingers glide easily over her mound. She glanced back at the photos, following the series of pictures of the blue eyed girl and her smiling boyfriend as they progressed in their lovemaking. As she got more into the blossoming feelings flowing from her young body she pressed her hand harder against her pussy and the slickness of her juices allowed her middle finger to slip in between her pussy lips. She shuddered as her finger brushed over her exposed clitoris which brought even more intensity to the waves of pleasure washing over her young naked body. In a matter of minutes her whole body was clenched and stiff as she rubbed ferociously toward her first orgasm of the night. Gasping in air, her eyes shut, her back arched, her small ass squeezed tight, she finally came with such force that her long slim body seemed frozen in time and space. Her butt suspended far above the bed, her hand no longer rubbing but now pressed firmly against her pussy as she felt the orgasm rush through her again and again until her legs gave out and she collapsed back on to the bed with a thud.
It took Holly several minutes to recover from her first energy draining orgasm since she moved to the island. She had given herself orgasms before, but she had never had one as intense and overpowering as this one. She quickly wanted another but her pussy was still much too sensitive to try again. However, after a few moments rest she was ready to give it another shot and she was surprised by the ease and quickness of her second orgasm which she quickly followed up with her third and fourth and fifth. Each one was a little less intense than the last, yet still mind-blowing to her inexperienced young body. Eventually her pussy was red and sore, her hand and fingers stiff and achy, and she had to stop.
For the next several hours she casually flipped though the photos peering in close to get a better view of what exactly was going on in each one. She was looking intently at one cute girl who was on all fours while a tall olive skinned young man entered her from behind when she noticed it for the first time. The girl looked a lot like several of the other girls and the boy was remarkably familiar looking as well. She then quickly scanned the photos and realized that the photos weren't of dozens and dozens of different men and women but only a handful. They wore different clothes, or glasses, or even wigs, but on close inspection they were really only three girls and two boys that made up the album. She went back to her favorite girl with the blue eyes and had the strange feeling that she had seen her before, not just in another photo, but in real life.
By G.C. Edwards
Copyright ©2014 GC Edwards
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
This book contains adult subject matter and graphic depictions of sexual situations.
Please direct all constructive correspondence to:
[email protected]
During the next few days Holly frantically dug through piles of boxes in Sam's old warehouse hoping to find more illicit material, but to no avail. After her third day of fruitless searching she was leaving Bill's with a new box of books when she spied a girl about her age reading a romance novel near the front door. The girl looked up and smiled at her as Holly pushed open the swinging glass door, the girl's blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight and Holly's heart skipped a beat. She didn't have time to return the girl's smile or even give her a nod and she surely wasn't going to look back to clarify what she already knew was true; she was the girl in the pictures, the girl with the blue eyes that haunted her wet dreams.
The next day the blue eyed girl was again in the same spot by the door. Holly saw her earlier this time and was ready with a nod and a smile, but when the girl said 'hello' Holly was so flustered she walked right into the glass door almost spilling her books onto the dusty tiled floor. She ran to her bike and pedaled hard down the road and back to the sanctuary of Caleb's big covered porch.
Holly was mortified. She had put a lot of thought into how that meeting would go and she had completely embarrassed herself in front of the girl that was so much cooler than she could ever be. She was sure she heard laughter when she was scrabbling out of the library. How could she be such a klutz? One thing was for sure, she wasn't going to go back into town anytime soon.
The next day, however, her hand was forced.
"Hey, Holly, can you to grab a few things at the store when you go into town today?" Caleb asked her as she was clearing the table after breakfast.
She couldn't refuse such a simple request. Even if she did he would want to know why and no good excuse was popping into her head.
"Sure," She said as he handed her a shopping list and a couple of twenties.
She could take the back way, sneak into the grocery store, buy the things that Caleb needed and sneak back out again. If she left now the blue-eyed girl might even still be asleep or still eating breakfast.
Holly raced down the dirt street on her bike as fast as she could go, her thin legs pumping hard as she cut through the morning wind. Ever since her masturbation session a couple of days ago she had started to take fresh delight in the way the seat of her bike pressed against her panty covered pussy as she rode over the bumpy dirt road to and from town, but on this day she all she was worried about was getting in and out of town as quickly as possible. She parked behind the store and was out with the bag of groceries in a matter of minutes. She was almost home free, just around the corner and down the alleyway to her bike and she'd be on the road home. But as she strapped the bag to her trailer she caught a bit of motion out of the corner of her eye. Before she could jump on her bike and ride away another bike skidded to a stop in front of her, blocking her path.
"So, what's up? Don't you like me?" The blue-eyed girl said with a big grin from the seat of a newish looking blue and black mountain bike.
Holly was stunned into silence, her hands gripping the handlebars of her bike, ready for a quick getaway.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The girl said, blue eyes sparkling throug
h the dust she had raised when she skidded to a halt. "I'm Sara Youngman. It’s nice to meet you."
It took a few moments before Holly reached out and accepted her handshake and even then all she could think about was where that hand had been. It had been wrapped around a boy's penis, the fingers up inside another girl's vagina. It was several more seconds before she found it within herself to utter a reply.
"Holly, my name is Holly Wheeler."
"I know, but thanks for telling me anyway. It's great to finally meet you, Holly.” Sara said balancing the bike between her legs so she could stroke the back of Holly's hand. "You know you have very nice skin, right? It’s so smooth and soft."
Holly blushed, her face felt so hot she thought her head might catch on fire. She pulled her hand away but Sara caught it for a second before letting it slowly slide from her grip.
"Um, it was nice meeting you too, um, Sara, but I should get this stuff back to Caleb."
"Oh, you don't have to run away. What, are you embarrassed by what happened yesterday? Because you shouldn't be, I do that kind of stuff all the time."
"Really," Holly asked skeptical that someone like Sara could ever be so clumsy.
"Oh sure, take a look at this." Sara pulled up the leg of her new Levis to show off a big scab on her shin. "I walked right into the edge of Mr. Ryan's deck when William smiled at me."
"Who's William?"
"Ha! Who's William!? Just about the cutest guy on the whole island! Granted it's not a very big island, but let me tell you a secret: we've got some pretty cute guys around here. So when I say William is the cutest, that's really saying something!"
Holly's mind quickly flashed on the photos she looked at religiously every night for the past few days and she felt her tummy do a little flip. The two guys in those albums were definitely cute.
"But, hey, if you really do need to get that food back to Caleb, don't let me stop you. But if you don't mind the company maybe I could ride with you for a while, we are neighbors after all."
"Oh, sure, I mean … yeah, that would be fine," Holly sputtered. “You are one of Caleb's neighbors?”
“Yep, just a bit farther down the road,” Sara said as she pushed off and circled around Holly waiting for her to mount up.
“Oh, I think Caleb has mentioned you.” Holly responded as she hopped on her bike and started down the road, Sara coming up beside her. This was the same girl that Caleb had been trying to get her to hang out with all this time.
For most of the ride Sara kept up a running monologue jumping from one topic to another without a break. Holly was mesmerized. Outside of the pictures, Sara was just a girl with scrapes on her leg and her hair in a ponytail. She was still amazingly beautiful, but the high pedestal Holly had put her on was gone. She was still on a pedestal, it just wasn't so tall that she couldn't imagine someday being able to reach up and touch her. Touch her soft blonde hair, her little lips, her slender arms, her smooth back that led down to her little ass, her … She couldn't stop thinking about Sara naked in those photos, all the things she did with those other girls and guys. Did she really like it as much as it seemed? What did it feel like? How did she start doing it?
Sara had stopped talking and it took a moment for Holly to realize that she was ogling Sara so intently that she had missed something.
“I'm sorry, did you ask me something?” Holly finally asked.
“Yeah, I was wondering why you didn't turn off back there? That is the road to your house, right?” Sara asked as they both slowed down and stopped.
“Oh, yeah, sorry, I guess I was a bit distracted.”
“That's okay. So you also probably didn't hear me ask if you wanted to come over later. My roommate is at the resort, like she always is, so we have the whole place to ourselves. What do you say?”
Holly's heart jumped.
“Uh, well...”
“Oh, come on, Holly, it'll be fun. Let's say after lunch, around one? Just follow the road and take the next left, it's the huge white house, you can't miss it.” Sara said as she started to peddle away. “Oh, and bring my box with you, okay?”
Holly just stared after her as she quickly disappeared around the bend. Had she heard her right? She must be talking about THE box. There was no other box. How did Sara know she had it? Did she leave it there for her to find? All these questions and more were bouncing around in her brain as she carried the bag of groceries into the kitchen.
After lunch she quietly took the box out from under her bed and carefully concealed it in the bottom of a bigger box that she then loaded up with books. Caleb, who was ecstatic when he learned that she was going over to Sara's house, stood at the bottom of the stairs beaming at her as she carried the box down and out the front door. For a moment Holly debated if she should really bring the box, but in the end she knew she had too, Sara would be expecting it and she couldn't let her down.
Sara was right about the house. It was huge and it was white and you couldn't miss it even if you tried. While the house was impressive, as Holly got closer she could tell that it had seen better days. The white paint was beginning to peel, the shutters showed signs of rot, and the roof was missing so many red tiles that it looked like a giant haphazard checker board. Sara sat waiting for her on the bottom step of the massive stairs that led up to the front door.
“Hey! I see you found the place okay.” Sara said with a laugh. “It's big, but once you see it up close and personal it'll make Caleb's place seem like the freaking four seasons!”
Sara walked over and helped Holly with the box. It wasn't that big and Sara carrying one side was more of a hindrance than a help, but Holly didn't say anything. In fact she hadn't said anything at all and when she realized that she felt the need to say something, anything … but her mind was so full of worry, shame, and lust over what was in the box they were carrying, not to mention the girl that was unnecessarily helping her carry said box, that her mouth just refused to cooperate.
“Thanks … for inviting me over … It's a nice … big house.” were the words that Holly finally ended up pushing out passed her lips after they set the box down inside the front door.
“You are very welcome, although the nice house comment is a bit of a stretch. It's big, I'll give you that!” Sara said laughing again but this time with just a hint of nervousness. “But, as you can see, it's sort of falling apart. It was my roommate Ashley's great-grandfather's place, one of the oldest buildings on the island. His name was Bernard Antione Youngman and was here even before Bill. He thought the land would be perfect for growing cotton so he poured all his money into building this plantation, but then everything went wrong … crops failed, labor revolts, hurricanes, finally he had to sell off his land in order to just keep the house. Bill bought most of the land, but Caleb's relatives bought their plot directly from Bernard. The two families have been pretty close ever since.”
“So your roommate knows Caleb?”
“Ha, I'd say she does! Ashley and Caleb were humping like rabbits before you came along. He thought they should lay low for a while, you know until you got used to the island and had time to grieve. Sorry about your parents, by the way. But I hope you can let Caleb know you are alright because Ashley is going nuts. She's hadn't had any man sex since you arrived and it's turning her into a sex starved manic.”
“Um, oh ...” Holly, unable to think of anything to say to that sort of trailed off.
“Sorry. Ashley, is always telling me not to be so … abrupt, things just sort of come out of my mouth before I can stop them. She says I take after my mom. Even on her death bed she was making people uncomfortable, she had no filter.”
“Your ... your mom is dead?”
“Oh, right, you didn't know. My mom died when I was fifteen. Ashley was her best friend and like my unofficial godparent. She sort of adopted me and I moved here, so I guess we already have a lot in common, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess we do.”
“If you ever need to talk or anything, just let me
know. I know how hard it can be.” Sara said kindly reaching out to stroke Holly’s slender arm.
“Yeah, okay, thanks,” Holly replied. “Caleb has been trying really hard, but sometimes I think he’s read too many ‘how to deal with death’ books. It’s nice that he cares and all … but, you know.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. All Ashley wanted to do when I first got here was talk about my mom’s death and I just wanted to be left alone. Don't tell her I said anything, but Ashley wasn’t the best ‘mother’. Don't get me wrong she's super nice, probably my best friend in the whole world, and she tried really hard, but she didn't know shit about raising a teenager. You know, no boundaries, no rules, it sounds like fun, but I've learned the hard way that you need some structure. I mean, I told her that I wanted to be left alone, that I didn’t want to talk about it, but sometimes you need someone to pry out the stuff that’s bothering you,” Sara talked at the speed of light and Holly wondered if that's just how she is all the time or if she was just a little nervous.
Holly’s Island: The Complete Collection Page 3